Chapter One

Someday [Rewriting]





Was it possible to be in love with someone for so long? Is love at first sight true? Chaewon doesn't know and doesn't care. She's just in love. It started out small but grew larger as they grew up. The girl drove Chaewon insane. It made her heart flutter. Made her feel so...alive.


But how could she ever tell the girl? The short-haired girl shut . There was no way she'd tell the other girl about her lingering feelings, afraid it'd ruin their friendship. Not knowing was better than knowing is what Chaewon thought.


It was okay, she'd be okay with staying by her side even when she wasn't her lover.


Chaewon huffed as she watched the girl from afar. She watched how the younger girl smiled so happily at another. The senior girl stuck her fists in her sweater, face red full of jealousy. "Chaewon!", a voice called out. Chaewon turned her attention to the voice, and groaned even more once she saw the owner of the voice. "Yena...", Chaewon mumbled.


The duck-like girl grinned and wrapped her arm around Chaewon's neck. "You miss me?", Yena said, smirking. "As if, get off me.", Chaewon jokes. Yena pouted but kept her arm around Chaewon. The short-haired girl didn't nag the girl though, instead she started walking. Yena following right behind.


It was still early in the morning, it was cold, but the season made it colder. The sun was nowhere to be seen as the grey sky and clouds hovered over them. Leaves falling and laying on the ground. The cold breeze brushing against Chaewon's cheeks made her shiver.


"Ah, Ssamu~!", a voice called out behind the two girls. They both turned around to see Wonyoung and Minju. Her smile was brighter than the sun, and her hair flowing as the cold breeze brushed past them. A blush washed over Chaewon's face.


Yena looked back and forth, then smirked. "Don't stare too much, she'll notice. Loser.", Yena teased. Chaewon jabbed her elbow into the other girl's waist. Yena hunched over in pain, whining. Minju gasped and rushed over to the hunched over girl.


"Yena are you okay? Are you know?", Wonyoung asked. Yena nodded, "All good.." Chaewon glared at the hunched over girl, but as soon as she turned her attention to the concerned girl she smiled. "Two faced loser.", Yena grumbled. "What was that?", Chaewon sneered. "Nothing, nothing.", Yena quickly replied. "That's what I thought."


"We'll be on our way now! Don't worry about this sore loser.", Chaewon assured. Yanking Yena by the wrist and dragging her along. The two girls awkwardly smiled and waved the two goodbye. Going on their own way too.


"What was that for?!", Yena whined. "What was what for?", Chaewon stupidly asked. Yena smacked the other girl on her shoulder. Chaewon yelled in pain. Gaining the attention of students passing by. Yena smiled at the passing students, shooing them off. Chaewon glared at the duck girl. "What? We were uneven."


Chaewon rolled her eyes, and continued her way inside the school where it was much warmer. By the time she made it in, her face was a rosy red and had a stuffy nose. "I hate the cold.", Chaewon whined as she opened her locker. "Me too..I want summer to come already!", Yena agreed. Chaewon chuckled, "You're only saying that because you want to see Yuri's body."


Yena gasped, "That's not true! I love her for her, not her body." Chaewon raised an eyebrow, "Well, her body is very nice." Yena started. Chaewon nearly gagged, "Alright, stop it right there. Let's keep this PG-13 you weirdo." Yena snickered, "You're just jealous because you're single." "Am not. I'm not jealous. I'm disgusted.", Chaewon said. Yena didn't say anything but gave the older girl a look. Chaewon knew what that look meant. "No."


Yena laughed, "Just admit it already!" Chaewon groaned. "For the last time, I don't like her!" Yena continued laughing as Chaewon watched her, irritated. "I'm leaving.", Chaewon spat.


"H-Hey! Wait for me! Come with me to my locker too!", Yena yelled but Chaewon was long gone already. Yena huffed and went to her locker alone cursing the girl in her head.


Chaewon stared at the clock that hung on the white walls. The small hand ticking away slowly. The girl couldn't bother to pay attention to the teacher's voice. It was the same thing over and over every year. Needless to say, Chaewon was sick and tired of hearing it. She had it engraved in her head already.


Chaewon threw her head back and silently groaned. Resting her legs on the desk. "Now you see, Kim Chaewon is a great example of what not to do! Ms. Kim, feet down.", the teacher scolded. The senior girl clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. She listened to the teacher and slumped down into her seat.


Time only continued to go by slower. Bringing misery to Chaewon. The senior girl felt the tiredness start to hit her. Maybe she shouldn't have stayed up so late playing games on a school night, but she couldn't care less. It was worth it. Chaewon decided to rest her head, just for a bit.


Little did she know that, "bit" turned out to be the whole class time. She awoke to a nearly empty classroom. Students were leaving already, as the bell rang. They hurriedly packed their things and left the class. Chaewon rubbed her eyes. She, too, rushed to get out of class.


"Chaewon. This is your last year.", the teacher called out as the girl left. The girl sighed, "I know."


"Chaewon!!", a girl screamed throughout the hallway. Passersby covering their ears in pain. Chaewon chuckled at the loud girl, "Thanks for ruining our eardrums Yena." Yena smiled and rushed over to the other girl. With her girlfriend following close behind. "Hi Chaewon.", Yuri greeted. Chaewon waved to the girl.


"Let's hurry before the bell rings again.", Yuri rushed. Yena grumbled, complaining. "You guys go ahead.", Chaewon said. "Again? You seriously need to stop it Chaewon. It's your last year already.", Yena scolded. Chaewon brushed it off and walked away.


The girl easily passed through the hallways and just as she was about to reach the exit, a figure stopped her. "Kim Chaewon. I thought you promised you wouldn't do this anymore.", Minju sadly said, pouting. Chaewon nervously smiled, "I wasn't going to go..I was just going to..." she tried. "Get fresh air. Yeah, get fresh air!"


Minju rose a brow. "You're a bad liar. You were going to skip! I thought we talked about this." Chaewon nodded. "We did. But you see, uh, well...", she mumbled. The younger girl sighed, "C'mon, let's go to class." Minju took hold of Chaewon's hand and dragged her all the way back to class. Chaewon's face heating up in embarrassment.


Once again, Minju had caught her in the act of skipping. Of course, as her duty as the student council president she was forced to drag Chaewon back. Not only that, but she was her best friend too. Chaewon sighed, defeated, and let Minju drag her to class. "I'm serious Chaewon. You can't keep doing this. You won't graduate at this point!"


The older girl whined, "I graduated last year though!" Minju huffed, "That's because you did SOME of your work at the last second. Your grades were barely passable!" Chaewon laughed, "Still passed though." The younger girl groaned, "This year you won't if you continue this."


"Who cares? It's not like I'll go to college anyway. I'll just get put straight to work.", Chaewon grumbled. Minju frowned. "You know, your mother won't just give the business to you, Chaewon." Chaewon sighed for the umpteenth time that day, "I know, I know, but you have to admit who else would take it over?" "Felix is being a little baby and ran off with his stupid Aussie boyfriend." Chaewon got so mad just thinking about her older brother. "You can't blame him. Chan really is the looker.", Minju teased. Chaewon pouted, "But I look better, right?"


Minju paused for a moment and looked at Chaewon. "Maybe one day you will.", Minju jokes. Chaewon huffed. "Whatever." Minju smiled. Her smile reminded Chaewon of the girl's title given by other students. The "Princess" of the school. Chaewon nearly chuckled at the thought. "You're just saying that because you're jealous of my looks.", Chaewon said smugly. Minju shook her head, laughing.


The two continued to talk and laugh while walking to Chaewon's class. They took the smallest steps ever, stalling time.


The older girl quietly cursed as they approached her class. "Are you really going to turn me in like this?", Chaewon whined. "You promised.", Minju, reminded. "Fine.", Chaewon groaned.


The younger girl smiled and left Chaewon standing at the door. To which she glared at for a moment before rudely barging in.


"Ms. Kim. Please, take a seat.", the teacher called out. At this point Chaewon felt no embarrassment or guilt for showing up late. She got used to the judgemental glares and whispers. She could honestly care less.


The senior girl lazily sat in her chair. Zoning out. She stared at the clock as its shorthand ticked by. Again, she couldn't help but think of the girl once more. A small smile grew onto Chaewon's face as she thought about the younger girl. Just the thought of her made Chaewon's heart beat faster. 'How could someone be that pretty?', is what always crossed Chaewon's mind when she saw the younger girl.


Surely, it was impossible for someone to be so pretty, right? Chaewon rested her head on her palm. She continued to ponder about the girl. Ignoring the strange stares her classmates gave her.


Chaewon saw Minju open her locker which was now filled with love letters from secret admirers and confessors. The letters fell to the ground and scattered. Chaewon chuckled bitterly. The girl had lost count of how many letters Minju had received already. At first there were only a few, but it suddenly grew when a picture of Minju surfaced on their school community website. It instantly became an instant hit. Almost every person had their eyes on Minju.


Minju huffed as she quickly threw the letters out of her locker. She was just as tired of these love letters as Chaewon. It only got worse when people came up to publicly confess. Chaewon quickly made her way to Minju before any idiot decided to publicly humiliate themselves. No one dared to confess to Minju personally and publicly when Chaewon was around.


To say the least, either they loved Chaewon or hated Chaewon. The girls constantly fawned over Chaewon, but the boys absolutely hated her. Either way, Chaewon glared at the students and shooed them away. Giving the two some privacy.


"I'm seriously not going to miss this when we graduate.", Minju said, still taking out the love letters. Chaewon nodded, agreeing. "Hopefully it won't happen at your college too.", Chaewon prayed. "You'll be there to scare them off though, right?", Minju asked. Chaewon hesitated. "Maybe. We'll find out soon." Minju's face turned gloomy for a second, before lighting up again. "You'll graduate. I just know it." Chaewon smiled. 'But would we even go to the same college?', the older girl asked in her head. She didn't want to upset the younger girl anymore, so she stayed silent.


"I should probably get going.", Minju says. Chaewon nodded. She turned around and walked off, leaving Chaewon standing at her locker. The girl let out a sigh. A frustrated one.



The cafeteria was loud and buzzing. Students rushed by, sometimes bumping into others. Thankfully, the girls were in a more secluded area. "Let me get a bite! I gave you my fruits!", a girl yelled. "I didn't say I'd give you something in return.", the other girl said, sticking her tongue out, teasing the other. Wonyoung huffed. "You !"


"Yah, Yujin just give her the bite.", Minju ordered as she settled down. Chaewon stared at her. A little jealousy growing inside her. "Fine, say ah!", Yujin pouted. Wonyoung grinned. Taking a huge bite of the cake. Yujin screamed. "It's practically gone at this point!" Wonyoung tried talking, but was muffled by Yuri's hand. "Don't talk with your mouth full. That's disgusting.", Yuri complained.


Wonyoung swallowed. "You ate all my fruits. It's only fair!" Yujin glared at the younger girl, "Fruits don't compare to cake, Wonyoung! You crazy woman! Spit my cake back out!", Yujin said. Shaking Wonyoung by her shoulders. "I already ate it! I can't just spit it out!", Wonyoung yelled. "Spit it out!", Yujin cried out. The other girls shook their heads.


Chaewon continued to watch the two younger girls bicker. The two finally calmed down when Nako appeared with two cupcakes in hand. Where did she get those? You may ask. Well, no one knows. Nako just has everything.


"Do you two ever stop fighting.", Hitomi groaned. "You should join the drama class, it suits you both well.", Yena jokes. "Yujin would just end up as the tree.", Wonyoung said. Yujin gasped, "Well you would play the grass! At least I have an important role as the tree!", Yujin said proudly. "Grass is way more important!", Wonyoung refuted. The two continued to argue again.


Chaewon noticed where Minju stared at. Her gaze falling on the two bickering girls. Chaewon decided to ignore that and went back to eating. Still feeling a hint of jealousy.


The table finally quieted down as the two lost their energy. "I'm so full...", Wonyoung mumbled. "You should stop drinking that milk. You're already tall enough.", Chaewon nagged. "It's never too tall! I shall be the tallest!", Wonyoung cheered. "Pft, whatever shortie.", Yujin teased. "You're only 1 inch taller than me.", Wonyoung spat. "2 inches actually.", Yujin corrected.


Wonyoung rolled her eyes, cursing quietly. Chaewon chuckled at the two.


"We should hold a study session, after school, on Friday!", Yena suddenly suggested. "Eh? All of a sudden?", Hitomi asked. Yena eagerly nodded. "I think that's a no.", Chaewon quickly answered. Minju rose a brow at Chaewon, "I think that's a yes. You could definitely work on those...grades...if you even consider it that.", Minju uttered. Chaewon's face flushed red in embarrassment. "It's not that bad...", she grumbled. Minju let out an airy laugh. "Don't lie to yourself."


"I'm expecting you to be there, yes?", Minju asked, or rather demanded. "I don't even know where it's being held, so no.", Chaewon smirked. The other senior girl shook her head. "You're so annoying.", Minju rolled her eyes. Chaewon laughed, "I guess I'll be there then." Yena grinned like a mad woman. "Alright, let's all meet up at Minju's place.", Yena announced. "My place? Why my place?"


"Obviously because Yena wants to freeload off you.", Hitomi deadpanned. Yena gasped, "No! I would never do that!" Yena looked to Yuri for support. To which she responded, "She definitely would." Yena whined. "I thought you'd side with me." Yuri laughed, kissing the other girl. All the other girls groaned in disgust. "Get a room, you two!", Yujin cried. "My poor eyes!", Wonyoung screamed. "Oh please, you two are so dramatic.", Yena scoffed. "Just wait till you two start dating each other.", Nako teased. The two girls started speaking gibberish, trying to defend themselves.


"Ew as if I would ever date that dumb jerk!", Wonyoung denied. "Dumb?! You're the dumb one!", Yujin retorted. "Look what you did Nako!", Yuri whined. "What? I'm not wrong!", Nako defended. Yena looked over to Chaewon and Minju. "And as for you two..", Yena coughed. Chaewon glared at Yena from across the table. Kicking her under the table. Yena muffled a yelp. Glaring right back at Chaewon and kicking her back.


Chaewon snickered when Yuri glared at Yena. She then stopped snickering when she saw Minju glaring at her too. "What? She started it.", Chaewon lied. Minju only shook her head.



D-Day arrived rather quickly for Chaewon. To say the least, Chaewon was kind of dreading the study session. She knew Minju would nag her the whole time. Part of her felt guilty for causing Minju so much trouble but then again, Chaewon was tired of being told what to do.


For once, Chaewon wished for time to move slower during school. Unfortunately for her, it only seemed to be going faster than usual. As if the world was against her. Minju didn't mention the study session the whole day but Chaewon knew it was somewhat on her mind. Minju was someone who took her studies seriously. Even though she didn't have to try to even get a good grade for the class.


Chaewon shuddered at the thought of Minju studying till the day ended. She could never do the same as Minju. "Mmm...Chaewon?" Minju voiced, waving her hands in front of the older's face. Chaewon hummed in response. "You weren't paying attention.", Minju mumbled, pouting. "Sorry, I was just..distracted..", Chaewon apologized. "What'd you say?"


Minju huffed, "I said I won't be able to walk with you guys after school. Student council." Chaewon nodded, "I'll wait for you." Minju shook her head, "It won't take me long." Chaewon didn't question the girl any further. Chaewon learned it the hard way that Minju was stubborn. Once she made up her mind, you couldn't change her mind.


One time the two got into a heated argument after Minju refused to give up on an idea during their group projects. Chaewon was just as stubborn as Minju back then. The argument led to the two not talking for only two days before they couldn't handle it anymore. It was rather dumb of them back then. What was only two days felt like forever for Chaewon.


"Should we change the place then?", Chaewon asked. Minju shook her head, "My mom will just open the door for you." Chaewon laughed, "Which one? I hope it's not the Taiwanese one." Minju softly pushed the other girl, "Don't say that! She's not that scary." Chaewon could only shake her head. "You should see her when she sees Yujin. It's like she's gonna murder the girl.", Chaewon joked. "I thought she hated me, but I guess Yujin got it worse."


Minju whined and Chaewon couldn't help but pinch Minju's pouty lips. Which earned her a glare. Was it supposed to be threatening? Probably, but was it? Not really.


Minju finally reached her destination. The younger girl turned around, "Don't skip your classes today, okay?", "Okay. Promise." Minju grinned, "See you later." Chaewon pinched her lips once more and walked off.




3k words and it took me like 2 months to even finish writing it...Writers block really do be something else. Still not satisifed but I really wanted to put out something so that yall don't think I'm dead or sumn. I'm still alive and breathing. Just been really lazy. Again, the updates are gonna take time. I just want to be sure that the writing isn't complete trash. 

Also, lowkey just been upset since April is coming by soon. And you know what that means... T_T *sigh* I signed up for this so now I gotta deal with it. Stupid produce groups, why'd they have to go and make them so loveable. Just wanna say that I don't expect them to be permanet because that'd be really selfish of us and the girls themselves. The final lineup wasn't a truthful one but that doesn't mean I don't love all the girls. It's just already unfair enough as it is. Anways, ignoring the sad part. I'm def gonna try to buy their last album if I can. I'm still upset I never got to order their lightstick. >:(

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As always, see you again next chapter. <3

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HOLY I FINALLY GOT BACK INTO MY ACCOUNT. IM SO SORRY YALL. I didn't abandon my pookies on purpose i swear, i was just stupid and forgot my password and didnt realize i had a recovery email attached. Dont worrry, im finna slave away at Someday again 😭😍


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Chapter 15: HAD TO RE-READ OH MY GOSH... I’ll never get over
Author I hope you will comeback someday...
Chapter 15: God i need more jangchae. like i love annyeongz all the way, but for some reason im rooting for jangchae here. guess i just feel for wonnie 😭
Chapter 15: nauuuur poor wonyoung 💀. the people she's into are into minju 😭
Chapter 14: OHH THAT JANGCHAE SCENE AT THE END WAS ADORABLE!!!!! IM INTERNALLY SQUEALIIING, IT'S THE BEST! i wasn't expecting elkie to be the other mrs. chou 😂 ! i was wondering why you said hong konger instead of taiwanese lol. and i wanna know what nako figured out 👀. it does seem very much like her to catch onto things way ahead of the others
Chapter 15: Jangchae is too cuteee
kaiyennirene #7
rereading :3
279 streak #8
Chapter 15: Reading these chaps again 👌 will wait for the next one authornim, see you! :>
Chapter 15: my jangchae heart <3 ~~~ Thanks for updating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: my jangchae heart <3 ~~~ Thanks for updating !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!