
New Year's Resolution

Baekhyun Archer Byun was seriously considering a legal name change.


"Come on, Baek," his uncle Suho said. "Let's go out on the town and see if we can put a little of that legendary sunshine back into your disposition!"


Out on the town? Baekhyun thought. In Bucheon? A town of about six hundred? " Ah, I think I'll pass..."


"C'mon, sunshine, you gotta be more flexible! Optimistic! You can't this wound forever."


Today is December 31 and he had come to Buncheon to spend a few quiet days with his Uncle Suho and his fiancee Lay, to try to escape the reality of a heart that wouldn't heal. And if the hurt wasn't bad enough, his heart had gone cold and hard, too. He looked at his watch---4:00p.m. Exactly one year ago at this time he was having his hair and makeup done right before slipping into a Burberry wedding suit, excited, blushing and oblivious to the fact that his fiance Sehun was getting litzed and ready to run for his life.


"I'm not really in the mood for a New Year's Eve bash, Uncle Suho," he said.


"Aw, sweetheart, I can't bear to think of you home alone, broodtime, feeling sad." Suho said.


And feeling like a big loser who was left at the altar on his wedding day? Baekhyun wondered. But that's what had happened. How was he supposed to feel?


"Babe," Lay said under his breath, "this might be a bad night to push the party idea..."


"Ya think?" Baekhyun said sarcastically, noting to himself that he hadn't been so irritable and sarcastic before. "Listen, you guys, please go. Party like rock stars. I actually have plans."


"You do?" they both asked hopefully.


"I do. I'm planning a ceremonial burning of last year's calendar. I should probably burn three years worth of them---that's how much time and energy I invested in the scumbucket."


Suho and Lay were speechless for a moment; they exchanged dubious looks. When Suho recovered he said, "Well all-righty then! we'll stay home and help with the ceremonial burning. Then we'll make some popcorn, play some monopoly, make some positive resolutions or something and ring in a much better new year than the last."


And that was how Baekhyun, who wasn't feeling at all accommodating, ended up going to Buncheon's blast at Minseok's Bar on New Year's Eve---because he just couldn't let his uncle Suho and sweet, funny Lay stay home to watch him sulk and whimper.



The past year had passed in an angry, unhappy blur for Baekhyun. His rather new and growing photography business had taken off---a combination of his kick- website and word of mouth---and rather than take a break after his personal disaster, he went right back to work. He had scheduled shoots, after all. The catastrophic twist was that he specialized in engagement, wedding, anniversary, belly  and baby shots---five phases of a couple's life worth capturing for posterity. His work, as well as his emotional well-being, was suffering. Although he couldn't focus, and he was either unable to sleep or hardly able to pull himslef out of bed, he pressed on the best he could. The only major change he'd made in his life was to move out of the town house he had shared with Sehun and back into his mom and dad's house until he could afford something of his own. He had his workroom in the basement of his parents' place anyway, so it was just a minor shift in geography.


During the past year at his parent's, Baekhyun had a revelation. The driving reason behind most young man his age wanting their own space, their independence and privacy, was their being involved in a serious relationship. Since he was determined not to repeat past mistakes by allowing another man into his life, there was no need to leave the comfort, security and economy of his parent's house.


He was trying his hand at photographing sunrises, sunsets, landscapes and pets. It wasn't working---his images were flat and uninteresting. It it wasn't bad enough that his heart was broken, so was his spirit. It was as if his gift was lost. he'd been brilliant with couples, inspired by weddings---stills, slideshows, videos. He saw the promise  in their eyes, the potential for their lives. He'd brought romance to the fast bellies of pregnant women and was a veritable Anne Geddes with babies! But now that he was a mere observer who would never experience any of those things firsthand, everything had changed. Not only had it changed, it pierced his heart each time he did a shoot.


When he confessed this to Lay, Lay had said, “Oh, darling, but you’re so young! Only twenty-five! The possibilities ahead are endless if you’re open to them!”


And Baekhyun had said, “I’m not upset because I didn’t make the cheerleading squad, Lay. My fiancé dumped me on our wedding day---and my age doesn’t matter a damn.”



The town was carpeted in a fresh blanket of pretty white snow, the thirty foot-tree was lit and sparkling as gentle flakes continued to fall, and the porch at Minseok’s Bar, strung with lights and garlands, was welcoming. There was a friendly curl of smoke rising from the chimney and light shone from the windows.


Suho, Lay and Baekhyun walked into the bar at 8:00p.m. and found the place packed with locals. Minseok, the owner, and Kyungsoo, the cook, were behind the bar. There was a festive table set up along one whole wall of the room, covered with food, to which Lay added a big plate of his special deviled eggs and a dill-speckled salmon loaf surrounded by crackers.


“Hey, looks like the whole town is here.” Suho said.


“A good plenty,” Minseok said. “But I hope you don’t see anyone here you want to kiss at midnight. Most of these folks won’t make it that long. We have a strong skeleton crew that will stay late, however. They’re busy getting all the kids settled back at Kyungsoo’s house with a sitter---it’s going to be a dormitory.


“Minseok, Kyungsoo, meet my niece Baekhyun. Baek, this is Minseok and Kyungsoo, the guys who run this place.”


Baekhyun gave them a weak smile, a nod and a mumbled nice to meet you.


“Hop up here, you three. As soon as you contribute your New Year’s resolution, you get service.” Minseok said. “The price of admission is a food item and a resolution.”


Baekhyun jumped on a bar stool, hanging the strap of his large bag on the backrest. Minseok leaned over the bar and eyed the big, leather shoulder bag. He peered at Baekhyun with one brow lifted. “Going on a long trip right after the party?”


Baekhyun laughed a little. “Camera equipment. I never leave it behind. Never know when I might need it.”


“Well, by all means, the first annual New Year’s Eve party is your canvas.” Minseok said. He slid a piece of paper and pen toward Baekhyun.


Baekhyun lowered over it as if giving it careful thought. He knew if he said his resolution was to get this over with as soon as possible, it would open up the conversation as to why he now and would forever more find New Year’s Eve the most reprehensible of holidays.


“Make it a good one, Baekhyun.” Minseok said. “Keep it generic and don’t sign it---it’s anonymous. There’s a surprise coming right after midnight.”


Baekhyun glanced at his watch. God, he thought. At least four hours of this? I’ll never make it! He wrote on his slip of paper. “Give up men.”




Chanyeol Andrew Park was a second-year orthopaedic resident in Seoul Medical and had somehow scored ten days off over Christmas, which he’d spent in Buncheon with his two sister’s. Tiffany and Seohyun, their guys Siwon and Yung-Hwan and his new nephew. The three previous Christmases he’d spent with his family, and also his former fiancée, Nana. That somehow seemed so long ago.


When surgical residents get days off, they aren’t real days off. They’re merely days on which you’re not required in surgery, clinic, class, writing reports and attending physicians. But there was still plenty of studying to do. He’d been hitting the books straight through Christmas even with the distraction of family all around, including Tiffany’s new baby who was really starting to assert himself. With only a few days left before he had head back to Seoul, he borrowed the family’s isolated cabin on the ridge near Buncheon so he could study without distraction. He’d managed to focus completely for a couple of days and had impressed himself with the amount of academic ground he’d covered. As he saw it, that bought him a New Year’s Eve beer or two and few hours of satellite football on New Year’s Day. On January 2 he’d head back to Seohyun’s house in Seoul, spend one more evening with the family, the throw himself back into the lion’s den at Seoul Medical.


He grabbed his jacket. It was New Year’s Eve and he’d spent enough time alone. He’d be surprised if the only bar and grill in town was open, since Minseok’s Bar wasn’t usually open late on holidays. In fact, the routine in Buncheon on regular days was that Minseok’s shut down before nine, open till ten at the latest, and that was only if there were fishermen in the area. This was a town of mostly farmers, ranchers, laborers and small-business owners; they didn’t stay out late because farm chores and animals didn’t sleep in.


But to his surprise, once in town he found that the little bar was hopping. It made him smile---this was going to save him some serious mountain driving and he’d get to have a beer among people. When he walked into the packed bar he heard his name shouted. “Ho! Doc Park! When did you hit the town?”


This was the best part of this place. He’d only been up here maybe a half dozen times in the past couple of years, but Minseok never forget anyone. For that matter, most of Minseok’s friends and family never did either.


He reached a hand across the bar in greeting to Minseok. “How’s it going, Minseok?”


“I had no idea you were up here!” Minseok said. “You bring the family along?”


“Nah, I was with the family over Christmas and came up to get a little studying done before I have to get back to residency. I thought I’d better escape the girls and especially the baby if I intend to concentrate at all.”


“How is that baby?” Minseok asked.


Chanyeol grinned. “Red-headed and loud. I’m afraid he could be a little rip-off of Tiffany. Siwon should be afraid. Very, very afraid.”


Minseok chuckled. “You remember my husband, Jongdae.”


“Sure,” Chanyeol said, turning toward the town’s renowned OBGYNE and accepting a kiss on the cheek. “How are you?”


“Never better. I wish we’d known you were up here Chanyeol---I’d have made it a point to call you, invite you.”


Chanyeol looked around. “Who knew you folks ripped up the town on New Year’s Eve. Is everyone here?”


“Pretty good number,” Minseok said. “But expect this to change fairly quick most of these folks will leave by nine. They start early. But I’m hanging in there till midnight,” he assured Chanyeol. “I bet I can count on one hand the number of Buncheon residents willing to stay for a kiss at midnight.”


And that’s when he spotted him. Right when Minseok said kiss at midnight he saw the young man he’d be more than willing to accommodate when the clock struck twelve. He was tucked back in a corner by the hearth, swirling a glass of white wine. He seemed slightly apart from the table of three men who sat chatting near him. He watched as one of those men leaned toward him to speak, to try include him, but he merely nodded, sipped, smiled politely and remained aloof. Someone’s husband? Someone’s boy? Whoever he was, he looked a little unhappy. He’d love to make him happier.


“Chanyeol,” Minseok said. “Meet Suho Nathaniel Kim, local vet.”


Chanyeol put out his hand, but didn’t want to take his eyes off the boy. He said, “Nice to meet you,” but what he was thinking was how long it had been since just looking at a beautiful man had zinged him in the chest and head with almost instant attraction. Too long! Whoa, he was a stunner. He’d barely let go of Suho’s hand, didn’t even catch the guy’s response because his ears were ringing, when he asked Minseok, “Who is that beautiful?”


“That’s my niece,” his new acquaintance said. “Baekhyun”


“Married? Engaged? Accompanied? Nun? Anything?”


Suho chuckled. “He’s totally single. But---“


“Be right back,” Chanyeol said. “Guard my beer with your life!” And he took off the corner by the hearth.


“But…” Suho attempted.


Chanyeol kept moving. He was on automatic. Once he was standing right in front of his and he lifted his eyes to him, he was not surprised to find that he had the most beautiful blue eyes he could have ever imagined. He put his hand. “Hi, I’m Chanyeol. I just met your uncle.” He said nothing, didn’t even shake his hand. “And you’re Baekhyun. Baekhyun Kim?” he asked.


His mouth fixed and his eyes narrowed. “Byun.” he corrected.


Chanyeol gave up on the shake and withdrew his hand. “Well, Baekhyun Byun, can I join you?”


“Are you trying to pick me up?” he asked directly.


Chanyeol grinned. “I’m a very optimistic guy,” he said pleasantly.


“Then let me save you some time. I’m not available.”


Chanyeol was struck silent for a moment. It wasn’t that Chanyeol enjoyed such a great success with men---he was admittedly out of practice. But this one had drawn on him like a magnet and he was unaccountably surprised to be shot down before he’d even had a chance to screw up his approach. “Sorry,” he said lamely. ‘Your uncle said you were single.”


“Single and unavailable.” Baekhyun lifted his glass and gave Chanyeol a weak smile. “Happy New Year.”


Chanyeol just looked at Baekhyun for a moment, then beat a retreat back to the bar.


Minseok and Suho were watching, waiting for Chanyeol. Minseok pushed the beer toward him. “How’d that work out for you?”


Chanyeol took a pull on his beer. “I must be way out of practice.” he said. I probably shouldn’t thought that through a little better…”


“What? Residency doesn’t leave time for relationships?” Minseok asked with a twist of the lip.


“A breakup,” Chanyeol explained. “Which led to break from relationships for a while.”


Suho leaned an elbow on the bar. “That a fact? Bad breakup?”


“You ever been around a good one?” Chanyeol asked. Then he chuckled, lifted an eyebrow and said, “Nah, it wasn’t that it was so bad. In fact, she probably saved my life. We were engaged, but shouldn’t have been. She finally told me what I should’ve known all along---if we got married, it would be a disaster.”


“Bad fit?”


“Yeah, bad fit. I should have seen it coming, but I was too busy putting titanium rods in femurs to pay attention to details like that, so my bad. But what’s up with Baekhyun Byun?”


“Well,” Suho said. “I guess you probably have a lot in common.”


“Uh-oh. Bad breakup?”


“Let’s just say, you ever been around a good one?”


“I should’ve known. He didn’t give me a chance. And here I thought I’d bungled it.”


“Gonna go for round two?” Minseok asked him.


Chanyeol thought about that a minute. “I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “Maybe I should wait until he gets a little more wine in him.”


Suho slapped a heavy hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “That’s my niece, bud. I’ll be watching.”


“Sorry, bad joke. I’d never take advantage of him, don’t worry about that,” Chanyeol protested. “But if he shoots me down twice, I could get a serious complex!”



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I was updating last night but I fell asleep, my bad hahahahahaha but chapter 1 is up... enjoy :)


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Chapter 2: Yaay thank you for the update, it was really nice! I'm liking the development of this story, it's going well~ I like the characters and how we're slowly getting to know more about them. This is really great!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 2: I really enjoy the flirting - very sweet?
efiana #3
Chapter 1: Dont give up doc park. Keep pursue baek
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 1: Nice story - want to read more to see what happens?
Chapter 1: This looks really exciting! Awh poor Baekhyun, hope he cheers up. Looking forward to the next chapters and chanbaek meeting! ><
Looking forward ;)