Virtual World

Virtual World

Jimin opens the door after the insistent buzzing of the doorbell, and finds Yi Zhuo on the landing of the building. Jimin narrows her eyes, confused. She doesn’t understand why the girl is there, especially when Minjung is not at home. Yi Zhuo's face shows some relief when seeing her appear, although worry, fear and anxiety overpower any other present emotions. Jimin shifts from being confused to being worried. Something must have happened in the lab.

“What's going on?” she questions.      

    And that simple question triggers a series of explanations from Yi Zhuo that cause Jimin's concern to flow into utter terror. The laboratory in which she and Minjung work has registered a cyber attack that has caused the destabilization of their systems and has severely damaged SNYK, the virtual world they develop, just when Minjung had entered it with æ-Winter, her avatar. After stabilizing their systems and taking control of everything, reinforcing security, they have been unable to contact æ-Winter and the only way to wake up Minjung and bring her back to reality is to find her.

"You know the only æ ready to carry out the mission is yours," Yi Zhuo finishes, “You also know that we would not ask you if it were not absolutely necessary.”

            And, despite the fact that after the little accident she had a few months ago with her æ and that after that she did not want to know more about the project for a while, Jimin has no choice but to put on her shoes and run after Yi Zhuo, to the lab. Her heart beating a thousand an hour out of fear, fear that Minjung will not return to her side and will be trapped forever with æ-Winter on SNYK.

            "I'm sorry for what happened," is the first thing Aeri says to her when they both arrive at the facility where the laboratory is located.

            "If something has happened to Minjung, I swear you won't see any of us here again in this place,"Jimin replies. And yes, it's a threat.

            Aeri nods and begins to explain to her how the virtual world has changed in the months that she has not been working on the project and where they have lost all contact with æ-Winter. By the time they reach the room where the center of all SNYK's development is located, Jimin is totally clear on what she must do to find æ-Winter and bring her back. She sighs deeply, however, when she sees Minjung lying down, surrounded by the cables that connect her to SNYK. She could not believe that the cyber attack ended everything like this. She squeezes Minjung's hand, even though she knows it is useless because her girl does not feel the contact of the outside world in those moments but rather to feel a little more comforted before lying down next to her.

            "We're going to send you to the exact point where we lost communication with æ-Winter," Aeri tells her, as Yi Zhuo and other people from the lab begin to connect her with her æ. “It shouldn't be far, but be careful, I don't know if SNYK has suffered any structural damage that we couldn't fix from here and it could be dangerous.”

            Jimin nods. She's scared. She is scared because the last time she lay there, SNYK nearly killed her due to a miscalculation that created monsters that shouldn't have been there. But she has to overcome her fear and has to find æ-Winter and return to her safely so that she can wake up Minjung and go home. Jimin blanks her mind, relaxes, and takes several deep breaths. Around her she hears the workers of that laboratory completing the preparations, but each time further and further and further away until simply everything goes silent and she closes her eyes so that her whole world turns black.

“æ-Karina?” she calls.

            Immediately in front of her, the darkness ceases to reign and small points of light begin to accumulate, forming a well-known figure. The pixels finish grouping in a few seconds and before Jimin appears Karina, her alter ego in SNYK, created through her physique, to navigate within that virtual world.

"Jimin!" She says to Karina, surprised to see her there. You haven't been here for a long time. I missed you.

"I'm very sorry,"she replies. “Real life has kept me busy, but I need your help, that's why I'm back.”

           “Sure, what do you need?” She asks Karina.

            "I need to get into SNYK and find æ-Winter, we can't reach her from the lab," she tells her.

            “No problem.”

            æ-Karina winks at him and Jimin closes hers for a few moments. When she opens them again, she is no longer in the dark and Karina is not in front of her, but has become her. Around it there are a lot of tall buildings, like the skyscrapers of the economic center of Seoul, but the configuration of these is not completely finished and the drawing is still closer to 2D than 3D. That is the point at which they lost all contact with æ-Winter, so æ-Karina gets down to work, searching around that district, entering some of the buildings. Sometimes she hears commands in her brain from the control in the lab and goes where they tell her to, but she still can't find æ-Winter.

            She begins to move away from the search hub and look at more of the surrounding buildings, hoping that æ-Winter is there. The flame. She shouts her name down the street and every time she enters a building. But there is no sign of æ-Winter in spite of everything. It has three hours inside SNYK because in the laboratory they did not know if it was safe to send it there for longer, less when they are still correcting the problems caused by the cyber attack, but it has already consumed almost two in the search.

             Suddenly, between the buildings, a shadow moves and Karina becomes completely still. In SNYK there should be nothing and no one other than æ-Winter and æ-Karina and, if she has not answered their call, what is stalking her cannot be æ-Winter. Immediately, æ-Karina tensed. The monsters she faced the previous time couldn't have returned… right? But she doesn't want to check it either. She is not going to stay there to be attacked. Therefore, she begins to move slowly, always watching the shadow between the buildings, holding her breath. æ-Karina heads towards one of the buildings until she hears a roar behind her that makes her hair stand on end. She is trapped.

            Carefully, she raises her left hand, where she has the command that unites it with the laboratory to ask them to move it from the area. However, she does not finish the movement when the excess in front of her jumps. æ-Karina then moves, guided by survival instinct, and runs to get away from the shadows, although they are chasing her. During the race she tries to reconnect with the laboratory, but before she does, a reflex catches her attention. She stops for a second and looks up, discovering that on the roof of one of the buildings stands æ-Winter, with her sword in hand, reflecting on the metal the light of that virtual sun. Without thinking about it, æ-Karina runs to that building and runs up the stairs, feeling how the monsters are getting closer to her, almost on her heels. However, æ-Karina does not give up until she reaches the roof and closes the heavy metal door behind her. æ-Winter is already there and helps her place all sorts of obstacles in place to seal the door long enough to hold off the monsters.

            "You're good?" Is the first thing she asks Karina.

            "You're fine?" Winter asks too, after nodding to her question. æ-Karina also nods. "My command was broken and I couldn't get in touch with the lab," she explains.


            æ-Karina doesn't need to know anything else. She also does not have time for more because the monsters are clawing at the door, wanting to go out to the roof, so she simply puts her arms around æ-Winter and warns through the command to the laboratory that she has found her and needs them to return them to the laboratory now. . She closes her eyes and when she opens them again, what Jimin sees is the ceiling of the room. She quickly removes all the cables that connect her to SNYK and æ-Karina and gets up, going to where Minjung is, slowly getting up, with the help of YiZhuo. She can't help but throw herself into Minjung's arms, tears welling up in her eyes. She has been too scared ... but finally everything is fine.


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Chapter 1: thank u for the translation. i found the original fic bit it's hard to understand it.