15 (final)

Simply, yours.
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----EDIT ABOUT THE VOTE: I should have explained myself better sorry >< many people want both prequel and sequel and there will be both eventually! But I won't be writing them at the same time so I wanted you guys to decide which one you would like to read first ❤️ Sorry for the confusion and no need to worry! Thank you so much for the immense support 🥰




It hadn't been that long since the apartment became quiet. Quiet as in: no sounds, no movements, only the faraway buzz of a busy street behind the closed windows. The kind of quietness in which the loudest sound was breathing. To be frank, you already forgot how silence sounded like, how it made you feel.

It’s been exactly 30 minutes since the triplets started to cry. Over time, their wails grew desperate and throaty. They were most probably hurting their throats but you really couldn’t care at that moment. As much as you loved them and cared for them, you tended to them just over forty minutes ago which meant you only got ten minutes of pure silence and peace overall. This kind of wailing? There was no help and you knew it. You could rock them in your arms, talk to them, play with them, give them toys - they would wail even more.

You laid on your other side, your back now facing them as you closed your eyes, letting the tears escape. You were tired. So, so tired. You couldn’t even roll over and tend to them, already running low on energy and mental drainage.

It had been a few days since you completely lost appetite, your stomach hurting almost non-stop. Despite taking pain killers, it would hardly go away. But you decided that this shouldn’t  and wouldn’t become a big deal. It couldn’t. There had been so much happening in your life - like for instance, you knew you had to make up for Baekhyun’s birthday that you completely missed out on because you were in the hospital. Another important fact you absolutely had to make sure was smooth, was making his life a little easier since his final thesis defense for PhD title was basically happening in a few weeks. There was so much stuff happening for him, and yet you were the one overwhelmed. It was easy to say that the pressure was on.

The change of the light in the bedroom was the only indicator of how much time had passed since the ruckus had started. The cries didn’t stop and it only intensified your own cries.

Just how long until things would get better? And what exactly was the definition of better for you? The kids ceasing to cry and demand you? Things sorting out by themselves? You changing overnight and getting out of your small depression? Making Baekhyun happy?

You cried even more when you thought about him. Your fiancée. Who worked so hard for you, understood you and helped you. And what were you doing in return? You couldn’t even get out of bed to tend to your children.

Suddenly, through the cries, there was a voice calling out your name, followed by a frantic: “What is happening here?” You frowned, quickly tapping on your wet cheeks to hide the stains meanwhile also on alert, given the voice was in panic.

Baekhyun appeared in the doorway of the bedroom and it seemed like he rushed, his hair disheveled, his breathing frantic and loud. His phone was next to his ear but when he spotted you and then the babies, his hand fell next to his side.


“What the hell? I’ve been calling you thousands of times! The neighbors called me because the babies have been crying since lunchtime and were worried something happened because you wouldn’t answer the door!” He made three steps towards your children and kneeled down, shushing them quickly while he kept running his eyes over you, making sure you were alright.

You sat up, the headache from crying growing into a dull ache. “I was just too tired, Baekhyun, there is nothing happening. Everything’s alright,” you said in a hoarse, low tone.

He frowned worriedly and looked at the babies that wouldn’t stop crying. “Ahh, shh, it’s okay, daddy’s here. I’ll take care of you.” He picked up Juna and placed her in his lap while Junhee and Jun were in his arms, their cries gradually ceasing until they became just whimpers.  “It’s okay, daddy’s here, hm? No need to cry, little ones.”

You were lying on your back now, also listening in on Baekhyun’s cooing and shushed voice while you were fighting hard to suppress the tears. His voice was now the biggest consolation you could ever ask for, but deep inside you knew you screwed up big time for letting the babies cry for so long and therefore alarming not only your neighbors but your fiancée too. For now though, you only wanted to rest. Just for a moment. Just a little bit.

Baekhyun, although being preoccupied with triplets, noticed your face right away. You being tired and worn-out was nothing new to him but seeing your face being red and swollen from crying was a first in a while. Of course he knew it wasn’t easy for you. If anything, you had it the hardest out of the two of you. He was lucky that the babies stopped crying now but many times they would stop crying only after being with you and receiving food from you. As much as he had the role of a father, he couldn’t cover all the requirements that you had to tend to without questions or complaints. You, as a mother, had no choice.

“Now that you’re all quiet, let’s leave mummy to rest, hm?” he whispered lovingly, placing them all on the bed and wanting to prepare their little blankets outside where he would take them, but your quiet voice stopped him.

“Don’t leave.”

Baekhyun cleaned the babies’ faces with a tissue, gently running it over their soft skin until he was sure nothing could irritate them. After that he stood up and walked over to your lying figure before kneeling down and having a good look at you. “Are you hurting?” he asked quietly, running his hand over your middle that was hidden under the blanket.

“No,” you whispered, feeling your throat closing off.

Your fiancée was quiet for a moment before sighing and lying down next to you. “Then what’s wrong? You really scared me,” he added, wanting you to understand that he wasn’t necessarily mad but rather worried and anxious about your well-being. The idea of something happening to you while he wasn't there scared him.

You had yet to meet his eyes. You were looking at his sports shirt, him most probably not changing from his work-out uniform and just straight up rushing home. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just tired and I fed them already but they wouldn’t stop crying.”

“Babe,” he sighed again, though there was an affectionate gaze in his eyes. He reached his hand out, brushing the sticking hair aside. “I can tell something is off. You need to talk to me.”

“It’s fine, really.”

Carefree baby gurgles were coming from behind your back now, a rather overwhelming change compared to the wailing happening minutes ago, at which Baekhyun’s lips stretched into a small, soft smile. He didn't know that these kinds of sounds, his babies' carefree, exploratory sounds, were something that he was missing in his life until that moment. “I know it’s hard. But now I am here. It’s okay. We are in this together, remember?”

His hand wandered from your hairline down to your cheek where he caressed you with the back of his fingers and let them slide down your neck and shoulder where he started drawing small but very much comforting circles. “C'mon, come a bit closer,” he ushered you in a hushed voice and you automatically moved, scurrying until your face could get lost in his chest and his arms would take you in. This way he could watch out for the triplets and for you too at the same time. 

He would protect you.

Unfortunately, there was one thing Baekhyun couldn’t protect you from for sure. And that was yourself.


Before letting yourself fall asleep, you fed each of your little ones, and with Baekhyun’s help, you changed their nappies and clothes for them to be fresh and clean. While you stood up to take a hot shower right away, Baekhyun stayed to give Juna, Junhee and Jun as much love as he could provide. Their huge, curious eyes would look at their father before gently stretching to small half-moons, and giggling when Baekhyun tickled their bellies or blew raspberries. As much as he couldn’t wait to play with them in his arms, they were still just a couple of weeks old and couldn’t do anything around them.

He made sure to always double-check Jun, the most fragile one out of them. Even though he was a giggly baby, he tended to sleep the most and become the weakest the fastest. “I won’t let anything happen to you, ever,” he murmured while rocking Jun in his arms and awaiting your arrival from the shower.

You, on the other hand, made sure to cry out all of your self-doubts, worries, anxiety and depressing thoughts while under the running water. The post-partum depression wasn’t anything new to you; you were well aware this would happen. But you didn’t think it would last this long and that it would be this hard. Surely, having one child was taxing for a mother but you genuinely felt lost with triplets. It was a vicious, unstoppable circle and if you wouldn’t find a solution on how to tend to them effectively without ruining yourself, you could end up in a very bad place.

So you wrapped yourself up in a towel and left the bathroom with a weak, but nonetheless present determination. You wouldn’t let your family down; because that was what you were now as you quietly watched Baekhyun playing with your newborns. You were all a family. Your marital status said nothing about you and Baekhyun because you were already connected on a much deeper, unbreakable level.

Baekhyun looked up just in time to catch a gentle smile on your lips and he felt an instant relief. Giving one last caress to Juna, he stood up and walked over to you, his hand sliding over your waist to bring you closer to his body. “Feeling better?” he asked quietly, gazing into your eyes with affection.

You nodded. “Much better. Everything is better when you’re there,” you mumbled, looking down on his chest.

“Sweetheart,” he sighed and with his other hand tilted your chin so you would look at him. “You’re doing amazing. Don’t ever doubt yourself. It’s damn hard. But you keep surprising me and leaving me astonished every single time. I already told you - you’re my hero. A wonder woman.”

You let out a small, doubtful laugh. “What are you saying...”

“It’s true,” he insisted passionately and that only made you giggle more. “And I love you.”

Your laugh stopped and your smile slowly disappeared while looking into his now serious orbs. Finally, your hand touched his cheek and he leaned into it. “I love you, too, honey. I’m sorry for making you worried.”

He shook his head gently and pressed his lips to yours in an innocent kiss. “It’s alright. I know it won’t happen next time, right?” He gave you a pointed look. “Mummy won’t make daddy worry like that, am I correct?”

You nodded. “Correct.”

“Then it’s fine,” he smiled and gave your backside a gentle tap. “Now change up. I don’t want my fiancée to catch a cold.” He stepped away from you and was about to go take a shower when he added: “And you’re distracting in that towel.”


The next morning you were both enjoying the unusual quietness, sleeping in and snuggling into each other more. No longer having the pregnancy fever that would make you leave Baekhyun’s embrace in the night, you buried your nose deeper into the crook between his neck and shoulder and you felt his lips puckering against your forehead in a lazy morning kiss as a way to greet you. You hummed, breathing a reciprocating kiss on his neck which made him chuckle in his deep, morning voice that always made your heart skip a beat. His hands were connected on your lower back while you were resting your knee on his thigh, trying to eliminate as much space as possible. 

The warmth you were sharing under the blanket was so cozy it was bringing you into a state of peacefulness you haven't experienced in a while. Baekhyun was the same and it only proved when he let his hands rest under your shirt, his fingers drawing comforting, though ticklish circles in the dimples on your lower back. You let out a breathy laugh and he followed, quiet not to disturb the peace. Pressing another kiss to your temple, he sighed in content, his eyes still closed.

After half an hour and the first baby up, you were sitting by the small dining table, feeding Jun while Baekhyun was preparing some breakfast and morning tea. Since you didn’t want to drink coffee, worried the caffeine would affect your feeding, he decided to join you and consume the same drinks and food as you. You were, indeed, together in this.

“What are we going to do with that envelope, honey?” you asked, checking your fiancée’s broad back as he was putting some seaweed on the top of the porridge.

“Accept it,” was his reply as he grabbed both bowls and walked over to the table, putting one in front of you and one in front of him, joining you as he sat down on the floor. “After all the inconveniences you think there is still space to refuse?”

You thought over his words. “It’s a lot of money.”

“And you aren’t getting a job any time soon. Plus, he kicked you out while you could easily still work for him,” he reasoned while mixing his porridge. “Accept it.”

How easy, you thought, accept the money and enjoy it. But the amount was big and it was scary for you.

“Oh, this reminds me!” Baekhyun quickly stood up and rushed over to his sports bag, searching for something inside. He trudged back with an open envelope in his hand. He took out the paper for you and handed it to you before sitting down and resuming his mixing. “From the government.”

You fumbled with the paper and quickly ran over the lengthy letter. Rocking Jun gently in your arms, it was like a second nature by now even while reading shocking news like the one you just found out.

“Baek- is this for real?” you gasped and looked at him, his cheeks full of porridge as he smiled and nodded.


As a thank you for bringing three kids to the society, the government was giving you a family apartment.

“We are to see the house tomorrow,” smiled Baekhyun once he swallowed and gave you a loving look when Jun finished feeding and you adjusted your shirt. “So I’d say, it’s a very good start.”

Still in shock, you brought Jun’s head to your shoulder and patted his back gently, waiting for the burp he needed. “I can’t believe it. It’s too good to be true.”

“I told you the government has some rewards, sweetheart. No need to worry. It seems like we will be moving soon.”

You stared at him, a small smile stretching into a full-blown one, and Baekhyun felt himself being over the moon.


The next day you found yourself in front of a sturdy, good-quality entrance door. You had Jun in the baby carrier on your chest, while Baekhyun had Juna and Junhee with him, one in front and the latter on his back. He looked so adorable yet incredibly attractive with his daughters, gently rocking them to keep them entertained although he couldn’t see Junhee in the back. A young father, who was too immersed in the situation to even notice how you were throwing him subtle, but appreciative glances. Who would have thought Baekhyun looked enticing with babies? Blushing, you gently shook your head, ridding yourself of intrusive thoughts.

Instead, over the past couple of days, you were thinking hard whether to bring the triplets along since it wasn’t easy to move in the busy city with newborns but you decided to use the taxi; plus the government workers who seemed present could witness with their own eyes that you really had the kids; that it was not a joke.

There were two ladies present: one from the city hall and the other one was from real estates. Both of them gave you a look of respect before actually looking at the babies who were thankfully in a good mood today.

“So this would be the apartment,” announced the real estate lady as she let all of you in, giving you space to take off your shoes before entering the wide space. There was a dark corridor that led to a joint space of kitchen and living room, the two combined were as big as your current home. So spacious.

You couldn’t hold in a silent gasp as you looked around. The kitchen’s counter was made of marble and was combined with dark wood. There was so much space for cooking and storage and still plenty of space for having kids running around freely.

Checking the living room, you found yourself facing a wide window that stretched from floor to ceiling, offering a look of the quiet neighborhood, and in the background the tall buildings of Seoul. It was an apartment you wouldn't even dare to dream about.

“Wow,” muttered Baekhyun as he stood next to you, still rocking the babies up and down. He was cradling Juna’s head gently as she was about to fall asleep. “This is amazing.”

“Too amazing,” you added.

“As you could see downstairs, the building offers a 24/7 security guard, an underground parking lot and advanced security system. This is a family neighborhood, so the outside park is also guarded by CCTV and there are plenty of playgrounds!” informed the real estate agent kindly, giving a gentle smile when she saw Baekhyun checking Juna in his arms. “The building’s construction was finished early this year, so this apartment is brand new. Of course, the little community here is already growing so I have no doubts once the kiddie winkles grow up they will have plenty of friends to find and play with.”

“This is the highest standard apartment we offer to families with multiplets,” added the government worker more strictly. She seemed the reserved one, for obvious reasons, but it seemed that the look of your fiancée with his baby girls could melt even her reluctant heart as her eyes softened at the sight of him. “You should check the rest of the rooms - there is one master bedroom with its private bathroom and there is another smaller one at the entrance we just passed. There are two more empty rooms,” she said and gave you a small smile. “So, of course, not each of your little ones can have a room by themselves-“

“There is no need for that,” you chimed in politely, earning yourself everyone’s attention and you tried not to become embarrassed. Baekhyun stood closer to you and with his free hand caressed your back. “I mean, this is already a huge help to us. I think we would like our kids to share the space so they can learn how to live with each other and become close. Sharing is important, especially where we come from, so it would be a good way to teach them that,” you hesitated before you looked up to Baekhyun’s kind eyes for confirmation. “Right?”

He nodded and looked at the two ladies. “That’s absolutely right. This is already more than we could ever ask for.”

After quickly checking the rest of the apartment, you realized the lightness of your steps, the apartment being too good to be true. As much as you tried not to do it, you found yourself imagining the life you would start here with Baekhyun and the triplets. You’d have everything you need. You could even have people over because there was enough space for that!

“So, I take it you like the apartment?” asked the real estate agent once you all grouped in the kitchen.

“We love it,” you exclaimed with excitement.

The government worker placed some documents and a pen on the marble counter. “In our system, there was no data about your marriage,” she said in her official tone that made you instantly feel uneasy. “If you could provide us with your marriage certificate, we could make the necessary transactions and you could move in basically right away.”

Silence fell over the place, only the small baby gurgles coming from Junhee, the only one awake now interrupting the otherwise tense moment. You looked at Baekhyun who was quick to reply: “You know, the deal is we aren’t married yet. We are engaged. You know, with the pregnancy and the expenses going for the baby care...” he trailed off, giving a small smile.

Feeling your throat going dry, you quickly looked down at your baby boy, the look of him more calming than the situation you found yourself in. It wasn’t hard for you to put two and two together. They wouldn’t give you the apartment unless you were married. And with that you felt all the elevated feelings dissipate.

“I understand,” was the government worker’s reply. “So you aren’t married. But, Mr Byun, you are the father of the kids, correct?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Any proof of your engagement?” she asked, looking at you now.

Quickly, you raised your left hand, showing the only jewelry you wore even though you shouldn’t while with the babies. Even though not a solid, official proof, it would have to do for now. “This is the engagement ring from my fiancée,” you said and kept checking the lady’s facial expressions.

“I proposed after we came back from the hospital. As you know, we don’t have many resources to make our wedding possible, but we will register the marriage as soon as possible,” explained Baekhyun who was now holding your hand, your knuckles gently with his thumb in order to calm you down. He could pick up the small panic and worry in your eyes but he would not let this opportunity slip away from you. Being honest with the government worker was what he decided to do. He would have to trust she would be kind enough to understand your situation.

The lady gave a curt nod, thinking over what Baekhyun said. You saw her watching your hands connected and then the peaceful babies. She saw you and your tired face and simple clothes. Nothing extraordinary, nothing that would shine and grab her attention. 

In a way, you were thankful she wasn’t showing her judgments with you having kids without marriage. It was tough to break through in the society you lived in; people didn’t like things that were against the rules. They saw you as two young people that had way too much fun in the bedroom which resulted in an obvious mistake in form of three human beings. That wasn’t the case though. Triplets and being with Baekhyun was anything but a mistake.

“Okay, this is what we are going to do,” she proposed after a while of silence. “Since I am the one handling your papers, I will trust you that you will register your marriage as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I will ask for birth certificates that prove Mr Byun is the father of the triplets. That way I can hand you the apartment without delaying you and you can move in quickly to start a more comfortable life,” she gave you a smile and you let out a small gasp.

“You would do that?” you asked and felt your own lips stretch. “Thank you very much!”

Baekhyun’s grin was wide and he brought the hand that was holding yours up to his lips, kissing you there. “Thank you. In fact, I had a hunch this would occur so I prepared the necessary copies already. I can hand them to you right now.”

You were surprised at his words. Baekhyun knew the apartment could be taken away from you? How was he always so well prepared?

“Great,” replied the lady and pointed at the documents that you now had a good look at. Contracts for the apartment. “Then we can proceed with signing the necessary papers and you can move in!”


It felt almost unreal; the promise of a new, very comfortable home. 

Hands tangling in the air, you kept a strong hold of your fiancée’s hand as you walked towards your current home. With all three kids now sleeping in the carriers, you were looking forward to having a little time to yourselves.

“Let’s sit on the bench for a little bit, hmm?” you suggested as you walked by the closest park. “It’s so nice outside and I want to enjoy some air.”

Baekhyun was fast to agree, happy to hear you in a cheerful voice.

Once sitting down, you sat as close to him as possible, resting your head on his shoulder although he didn't lean back to rest, since Junhee was sleeping there. 

“Are you satisfied?” asked Baekhyun quietly, breaking the comfortable silence. Despite the newborns not being crybabies unlike the both of you were so worried about, it was still a blessing to catch a breath when they were peacefully asleep.

You turned your head gently and pressed a kiss to his clothed shoulder which made him smile. “Yes, very much. Thank you for taking care of everything. Thank you for thinking two steps ahead and going prepared.”

He let out a gentle laugh and you felt his arm drape over your lower back, gently bringing you closer while he gazed at his son on your chest. “That is only natural, baby.”

The endearment made you smile and you lifted your head. He blinked a few times at you in an attempt to make you giggle but he was surprised when you pressed your lips to his. Closing his eyes, he returned the kiss, making sure neither of you would go overboard and be loud.

“Love you,” you whispered, barely an inch from his lips before claiming them again. His hum of satisfaction made you feel proud, accomplished and the squeeze on your hip made you sigh in content.

“Love you, too, princess.” A breathy whisper. “Can we take this home,” muttered Baekhyun suggestively, charmed by you, when the both of you broke apart, and he kissed your cheek lovingly, eventually pressing his cheek to yours, closing his eyes. “While we have privacy for each other.”

His words made your heart skip an excited beat. Surely, you two didn't and definitely wouldn't have any private, intimate time in near future like you used to have before. But for some reason, the idea of becoming intimate with him again after pregnancy gave you a slight anxiety. You had flashbacks of how ugly and scarred you must have looked down there after the stitches. And just the idea of sleeping with him was scaring you in that moment.

He pulled away when he didn't hear an answer from you, and he took notice of the slight blush and conflicted gaze. He brought his hand to your face and caressed your cheek before pressing his lips to your forehead. “Never mind that. I wasn't thinking straight,” he whispered reassuringly, “I can r

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Daron128 #1
Reading again, love it❤️
42 streak #2
Chapter 18: Really enjoyed reading this whole story from beginning till end. Loved it so so much authornim. Really worth reading. So soft, lovely perfect and so dreamy...I was stressed but the whole journey during my read it totally took my whole stressful mind. Really enjoyed my times. I couldn't stop smiling, cooing, swooning and also laughing at certain point. It's just too lovely. Loved the way both of them face ups and downs together and stayed by each other's side. Also loved the way they both love, care, trust, support and understand each other the whole time..it was really awesome and informative too...at propose scene, I couldn't stop crying...I'm in love with this lovely couple and of course this story. Feeling too contented.. so excited to read sequel..thank you so much authornim for writing such an amazing abd incredible story. One of the best story... really a must read story..highly recommended...:) <3
Chapter 18: Lovely story!
Chapter 1: Coming back here to reread this beautiful story ❤️
Chapter 16: I actually kinda uninterested with pregnancyau story, but seriously this one is fluffy and sweet without being too cringey. Good job dear! What a lovely story :)
Chapter 17: What a cute read. Seriously I love how Baekhyun is so patient and gentle with his wife. He never stops assuring how great she is. So cute. I think you’re great at writing romance that makes the readers have butterflies
Chapter 18: Wondering why I didn't find this beautiful story earlier! I finished the entire chapters in one day though! Good job, authornim!
Chapter 18: I read it well, from chapter 1 till last chapter
Thank you for the story :)
I actually wish y/n has a made up name though
Easier that way for me :)
Chapter 14: Your writings are sooo beautiful! Like I love how you build the oc's and baek's character. Their love is strong and their relationship is just Gold. Indeed a relationship goals! Not to mention her obstetrician tho I love the aura she radiates *sobs*