chapter four.

A Cup of Romance
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The next day, Yesung had nervously spent his time leading up to the date pampering himself. He spent his morning at the salon, getting his hair colored and toned into a light mushroom brown. And even though he was very anxious and he couldn't physically pace around, Yesung made sure to give his hair stylist an earful of his who is date was and the short history that they have. He made sure to include how handsome this man was. Though Yesung clearly stated that it was difficult to put into words just how good looking he was.


After his long visit to the hair salon, he went shopping for the second day in a row. Siwon specifically told him to wear the shirt he had bought the previous day, so Yesung made sure to buy more attire and accessories to make the outfit complete. A velvet red suit jacket for a pop of color, a pair of black, leather Chelsea boots,  a new pair of black skinny jeans, a set of silver rings, and some new earrings to complete the look. After his successful shopping trip, Yesung rushed home to  prepare for the date. Yesung didn't want to think so much about the date, but he also didn't want to belittle his feelings for the man which made it so difficult for him to sit still the whole day. Rather than being excited about going on a date, he was much rather excited to see Siwon. The same went for Siwon.


After Siwon his feet, leaving a surprised Yesung with all his shopping bags, he celebrated with himself once he was out of sight of the cafe, in case the boys saw him do a little happy dance through the windows. After his own little celebration, he went straight to work - making numerous phone calls and driving around the city to prepare for the date. Filled with anxiety and excitement, Siwon was determined to give Yesung a good time. And after all those small conversations he striked up while Yesung would make his order, Siwon was sure that he had this man's perfect date all planned out.




The time was just shy of 5:30 and Yesung walked into the cafe, doing a little spin as a grand entrance for his friends, not really minding the business of the customers who've settled to make more memories for the day. He leaned over the counter and pinched both Ryeowook and Jongjin's cheeks as a big grin formed on his face. The excitement radiated everywhere.


"Yah, look at this fool. He even colored his hair again." Jongjin nudged Ryeowook before rolling his eyes playfully.


"But this fool looks good, right?" Yesung played with his hair a little, the smile not even budging after the attempted insult. The two just nodded and gave a thumbs up. As the evening rush slowly started to come in, Yesung settled himself against the door that led to the back. His eyes anxiously looking through the people and to the door, then back to the people. As he looked out the window, he noticed a car parked right outside the cafe. He looked over at the other two and directed with his head and lips to look out the window.


"Is Siwon... Rich? Cause if he is, I'd gladly fight you for him, hyung." Ryeowook walked over as he watched the car closely, his comment earning a light smack on the back of his head from Yesung.


"Nah, there's no way. I mean, he's too humble to be going around in a car like that and flaunting his money, don't you think?" Yesung glanced over at Ryeowook for a quick second and when he turned his attention back to the car, his jaw dropped. Siwon stepped out of the car with a bouquet of flowers. He was wearing a dark blue sweater over a button-up shirt with a light brown top coat.


As Siwon approached the doors of the cafe, Yesung felt a lump in his throat. He turned to Ryeowook, " I don't think I can do this- Please. Let me work. I'll take your shift." He rubbed his hands together in desperation.


Ryeowook set down his cup of coffee and grabbed the older man by the shoulders, "Hyung, you've been wanting this for such a long time! And you most definitely deserve this. You're always so focused on the cafe, this is your chance to focus on yourself! And if anything ever happens, you can always call me, okay?" He gave a reassuring smile before embracing the other in an encouraging hug before releasing Yesung and turning him to face the counter where Siwon was now standing.


Siwon pursed his lips tightly and his breath hitched as he met Yesung's eyes. "Hi Yesung! I hope you're ready for today. I um... I got you these-" He pulled out a small bouquet of red roses. Yesung gladly took it and lifted the flowers to his nose, taking in the sweet aroma the flowers presented. He muttered a small thank you before looking back at Ryeowook, who patted Yesung's bum, urging him to walk next to Siwon. Once Yesung stood next to his crush, Siwon looked over and gave a toothy grin, "You ready to go?"


Yesung puffed his cheeks lightly and nodded before giving a small smile, "I'll just quickly put these in a vase and then we can head out~" Siwon nodded as he watched the older who moved with such eager steps. Just as he placed the vase on the front counter, he looked over at Siwon and the two began to walk to the door. They both turned to wave to Ryeowook and Jongjin who had the look of proud parents. Yesung cursed them out with his eyes before following Siwon to the car. It wasn't just any car. It was an Audi. What kind of rich people is this, Yesung thought as Siwon opened the passenger door, allowing Yesung to get in before closing it.  Yesung was very careful as he looked around, thinking that even if he even laid a finger on anything in the car, it would break. Siwon opened the door to the driver's side but before he could get in, he mentioned he forgot something inside.


Siwon walked back into the cafe and stepped up to the counter, "Hey, I need one slice of the mango cheesecake and one slice of whatever cheesecake Yesung likes. He seemed a little picky with his tastebuds so I'm taking the safest option." He chuckled softly as Jongjin nodded, moving quickly to grab the said order and package it nicely.


"So where are you taking hyung?" Jongjin asked as he handed the bag to Siwon who simply shrugged.


"Nowhere special. Just going to take him to watch a movie or two. Thanks Jongjin. You and Ryeowook take care, okay? I'll make sure to bring your brother back safely!" He waved and bowed his head before walking out back to the car.


Jongjin had some weird feeling about this date and about Siwon in general but shook it off as he went back to his duties.


As Siwon got back to the car, he placed the bag in trunk before slipping in the drivers seat. "I hope you didn't wait long.." he gave a small smile before buckling his seat belt and driving off.


Yesung turned a little to his side to face Siwon, his fingers fumbling with each other as he tried to find the right words to break the silent and awkward atmosphere that built itself up after a few minutes of driving. "I didn't know you could drive... Well I mean, I assumed you could drive- but not something this fancy..." his eyes narrowed slightly as Siwon glanced over, shaking his head.


"Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not rich- .... I just saved up a lot of money for this car." Siwon gave a convincing smile as he reached over to pat the other's knee, " Don't worry! If I were rich, I'd be wasting my money at the coffee shop right in front of the office building. Now that, is some expensive coffee." He chuckled and took a peek at Yesung who cracked a small smile. "Ah and there it is, that smile of yours. You should smile more often, it suits you"


"You're just saying random now. Don't try and flatter me, Choi Siwon!" Yesung couldn't help but smile even wider. If he could, he'd be smiling from ear to ear all day, but he didn't want to give Siwon the impression that he was some sort of weirdo. "Where are you taking me anyways? It seems like its a ways away and all you told me was to wear this shirt-" He tilted his head as he looked over at Siwon curiously.


Siwon shrugged, "I'm taking you to watch a movie." 


Yesung turned and looked back at the road, "But Siwon... we passed like two theatres already about ten, fifteen minutes ago. Where else would we watch a movie?" Siwon just shrugged again and began to whistle soft tunes to avoid answering anymore questions that Yesung might've had. If Siwon was to be completely honest, he would've told Yesung that the Choi family does have some money. That the car was a gift from his parents after finishing a big project at work. And that the penthouse that they were about to turn in to, was in fact, his own. 


Yesung rolled down his window and poked his head out as they pulled into the driveway, his eyes not leaving the house even for a split second. This kind of only happens in the movies, he thought as he looked back at Siwon, "Siwon. What is this place?" 


Siwon gave a smug smile as he unbuckled his seatbelt, "I'm house sitting for a friend." He said as he stepped out of the car, grabbing the cheesecake from the back before navigating around the car to meet Yesung, taking his hand to help him out of the car. Yesung narrowed his eyes as he looked at the younger with suspicion. 


"I've decided I'm just going to play along with what you say from now on, but just know I'm starting to think you're some sort of pathological liar." Siwon could only laugh at the sarcastic comment as he closed the door behind Yesung, taking his hand boldly once again in his own before leading Yesung around to the back of the house where a pool took up much of the space. "What the ..." Yesung muttered as he released his hand from Siwon, striding over to the fence to see the view for himself. It overlooked the city and Yesung felt like a king just looking at the homes below. Siwon came up beside the older and hesitantly placed his arm over Yesung's shoulder. 


"Do you... normally swear this much?" Siwon chuckled softly as he watched Yesung kind of freeze and then melt into the younger's touch. He scrunched his nose, obviously embarrassed by Siwon's words. 


"Sorry- I guess I'm just in shock? The view... it's amazing." Yesung nibbled on his bottom lip nervously before turning his head to look at Siwon who had his gaze fixed on Yesung's.


"That's weird... I thought my view was amazing." Siwon gave a stupid, goofy grin before guiding Yesung on the opposite poolside so they could still see the view. He set down the cheesecake box before slipping off his shoes and socks, tugging at his pant legs before sitting down and dipping his feet in the water, grimacing at the temperature change before letting out a sigh after having adjusted. He leaned back and rested himself on his hands before looking over at Yesung, patting the spot next to him to which Yesung happily obliged and followed what Siwon had just done. 


As he began to dip his feet into the water, he began to complain, "shi- ...shins! It's cold on my shins!" He stifled an awkward shuffle as rubbed his nape. 


"Nice save." Siwon said with a sarcastic tone, though he definitely found it cute how Yesung was trying to stop himself from swearing. 


A minute passed, and then another, and then a few more. Though there wasn't any conversation going on, the two were still somehow content with just being next to each other, watching the sun slowly start to set. Though the silence that sat between them broke when their stomachs grumbled simultaneously. The two shared their laughter in embarrassment before Siwon began to stand up, walking over to grab a towel that sat neatly folded on one of the lounging chairs, wiping down his legs. 


"I'll be back, okay? I'll just grab us some food!" Siwon jogged over to the door, sliding it open before disappearing inside. Yesung looked over at the cheesecake box and chuckled softly to himself, did he really buy from my own cafe? He peeked inside and surely enough. There sat a slice of mango cheesecake and Yesung's favorite, raspberry cheesecake. He his lips at the thought of eating the cake, though he knew better than to tear the box open and devour the slices of cheesecake. Instead, he took the opportunity to take a few selfies, since the natural lighting was just like the view, amazing. He forwarded the selfies to his brother and best friend, before sending a few more various snapshots of the pool, the view from the pool, and the house. Needless to say, you could hear the noise of Ryeowook through the texts, his presence was not necesarry. 



J: Omg... does he have a dung

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390 streak #1
Chapter 5: I read this chapter few months ago but forgot to comment, sorrrry~ You will be back, right?
390 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love the date!!! >_<

My favorite part of course the movie date! That's so fantastic!

And I kinda want to see Sungmin here, I miss him T^T
vpurple #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was soooo cute!!!!! so fluffy and adorable, i really loved it!!!! i really adore the vibe of this story too - just so chill and sweet~ thank you for writing!! <3 <3
390 streak #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeee!!!

please make the date please pretty please~~~
390 streak #5
Chapter 2: sequel??? you're already planning about a sequel??? Not complaining tho! Make a lot of yewon stories pleaseeeeeeee
390 streak #6
Chapter 1: this chapter made me smile ear to ear XD
390 streak #7
yewon! yey!

#gonna read it
Chapter 3: Of course i need the yewon date 😃
cloudykuro #9
Chapter 3: That scene where siwon gave donut to the girl I can definitely picturing siwon does that in real life ^.^
Yes! Can't wait for our yewon date!!!
vpurple #10
Chapter 3: omg yay how cute!!! loved this chapter, and how bold siwon was at the end haha. thank you so much for updating!!! <3