Episode 10th

Infinite Paradise

Title: Episode 10th

Pairings: WooGyu

Summary: Woohyun is afraid when episode 10th of Hi! School: Love On will aired.



“And cut,” the director yelled over the megaphone.


Sungyeol groans, pushing himself from the ground. He bows his head and says thank you to everyone on the shooting ground. He went to Woohyun’s side as the elder talk with the assistant director. He quirk his eyebrow when he catch the horror on Woohyun’s face.


“What’s with that look?” Sungyeol asks.


“It didn’t postpone?” Woohyun asks.


“No, Woohyun. It didn’t. It had postpone for two episodes already,”


“But…but…I thought they will postpone for this week episode.” Woohyun trembled. “There’s no baseball game? Soccer?”


The assistant director shakes his head. “No.”


“Closing ceremony?”


“Yah! We were postponed because of the opening ceremony, we can’t be postpone for closing as well.” The assistant sighs. “Besides, the closing ceremony is tomorrow,”


“Any of the game? I’m sure there are still games they want to broadcast,”


“No. The Asian Games end tomorrow, there are not many games left. Even if there are, they had finish in the day. That means, our show will broadcast as always, tonight.” The assistant director grins at the miserable look on the idol actor’s face. “Why did you look scared? You’re not happy our show broadcast as schedule?”


Woohyun shakes his head with a grin, showing his excitement. “No. I am happy.”


The assistant smiles before she says something, bows her head and leave the two Infinite members.


Sungyeol slap Woohyun’s shoulder, making the elder jump.


“Yah, Lee Sungyeol! You surprise me!” Woohyun groans.


“What? I have been here long enough to hear you whine about tonight’s episode. You didn’t even see me? That’s hurt,” Sungyeol nags.


“Sorry.” Woohyun sighs. He look at the other’s face. “Are you okay? Is it hurt?”


Sungyeol touch the fake injury on his face. “It’s hurt.”


Woohyun snort as he poke Sungyeol’s waist. “How can it be hurt when I didn’t even touch you?”


“Why do you ask if you know?” Sungyeol grumbles.


Woohyun ignores him as he turns around and walk to the direction of their van. Sungyeol follows after him, mumbling about how unfair the elder is.


They get into their van, sitting beside each other. Each take a bottle of water but only Sungyeol gulp down his drink while Woohyun playing with it nervously. Sungyeol put down the bottle, take out some wipes to clean his face from the hideous make up. Their manager get into the van just before Sungyeol done getting rid of the purple bluish mark.


“Alright, boys. Let’s go home. I’m sure you guys are tired,” manager hyung says.


The van drove off, leaving the shooting ground. The songs from Infinite Season 2’s album blaring in the van. Sungyeol mimes the movement of their dance while his lips lip sync without any voice out.


Sungyeol peek at the elder beside him, confused on why the main vocal is silence. Woohyun is the talkative among Infinite members. He likes to talk and he likes to sing, moreover if their song is playing. Sungyeol found it odd for the elder to keep his mouth shut this long. Sungyeol look at the front, meeting with manager hyung’s eyes from the rear view mirror. The manager also shared the puzzled look as his idol.


“Are you okay, Woohyun? Are you sick?” manager hyung can’t help to ask.




Sungyeol poke Woohyun on his waist, garnering his attention.


“Huh? What?”


“Are you okay? Are you sick?” Sungyeol repeat the manager’s question.


Woohyun smiles. “I’m fine. Why?”


Sungyeol frowns. “You’re not looking fine to me.”


Woohyun sighs as he lean his head on the head rest. “I’m worried,”


“About what?”


“Tonight’s episode,”


“Huh?” Sungyeol tilted his head. “Why? What’s there in tonight’s episode?” He chewed his bottom lip, thinking. “What episode tonight is? Ten? Eleven?”


“Ten…” Woohyun replies flatly.


“Right, episode ten. But is there something wrong with the episode?”




“I think you should worry more about today’s shooting’s episode though. We’re fighting and Sunggyu hyung will make a fuss even though it was just acting, we’re not really hit each other.”


Woohyun smiles shortly. “Sunggyu hyung will nags for sure. But I’m worry more about tonight’s episode though.”


Sungyeol frowns. “Why? What’s wrong with tonight’s episode?”


Woohyun look at Sungyeol, with terror in his face. “It’s that episode, Sungyeol, episode 10th. Sunggyu hyung will kill me,” he says dramatically while he grab his neck to choke himself.


“You’re being overly dramatic,” Sungyeol sighs as he lean his head on the headrest and close his eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with the episode. Now shut up. I’m tired already and I don’t want to hear you whining.”


Woohyun pouts. He crossed his arms on his chest and throw his eyes over the window childishly. He tries to close his eyes but it was useless when Sunggyu’s angry face crossed his mind. He can just calm his beating heart and wish for the best.


Sungyeol had a hard time to drag Woohyun out of the van when they arrived at the dorm. The elder is stubborn, saying stupid things like he wants to sleep in the van, he wants to follow manager hyung to his house, he wants to run away to hide in Woollim’s office building.


“What’s got into you?” Sungyeol groans at him, feeling the last of his energy drained.


“Nothing…” Woohyun replies solemnly.


Sungyeol succeeded to haul Woohyun home. The main vocal was silent all the way in the lift and his face mask worries and scared mixing with agony.


“What’s wrong with you? You look like someone who is scared of facing death,”


“I am,” he replies flatly, then he turns to the taller. “Sungyeol, if anything happen to me, please take care of everyone, okay? Tell director-nim, I’m sorry I can’t finish the drama. Tell Lee Seulbi, there will be no Shin Woohyun to protect her.”


Sungyeol stare at Woohyun, baffled. “There is definitely wrong with you. Are you that exhausted to have the nonsense thought?” 


Woohyun didn’t replies as they reach their floor.


Upon entering the house, Woohyun flee to his room, just mumbling a casual I’m home when he pass by the living room. Sungyeol paddled after him, growing curious than ever.


“What’s wrong with him?” Sunggyu asks, sitting on the couch with Myungsoo beside him and Sungjong on the floor, the television on.


Sungyeol shrugged. “He was like this since we end the shooting. Maybe he is tired.”


The men hums. Sungyeol leave the room to clean up, as quickly as he can as the show will start in a minute. He come back to the living room, sitting beside Sungjong on the floor.


“Where’s Woohyun hyung? He doesn’t want to watch?” Sungjong asks as he glance to the direction of the closet room.


“I guess he didn’t,” Sungyeol replies.


“Let him be. He must be exhausted,” Sunggyu says, peeking at the close door worriedly. “Did he eat?”


Sungyeol shakes his head. “We ate an early dinner, before we start at the gym shoot.”


Sunggyu still had his eyes on the close door, debating if he should go or to leave Woohyun alone. Yeah. With the promoting between Infinite and ToHeart, and shooting for the drama, Woohyun must be exhausted. Sunggyu was glad Woohyun at least had time to sleep and eat in between his packed schedule.


The leader sighs. He thought they can be together tonight, watching the drama, criticizing and teasing the younger, and continue his teasing in the comfort of the closed door. But since Woohyun is too tired to spare the time to sit together to watch tonight’s episode, Sunggyu had to redo his plan. They can be mushy mashy tomorrow then.


Voice of Lee Seulbi’s character coming out from the speaker, marking the start of the Hi! School: Love On. The four members watch the drama, not silently of course. They have fun on teasing Sungyeol and Woohyun, even though the latter is not present.


“Can’t Woohyun hyung be less greasy?” Sungjong whine, closing his eyes with his palms.


“It’s ad lib.” Sungyeol grins.


“Arghh…how can you two stare into each other eyes like that?” Sungjong chuckles.


“Shut up.” Sungyeol poke him at the side. “You don’t know how much takes we had to do to not laughing,”


“Wa…did she really eat the full bowl of jajangmyeon?” Myungsoo gasp.


“Of course not,” Sungyeol replies.


“Your umma is pretty, hyung,” Myungsoo says.


Sungyeol just hum. He was used to the younger praising the actress who act as his mother. She is beautiful. Indeed.


The scene change from the sad looking mother teacher to the house of Miss Gong. Sunggyu move in his seat when the camera focus on two pairs of leg, moving upward to the two boys sleeping too close to his liking.


“You’re sleep hugging?” Sunggyu asks, finally after being silent all this time.


Sungyeol keep his quiet as Myungsoo and Sungjong peek at the leader.


“You’re shirtless?” Sunggyu asks, his voice stern.


“It’s acting, hyung, acting,” Sungyeol quickly says to calm the elder.


“But aren’t you guys too close?” Sungjong says nonchalantly. “Your faces drape on each other.”


Sungyeol scowl at the youngest. Myungsoo’s laugh bring them three back focus on the screen.


“I let you have my bed but not my body. That’s hilarious,” Myungsoo says, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes.


Sungyeol peeked at the couch beside him, making sure the leader is calm. Sure enough, Sunggyu is watching quietly but Sungyeol know he is fuming. His arms crossed on his chest, showing he is trying to cool down his head.


It was fine. The leader is the simplest person Sungyeol know. He hold his grudge. Of course. But his mood shift easily. In the next minute, Sungyeol saw the smiles on Sunggyu’s face when the scene change to the sauna.


“Oh .” Sungyeol can’t help but to swear.


But before he can prepare his mind to make a plan to distract Sunggyu, the leader shriek first. 


“A kiss?” Sunggyu jumps from the couch and runs to the closet room. “Nam Woohyun! A kiss?”


Sungyeol slump on the floor. Mentally scolding himself to forget about the importance of the 10th episode. No wonder Woohyun was anxious the whole ride home.


“I thought there would be no kissing? Saeron is a minor, right?” Myungsoo asks, looking at his best friend.


“But Woohyun is not. That’s why they use gum, indirectly kiss, kind of,” Sungyeol replies, watching the closed door with pity and worry.


“Sunggyu hyung won’t kill Woohyun hyung, that’s for sure,” Sungjong says, trying to assure the elder beside him.


“Yeah, but it will be punishment, don’t you think?” Myungsoo add.


Inside the closet room, Sunggyu had drag Woohyun’s table to the door, making sure no one can open the door with no lock. Woohyun is fidgety on his bed, afraid to look Sunggyu in the face.


“A kiss, Nam Woohyun?” Sunggyu asks calmly yet sternly.


Woohyun shudder at the tone. He curse his life and he pray for his life. Woohyun lift his head slowly, only to shriek in surprise and lean backward when Sunggyu make a step near, one at a time, like a predator closing in its prey.


“Sung…Sunggyu hyung…” Woohyun calls desperately, pulling his legs from the floor as he move backward on his bed. “It’s not really a kiss, hyung,”


“A kiss, and hugging Sungyeol in sleep, and shirtless, and without an inch from each other’s faces,” Sunggyu says, his voice too low to Woohyun’s liking.


Woohyun gulp saliva when he feel the headboard on his back. Dead end. He can’t run anymore. Not when Sunggyu is already on his bed, trapping his body, and the table at the door, holding his escape.


Woohyun open his mouth, to call the leader’s name, to say something, to shout, to do anything. But no words come one. He is too terrified to even think of an option to save himself.


Sunggyu grab Woohyun’s back head. Woohyun’s eyes widen.




“You dare kiss her and not say anything? You sleep hugging Sungyeol and not say anything?”


“I…I’m scared,”


“You dare keep quiet until I found out myself? If I didn’t watch the episode, you think you can hide these from me forever?”


Woohyun gulp his saliva. “I…I didn’t mean to keep a secret,”


“If it’s not a secret then why did you hide?”


“I’m…scared,” he repeated.


“Scared…eh?” Sunggyu smirk.


Woohyun feel cold sweat running down his temple. He really hate this. A jealous Kim Sunggyu is not easy to take care of. He rather face the angry Sunggyu than a jealous Sunggyu. Because…a jealous Sunggyu usually will make him exhausted and limp the next day.


And…before he knows it, Sunggyu had pulls and push him down on the bed and Sunggyu’s lips on his, kissing him harshly, his hand grabs his t-shirt Woohyun sure will tear in a second, and his bottom grind on him.


“Sunggyu hyung…”


The three Infinite members sighs as they retreat from the closed door outside the room.


“If I remember sooner, I should go with Woohyun hyung to the company or the CEO’s house,” Sungyeol whispers guiltily.


“But don’t you think Sunggyu hyung will punish Woohyun hyung later and more…harshly? He will know Woohyun hyung tried to run from him,” Myungsoo says.


Sungjong shrugged. “That’s what he get for dating the leader. He knows Sunggyu hyung is possessive about him, yet he dare to kiss a girl?” He smirk as he turns around and leave the two members in the Maknae Line.


“It’s in the script!” Sungyeol groans, following after the youngest.


Myungsoo look at the two leaving members, then he look at the closed door. He feels pity for his greasy hyung but there’s nothing he can do. If he tries to save Woohyun, the jealousy will doubled and Sunggyu might forbid Woohyun to act again.


He choose to leave the closed door with a very red face when the sound of moans and heavy breathing reach his ears.




How is it?

Is it bad?

Please leave some comment.



Based on Hi! School: Love On episode 10th. I’m imagining what would happen when the episode broadcast.



So…you guys must heard about our leader-nim departing Woollim, right? *sigh*. I have mix feeling about this. I am a new fan, I just start liking Infinite in 2019 and when I just falling in love, they had gone to military one by one. And now…I don’t think we can see an Infinite work as whole. Even though they say they only depart from the company but they still as a group, tell me, which group produce a new project when they are in different companies? I found no group do such a thing. Sunggyu is proud with his position in the company, so it was hurtful for me when he left. Right now, I just hope everyone left Woollim to sign with a company and stay still as a group. Better yet, if they build a company of their own.


That’s a nice imagination. Right?


It’s so sad. And I am in the middle of a new Infinite fanfiction. How can I continue this…? T_T


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YasuharaNiwa #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12. A i never know i needed until i read you fic. I love the way the members are jealous everytime Woohyun mentioned Sunggyu in their y time lol. I wonder what would be their reaction if leader Gyu doing Woohyun in front of all the members to assert his dominance
YasuharaNiwa #2
Chapter 4 this is so adorable💕💕💕 the way Sunggyu immediately go to Woohyun is cute and heartwarming
694 streak #3
Chapter 7: bold sunggyu is 🔥
694 streak #4
Chapter 6: Woohyun 😅
694 streak #5
Chapter 5: I questioned that example too 😅
694 streak #6
Chapter 4: adorable woogyu ☺️
dgh2673 #7
Chapter 8: why i don't get who is they first love😬
694 streak #8
Chapter 1: i just read this now. i love how sunggyu spoiled woohyun 😁
Chapter 1: This chapter was cute. Loved reading this. Started reading this again❤️❤️
Chapter 11: Sequel😁😁😁

Also it was amazing,keep going author-nim😍