Long Live The King


Inspired by Vocaloid’s Servant of Evil comes Baëkhyun, the twin to King Baekhyun and the lover of Crown Prince Chanyeol. All his life he has upheld his duties and he will do so to his last breath.


Written for tinysparks 6th round: Rise of Kingdoms

After reading through the fics in the 1st round, I've been wanting to participate in this fest since the 2nd round but I just don't have the time to. Now, I'm a little less busy than before, I finally got to send in this fic^^ Thank you to @xAoneko98 on twitter for helping me beta this and @beta_find for matching me with them. Really helps a lot! I hope you'll enjoy it!


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow - very intense for so few words😥