Chapter three :: Greetings

Trick or Trip

"Hello. Let me introduce myself. My name is Na Yong Suk or you can call me Na PD. This is my assistant Shin PD. Welcome to Trick or Trip."

"Before we start, we need to confiscate all your mobile phones and money. All expenses will be provided by us." The members hesitantly give up their phones and wallets to Shin PD.

"I'm sure you have many questions to ask. Before that, let's get to know each other." It is indeed Na PD's expertise to trick the cast members of his shows.

"I'm TVXQ's Yunho. Nice to meet you." The most senior idol member takes the first step by greeting the staffs and casts.

"I'm TVXQ's Changmin. Hope this trip goes well." Changmin adjusts his baseball cap, after bowing to the cameras.

"Hi, my name is Jisoo from Blackpink! I'm glad to be chosen as part of this show and I hope we could get along well." Jisoo gives a warm smile to the staffs, trying to somehow brighten the tensed atmosphere.

"My name is Jennie." Jennie grabs Jisoo's hand tightly not knowing what to say. "I don't know what to expect but please take good care of me." Jennie shyly bows.

"I'm Taeyong from NCT. Please take good care of me." Taeyong introduces himself. "And this is my fellow member Haechan," he signals the confused boy to stand up.

"Hello, I'm Donghyuk. My stage name is Haechan. Nice to meet you." Haechan calms down after seeing familiar faces among the casts.

"Hello everyone! I'm Sohye from I.O.I." The girl with bright yellow shades and matching summer dress eagerly jumps up.

"And I'm Sejeong, also from I.O.I.! Thank you for inviting us to this show! We'll show you our bright side and be the happy pills for this show. Fighting!" Kim Sejeong, or known as God-Sejeong among the public, the expert variety star perfectly introduces herself. The casts even clap after she sits down.

"I believe some of you are confused why you are dragged here. Let me explain the concept of our show."

"Just like the name of this show, Trick or Trip, you'll embark on a journey that's not quite the norm. The aim is to experience unexpected turn of events and yet enjoy your trip. We also believe the selected members are willing to cooperate and make the most of your trip. We'll give each of you a certain amount of money every 10 days and its up to you to manage it. Here's 2 iPads for communication." Na PD hands them the device. Yunho and Changmin swiftly accept them.

"So we need to plan everything on our own?" Sejeong asks.

"Yes. Hotels, travel plans and transportations, you gotta do it on your own." Shin PD answers. "We only provide your flight tickets,"

"What?" Sohye was tricked into believing that they are heading to a luxury tropical island by their manager. "Where are we heading to?"

"Iceland!" Na PD answers.

Yunho pauses his conversation with Changmin.

Taeyong whips his head at Na PD.

Haechan hangs his mouth open.

Sohye drops her sunnies.

Sejeong's bright smile disappears.

Jennie slaps her forehead.

Jisoo blinks in confusion.

"First stop on the list, Reykjavik"

"I wonder how many tricks the staffs have under their sleeves," Jennie whispers in a low voice. Reality finally sinks in as they are waiting in line to board the flight.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this." Jisoo apologized to her once again. She would rather have Lisa instead because she rarely complains.

"I'll make Manager Park pay for this. Did you see the way he sends us off? Smiling like he's done something heroic? I'm so close to kicking his a.." Jennie clenches her fist tightly while breathing in and out.

"Woaa.. woaa, calm down Unnie!" Haechan was standing close to the girls and heard everything.

"Unnie?" Jennie is not amused at him.

"Hi, my name's Haechan. Let me join your Manager haters club, unnie."

Jisoo and Jennie finally understood that the poor boy was also tricked by his manager with a blatant lie. He left the dorm without his phone, thinking they'll just make a quick stop and back to the dorm. He only had two forgotten 20,000 Won stashed in the pocket of his jeans and even that was taken away.

"Poor you. No, poor us." Jennie eyes the other two girls, Sohye and Sejeong who seemed like happy kids without the slightest bit of worry.

"I overheard that they found out about the trick beforehand from their manager. So that explains their attitude." Haechan intervenes like a nosy housewife.

"How? So they knew and were prepared for it?" Jennie shifts her focus to the Haechan.

"Certainly! Na PD was furious at their manager for spilling the beans. You don't wanna see how badly the manager got scolded." Now Haechan temporarily forgot their early dispute and continues to narrate the incident he witness after Na PD took the NCT boys away.

"Tell us more," Jisoo leans closer to Haechan, and bumps into Taeyong.

Taeyong just shakes his head at how quick Haechan got acquainted with the girls over their common misfortune. On one hand, he's glad Haechan is tagging along with him. With his shy persona, he would never be able to get close to the girls.


*Goodluck with that Girl phobia Taeyong.*


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Chapter 4: NICE ONE
2035 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hahaha it looks like you are torn between making Yunho a jerk or a nice person :P anyway, if it's divided evenly, then I think it's clear that Yunho had to get in this van with the 3 girls. And I couldn't believe I have reached the last updates already. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2035 streak #3
Chapter 8: So Yunho isn't a jerk. Good to know! Hahaha sorry that I'm too hung up on this alone. Could be the side effects of reading stories of him being a jerk back-to-back. Anyway, coming back to the story, poor Jisoo. Being a leader isn't that easy a job. Hopefully, things will go better for her in the future. Will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #4
Chapter 7: LoL is Yunho gonna be a jerk throughout the story? And poor NCT boys! Hope they get their lost luggage back. And about their lodging, good thing that they only booked the place for two days. Can't wait to see if the interiors are rundown as well. Will be back later to do so ^^
2035 streak #5
Chapter 6: Ah so Yunho is the one who got tricked? Hahaha poor him! Hope his crankiness is just a temporary one and that he gets over it soon. And Changmin being such a darling! Also is Jisoo really a TVXQ fan in her younger days? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #6
Chapter 5: Although I would love to see Yunho be chosen as the leader, I would be equally if someone else gets the responsibility instead and he gets to simply chill in the trip without having to worry about managing the other kids. Anyway, I can't wait to see who was chosen. But will be back later to do so ^^
daedrey #7
Chapter 9: This is a cute story. I can't wait to see all the shenanigans that the cast have to deal with as the crew throws more tricks at them.
2035 streak #8
Chapter 4: Oops! Now I kinda feel stupid for pointing out the unnie thing. But still, what kinda logic is that! I mean Haechan's not yours. Anyway, is Sejeong supposed to be a mean character here? Well, regardless, I'll be back later to read more ^^
2035 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha so my guess was right about TVXQ! But then again it was not rocket science. LoL... Anyway, they are all heading to Iceland? Whoa! Luckily, Jisoo packed a winter jacket but would that be enough? And wonder if the others packed at least that as well. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^

PS "unnie" is only used when a younger girl addresses an older one. If it's a younger boy addressing an older girl, then it would be "noona". Here, Haechan called Jennie as unnie. So just thought would let you know.
2035 streak #10
Chapter 2: Wow! What a variety show. Hahaha XD poor members who got tricked. Wait! Makes me wonder. If either Yunho or Changmin is the disclosed member of the show, then that means the other is the tricked one? LoL... No spoilers please. I'll find out for myself. Will be back later to do so ^^