Chapter 2

Love You
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“You must see his face, Guys! He’s the most handsome guy I ever seen” Jessica let out another squeal as she described the face of her savior


“And this is the first time we’ve seen you act like this, Sica” Sunny can’t help but to comment “Squealing about Boys, that’s new”


Jessica glared at her “As if you’re not like me when you first met Sooyoung”


Sunny blushed “A-am not!”


“So, what happened after that?” Nicole excitedly asked like a little girl enjoying a story-telling “Did you kiss him as a sign of gratitude?”


“Of course not” the blonde denied “I would never do such thing especially when it’s our first meeting, I just thank him that’s all”


“Boo, boring”


“What do you want me to do?”


“Don’t mind her, Jessi” Tiffany patted her back “You did the right thing”


“But do you even get his name or what?” Sunny ask this time and Jessica sighed disappointedly


“That’s the worst part, I didn’t”


“But why?” Nicole frowned because she were in her position, the first thing she would ask was his name


“He left before I even ask” Jessica fall back into her back sadly “I’m so hopeless, right?”


Her friends glance at each other


“Jessie, hey. I’m pretty sure you will meet him again” Tiffany comforts the sad blonde “If destiny really fated you both together, I’m sure you will find him”


“I surely hope so, Tiff. I really want to know him more” his imaged flashed into her mind once again making her smiled unconsciously


‘She’s must really like the guy’


Her friends all thought the same


“Anyways, I just received an email from Kwon Tech and guess what?” Nicole stood up and showed her laptop “We passed and scheduled for the interview!!”


“Wait, kwon Tech?” Sunny furrowed her eyebrows and widen her eyes when she realized “Don’t tell me, you submitted our application too?”


“Sorry, Sunny” Nicole clasped her hands together apologetically “I submitted all your applications because I want all of us to be together even in summer, it will be lonely if I go there alone”


Sunny sighed


“But isn’t Kwon Tech the company Yuri’s family owned?” Jessica ask and Tiffany nodded


“It is, why?”


“Nothing” the blonde shook her head and smiled “I just thought its familiar”


“Now, everyone’s ok about this huh. We’re going to the interview all together”




“I can’t believe so many applicants here” Nicole nervously looked around


“Well, what do you expect? It’s a huge company” Jessica stated the matter of fact without looking up from the magazine she’s been reading


“Looks like our chances here are slim” Sunny stated this time


“Stop the negative vibes, Sunny!” The younger scolded “We need to be positive that we will get in”






“I must say, I’m impressed by your proposal” Mr. Kwon stated “I Mean, not all college students can write or even present a decent proposal for a business deal. Not bad


“Let’s just say, we’re putting extra effort on making our business partners satisfied”


“But aren’t you too young to handle such big project like Nami Island” Chairman kwon asked “No offense but I still think you still have a lot to learned before handling such big projects”


“We maybe young but I’m confident we can do it, we won’t even present to you in hope for partnerships if we’re not confident” Taeng calmly reasoned out


The old man look at him and laugh “Yeah, too confident that you aiming for something big already but nevertheless you impressed me.”


“Sir, Mr. Go was already here” the secretary announced


“Ah, yeah...” the old man stood up “I need to go now and I’ll think about it”


“Sure do, Sir”


They both stood up and leaved the CEO’s office, Yuri accompany Taeng on the elevator


“Don’t be so confident that you will get the deal, I know how my father works”


“I’m not but it doesn’t mean we would work less hard just because your father was underestimating us or what we can do. There’s a another company out there”


Yuri chuckles “You really believe in yourself huh but let’s see”


The elevator opened and Taeng stepped in leaving the smirking Yuri


“How’s the meeting?” Sooyoung ask the first thing he got out “Did you seal it?”


“He’ll think about it but it is better not to expect anything from them”


“What made you say that?” he asked in confusion


“Nothing” Taeng turned his head and saw a familiar face. That girl


Sooyoung notices his sudden change of expression and look at where he is looking “Wow, I can’t believe today is my lucky day. I saw the two most beautiful girls in the University”


“You know them?” he asked without taking his eyes from them


“Of course, who wouldn’t? The girl with brunette hair was Tiffany Hwang Miyoung from our department and beside her was Jessica Jung, fashion design student”


Taeng lips slowly curved into smile “Miyoung huh, sounds familiar”


“Ooohhh, this is the first time I heard a girl’s name from your mouth” Sooyoung uttered in surprised “Don’t tell me, someone finally capture your made of stone heart?”


He finally take his eyes off from them and looked at his friend playfully “Guess”


“W-what?” Sooyoung was taken aback and foll

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Chapter 2: Will you update this story author? Just 2 chapters are already good to me. Hope you will update this one!!!
Chapter 2: Awwww Poor Yuri.
Chapter 2: Wow I think Jun might be related to Tae. But Yuri might be heartbroken . Thank you for the hard work author shi
aroenk83 #4
Chapter 1: It's good. Will surely wait for the next chapter. Calm tiffany is somehow interesting;)
76 streak #5
Chapter 1: Oohh I hope tiff and tae will talk to each other face to face soon heheheh
Chapter 1: I guess Jessica's savior is Yuri because she's on her way to meet Tiffany . I like how the story goes . Looking forward to more :) Thank you for the hard work author shi. Have a great day