
In the past, present and future, I want to be with you
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On a fine weekend, I took a day off from work and went to join my old high school’s feast alone. It’s a summer feast. I got to see my old school and some old friends who are coming to the feast….. It’s a nice feeling to come back to school after many years. It’s my first time to come here again after graduated 7years ago.

I was wandering around the school. Some things have changed but some still remains the same. I went to see my old third year classroom. It doesn’t change that much….. I didn’t expect to see it but our summer trip’s photo was still stick on the board inside the classroom and it made me see Minhyun’s face again. He was smiling brightly while covering his left hand around my shoulders. It was a happy, painful day. I was standing-still and crying in front of that old photo of us.


I know coming here will hurt me but I wanted to be brave and face with the past….. However there are many good things to make me smile too, the happy time with friends and old dating memories with him, Hwang Minhyun.



I left the school and intended to go back to my apartment but as I was passing the pizza shop I used to go a lot during my old high school day, I stopped by it and entered.


[ At Pizza Shop ]

I entered and went to sit at the place where I always sat with Minhyun in the past. I looked round and it doesn’t change at all. The only thing that changes is I’m coming here alone without my partner. So I’ll have to make order by myself.


“One large seafood pizza, 6psc of chicken nuggets and 2 big cola.” I made the order. I know I’m alone right now but in the past we had always been ordering like this so my lips automatically made the order like that. The waiter looked at me curiously, like why am I making order for two people while I’m alone?... I smiled at the waiter. “That’s all for now. I’ll make order for ice-cream after these. Thank you!” I added.


The food I have made order is for two people so there are a lot that it’s full on my table. I was eating with mixed feeling, a bit happy and a bit sad. I’m planning to eat only half of these and left half for Minhyun’s soul….. Who knows? Maybe his soul is sitting in front of me and eating it with me…..

The taste still remains the same even after 7 years….. I shouldn’t have missed coming here this long. I miss my favorite taste a lot.


“One small seafood pizza, 3psc of chicken nuggets and 1 big cola. That’s all for now. I’ll make order for ice-cream after this. Thank you!”


While I was eating, I heard a familiar voice. There was a guest who was making order similar to me and Minhyun but in half of everything. I quickly turned to find the speaker. His seat was right in front of me. He was facing down to play with his phone so I couldn’t see his face clear. But he looks so similar to someone I’ve been missing so much. I kept staring at him, waiting for him to rise his face up so that I can see his face clear.

A moment later, he rose his face up and met eyes with me. I was shocked and my tears suddenly dropped….. “Minhyunnie…” I whispered and my tears kept falling like waterfall. That guy was shocked to see me crying while looking at him. I started crying louder so he rushed to my place.


“Miss, what happened? Are you sick?” he worriedly asked.

“Minhyun…” I stood up and hugged him. “I miss you so much, Minhyun.” I kept crying and hugging him tighter.

“I’m… I’m sorry, but I’m not Minhyun.” He was stuttering, telling me.


I tried to hold myself and released the hug. I looked at him. He looked innocent and clueless like who the hell am I….. That moment I remember that Minhyun has died 7years ago already so the guy is standing in front of me right now just only has similar face to Minhyun. He isn’t my Minhyun.

I stepped back and bowed to him. “I’m sorry. You look so similar to someone I know in the past. I just miss him so much so I thought you were him… I forgot that he can’t be standing right here anymore.” I apologized then explained to him.


“Ah… I see. Don’t worry! This can happen sometimes… are you feeling fine now, by the way?” he worriedly asked.

“I guess so. What a shame! I should have controlled my feeling… Sorry for my silly act earlier!” I kept apologizing to him again and again.

“It’s ok. It’s ok. If you’re fine now, I’m gonna go back to my seat.” He gave me a smile and gave a slight bow then went back to his seat.



I feel so bad for hugging him all of a sudden in fro

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Chapter 24: TT TT TT TT TT
I loved this story sooooo much. I don't have words to tell you how I'm feeling rn. You have taught me an important lesson. Thank you.
I will keep reading this story whenever I'll want to give up on something so that I can get strength.
Thank you is enough yet Thank you TT
Chapter 22: TT TT
Chapter 21: I am in love with stella too TT
Chapter 19: TT TT TT TT TT TT
Chapter 18: TT
Chapter 16: Why all of this sounds so sad?
Why is life so unfair?
Ssly If I could die in exchange of 'Stella and minhyun can live happily ever' I'd gladly do that
Chapter 15: Poor Minhyun TT
Chapter 14: Minhyunnnnnnnnnnnnn TT
Chapter 13: He is Minhyun, My dear Stella. He's the man you love TT