Unconventional Cinderella


The famous fairytale "Cinderella" but it's unconventional and kyusung.


As I told last time, this month we're going back to fluff and it's fairytale theme! (*´▽`*)


The first one of the batch is "Cinderella". Hope you enjoy this kyusung fluff injecting directly into your vein~


Annnnnd announcement! From November 13-19, I'll be joining KyuSung Week on Twitter and post fics here! v( ̄∇ ̄)

If you're interested in joining or want to check out the entires, check Incorrect KyuSung out!

See you~


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Chapter 1: Really cute! I loved the creative way you mixed up the names with the fairy tale and the small twist at the end.
Liza_Blessedx2 #2
Chapter 1: Of course there had to be a "Happily ever after" for them. So sweet. <3
PathxX #3
Chapter 1: I love this version of Cinderella! I'm soft for stories that doesn't go the way it usually does. My mind was a bit slow at first though, I thought you misspelled Charming until I read the second instance. The names were just...xD
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEEEEE~~~

vpurple #5
Chapter 1: awww this was so cute!!!! i loved it so much!! and such an interesting premise too~
thank you so much for writing!! as always i adore your weekly stories !! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: i love this story so much😭❤
_MyName_ #7
Chapter 1: You almost had me in tears, when the clock struck twelve!!! But a happy ending, yay! ^^
Btw, I was laughing so hard at the names, I loved them, especially Choiming xD