Chapter 1

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"Great win today ladies!" Coach Moon's voice amplifies through the four walls of the locker room, followed by our boisterous shouts of glee. All of my teammates' hot breaths, mixed in with our sweat-stained uniforms and the already ty A/C, is a disgusting feeling I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy - but hey, tonight was a pretty amazing win.


Our team, LK Women's League, won our eleventh consecutive game in a row, and I don't want to say that I was the star MVP, but.. I was the star MVP. Tonight, I hit my all-time high of seven goals in a game, and my best friend, Aimee, promised she'd treat me out to a meal if I would reach five again. I can't wait to my body weight (and her's) in grilled hanwoo.


"You are a freaking rockstar," the captain, Hyorin, gives me an aggresive press on my shoulder, and I whip around, slightly wincing at the force. Hyorin is such a talented midfielder, a position more on the defensive side to break up attacks - and with strength like that, it's practically like she was born to be that role. "Really great way to end with a bang."


"Ugh, don't remind me." I pout, and Hyorin jokingly mirrors me. "I wish I could just drop out of school and play soccer forever. With you guys."


"I wish for that every night before I go to sleep, kid," Hyorin chuckles. Hyorin's just three years older than me; she barely has the right to call me 'kid'. "But education is important. And the team will be waiting with open arms next summer, after your senior year of high school. Cherish that last year now - you won't feel that same joy of youth again. One day when you're older on the national team, because I know you'll get there", she winks, "you'll be begging for a whole year off soccer."


"Maybe, maybe not. Soccer's my baby! I can't be separated from my child for a whole year. I can't believe I couldn't establish a women's team at the school. The boy's team ! Each time they're on the field, it's like they just learned how to walk the day before!"


"Are they really that bad, or are you comparing yourself to them?"


"More of the latter." I admit, and Hyorin lets out a soft laugh.


"Well, not everyone can be on Kim Yerin's level. Take care, okay? Have fun, appreciate your last year of high school. Do everything before you sign your life away to the field. You only get this once."


"Definitely won't do any of those things, but I'll keep those all in mind. I'll try my best."


"And also loosen up - if you treat all your classmates with the same fire you bring to this team, then I feel sorry for them all. You gotta be less mean, less competitive!"


"What are you talking about?! I'm perfectly nice!"


"Yeah, if your definition of 'nice' is getting into fist fights with someone who looked at you the wrong way or telling your friends they are, verbatim, 'an obvious second choice to soccer' then most definitely! It's a miracle Aimee still stays by your side through all of this."


"I don't know what you're talking about! I'm so nice to other people, and the reason why I only have Aimee is because she's the only girl in the school that doesn't see me as she-Hulk! Everyone else seems scared of me. But weirdly, I like that. The feeling like I'm respected."


"Respected or feared?," Hyorin replies, and I purse my lips. "So then that's what I'm talking about. Ease up on that, be friendly. Show them the side of you that all of us see and love."


"Now I'm gonna throw up."


"Kim Yerin, incapable of affection." Hyorin giggles and embraces me in a hug; I typically would be grossed out by 1) the intimate gesture and 2) the fact that she's soaked in her own perspiration, but I forget all of those - and hug her back gently. "Take care, alright?"


I nod and watch as Hyorin winks and twirls around, towel slung around her shoulder. I take another look around the room and grin at the site of my scattered teammates; I honestly cannot wait for this year to whiz by so I can get back to them.



"Alright, boys. So I appreciate you all coming in early on the first day of school - I know it was pretty last minute, and I apologize for that -"


"Pretty last minute?!" Taehyung repeats. "Coach Soo, you texted us 30 minutes ago! I didn't have time to put moose in my hair on what may be the most important day of my life!"


"The best day of your life is today. The first day of school," Jungkook, the captain of the boys' soccer team, says monotonously. The words come out of his mouth with no emotion, because he's definitely judging him hardcore.


"Uh, duh! The first day of senior year, to be exact. I only get this once in my life, let me cherish it!"


"Oh would you shut up!" Coach Soo shouts, and the echo of his cold, vicious voice sends shudders down every single person's spine, even the Principal who's present. "As I was saying, I apologize for bringing you all in so early, but the principal and I have very important news to share with you all, regarding our season."


"Tell us that we have the easiest schedule in the region," Jimin hopefully says, and a few guys chime on in to entertain the thought.


"Not exactly. What we need to tell you all is... actually, you all may not have any schedule at all this year."


"WHAT?!" Every single male says concurrently, and then a parade of different voices shout at the two authority figures asking why.


"Coach, what you do you mean? Are you saying our team is being cut?! For what? Budget reasons? The swim team can barely stay afloat and I still see them having a season!" Jungkook almost cries.


"Jungkook, calm down." Coach Soo affirms. "It's nothing about budgets, or performance, or anything. Let me explain - all of our strikers got injured over the summer, and without them, we don't reach the minimum number of players. We don't have any one to fill in their spots, and I don't expect any of you to volunteer up because you all are very much needed in your positions now."


"Oh come on, there has to be someone in the school that can fill in that spot!"


"Well, boys, unfortunately if you find me someone good enough to be on the team, then we might be saved. But we need someone good, someone skilled. No record at all is better than a loosing one. My job's on the line for that." Coach Soo says firmly and takes a look to his left towards the principal.


"Dude, let's face it. There's no one else in this school that would sign themselves up for this." Hoseok pokes Jungkook to his side. "It doesn't seem like we're going to have a season."


"Over my dead ing body that we won't have one," Jungkook whispers back. "I'm not ending high school without a championship win. We've gone way too far to just end it like this. There's gotta be someone out there. What about your neighbor, Youngbae? I remember when we hooped together, he was pretty light on his feet."


"Youngbae's already on the basketball team. How about Minsoo?"


"Minsoo's dropping athletics this year to focus on school. Stupid nerd," Jungkook rolls his eyes and violently taps his feet. "Oh, wait! Lee Minho, is it? That guy used to be a beast in track."


"Yeah, Minho's in jail. Robbed a convenience store and unfortunately wasn't as fast on his feet as you thought."


Jungkook lets out a whisper in defeat. ", man. You know we can't give up right? My scholarship for college depends on this last season, I need to improve my stats. We're finding someone, no doubt about that."


"Yeah, we're getting this senior season no matter what it takes," Hoseok agrees and gives his friend a tight press on his shoulder. "If only we could recruit that Kim Yerin girl. She'd make a joke out of our old strikers, most definitely. She rips it out on the field, but damn, too bad that's not an option."


"Wait a minute," Jungkook jolts up and takes Hoseok's grip from his shoulder. "Why is it not an option?"


"Maybe cause we're the boys' soccer team?" Hoseok gives him a weird look. "We can't do that... I'm pretty sure we can't."


"Coach Soo!" Jungkook takes his attention away from his friend and shouts at the coach and principal. The volume of his voice triumphs over the rest of his teammates', so now, all eyes are on him. "What about Kim Yerin? The star striker of LK Women's League? She's legendary at this school, she'd be perfect for the job!"


The rest

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !