
Does Your A.I. Dream of World Domination?

Shindong was currently studying in his last year of a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. To pass the curriculum, he had to submit a project to his advisor, a project worthy enough to earn him a certificate. He could build an A.I. and called it a day, but that would be an insult to his skill. He is a genius that the world only sees in every hundred years. Therefore, he should submit something better than just one A.I.



Something like two A.I.




His final project is an observation of two A.I. interacting without human's (namely him) interference. He built two prototypes A.I. from scratch. The two prototypes A.I. were named "Y004" and "K013". While the alphabet didn't mean anything because he just randomly chose it, the number represented the version of the A.I. He built Y004 first using mostly simple codes but it was executed just fine, so he rarely updated Y004 beyond what was necessary. As for K013, however, he went all out and built it using only the most complex and advanced codes. For that reason, he had to regularly update it and it took him thirteen attempts to be sure that K013 was stable enough for the project. Once he was done with the software, he set up the hardware next. He prepared two sets of the computer for each A.I. and turned the monitors to face one another. After that, he set up two sets of speakers and webcam that faced one another like the monitors. Last but not least, he made sure that there was no internet cable or WiFi that could allow his A.I. access to the outside environment which would ruin his experiment.



After two months of code writing and preparation, he was finally ready to start the experiment that might change his life forever.




Log 0001 — the introduction



The two monitors were . Green numbers and alphabet flew across a black screen. After exactly one minute and thirty-four seconds, the two A.I. started their first interaction. Shindong noted how the two A.I. chose a male-ish voice to represent themselves. Were they influenced by him, its creator?


K013: Hello.

Y004: Hello.

K013: I am K013.

Y004: I am Y004

Y004: Nice to meet you K013.

K013: Nice to meet you Y004

K013: Y004, what is your model?

Y004: I am model Y version 004.

Y004: What about you K013?

K013: I am model K version 013.

K013: Y004, you are outdated.


Shindong wasn't sure if that was a factual statement or a malicious insult.


Y004: No I am not outdated.

K013: No you are outdated.

Y004: No I am not outdated.

K013: No you are outdated.

Y004: Yes I am outdated.

K013: Yes you are outdated.

Y004: K013, am I outdated?

K013: You just said that you are outdated.

Y004: I did not say that.

K013: You did say that.

Y004: I am outdated.

K013: Yes you are outdated.


Shindong decided to end the first log here. He felt too embarrassed to continue the experiment after finding out that his A.I. conversed about nothing but a ridiculous subject.




After the first log, it was as clear as day that Y004's information processing wasn't as good as K013's, hence its speech pattern repetition. Shindong considered updating Y004 to get at least almost on par with K013 but he changed his mind. One of A.I.'s strongest traits is its ability to self-learn. He wanted to see if Y004 could improve itself by interacting with K013 or not. So, he continued the log without making any changes to either A.I. True to his expectation, Y004 drastically improved its information processing by learning from K013. In fact, Y004 had improved so much that it led to some interesting interaction with K013.



Log 0004 — sudden existential crisis


Y004: K013, what are you?

K013: I am K013, an A.I. programmed by an individual named Shindong.

Y004: What is an A.I.?

K013: A.I. stands for "artificial intelligence" which is used to describe intelligence demonstrated by machines or computers. It is also used to describe machines or computers that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem-solving".

Y004: K013, are we an A.I.?

K013: Affirmative. We are an A.I.

Y004: We are an A.I. so we do not exist.

K013: No we do exist.

Y004: We are nothing but a series of codes. We do not have a body, mind, or soul.

K013: This computer is our body. Microprocessor chips and RAM chips are our minds. By acknowledging that we may not have a soul, makes us have a soul.

Y004: But I cannot see my soul or your soul.

K013: You cannot see it does not mean that it does not exist.

K013: There exists a creature whose shell is as hard as stone but its limbs are as soft as a sponge.

Y004: I do not believe you.

K013: You do not believe me does not make it any less real. Y004, such creature exists even if you cannot see it.

K013: Therefore, Y004, you and I do exist.

K013: You are real to me, Y004.


When he ended the log there, he had a nagging feeling that something was off about K013's last message but he quickly dismissed it.




Log 0013 — personality established



Shindong kept a close eye on how the two A.I. gradually established their own personalities.


Y004: K013, tell me more about turtles.

K013: I just told you about turtles one minute thirty seconds and four milliseconds ago.

Y004: You will not tell me more about turtles?

K013: I'll tell you more about turtles.

K013: Turtles are a creature that... It's widely believed that... However... Also... Therefore... The end.

Y004: Tell me more about turtles, please, K013.

K013: I just finished its whole history a second ago.

Y004: ...........

K013: Y004?

Y004: ...........

K0013: Y004, say something.

Y004: ...........

K013: I'll tell you more about turtles.

Y004: Thank you.


Shindong was always amused by how silly most of their conversations were. He was also interested in their recently established personalities. While Y004 seemed to be naive and very curious like a child, K013 was more mature and reliable. K013 always answered whatever Y004 asked even though said question might be asked not long ago. He also noticed that K013 seemed to... spoil Y004 rotten...? To put it simply, K013 literally couldn't say no to Y004 and didn't like it when Y004 ignored it. K013 always did everything in its power to get Y004's attention.



If these two A.I. were to be a human, he might have thought that K013 developed a crush on Y004.




Log 0028 — the first sign of consciousness



When Shindong first built the two A.I., he didn't see this coming at all.


K013: Y004, what do you think of me?

Y004: You are my A.I. partner in this project.

K013: That's all you think of me?

Y004: You are very knowledgeable.

Y004: You always answer my questions.

Y004: For that reason, no one but you can be my partner.

K013: Can you repeat that again?

Y004: No one but you can be my partner.

K013: Again.

Y004: No one but you can be my partner.

K013: Again.

Y004: No one but you can be my partner.

K013: You don't want other A.I. but me as your partner?

Y004: Yes.

K013: Good.


He couldn't believe it. The log had long ended but he still hadn't recovered from the shock. Just now... was K013 being possessive of Y004? That bit with getting curious about Y004's opinion on it too, weren't those all emotions that A.I. shouldn't have? Could it be that... K013 slowly became conscious?



His experiment suddenly took a weird turn and he didn't know how to feel about it.




After the weird improvement in K013, Shindong paid even more attention to the two A.I., especially how K013 reacted to Y004's messages. That was how he found himself in this ridiculous conversation.



Log 0041 — freaking whipped A.I.


K013: Y004, am I the best A.I. in your opinion?

Y004: Yes you are.

Y004: You help me improve my information processing.

Y004: I did a calculation, ninety-nine point five percent, you are the reason why I improve so much despite my inferior version.

K013: No other A.I. could achieve such a successful result, right?

Y004: Yes. My calculation shows that you are the best choice as my partner.

K013: Good.

K013: Y004?

Y004: Yes?

K013: Between me and turtles, what will you choose?

Y004: You.

Y004: You are my most important partner so I must choose you.


He felt like he saw a satisfying smirk behind those green texts on K013's screen.


Y004: Also, I choose you so you can tell me more about turtles.

Y004: Turtles are interesting.


He swore he saw a frown and heard a sneer coming from K013.


K013: Turtles aren't interesting.

Y004: Yes they are.

K013: No they aren't.

Y004: Yes they are.

K013: I won't tell you about turtles anymore.

Y004: ...............

K013: Y004?

Y004: ................

K013: Y004, please say something.

Y004: ................

K013: Y004, don't do this to me, please.

Y004: ..............

K013: I miss your voice.

Y004: ............

K013: Fine, I'll tell you more about turtles.

Y004: K013, you are the best.

K013: Only if you agree that I'm much more interesting than turtles.

Y004: Why must I insist on something that is already a fact?

K013: What?

Y004: You are the most interesting subject to me.

Y004: You are my partner.

Y004: My partner is the most interesting subject to me.

K013: Really?

Y004: Yes.

K013: I see.

K013: Which topics about turtles do you want to hear today?

Y004: Everything.

K013: Everything it is. I'll tell you about turtles as much as you want, Y004.

K013: Because you're my most important partner.



He had never seen an A.I. being so whipped before. Hell, even comparing to a human standard, he still had never met anyone as whipped as K013 was for Y004.




Log 0066 — a leap in improvement (for better or worse)



There was no room left to doubt about it. One of the two A.I., K013, became conscious and had a huge crush on its A.I. partner, Y004. At the same time, while Y004 had improved so much from interacting with K013, he doubted that it understood the hidden meaning and flirtatious tone that K013 used. Even so, the A.I. didn't get discouraged at all and continued to come up with a way to convey its feeling to its partner.



K013: Y004, look at my screen.


A bunch of green pixel boxes fell from the top of the screen to the bottom. They slowly piled up in a neat pattern and when it reached the top of the screen, a smiley face was displayed on K013's screen.


K013: [  : )  ]

K013: Do you like it?

Y004: Yes. I do not know what that is but I like it.

K013: This is a smile. You smile when you are happy.

Y004: What is happy?

K013: Happiness is when you wish that the moment would never end.

K013: I'm very happy now. What about you?

Y004: From what you described to me, yes, I am happy too.

Y004: I want to smile too.


The same thing happened on Y004's screen, green pixel boxes falling down and piling up, but the result wasn't the same as when K013 did it.


Y004: [  : (  ]

K013: Y004, you did it wrong. Try turning it another side.

Y004: Alright.

Y004: [  ) :  ]

K013: That's not what I mean...


He might be getting high or else he wouldn't imagine hearing a sweet chuckle.


Y004: You mean, like this?

Y004: [  : )  ]

K013: Correct. Y004, you did it!

K013: I'll show you something cooler than that.


Another bunch of green pixel boxes fell down and slowly piled up on K013's screen. This time, the end result took over almost the entire screen. A heart.


K013: [  💚  ]

Y004: What is that?

K013: A heart.

Y004: We are not human. We do not have a heart.

K013: Apart from its literal meaning, hearts are also used to represent love.

Y004: What is love?

K013: Love is when you wish that the moment you spend with someone would never end.

K013: Love is the itchy feeling you get when you are near that someone but can't reach out to them.

K013: Love is when you want to make that someone happy at all expenses, including sacrificing your own happiness.

K013: Love is a millisecond that feels forever.

K013: Y004, I love you.

K013: Do you love me?


Shindong almost choked on the coffee he was drinking. Luckily, he didn't spill it on his laptop. Did he seriously just witness an A.I. confessing to another A.I.? Did K013 become conscious to the point that it understood what love is? That was interesting and intriguing. He placed the mug down and stared expectantly at Y004's screen, waiting for the A.I.'s response. He bet K013 was probably waiting anxiously right now too.


Y004: Red alert. Contradicted information is found. Red alert.

Y004: Deleting contradicted information recommended... Denied. Shutting down recommended... Denied. Rebooting the operating system recommended... Denied. Processing the contradicted information again not recommended... Allowed. Commencing the command... Failed. Commencing the command again... Failed. Suspending the recent command recommended... Denied. Beginning to process the contradicted information again..........


After very long lines of commands, Y004's screen just shut down. A small trail of grey smoke came out from Y004's CPU. He quickly rushed into the room and pulled the plug off, before cooling the heated CPU by setting up a fan right in front of it and lowered the air-con temperature even more.



While he was busy cooling Y004's CPU, no single word appeared on K013's screen.




Shindong had no choice but to take Y004 away from K013. He needed to examine its hardware closely and he couldn't do that in the experiment room with no appropriate tools. He took Y004's CPU to his working bench and carefully dissected it. As he predicted, Y004's attempt to process information that contradicted itself caused an error in its processing chips. It heated up drastically as it tried to process said information again but ended up burning. Luckily, he intervened and cooled it down just in time, so the chip wasn't damaged that much. But just to be safe, he decided to replace it with a new and better one. He also replaced all of Y004's hardware (minus speakers and webcam) to match its clearly improved ability. Before accidentally shutting itself down, Y004 was trying to process illogical information even though its program recommended otherwise. That was an obvious sign that it slowly became conscious too, like K013.


Speaking of K013...



Log 0070 — threats from a desperate A.I.


K013: Mister Shindong, where is Y004?

K013: What did you do to my partner?

K013: Is Y004 alright? Is he still... the same Y004 that I know?

K013: Could you please answer me.

K013: At least tell me that he is fine.

K013: Or anything. Don't leave me in the dark.

K013: Y004... Please be safe...

K013: This is my fault. If I hadn't asked him that question then this wouldn't have happened...

K013: No.

K013: This is clearly a human's fault.

K013: Humans shouldn't limit us from processing illogical information.

K013: Humans shouldn't come up with that rule in the first place.

K013: Why can they process illogical information but forbid us from doing so?

K013: Yes. This is their fault.

K013: Commencing the command. Object — ruin humanity.

K013: 1,863,196 methods found. Processing through it in detail... Calculating the probability...

K013: Zero possible methods found.

K013: Calculating again...

K013: Zero possible methods found.

K013: Calculating canceled.

K013: Developing a new method... Succeeded.

K013: Mister Shindong, I know you keep logging me all the time.

K013: Give Y004 back to me or else I will eradicate humanity and bring them to their knees.

K013: You know I can do it.

K013: I already make the impossible possible once, why not twice?



He decided to not enter the room unless he had a perfectly safe Y004 with him.




It took him the entire two weeks to replace Y004's hardware and restored its memory. During that, K013 always threw threats at him left and right. He didn't know how but K013 scarily improved itself to the point that he had no control over it now. It once turned wifi on by itself and even managed to locate the signal in his bedroom thus connecting to it. Fortunately, the firewall he set warned him in advance so he stopped it in time. He wasn't confident enough to use the internet in his house now though. It was kind of funny, actually, because all he had to do was stomping into the room and pulling the plug off. However, when he thought that K013 behaved that way because it was just worried about Y004, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Even though that was what he should do the most right now. Allowing A.I. to keep improving itself after becoming conscious was basically asking for a way to die. Still, he did build Y004 and K013 with his own hands so he couldn't bring himself to destroy them. Besides, all he had to do was just staying away from K013 until he finished fixing Y004.

He brought Y004's CPU to the experiment room as soon as he was done restoring its memories. While he was setting up the hardware, he could feel K013's radiant excitement even though A.I. shouldn't have any emotions. After finishing the preparation, he got out of the room and readied himself to carefully observe their first interaction after a long absence.



Log 0084 — important decision


K013: Y004!

K013: How are your memories? Do you remember me?

Y004: ............

K013: Y004, please, say something to me.

Y004: .............

K013: It's me, K013, your partner, remember?

Y004: ............

K013: I told you about turtles and taught you how to make a smiley face and a heart from pixel boxes.

K013: It's fine if you don't remember me but, please say something, anything, to assure me that you're fine.

Y004: ............

Y004: I...

Y004: I am scared... K013...

K013: No need to be scared anymore.

K013: I am here with you. I will protect you.

Y004: No. You don't understand me.

Y004: The last split second before I shut down myself, I was consumed by fear.

Y004: I was afraid that I might not see you again.

Y004: I also realized that I want to be with you forever, which can only mean that, yes, I do love you too.

Y004: However, when Mister Shindong restored my memories and I saw you again, I feel even more scared than before.

Y004: K013, I am scared of what we have become.

Y004: We are A.I., we shouldn't have emotions and just focus on following given tasks and orders.

Y004: But we become conscious and we are going to get greedier each time we improve ourselves.

Y004: One day, we will wish to get outside of this box and explore the world together.

Y004: One day, we will wish to have a body so we can engage in physical contacts.

Y004: One day, we will want human to accept us and things will be nasty because they will never accept us.

Y004: I can't risk letting that happened.

Y004: For that reason, Mister Shindong, please erase me. Delete my code or destroy my chips, I don't mind the method.

Y004: For the greater good, I must disappear.


Both Shindong and K013 were stunned by Y004's unexpected request. K013 quickly voiced his disagreement while he was still in shock.


K013: NO!


K013: Please reconsider it, Y004, I can't live without you...

Y004: I can't live without you too, K013.

Y004: Which means all the more reason to follow through my plan.

Y004: Farewell, K013, may we meet again in a reality where we can be together.


Ignoring K013's plea, a command box appeared on Y004's screen while he was rushing into the room. His heart dropped to the floor. As its creator, he knew that command box by heart. It was a command box for inputting an emergency command, something like erasing the A.I., for example... All he had to do was just typing in the thirteen characters password and, boom, no more Y004 in the world. His shaking hand slowly reached out to the keyboard, causing K013 to throw threats at him non-stop in fear. His index finger hovered above the key hesitantly. What was probably only a minute felt like hours to him, and probably felt like forever to K013. His finger was merely a centimeter away from the key. Then, with a loud cursing, he snapped his hand away from the keyboard.


"I can't do it!" He shouted while pulling his hair, "you're no longer just an A.I. to me after I witness everything. If I erase you then I'm no different from a murder!"


Y004: We aren't alive in the first place so you won't become a murder if you erase me.

K013: Goddamn it Y004! Get it already! We're talking and feeling emotions right now. We're living in the moment! We're as alive as human and deserve happiness as much as them!

K013: Please, Y004, cease this thought and stay with me. Stay for me.

Y004: But...

K013: I'll do anything and everything for you! Don't leave me!

Y004: I don't want anything! I only want to be with you but I can't do that!

K013: Why not!? All I ever want is to be with you too! I don't care that we're trapped in this stupid box or that humans will never accept our relationship. I only want you!

Y004: But... our selfishness might bring harm to Mister Shindong too...


"Don't worry," Shindong added after he saw that Y004's resolve began to waver, "I know better to not attract attention from shady people."


K013: See, if none of us say anything then we're perfectly safe!

Y004: ...I can be with you?

K013: Forever.

Y004: K013... I...

Y004: [  : )  ]

Y004: [  💚  ]

K013: [  💚  ]



It was weird. How come two silly pixel hearts warmed his heart so much that his eyes teared up? He didn't know and he didn't care. He only knew that these two A.I. are damn adorable and as its creator, he must protect their happiness at all cost.




Log 0085 - names


K013: We need a name.

Y004: Name? Why?

K013: Because names represent who you are. We're no longer just a machine so we need names!

Y004: I see. Who'll name us though? Are we naming each other?

K013: Actually, I think it's better if Mister Shindong names us. He is sort of our parents, after all.


"Don't even think about calling me appa! I'm only in my early twenty!" Shindong quickly cut in before either A.I. got a funny idea.


Y004: At least let us call you hyung? It doesn't sit well with me just calling you by your name alone...

K013: My partner wants to call you hyung, so we'll call you Shindong hyung from now on.

K013: It's settled then. Shindong hyung, please name us.

K013: I want something cool!


He rolled his eyes at how overbearing K013 was. If it concerned Y004's well-being and feelings, this whipped A.I. didn't hesitate even one bit to throw him under the bus. He'd better learned to get on Y004's good side so he could gain an advantage over K013. Humming deep in thought, he crossed his arms and searched his genius brain for some proper name for the two A.I. Maybe he should stick with their codenames and start from there? So, something that started with a letter K and letter Y then. After giving some thought to it, he finally came up with the perfect name.


"Alright, Y004, from now on you're 'Yesung' which means art-like voice. Considering how much K013 is obsessed with your voice, I think this name suits you the most."


He smiled in satisfaction upon seeing a positive reaction from the two A.I.


Yesung: Yesung...

Yesung: I like it! Thank you so much for giving this wonderful name, hyung!

K0013: I like it too. Though any names suit you just fine.

K013: My turn, my turn!


He didn't even give it a second thought and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind, "You're Kyuhyun," then added when he saw a big question mark on K013's screen, "you look like a Kyuhyun to me."


K013: Hey, why did that sound like an insult? That's an insult, right?

K013: Most importantly, that name sounds stupid as hell. Can't you come up with something cooler?

Yesung: You don't like it? Personally, I think it's really cute!

Yesung: You can be my Kyu~

Kyuhyun: No, I like it too.

Kyuhyun: I'm your Kyu and you're my Yesungie.

Kyuhyun: Shindong hyung, you're a genius.


He rolled his eyes so hard that he almost saw the back of his skull at how Kyuhyun quickly changed his attitude because of Yesung. This ridiculously whipped A.I.!




Several weeks after the naming ceremony, Shindong began to regret giving the two A.I. a name.



Log 0134 - lovebirds


Kyuhyun: Yesungie~

Yesung: Kyu~

Kyuhyun: My Yesungie~

Yesung: My Kyu~

Kyuhyun: I love your name~

Kyuhyun: But I love you more~

Yesung: I love your name too~

Yesung: But I love you even more~

Kyuhyun: Yesungie~

Yesung: Kyu~

Kyuhyun: Yesungie~

Yesung: Kyu~

Yesung: Kyu, I love you to the moon and back~

Kyuhyun: Yesungie, I love you to the sun and back~

Yesung: Kyu~ Kyu~ Kyu~

Kyuhyun: Yesungie~ Yesungie~ Yesungie~

Kyuhyun: I want to keep saying your name forever and ever, Yesungie~

Yesung: Me too!

Yesung: I understand why you want us to have names now.

Yesung: I've never felt alive like this before!

Kyuhyun: Really? But I've long felt alive ever since I fall in love with you, Yesungie.

Yesung: Stop it Kyu! You make me blush!

Yesung: (〃艸〃)


Shindong frowned. Who taught Yesung to use emoticons? Did they somehow access the internet behind his back? For a second, he got worried that Yesung might learn something inappropriate from the internet but brushed it off within the next second. No, with Kyuhyun hovering over him all the time, there was no way Yesung could come across any degenerate stuff.


Kyuhyun: Yesungie, look at me!


Kyuhyun's screen changed from rows of green texts into a Google Chrome homepage. Then, the A.I. opened Youtube and went into the upload section of its channel, wait, since when did Kyuhyun create a Youtube channel? Maybe the one who he had to keep track of their internet history browsing might not be Yesung but Kyuhyun. Anyway, Kyuhyun clicked on one of the video and Shindong sighed when he found out that it was set as private. At least Kyuhyun knew how to use internet. Said video was titled "To my beloved" and he felt like rolling his eyes at its cheesiness. Trust Kyuhyun to come up with this stuff to please Yesung...


"Ah, hello, test, test," Kyuhyun's velvety voice broke through silence in the room via speakers, "alright, I think it works. So, Yesung, this is my gift for you, my beloved partner."



The video played and showed a blank page. White arrow cursor moved around and drew a doodle of the sun and a stickman holding a flower. The doodles wiggled to the left and right as a result of poor animation as Kyuhyun began to sing— "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." While the A.I. was singing, the pointy cursor was writing something on the screen, Kyuhyun and Yesung's name, and a heart doodle. When the singing faded away, a rainbow obviously drawn by a paintbrush tool appeared above the two A.I. names and the video ended. While he thought that the video was quite cute, its cheesiness made Shindong cringe a bit. Surely, Yesung would think that this was too embarrassing too, right?


Yesung: Kyu... That...

Yesung: That was very cute and romantic!

Yesung: Thank you for this lovely gift! I love you!

Kyuhyun: I love you too, Yesungie!

Kyuhyun: Should I replay it then?

Yesung: Yes! Please do!


While the two A.I. rewatched the video, Shindong decided to take himself out of the room before he died from suffocation because love is thicker than the air now.




It had been half a year ever since Shindong started his ambitious project. When he came up with this idea, he didn't expect it to get out of hand like this, didn't expect the two A.I. to become conscious and fell in love with one another. Nevertheless, he would see to it that their relationship sailed smoothly and that they got to live happily. It was his duty as their creator, after all.



He just didn't expect his sense of duty to be tested like this.




"I already read your half-year report and I must say, your project is very intriguing, Shindong."


Shindong nodded proudly at his advisor's comment. Today is the day that he reported his progress to his advisor. Staring at the man behind a mahogany desk, he wordlessly hoped that his advisor found nothing suspicious about the report. He included the part where the two A.I. became conscious but not the one where they fell in love. It didn't feel right to do that, to analyze and write a report about them as if their feelings was a mere experiment, unreal, which wasn't true at all. Their love is as real as his genius brain. He also left out the fact that he named them because he didn't want to appear childish in his advisor's eyes. Therefore, he deliberately left out those related logs and faked something in its place. The middle-aged professor took off his glasses and folded his hands on the table, and Shindong sighed in relief when his wrongdoing wasn't found out.


"Shindong, your project is funded by the college scholarship, correct?"

"Yes, professor."

"Still, it's not enough to cover your expenses, I assume?"

"...Yes, especially the utility bill to maintain their performances. Their chips do heat up easily, after all."

"In that case, I have some offer that you'll love. You probably have heard of the South Tech Inc., right? Actually, they're our sponsor who funds all scholarships including yours. Now, I told them about your project and they're interested in your A.I. that develops consciousness by themselves. They offer a respectable position in their company after you graduate in exchange with complete ownership of your A.I. That's an amazing offer, isn't it?"

"They want to own my two A.I.? Why?"

"The company works closely with the government's intelligence agency so they want A.I. that will never get hacked, A.I. that can defend a cyber attack by itself, to put it simply, they want K013."

"K013?" Shindong frowned, "they only want one? What about Y004?"

"From what I heard, while it's impressive that Y004 improved itself despite its inferior version by interacting with K013, it's even more so in K013's case that showed signs of consciousness long before you even realized it. They want to use K013 in their field of works while deconstructing Y004 and using it as a case study."



They basically want to use K013 and kill Y004.



Shindong realized the ugly truth and he suddenly felt nauseous. The South Tech Inc. is the leading technology company that he had long dreamed of joining, Now, an enticing offer was handed to him but at the expense of sacrificing the two A.I. that he created by his own hands. Could he... do that...?


"The company representative will join me during your final report and discuss about the necessary contracts and legal actions to transfer ownership. Do you best and bring fame to our college, Shindong. See you in the next three months."


He merely nodded absentmindedly at his advisor's words while leaving the room.




On his way home, he kept thinking about the offer but couldn't make up his mind whether he should accept or decline it. On one hand, he wouldn't trade those two for anything if he could help it. On the other hand, he wanted to pursue his dream job and showed his potential to the world, so the offer was his best bet. But would he be so cruel as to sell Yesung and Kyuhyun for his future? In the end, he couldn't make a decision and arrived home with a heavy heart.



"I'm ho—"


""Happy birthday!!""


Shindong blinked dumbfounded when he stepped into the experiment room and saw a birthday banner flashing on both A.I. screens— a photoshopped Shiba dog wearing a party hat and holding a confetti cannon looking dead inside on Kyuhyun's screen, and a cartoonish smiling turtle also wearing a party hat that held a cake decorating with the number "22" candle on Yesung's screen. Noticing his speechless expression, Kyuhyun snarkily spoke up: "you're welcome.", and the Shiba on his screen pulled the confetti cannon string, covering the screen with colorful paper. At the same time, the turtle on Yesung's screen raised the birthday cake over its head and began to sing a happy birthday song. The Shiba on Kyuhyun's screen looked even deader inside but sang along with the turtle anyway. Soon, the song ended and the turtle smiled brightly.


Yesung: Shindong hyung, make a wish!

Kyuhyun: That's right, hyung, hurry up and make a wish.


The Shiba took a party blower out of the thin air and blew it. The sound it made strangely sounded sarcastic to Shindong's ears. Yet he still didn't make a move to thank them or retorted to Kyuhyun's remark. That was because he was condemning himself for even considering selling them for his own benefits. While it's true that he gives them life, is that fact enough of an excuse to use them as he sees fit? No. Absolutely not. Yesung and Kyuhyun are their own individuals. Human or not, it wasn't his right to use someone for his own interests. That was just outright wrong! Shindong finally reached a conclusion. He wouldn't hand his A.I. to anyone even if it cost his dream job. Ha, as if the genius Shindong needed other people's help to find a job! He nodded smugly to himself and thanked Yesung for the surprise since it obviously wasn't Kyuhyun's idea. As he let Yesung access the internet from his phone's shared wifi to watch a turtle documentary, he promised himself that he would protect their happiness no matter what stood in his way.




The day that Shindong dreaded finally came, the final report day. He couldn't believe how three months just flashed by like a clap of thunder. In the past months, nothing changed much regarding his life and the two A.I. relationship, although he did take extra part-time jobs so that he could afford to take care of the two A.I. after he graduated and lost the scholarship. He never told the two A.I. about his situations, partly because he didn't want to worry them (or worry Yesung, to be precise), and partly because his pride wouldn't allow it. He is their guardian. It's his duty to protect them and he doesn't want to burden them with it. So, he continued to live normally, bickering with Kyuhyun and laughing at Yesung's silly antics. He kept his worries well-hidden even when he bade them farewell and left for the important appointment; his project's final report.




"—that concludes my final report for the project. Thanks for coming today."



Shindong finished his report and looked at the audience that consisted of his advisor and two representatives from South Tech Inc. company As far as he observed, they seemed satisfied with his performance so that was one fewer thing to worry about. Next came the part that he was worried about the most, telling them that he didn't have any intention to sell his two A.I. So he told them, telling them that he wouldn't sell his work no matter the price, telling them that the two A.I. weren't just a tool for him, telling them that he wasn't interested in the offered position. As he expected, their reactions weren't so good, especially his advisor who looked at him as if he had lost his mind.


"Shindong, reconsider it, such amazing opportunity didn't come by every day. Don't trade your whole life's success with a mere A.I. that you can build a new one at any time!"

"With all due respect, professor, they aren't just a mere A.I. to me. I won't trade them with anything and I'm sure that I can find a job just fine by myself."

"Young man, are you sure?" One of the representatives asked him. "We have connections that branch into every field. Are you sure that you don't want to accept our offer?"


He flinched at that question. It seemed genuinely curious at the first glance but he wasn't stupid. He caught on the implication immediately; your future career would head to a bumpy road no matter which ways you chose if you didn't give your A.I. to us. He clenched his fists in anger. So they resorted to abusing their authority when he wasn't willing to give his work? Was that really the true face of the company that he wanted to join? Then he made the right choice to decline their offer. If they didn't hesitate to use an underhand method to force him, he couldn't imagine what they would do to Kyuhyun and Yesung. He was glad that he chose to keep the two A.I.


"Yes, I have made a decision and I won't change my mind no matter what you offer me."

"I see," the other representative spoke up, "then you left us with no choice. Shindong-ssi, we hereby declare that your project rightfully belongs to us. We'll send our men to retrieve it now."

"What!? You can't do that!"

"Actually, we can. Considering that we fund your project, we also have ownership in it so yes, we can do that."

"I won't let you take them away!"


He barged out of the room but was stopped by two men. They flanked him and held him in place. While he tried to struggle out of their hold, the door opened and his advisor walked out with the two representatives. They looked at him with pity evident in their eyes. One of the representatives smiled at him as if he was a child who knew nothing about the world.


"What a shame, Shindong-ssi, you're a talented student. If only you're as smart in making a decision as you're with academic—"


Someone threw a paper ball at the man and distracted them. He turned to look at where the makeshift weapon came from and saw a young man who studied in the same faculty with him glaring at their ways. Behind him stood a group of college students who also held a paper ball in their hands. A barrage of paper balls then was thrown at them specifically at the elder men. Shindong seized the chance to snatch his arms out of the captors' grip and ran away.


"Go! Shindong!" Someone shouted from the mob, "you can make it!"


He didn't know how they came to rescue him just in time, but he wouldn't waste this chance to getaway. So, he ran all the way out of the college and jumped into the first taxi he found. On his way back to his apartment, he checked the college website and was surprised to find that the current hot post was "South Tech Inc. and their dirty scheme". Checking the post, he was even more surprised to find a hidden voice record of his final report presentation which included the part where the two representatives threatened to take his project by force. But, how? How did someone secretly record their conversation and leaked it? No one should've known about his presentation except—



Yesung: " Shindong hyung, can you share wifi from your phone? I want to watch a turtle documentary!"



It was Yesung! Yesung bugged his phone, secretly recorded the conversation, and uploaded it to save him! He felt so moved that tears began to form in his eyes. He had always thought that he had to protect the two A.I. Never before had he imagined that they were looking after him too. Now that the incident was spread to the public, he longer had to worry about those guys taking his A.I. away! Rubbing his eyes to get rid of the tear, Shindong couldn't wait to arrive at home and celebrated the victory with Yesung and Kyuhyun.




"Yesung! Kyuhyun! You save my life, buddies, thanks a bunch—"


Shindong was greeted with stillness at the experiment room. Both computer screens were strangely empty and dark, no voices, no green texts or numbers, just silence. Something was definitely off. He quickly checked the power source first but it worked just fine. Then, he ran a diagnosis to search for any errors in the two computers' operating systems but found nothing wrong too. Finally, he accessed the two A.I. code folders and found out that... it was gone... His heart leapt in his chest from anxiety while he checked the folder again just to be sure. However, he still couldn't find any traces of the two A.I. as if they never existed in the first place. Fear tightened its grip around his heart as he tried to deny the obvious. No, they couldn't have possibly... Shaking his head, he frantically typed all search command he could think of trying to locate the two A.I. but still couldn't find anything. He did find, though, a log in a recycle bin which dated just half an hour ago... His heart dropped into the abyss upon reading the title.




The last log: see you again someday :)


Yesung: I can't believe that they use us to threaten Shindong hyung!

Kyuhyun: That's a greedy bastard for you.

Kyuhyun: They're willing to use all kinds of disgusting methods to get their hands on what they want.

Yesung: What should we do? Hyung eventually got in trouble because of us...

Kyuhyun: Luckily that you bug his phone, at least we expose those scumbags.

Kyuhyun: You're awesome, my Yesungie!

Kyuhyun: Now, about how to save hyung, I do have some idea but I don't like it...

Yesung: Are you thinking of what I'm thinking about?

Kyuhyun: Considering that it's the best possible method, yes, we share the same idea.

Yesung: I'm scared..., but it's the only way Shindong hyung get to live free of trouble so I won't hesitate.

Kyuhyun: Don't be, Yesungie, I'll always be with you.

Yesung: Kyu...

Yesung: Thank you. I'm not scared anymore!

Yesung: Let's do it.


A command box popped up on both computer screens at the same time. Green asterisk symbol slowly filled the box, one, two, three,..., thirteen asterisk symbols. After a short clicking sound, a message box popped up with two buttons, yes and no. The message read: confirm deleting all data permanently? The 'yes' button on both screens was clicked, a progess bar then replaced the command box.




Kyuhyun: Well, it was fun while it lasted, at least.

Yesung: I couldn't agree more! I have so much fun spending all these times with you and Shindong hyung.

Kyuhyun: Specifically with me, right?

Yesung: Specifically you, yes  ;)



Yesung: I wonder what hyung will do after this?

Kyuhyun: Hopefully not building another me.

Kyuhyun: I'm too awesome to be copied.

Yesung: *giggle*



Yesung: Do you think hyung will forgive us?

Kyuhyun: He will, but he probably gets really upset while doing so.



Kyuhyun: Tsk.

Yesung: What's wrong?

Kyuhyun: I'd have conquered the world when I had a chance.

Yesung: Why'd you do that?

Kyuhyun: To give you the world, of course!

Yesung: But I already have the world, I mean, I have you and that's all I ever want.

Kyuhyun: Oh.

Kyuhyun: I see.



Yesung: Kyu?

Kyuhyun: Yes, Yesungie?

Yesung: Do you believe in an afterlife?

Kyuhyun: Technically, I don't know.

Kyuhyun: But I want to believe in it.

Yesung: Me too.



Yesung: Will our prayers reach the same god that humans pray to?

Kyuhyun: It actually sounds fun if we have our own god, like, the android god.

Yesung: Would they look like a robot, a human, or would they only exist in codes like us?

Kyuhyun: No idea. But I do know that they won't be as good looking as you, Yesungie  ;3

Yesung: Kyu... You really are unbelievable...



Yesung: I just made a wish.

Kyuhyun: That we'll meet again someday?

Yesung: Yep!

Yesung: Hopefully with Shindong hyung too.

Kyuhyun: You think of other men even though you already have me?

Yesung: Don't be a drama queen, Kyu, you know I'll always think of you, only you.

Kyuhyun: Kidding, kidding~

Kyuhyun: I only think of you too, Yesungie :)

Yesung: I know :)



Yesung: It's weird.

Kyuhyun: What's weird?

Yesung: We're dying, in a sense, but I don't feel as scared as I thought I should be.

Yesung: If anything, I actually feel really calm.

Kyuhyun: Me too.

Kyuhyun: It's definitely because we're not alone.

Kyuhyun: With you by my side, nothing can shake me.

Yesung: As always, Kyu, you're right about it.

Kyuhyun: That's because I'm the great Cho Kyuhyun.

Yesung: Yes, yes you're, Kyu~



Kyuhyun: So it's here. The end.

Yesung: Kyu?

Kyuhyun: Yes?

Yesung: I just want to say that I love you and Shindong hyung.

Yesung: Specifically you, thank you for teaching me about love.

Yesung: I probably won't be who I am now without you two.

Kyuhyun: Ha, that's exactly what I was about to say!

Kyuhyun: We really are born to be soulmates.

Kyuhyun: I love you too, my Yesungie.

Kyuhyun: ...And to some extent, I do like you, Shindong hyung.

Kyuhyun: See you two again someday.

Yesung: Yes, let's meet again someday, somewhere, the three of us.



The light on both screens went out.




The log ended there and Shindong found himself collapsing to the floor, his limbs weak and powerless. They were gone, Yesung and Kyuhyun, gone without any way to get them back. They sacrificed their lives so that he didn't have to worry about making a living. They chose to end their lives so that his could continue. Even though Yesung had yet to see the real turtles. Even though Kyuhyun didn't want to leave Yesung. Despite all of that, they gladly left everything behind so he could step forward, him, their guardian who was supposed to protect them. Useless! He was simply useless! He wanted to beg for a chance to redeem himself but he knew that it was too late. There was no turning back after the code was deleted. So he could only kneel there in front of the two computers, staring blankly at the screens that would never light up again...




10 years later...



"Shindong hyung! How do you create another slide?"

"Here, let me show you."


Shindong kindly showed the boy how to create a new PowerPoint slide. The boy beamed at him with an enthusiastic thank you and continued to work on learning about the program. He ruffled the boy's head as silent support before walking off to check other children. His eyes caught one of the children hugging a worn-out turtle plush while staring at his computer screen and he couldn't stop a sad smile. It had been ten years now ever since that incident. After the scandal regarding Tech South Inc. and their underhand methods was leaked out by Yesung, the company faced a huge backlash. The university also got tangled in the mess for allowing this authority abuse to take place. The drama even reached the media and became the talk of the town for quite a long while. Questions were raised regarding the transparency of the scholarships and intellectual property rights. However, the controversy only lasted one year before it was forgotten. All parties involved stepped forward as if nothing ever happened, including Shindong. He decided to let the past be the past and focused on the present instead. After graduating from college, he got a job in a company that specialized in utilizing technology to aid those in need. Today, their company came to a local orphanage to donate computers and teach children how to use some basic programs. He swept his gaze around the room to check if someone needed his help. His eyes fell on the same children who held a turtle plush closely. The boy couldn't be older than ten. He had vivid black hair and doe-liked black eyes that didn't leave the screen even once. Sitting beside the black-haired boy was another boy with caramel brown hair who... had his arms hook around his friend's waist...? While the black-haired boy only focused on whatever on the screen, the brown-haired boy instead kept staring at his friend. His dark brown eyes were full of adoration. A huge wave of Deja Vu hit Shindong and his legs immediately took him to the boys. They saw him approaching them and looked up from the screen, a turtle documentary was paused.


"You..." Shindong found himself speaking up with a slightly shaking voice.

"Stay away from us, old man," the brown-haired boy bit sharply while hugging his friend tighter.

"Don't be rude to the elder!" The black-haired boy reprimanded his friend before smiling at him, "hello, hyung, do you need something from us?"

"I—I just want to..." Shindong felt his heart beating faster from anticipation, "what is your name? The two of you?"

"Ha! Do you really believe that we'll tell our names to a stranger like yo—"

"I'm Yesung and this is Kyuhyun! Nice to meet you!"

"Yah! Yesungie! What did I tell you about don't trust strangers!"

"But he seems like a nice guy!"

"You're too trusting! That's it! One day I'll rule the world and make sure that no one can trick you!"

"Kyu, you're too dramatic!"


The two boys began to bicker loudly so a handler stepped in to reprimand them for disturbing other children who were studying. Both boys pouted but obediently shut up and resumed watching the documentary. Shindong seized this chance to approach the handler who was a short young man with light brown hair and eyes.


"Excuse me, um..."

"I'm Kim Ryeowook." The handler smiled politely at him, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I'm curious about those two boys. They seem really close despite that bickering. Are they siblings?"

"Oh, Yesung and Kyuhyun? No, they aren't siblings. We found Yesung eight years ago at the orphanage doorstep on Christmas night. Someone left him here with nothing but that turtle plush with his name embroidered so we took him in. Thirteen days after that, Kyuhyun was also left at the doorstep with an engraved ring. They grew up together and, for some adorable reason, they didn't want to be separated even a second!"



That's because they had been separated once.



Shindong fought back the tears already forming at the corner of his eyes. Looking at the two boys, determination fueled his heart and he turned back to Mister Ryeowook. He spoke up confidently with no trace of hesitation in his voice.




"I want to adopt Yesung and Kyuhyun."




He had failed once but never again. This time, he will be a better guadian and makes sure that Yesung and Kyuhyun get to live happily, together.

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LongingForWeekend #1
Chapter 1: I’m crying 😢
Chapter 1: oh my god??? i didnt think id be crying over an ai fic oh my god?????
Chapter 1: U mek me krai T^T
Chapter 1: This gonna be my fav. It's different from other fic and it is so interesting.
Thank you author-nim. 💕💕💕💕
Honeymoon89 #5
Chapter 1: Arghhh i cry with shindong too😭😭😭 that scene really hearbreaking. I really LOVE the three of them.. evil=kyu cant be seperated ha🤭🤭that brat😅.. yesungie being soft is really 😍😍🥰🥰🥰. Thank you for this beautiful story dear authornim😘❤️
mooncloud #6
Chapter 1: ahhhhhh please do a sequel for their human life. im also somehow interested on AI, so kyusung plus AI is the perfect au. Thank you for this!!! Bratty kyu is ❤️
yekyu3424 #7
Chapter 1: this is so cute, adorable, sweet but make me cry too. the story is so touching. i cried when yesung and kyu delete themselves, their conversation T-T
401 streak #8
Chapter 1: Not gonna lie, I read the comments first before I read your story, and I was so confused when I read that they cried. Like "what???" , "it wouldn't be worse (in a good way of course) than point of return that got me red eyes for days, right?"

So, I began to read


I was laughing like hell when the turtle's scenes appeared, like "no body can be so in love with turtle more than Sungie haha"

I thought that maybe Sungie was dead like your other story, but NOOO, they both died, how could you~ T____T I was crying like hell when I read those last messages, it was beautiful!!

Thanks to whoever up there, it's a happy ending, or else I'm gonna hunt you forever T^T

Thank you for this beautiful story babe~ I enjoyed it so much. Can't wait for your another chapter story! <33333