Into the Woods

White Out

Kyungsoo was in absolute shock. Had he been too forward? Did he make you uncomfortable? He’d tried to stay outside of your space, tried to be polite and accommodating. Why was this so hard? Even Jongdae didn’t have any difficulty of his mate actually liking him.

For a brief moment, Kyungsoo wondered if he was wrong and maybe you weren’t his mate and he just thought that you were pretty. The doubt was pushed away immediately by the whine of his wolf, scratching at him inside to go after you.

He ignored that longing, waiting until you were out of his sight before turning back to the coffee shop where everyone was waiting. He dreaded having to go back and face them. At least Chanyeol and Sehun weren’t amongst them. They’d never let him live it down.

Kimberly perked up immediately as soon as Kyungsoo stepped inside.

“How did it go?” she asked cheerfully, obviously missing the forlorn look on his face.

Jongin had a hopeful look on his face. “Did she yes?”

Kyungsoo sat down in the empty chair at the table, playing with the paper cup Jiyoung had brought of his favorite drink and not meeting any one’s eye. “No.”

Minseok’s eyes widened in shock. “She said no?”

“Can mates even do that?” Kimberly questioned.

Ji Yeon rolled her eyes. “We still have free will, Kim. Just because you couldn’t resist your mate doesn’t mean everyone is as weak-kneed.”

Proud of himself, Jongin hooked an arm around Kimberly’s neck, pulling her into his chest as she giggled. The two of them were quickly lost in in their own play-fighting world. It made Kyungsoo want to imagine what your relationship would be like, but letting himself do that would just make the rejection hurt more.

Minseok threw a balled up napkin at the happy couple. “Cut it out.”

Jongin was about to open his mouth in protest before he saw the look on Kyungsoo’s face. Without hesitating, Jongin pushed Kimberly off of him and even scooted his chair over just a few inches to create distance between them and cut out temptation. Kyungsoo was both grateful and sorry. It wasn’t Jongin’s fault that Kyungsoo’s mate wanted nothing to do with him, but watching them now that he had found you hurt more than when he was just alone.

Scraping his chair back, Kyungsoo picked up his drink wordlessly and walked out of the coffee shop. Not wanting to hurt Jiyoung’s feelings, he waited until he was out of sight of the shop before throwing the still full cup away.

Why did the others have to have it so easily?

Frustrated and needing to burn off some energy, Kyungsoo made his way to the edge of the woods, going in deep enough to be away from any curious eyes. Stripping down, he folded his clothes neatly and hid them among some shrubbery. He’d come back for them later.

The transformation was quick, one step he was human, the next fur was bursting from his skin and his hands and feet became paws, giving him speed as he dodged through the trees. He ran aimlessly, trying to wear himself out so he didn’t have to think anymore.

What else could he do to get close to you? Time was the obvious answer and typically he was the patient one in the pack, rivaling Yixing. But this longing was overwhelming. He didn’t understand how the others did it when their mates were away.

A whine escaped his throat. He just needed to keep it together and give you time. At least you weren’t in danger from an evil witch coven.

Kyungsoo skidded to a stop in the dead leaves. The snow had all melted away with the slight rise in temperature, but it was still January and freezing cold. But there you were anyway, just a dozen or so feet away with a heavy sweater and a scarf wound tightly around your neck as you leaned against a tree, sketching away in your book. Your fingers were exposed to the biting air thanks to the cut-off tips of your knitted gloves. As his approach hadn’t been exactly a quiet one, you’d stopped drawing and were now staring at him with wide eyes.

His first decision was to run away. In their wolf forms, they tended to stay away from humans – excluding the mates who knew their nature – because they were bigger than your average wolf and gave off a different, less animalistic aura. But he couldn’t just leave you here alone. With omegas arriving, it was too dangerous. Then the lightbulb went off.

You wouldn’t let him near as a human, but maybe as a wolf, as a harmless animal, you’d give him a chance.

Laying down on his stomach, Kyungsoo crawled towards you, trying to look as cute and as endearing as possible while cringing on the inside. When he first started, you clutched your notebook to your chest, squishing yourself into the bark of the trunk out of fear.

Kyungsoo slowed down, letting out a few soft whines, willing you to trust him. When his nose was just about to touch your leg, he stopped. But you kept staring at him, not moving an inch, so he yelped, regretting it instantly as you jumped. Finding it the better option, he just lied there waited patiently for you to do something. Anything.

“What the hell?” you murmured, making him laugh inside.

Setting your notebook down beside you after flipping it closed, you leaned towards him with curious eyes. After taking off one of your gloves, your hand was shaking as you reached out to him. Kyungsoo met you halfway. You jumped back again as soon as your fingers met his fur, but he didn’t move, conveying with his eyes that it was okay.

Again, you moved your hand in his direction at a painstakingly slow pace. The first few pats on his head were hesitant, unsure. Unable to resist, Kyungsoo liked your palm. You giggled, actually smiling at him. It sent his heart into overdrive. Your eyes were shining because of something he did and your laugh was like a melody made just for him.

You continued to pet him, scratching behind his ears and running your fingers through the fur on his neck. Cautiously, Kyungsoo came around so he was sitting right next to you, his body heat giving you warmth. To his dismay, you stopped petting him, putting your glove back on warm your hand, and picked your notebook back up. Oh, well. At least you weren’t running away from him.

Flipping the book open, Kyungsoo choked back a gasp.

You’d been drawing him.

Right there on the page was his face. Parts of it weren’t completed, like a missing ear and vague outline of his hair, but it was unmistakably him. The part you seemed most focused on was his eyes. Detailed and shaded perfectly, they stuck out from the page.

Noticing that he had perked up and was staring at the page, you tilted the page over more so he could see it better.

“What do you think?” you asked. A small smile was on your lips, but your own eyes were sad. You pursed your lips out, giving Kyungsoo an urge he couldn’t quite complete as a wolf. “It’s not that good.”

Kyungsoo barked in disagreement. You were incredible, how could you think otherwise?

“It’s just from memory,” you admitted. “To be honest, I shouldn’t be drawing him at all,” a long sigh left your lips and Kyungsoo nudged his head into your lap, “but I can’t get him out of my head.”

Kyungsoo couldn’t help but perk his up at that confession.

“It’s stupid,” you continued. “I shouldn’t be thinking about anyone at all. I’ve lived three different places in the last eighteen months. I can’t stay anywhere for too long.”

Well, that certainly gave a little clue to your reluctance against him. But it also concerned him. Why did you move so often? Were you running from something? If you were, he could protect you, but how could he convey that to you?

At least now he knew that he had to be extra careful with you. Asking you to dinner – which was stupid advice from Baekhyun anyway – may have done more damage than he thought.

You took a deep breath, going back to gently scratching the top of Kyungsoo’s head. “It does get lonely sometimes, though. I have my friend, Mina, but she’s off somewhere actually enjoying her life.”

At your pause, Kyungsoo lifted his head, turning to look at you. You were still fiddling with his fur between your fingers.

“Maybe you could be my friend here?” you asked suddenly. Kyungsoo’s ears straightened up in happiness. You wanted to be his friend. You may be talking about his wolf form, but that was a start, at least.

He barked in agreement before your face. The joyful sound left you and Kyungsoo puffed up with pride at making you laugh again.

“Thank you,” you giggled. Looking down at your phone, you sighed, the smile falling from your mouth. “I should get going. It’s going to be dark soon.”

Standing up, you brushed dirt and dead leaves from your pants and packed up your belongings into your bag. You waved goodbye to him. As if he would actually let you walk through the forest by yourself.

Kyungsoo trotted alongside you for a few feet before you noticed your companion.

“I can’t take you home with me,” you told him. “I think you exceed the weight limit at my apartment.”

He just threw you a look.

Shaking your head, you said, “That fact that you’re so full of expression and seemingly can understand me is a little scary, but also entertaining. You can follow me to the edge of the trees.”

And so he did. When you broke through the trees within sight, Kyungsoo sat down, signally to you that he would stay behind. You gave him one last pat before heading back into town. All too soon, you disappeared among the buildings and other inhabitants of the area.

Satisfied that you were fine, Kyungsoo went back to find his clothes. Not feeling up to rejoining the others at the shop who were supposed to wait for Jiyoung’s shift to end, he took his clothes in his mouth and ran back to the house. He’d worry about the slobber later.

Back at the house, Kris was sitting on the porch steps, staring off at nothing.

Kyungsoo hadn’t seen the other alpha in years and so felt awkward as he approached the house, turning back into his human self. Slipping on his clothes, he took a chance and sat down next to Kris.

“Did you see her?” Kris asked, still looking out into the field.

Nodding, Kyungsoo answered. “Yeah, I did. But she seems to prefer me as a dog.”

That made Kris smirk. “They can be like that.” He sighed. “Not much has changed here, has it?”

“No, it hasn’t,” Kyungsoo agreed, a sentimental smile on his face.

“I’ve missed this place,” Kris admitted. Kyungsoo couldn’t blame him, though. There was a peacefulness to the area that couldn’t quite be compared to anywhere else. But there was also a reason for him to stay away.

“Have you talked to Junmyeon?” It was a loaded question, but it came out anyway.

Kris shook his head. “No. I’ve tried, but he’s been avoiding the house. According to Yixing, he’s just busy getting ready for the new semester, but I’m sure that’s more of an excuse than anything. He still hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you. But maybe having you back will give him closure,” Kyungsoo offered.

“No, it won’t.” Standing up, Kris clapped Kyungsoo on the shoulder. “Good luck, Kyungsoo. It’s a good thing your mate is a dog person.”

Kyungsoo laughed, but Kris was gone inside the house before he could reply. The only things left on his mind now was how to see again as the wolf and how to get you to trust the human.


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194 streak #1
Chapter 15: Love your writing style! Forward on!
Chapter 15: Lol tall boy's night out. Well I guess I will never be invited to that.

Another Excellant installment! Thank you!
Chapter 12: I am going to kill some hybrids myself!! How dare they take Baekhyun!!!!
Chapter 6: You can do it Wolf Boy Kyungsoo!
Chapter 3: Poor Kyungsoo. Lots of angst so far and the return of Kris, Luhan and Tao??? I wonder what their story for leaving was...hmmmm
Baekdreamer #6
Chapter 15: Another well written story..the way the personality and character of kyungsoo in this story is exactly how i imagined him to be..Truly appreciate your hard work in writing the story🙆
Chapter 15: I love this one, too!!! I've read two of your untamed universe fics and i really enjoy reading them. This makes me miss kyungsoo, tho..