Successful Fanboy

Successful Fanboy
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Cho Kyuhyun had it all: Looks, smarts, and popularity. As one of SJ Academy’s idols, he was well known for being the best, especially with his heavenly caramel-like voice as well. He could bring people to their knees with either his wit or his voice. The roguish and snarky but charismatic freshman idol who swept both men and women off their feet with a single glance or a single word. Practically, someone who had it all and could do it all. 


But there was one thing the great Cho Kyuhyun could not do. 


It was to talk to his crush, aka their school’s gorgeous librarian, Kim “Yesung” Jongwoon. 


The older student was perfection incarnate. He had the most perfect black hair, alluring eyes that would drown anyone who stares into them, and a voice that could enchant anyone who hears it. 


He could spend hours or even days listening to the older student talk and sing, which he actually did after recording one of Yesung’s performances and saving it as both a video and audio file to listen to as a lullaby or something to calm him down. 


Truth be told, it was even Yesung’s very voice that had brought him to this very school.


It was simply fated that he was dragged to SJ Academy’s festival by his older best friend Ryeowook who just so happens to be an SJ Academy student and member of the Performing Arts Club. 


That day, he really didn’t expect anything special to happen much less for him to experience his first taste fo falling in love 


All he knew was that he had to accompany his best friend to his club’s performance stage. As a freshman who just joined the club, Ryeowook was not yet allowed to participate in the school’s yearly singing performance but he wanted to show his support to his seniors and also as a member was given priority in front row seats. 


Kyuhyun was hardly interested given that he wasn’t planning on even enrolling in SJ Academy and wanted to go to the Computer Club’s online game competition which coincidentally was happening now at the same time. 


Unfortunately, as much as he was a gamer, he was also a friend and Ryeowook really wanted to watch this specific performance because apparently, this performance was also the last that the senior he looks up to would be performing as part of the club.


Still slightly grumbling but soon sighing in resignation, Kyuhyun took a seat in the front row. Observing the school’s auditorium as he waited for the performance to start with Ryeowook chattering beside him in excitement. 


“This event is really one of the school’s greatest pride! SJ Academy’s Performing Arts course and club are among the best in the country! You should join me here Kyu!” Ryeowook rambled on and on but Kyuhyun was only half listening. He really wasn’t interested in hearing Ryeowook ramble about everything and anything about their club and his amazing awesome upperclassman again and again like he has been for the past 3 days of the festival.


“I’m still thinking about which school I’ll go to college at hyung. SJ Academy’s not really on my priority list at the moment though since I do have a scholarship to Seoul School of Performing Arts that I can use… Also, won’t your boyfriend get jealous with you constantly fanboying over your club president? I know Siwon hyung’s a saint but everyone has their limits.” Kyuhyun teased, watching as Ryeowook froze and turned red at the mention of his handsome (newly made) boyfriend.


“Siwon hyung isn’t like that! Besides, he also fanboys over Hyung so we’re the same. I even thought he had a crush on Hyung but it turns out he thought I had a crush on Hyung too.” Ryeowook smiles (almost stupidly in Kyuhyun’s opinion) as he reminisces how the two of them confessed to each other. 


“That only means you two were oblivious idiots” Kyuhyun dodged a hit from Ryeowook and the announcement from the speakers interrupted their talk.


“Please take your seats and turn off your mobile devices. The performance will commence in 5 minutes.” The loud voice of the announcer shifted Ryeowook’s attention and he visibly became more excited yet managed to keep quiet.


Leaning back Kyuhyun braced himself for 5 hours of different musical performances while his mind wandered onto the game competition he was missing.


4 hours later, Kyuhyun feels Ryeowook shaking him awake excitedly. He blinked groggily, not even sure when he fell asleep, but it was probably somewhere in between the short theater play and the first set of singing performances. 


“Kyu, wake up! I know you aren’t really interested in voices other than your own but you have got to hear Hyung! He has the best voice ever! It’s also his last performance as president of the performing arts club so this is your last chance Kyu!” Ryeowook whispered harshly, as Kyu reorganized his thoughts, noting that everyone really seemed to be anticipating the performance of Ryeowook’s upperclassman.


The lights began to center to form a spotlight upon a single man and Kyuhyun felt his breath taken away. 


He was absolutely BEAUTIFUL.


And the word itself was an understatement to the visual of the man before him. Kyuhyun had never seen such a gorgeous person ever. 


The upperclassman was absolutely just his type. His black hair was styled with waves, his eyes lined with kohl, and his lips looking pink and soft. His outfit was a bit too big on him but he looked adorable with his small hands forming sweater paws with the sleeves. Kyuhyun wanted to gaze upon that face for days on end, he wanted to hold those small baby hands and he wanted to kiss those lips. It was almost as if Kyuhyun was struck by cupid’s arrow like a madman.


And just when Kyuhyun thought he couldn’t be even more perfect, the young man opened his (kissable) mouth to start singing his solo piece.  


The moment that Kyuhyun heard that deep voice he knew he was a goner. That voice matched with that face and smile was enough to bring any man to his knees and Kyuhyun was only mortal.


With each note that that pretty mouth let out, Kyuhyun was falling deeper, even deeper than the man’s voice. The look in his deep dark eyes that was so immersed in his song had Kyuhyun holding his breath and he couldn’t look away even if he tried.


As the song continued with the upperclassman’s voice reaching high and low notes perfectly and effortlessly with full emotion, Kyuhyun felt his mind flashforward to imagining a future with this man, he wanted this man to have a part in his life and he wanted to become the biggest part of his life in return. 


Kyuhyun felt a sense of dread settle in his stomach as the song came to a slower beat, signaling that this beautiful man was finishing his piece. Kyuhyun wanted to make the man sing over and over again, he wanted to hear that voice forever if he could.


The song came to an end and the upperclassman smiled so brightly and beautifully that Kyuhyun became dazed, unable to do anything but stare to the point that he completely missed standing up for the standing ovation the crowd gave.  


In his frenzy to make his beautiful beloved soon to be boyfriend (as Kyuhyun had decided in his mind) know that he enjoyed his performance, Kyuhyun also stood up and clapped enthusiastically and loudly.


But given that he had such a late reaction, he ended up standing and clapping later than the others. It was so evident that he was late that the crowd looked at him, and Kyuhyun suddenly wanted the earth to swallow him as he realized he clapped and stood alone.  


He didn’t even want to look at Ryewook who sounded like he wanted to laugh out loud at his predicament. 


Instead, he decided to turn his eyes towards the lovely singer and look at him again to admire his visuals before he left. 


To his shock, caramel brown eyes locked with an obsidian gaze with an electric intensity that neither could explain nor deny. Kyuhyun didn’t know what to feel as his thought overwhelmed him when the singer just smiled at him (

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Chapter 2: Wooww.. the plot twist! Well played, Yesung. He was bold enough to make things go his way.
And the way Kyu visualize his dream of having Yesung as his long life partner, it is awesome 👍
Bangtanboys1952 #2
Chapter 2: Oh my! I certainly didn't expect that :)
Bangtanboys1952 #3
Chapter 1: Cute!
Chapter 2: Cute! ˆ-ˆ
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
Chapter 2: Wow...just!!!!
401 streak #6
Chapter 2: WAIT WHAAAAAT?!?


OMG! Didn't see this at all XDDD
401 streak #7
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun here is so cuteeeeeeeeee~ v>____<v

I love how he told himself about Yesung who's gonna be his husband LOL

Good job author-nim~ I love this~

Upvote <33333
Chapter 2: Haha!! I didn't expect that.
Hope i can read more on Yesung POV.
Thank you author-nim.
LeeLenaMx #9
Chapter 2: Sweet story! Thanks for sharing !
vpurple #10
Chapter 2: awww this was so sweet and funny!!!! i really loved it so much! thank you so much for writing this!!!! <3 <3 <3