Bakery Order

White Out


They’ve found us. I’m not sure how, but they have. I don’t know where else to turn. Hopefully, this letter reaches you before we do, so you understand. I know it’s been years, but I need your help. We need your help. Before the hybrids get to us first. I’m begging you. Help us. Please.



Another town, another place to start over. At least this time around, the population was greater and the apartment was bigger.

You wondered how long you would last here. A year? Six months? You weren’t quite sure yet. Thirteen months was your record and that was a very special and regretful circumstance.

Settling wasn’t exactly something you understood. As a military brat, you were in a new base - sometimes a new country - every few months or so. The idea of being somewhere long term was a foreign concept to you. Perhaps even terrifying.

This new place was picked simply because it was far away from that place.

The job at the bakery was easy enough to find. The owner didn’t question your frequent change in cities and seemed to like the fact you wouldn’t be attending classes at the university when they started up again within the next month or so. You’d been at this job for barely three weeks, but you already felt like you had the hang of it. No, you weren’t in the back, kneading the dough or mixing up the batter, but a few times now you were allowed to leave the counter and decorate the sugar cookies or add some borders and texture to the cakes.

Your boss had been surprised at your hidden skill, something you didn’t even realize you had. Sure, you’d doodle on tossed receipts and the occasional sticky note, but you didn’t realize that would translate so well into frosting.

So deep was your concentration on the cake in front of you, you didn’t even acknowledged the phone ringing.


You nearly jumped at your name being called. Thankfully the lettering that you working wasn’t ruined. Leaning back so you could see your boss, you answered, “Yes?”

He frowned out you, elbow deep in dough. “Can you answer the phone please?”

You cursed under your breath. “Yeah! Sorry!”

Running to grab the phone before the potential customer hung up, you quickly pressed the worn green button.

“Thank you for calling Two Moons Bakery, how can I help you?”

Hi!” The girl on the other side of the phone seemed cheerful, maybe a little too much for your taste. “I know this might be last minute, but I was wondering if I could order two birthday cakes and maybe pick them up in about two days.

You bit the inside of your cheek. Why were people always doing things so last minute? “How big are you needing the cakes?”

The girl paused before asking, “What’s your biggest size?

“Eleven by fifteen inches,” you answered. “That size feeds approximately thirty to forty people.”

Perfect! Can I get both in that size?

Yeesh, how big was this party? You sighed, trying to avoid the phone so the customer didn’t hear. “Yeah, let me check our books real quick just to make sure we can do that for you, okay? You said you needed them in two days?”

Yes, ma’am!

“Okay, one second.” You put the phone down and went to go ask your boss if that order was even possible. He seemed enthusiastic about it. Since it was past Christmas and New Years, orders had slowed down greatly. And this one would be a big profit. You returned to the phone to pass on the good news. “Yes, we are able to do that. Do you want the cakes to say anything in particular?”

Oh, yeah,” the girl giggled. You held back a groan. You just weren’t a super cheerful person and other people who were tended to make you uncomfortable. “I need one to say ‘Happy Birthday, Jongin’ and the other to say ‘Happy Birthday, Kyungsoo.” She spelled both names out for you.

“And can I get a name for the order?”


“Okay, we’ll have those ready for you to pick up in two days.”

Thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver!

You flinched, thankful no one had seen your reaction. You didn’t like that phrase; it haunted you.

It was a relief when she hung up the phone and you were left in peace once again. You finished up the cake from earlier, adding on a few flowers just for fun.

Life in this new city wasn’t too bad. You hadn’t exactly made any friends, but that was okay. Friends weren’t exactly on your priority list. They equaled settlement, permanent status, and, based on your history, it was better just to not pursue that avenue. Besides, you had one friend, and that was plenty for you.

Speaking of the devil, she happened to call you that night almost as soon as you collapsed onto your couch.

“Yes, I’m still alive.”

That was how you always answered Mina’s calls. It was now just a running joke between the two of you. Her father was in the same special department as yours so the two of you were often on the same base. Not always, but enough to the point that two of you became somewhat close. She was the only one you really trusted, although you still kept her at somewhat arm’s length. Mina gave you the space you needed and understood why you were the way you were without trying to change it.

Honestly, I’ve stopped worrying about that particular detail,” she joked. You could hear her microwave humming in the background. Mina was never one to care much about cooking. You’d stopped scolding her about her terrible food habits years ago. It was meaningless at this point, going in one ear and out the other.

You laughed just a bit, sitting up and picking at a string on the ankle of your pants. “So, then, what do I owe the pleasure of this wonderful phone call then?”

I was bored and realized I haven’t talked to you in over a week,” she replied. The microwaved had beeped and was now replaced by the sound of clinking glass. “How’s the bakery?

“I actually really like it,” you admitted. At first it had simply been a job for a paycheck, but you really did find yourself not hating going into work everyday. Sometimes you even got excited. A dangerous place to be, but for now you’d allow it to happen. “I’ve started decorating some of the desserts.”

Which is so weird because you’ve never had a sweet tooth.”

You sighed. It was true, you’d never really cared for cakes or other sugary treats. But perhaps that was good thing. You weren’t tempted to eat all the sweets you saw everyday.

“How’s your brother?” you asked just continue some form of conversation. It really had been a while since the two of you talked and you did need that human interaction every now and again.

Mina giggled. When you were younger you had a bit of a crush on Mina’s older brother. It came to a screeching halt after he enlisted in the military. But that didn’t mean you didn’t still care about him.

He’s good.” Her laughter came to a sudden stop. “He’s getting married.” The tone of her voice had shifted, the lightness no longer there.

“Really?” you replied. It wasn’t that surprising to you. He was ridiculously handsome. And a total sweetheart. That was a lethal combination that would get him snatched up in no time. You were actually shocked that it hadn’t happened sooner. However, Mina didn’t sound too pleased. “I’m guessing you don’t like her?”

She’s fine.” Mina made very little attempt to hide her true feelings. “It’s just…” she huffed. “I don’t know. It’s not like she’s a horrible person. In fact, she seems nice from the few times I’ve talked to her.

“You feel like you’re losing your brother?” you guessed. Mina and her brother shared a bond that you were always jealous of. As an only child, you never had someone there who went through nearly everything you did. Mina felt like a sister to you, but she still grew up with different parents. She didn’t experience the same household you did.

Mina whimpered. “I know it’s stupid and childish, but he’s canceled plans to come see me twice now. Because of her. I think I have a right to be frustrated.

You couldn’t help but bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing. It was like someone had taken away her favorite teddy bear. “Have you tried talking to him about it?”

That was the wrong thing to say.

No I haven’t. This is something I can handle on my own. Speaking of which, have you talked to anyone yet?

You didn’t say anything. Mina had been trying to get you to talk to someone for the past few months and you still refused. You had thought that she’d finally given up since the last time you talked as she didn’t bring it up. But this was a low blow way to swing it into the conversation.

Finally, you spoke. “Sorry I said anything.” Your voice was purposefully acidic. She may have been your friend, but you still had no-go areas with her. And, even though she was highly aware of it, she still constantly poked a toe over into those areas. “I won’t try to help anymore.”

Mina got the hint. “I’m sorry. That’s was overboard. I know I promised to stop. I still worry about you, (y/n). Maybe I could come visit?

“That’s okay,” you sighed. “I’m still settling down here. Besides, there’s snow everywhere and you hate the cold. Maybe in the spring.”

Why couldn’t you have moved somewhere warmer?” she whined, making you laugh genuinely. “Like the beach? We could have hung out in the sand, get some sun, but no you had to choose the forest. Far away from real civilization.

You rolled your eyes. “Mina, you are so needy. Cost of living is so much more expensive out there.”

Her pouting was easily heard. “I know. If you ever change your mind, let me know. I’ll just move with you.

You scoffed. “Yeah, okay.”

Mina hated moving. She’d been in the same city since she turned eighteen and went to college. You were pretty sure she only changed apartments once and that was simply because the owners of the first one were unbearable.

I’m serious!” she insisted. “I’d do it for you.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll keep that in mind.” Perhaps in about six months or so, Mina would actually get her wish. With you, anything was possible.


You were stocking the cookie display when a group of five girls came into the bakery, chattering among themselves.

“Can I help you?” you asked, putting the now empty tray down on the table behind you. One of the girls stepped up, leaning her elbows on the other side of the counter.

“We’re picking up a few birthday cakes,” she answered.

“Kimberly?” you guessed. She nodded enthusiastically. “Okay, one second.”

You went to the cooler in the back and oh-so-carefully brought them to the front. You opened the lids, making sure the names were spelled right and sort of showing off your decoration skills. You’d had a little fun with it and hoped they didn’t mind.

“Wow!” One of the other girls expressed with wide eyes. “That’s awesome!”

“Did you do that?” another one asked.

You nodded. “Yeah. Is it okay?”

“Of course!” Kimberly reassured. “How much do we owe you?”

You rang up the transaction and handed the boxes over.

“Okay, let’s get these back to the boys before we all start getting calls.”

Waving goodbye to you, they left the store, careful to balance the boxes in order not to drop them.

Later on, while you were sweeping the floor before closing up, you found a school ID of one of the girls. Thankfully, Kimberly’s number was still written down in the computer system. It was late, but you took the chance and gave her a call anyway. The phone went to voicemail, so you just left a message.

“Hi, Kimberly, this is (y/n) with Two Moons Bakery. I think one of your friends dropped her university ID card here. The name on it is Im Ji Yeon. I’ll put it in our safe until someone can come get it. Have a good night.”

After you hung up, you did what you said, keeping the card in the most secure place for the night. And with that, you told your boss goodbye and headed home.

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194 streak #1
Chapter 15: Love your writing style! Forward on!
Chapter 15: Lol tall boy's night out. Well I guess I will never be invited to that.

Another Excellant installment! Thank you!
Chapter 12: I am going to kill some hybrids myself!! How dare they take Baekhyun!!!!
Chapter 6: You can do it Wolf Boy Kyungsoo!
Chapter 3: Poor Kyungsoo. Lots of angst so far and the return of Kris, Luhan and Tao??? I wonder what their story for leaving was...hmmmm
Baekdreamer #6
Chapter 15: Another well written story..the way the personality and character of kyungsoo in this story is exactly how i imagined him to be..Truly appreciate your hard work in writing the story🙆
Chapter 15: I love this one, too!!! I've read two of your untamed universe fics and i really enjoy reading them. This makes me miss kyungsoo, tho..