Of Private Baths and y Strangers

God Save Our King
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'This angel is dangerous... dangerous... angel.. my angel...'

"Your highness! Oh my goodness!" 

Right at that moment Solar along with Seulgi and the others have arrived at courtyard.

"Are you alright your highness...? It must have been a horrible fall for you" Solar immediately knelt beside her.  Seulgi held her hand out to helo her stand.

'Horrible is an understatement Solar...' Seungwan thought.

"Your highness?"

The angel asked. Her scowling expression turned into a confused one. Her eyes narrowed at Seungwan and the latter had never felt so small in all her life.

"This is the new demon king?"

It was a short question. But it had fueled Seungwan's embarrassment even more. Although, she can't blame the angel for being confused for she can't believe her fate as the new demon king as well. Her looking like mother duck in a puddle of mud is also not helping her case.

"Yes milady. This majestic person right here is none other than our very own new demon king!" Solar said, looking at Seungwan with pride and joy.

Seungwan just wanted to disappear in the puddle of mud at that moment.

The angel huffed.

"Is this a joke? How can this stupid creature be the next demon king? She can't even ride a horse properly" the angel said adding more strikes to Seungwan's wounded ego.

"Lady Bae, I appeal for your consideration. Her highness is still new to this world and so as riding horses. This accident is simply a result of a series of misfortunate incidents." Seulgi said, defending Seungwan's honor.

The ethereal angel named Lady Bae now shifted her attention to the captain of the royal guards. There was fire on her eyes as she stared at her... like her eyes literally sparked with fire in her irises..but it disappeared in a second. Was Seungwan just imagining it?

"You should have known to prepare her kind better before claiming the title of the next demon king. I'm disgusted by this lack of competence, Captain Kang" Lady Bae said, her words unrestrained and provocative.

"My lady!" Solar exclaimed, understanding the weight of her words. Lady Bae just insulted the their demon king with an onslaught of slander towards her captain of the guards.

"I will not take back my words until I acknowledge that this creature is really the next demon king... till then, I ask for your consideration. " With one last piercing stare towards Seungwan, Lady Bae turned away and guided Seungwan's horse in another direction. Yep, the horse got that lady. Horsey -1, Seungwan- 0.

Sigh. Seulgi felt like she was about to get a headache. It hasn't even been an hour since they have arrived in the palace. But what's more important is that Seungwan is here now.

"Your highness I apologize for milady's behavior. I assure you that she does not mean u any harm." Seulgi said apologetically.

"Um... I'm not sure why she seems to hate me but you don't have to apologize to me Seulgi..." although confused, Seungwan knows that her godmother did nothing wrong.

" I thank you for your benevolence your highness.." The captain smiled gratefully.

"Seulgi, this is where we temporarily part our ways. I and the other attendants shall help prepare her highness for tonight." Solar said, addressing the Royal Captain of Guards.

"Then I shall see you tonight at the banquet your highness." Seulgi bowed.

"Yeah see you at the banquet Seulgi! Wait.. banquet? what banquet?" she asked Solar.

"A banquet in honor of your first arrival to the kingdom your highness." Solar replied as she escorted the young demon king in the palace.

"Oh... that's nice." 

But why does Seungwan feel like it's going to be another disaster???


Demon King's Private Bath



'I guess being the new demon king has its perks...'

Seungwan is currently in the a private bath exclusive for the demon king. It was wide, spacious and very comf

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Chapter 9: I stopped parachuting here and I'm obsessed, anxiously awaiting new updates 😩🤗
Chapter 7: hahahah and it's not like she got a bride out of nowhere
Chapter 1: omg how angry in this first chapter, how can they be cruel for nothing ¿¿¿
Chapter 9: Wait so she can go back? How will she go back to the demon world then? Through water again???

Seungwan needs training to control her powers. She's helpless and always needed help. She needs to learn swordsmanship, archery, or physical combat while she's figuring out her abilities. She can't always have other people's company and have them save her all the time. Not just for her safety but also to those around her she wants to protect. We can't have her die young.

I have zero knowledge about this but the story is interesting so I'm contemplating if I'll search about it later. But at the same time i don't want to spoil myself. I'm torn!

Lol at joohyun. She's basically jealous of her sisters interaction with her fiancé. What if you start being nice to her and not be a meanie just so you could trigger her powers. But at the same time i love her when she's mean like that's so tsundere of her. Also, seulgi is Seungwan's God mother! That means she's like double her current age??? Or everyone is just young looking or maybe the time there is so slow compared to the human world. Not young seungwan being a hot old woman attractor lmao. I mean it's a mythical world so they get a passed.

If what seulgi and Irene stated is right and it's their own doing that causes them food shortages. Then why not just do a barter? It's impossible that their village is not right with other things. It could be rich with gem stones or other metal elements. They could trade of. Or maybe it's just Jennie's groups doing so they could have other people on their side? Like manipulating them? It could also be the bad people from the demon realm that does it and exploit humans because they deemed them much more lowly than them??? I dunno I'm just guessing.

I wonder what was jisoos part in the story. If she's just Seungwan's neighbor in the human world or she could travel different worlds like seungwan.
1703 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Joohyun as Wolfram is too cute! Tbh I shipped Yuri with Kondrad.
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 7: Next please
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 3: Hahahaha
Chapter 7: sksksks coming back here cause this story is honestly adorable as hell