Feels Like This

Feels Like This
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“What?” Wonyoung knows that Yujin has been acting strange lately. From suddenly attacking her with hugs and kisses, to having constant reassurance that she is loved by her, and to getting dramatic when Wonyoung decides to ignore her antics. Wonyoung is aware of every side Yujin has, the playful side, the serious one, the clingy one, and this side has never seen the sunlight before. It’s not that she’s complaining, it’s just that she finds it rather really cute that even though they are already on their 4th year of being together, she can still find something new to love with her lover. However, it also means finding something new to hate, because waking someone up at 4am is just not it. “I still want to sleep.”


The younger felt that a part of the bed plumped down. She was sleeping ever so soundly and peacefully since it’s a weekend and they were cuddling before going to bed (like they always do), and then proceeding to dream of good things, until she was awoken to some kisses on her face. On normal occasions, she would think that it was a sweet gesture and that she doesn’t mind waking up like that. She even used to dream that when it happens, it’ll be followed with some breakfast in bed. Just like in every cliché story that has ever written. Every person loves that, who wouldn’t love that but, as she painfully and slowly opened her eyes to check the time on the clock that sits at their nightstand, she realizes that it’s still early to be withdrawn from her sweet sleep, making the older only gain some groans, whines, and some hits with a pillow from the younger.


Craving for some more time spent inside her dreamland, she turned her back away from where Yujin was seated and tightly hugged her pillow. Wonyoung feels a lot better now that she’s not facing Yujin for she knows that she is temporarily saved from the kiss attacks, and she’ll also have a chance to continue her disturbed dream where she was happily eating an ice cream bought by Yujin.


As Wonyoung was about to fall asleep again, she felt an arm draped around her and this time, she is completely aware of the heat that she can feel against her back. She still has her eyes closed no matter what, even though she can already feel Yujin’s breath against her ear and her thumping heart growing louder as every second passes by.


“Wake up, Wonyoungie.” The subtle whisper of Yujin is enough to send goose bumps to every inch of Wonyoung’s body. She can feel warm breathe that smelled of peppermint hit her face. Moments after, she felt lips against her forehead, followed by a kiss on the nose, and then she felt lips against her own. It was light and slow, just enough for Wonyoung to fully stir awake as soon as Yujin pulls back. And as Wonyoung flutters her eyes open, she was greeted by a sweet smile from her lover. A triumphant gaze with a hint of playfulness was evident on Yujin’s eyes. “Good morning.”


Wonyoung takes back whatever she said, it really is sweet and she doesn’t mind now to wake up like this. “Good morning.” She greeted with a faint smile on her face. On most days, it was Wonyoung who wakes the older up. It’s rare for Yujin to wake up earlier than her and it only happens when the younger is really tired or if Yujin is excited for something. “Why are you up so early?” And Wonyoung hopes that it’s relevant and necessary for her to be awake at such early time too.


Yujin properly sat and brightly smiled. “I wanted to catch the sunrise with you.”


Wonyoung lightly laughed, “Gosh, Yujin. You make me go crazy.” It really is random but she doesn’t mind. She thinks that Yujin could have probably been planning about this or maybe the older is acting on a whim. Whatever it might be, Wonyoung likes the idea. “Let’s go?” As soon as Wonyoung said that, Yujin’s bright smile changed into a look of confusion.


“Go where?” Yujin didn’t think that far of going somewhere just to catch the sunrise. All she wanted was to spend time with her lover more on such a wonderful day, and she wanted to start it by watching the sunrise together. Knowing that they’re both busy on their line of work, it’s difficult to set proper dates and that’s why they count even the most simplest of things as a date.


“I don’t know.” Wonyoung furrowed her eyebrows. Maybe she expected something more. Well, maybe she did. Maybe it was her reading tons of fiction and watching a lot of sappy romantic movies made her a hopeless romantic. She knows that she shouldn’t expect anything like those in the movies but this is Yujin. Yujin has the tendency to be as dreamy, if not, even more than those characters. And Yujin is better since she’s alive, breathing, and warm, and those characters only exist in her imagination. But truth be told, she preferably wanted to watch the sunrise at a mountain, holding hands with her significant other. It would probably be nice to do that someday.


Yujin pouted. “We’ll just watch it on our balcony.” Yujin caught Wonyoung’s face fell down from the excited one. She just knows that Wonyoung could be thinking of something grandeur just to see the sunrise. Maybe she’ll make the brunette’s wish come true some other time, when they’re not that bombarded by paper works in their line of work. Yujin works as a prosecutor and Wonyoung manages her family’s business as the heir. Yujin knows that handling a business is hard and that’s why when she’s not that busy, she visits Wonyoung on their building just to grab lunch together and then she’ll return back to her office. “I bet it’ll be just as great as watching it from whatever it is you’re thinking.”


Wonyoung felt embarrassed. She knows just how easy it is for Yujin to read her expressions very well. It’s almost as if nothing could ever pass by Yujin. What else should she expect, her girlfriend is a prosecutor and Yujin has spider senses when it comes to someone lying, not to mention, knows a lot about psychology and body language. “Anywhere as long as it’s with you is already great.” Wonyoung confidently said. As soon as she said that, her stomach grumbled. They both laughed heartily since it reminded them that they still weren’t eating anything for the day.


Yujin stood up and went to the door. “What do you want to eat?” Considering their cupboard and the way her lover is careful about her intake, there are only two possible answers; bread or cereals. 


“Cereals, please.” Wonyoung answered. 


Yujin smiled and opened the door. “Let’s eat it at the balcony.” Wonyoung nodded as a response. And with that, Yujin went on to prepare their breakfast while Wonyoung momentarily sat there alone with her thoughts.


It still feels surreal to Wonyoung. Even though they are already together for years, sometimes she’s still shocked that she’s dating the Ahn Yujin. She’s the youngest prosecutor to be awarded prosecutor of the year and being able to date her is definitely a feat everyone could probably want, and here she is living everyone’s dream. And that’s why when the news broke out that the heiress of the Jang Company and the young prosecutor was dating, it spread like wildfire. 


Not that she cares anyway, she’s used to being the talk of the society from her dating rumors with baseless evidences, to Wonyoung taking her father’s position, she’s used to being the highlight of the news. However, that’s not the case anymore because she’s now with Yujin. She’s aware of how Yujin values privacy and that’s why she pulled some strings just for the articles to be deleted and for it to die down quickly.


Wonyoung has seen Yujin in action at the court one time, and she was amazed that someone as cool and intelligent like Yujin loves her. She certainly did not waste time back then to take in details, like how the prosecutor robe looks so damn good on her girlfriend, how Yujin laid down the evidences and asked questions from the person at the witness stand, and how the arguments from both side was also intense. Both made sense, however, Yujin’s evidences were rock hard and stone cold facts. Making the accused found guilty as said by the judge. 


She misses watching Yujin at court; however her work doesn’t make it possible for her. Being the heir doesn’t only mean power, it also meant responsibility. She’s fully aware of it and does not take it for granted since she has been preparing all her life just to take over their company.


Wonyoung decided to prepare as she stood up and headed straight to their bathroom. She took her toothbrush and put toothpaste on top of it. While she’s brushing, her mind reverts back to how she finds it really cute with how Yujin on the court is different with the Yujin she knows. It’s a different kind of serious, the kind that would display just how passionate Yujin is with her work. The younger has never seen anyone with such passion before until she met Yujin. Most people just do something halfheartedly as if it’s not what they want, but with Yujin, it’s like her life is also on the line. However, Yujin is just simply doing her job too. And that’s to properly prosecute those who did wrong and give justice to those who were wronged. That’s Yujin’s motto. 


As she finished brushing, she headed straight to their balcony. It’s to the east of their room, the reason why sometimes she wakes up early even though sometimes she wants to sleep in. The glow of the sun is easily seen on their room and she’s easily awakened like that, but thanks to those who created blinders since they’re using that yet there are still times when the blinders are in no match with the rays of the sun. 


As soon as she stepped out, she immediately regrets that she’s just wearing an oversized shirt and shorts on because it’s unbelievably cold outside. She can see dews formed on their railings and on the window, not to mention also some on the plant they placed outside.


Their balcony is just big enough to have a wooden table and chairs good for two people. The rails are in the form of glass. It overlooks the neighborhood that they are in. It’s already on the sub-urban, far away from the busy and restless streets of the city, but they can still hear the sound of airplanes landing and taking flight, and the lights of the city visible from where they are. They live on an executive village where most of the people are prosecutors, judges, business people, engineers, and such. There are still some empty lots, waiting to be utilized as homes for other people, and they also have neighbors nearby but there are only a few of them at their street. It did cost them a few millions just to purchase the house but it was worth it. 


From the overall design, feel, architecture, and place, it was all perfect. It was as if the house was made exactly for them. Their home is a 2-storey lot with modern architecture, has a garage lot for 3 cars, and a swimming pool, and not to mention, spacious. It’s first floor having the living room, kitchen, guest room, a dirty kitchen outside, a restroom, and their wash room. The second floor consists of 2 bed rooms, a restroom, and the master’s bedroom. The master’s bedroom is a lot special since it’s the only one that has its own restroom with a bathtub inside of it and a walk in closet. This is their dream house where they can see little Yujin and little Wonyoung run around; this is where they want to build their own family. This is their home.


Wonyoung looked at the sky and the former dark shade of blue turned a shade lighter. She can already see some people jogging around their neighborhood even though it’s still dark and cold outside. All the ranting and complaining moments ago was already changed. Seeing the neighborhood at this hour is beautiful.


Yujin had no problems bringing the tray back upstairs. She’s used to this since sometimes when they’re both feeling lazy to go down; she’s always the one who’ll bring food to their room. As she went back, she saw Wonyoung already at the balcony with its sliding door slightly open. With the use of her feet and her ’s coordination, she slid the door with no trouble and placed the tray on the table, making her presence known to her lover. “Here it is.”


Wonyoung looked at Yujin as she took her seat and placed it beside her, making them both look at the same direction were the sun is about to rise. The tray indeed featured their cereals and two hot cups, evident from the steam coming from it. Yujin took a cup and place it near Wonyoung. “This one is yours.” The older grabbed the other one and took a sip from it. “And this is mine.” Yujin knows that they both like coffee especially during hectic weekdays, but with times like this, Yujin opted to go for hot chocolate for them both since they certainly don’t need caffeine right now in their body.


As they eat their cereals in peace, Wonyoung wondered about the sudden act that Yujin just pulled out. “Why did you suddenly want to watch the sunrise?” Wonyoung innocently asked. She only wants to know the reason why the older is like this. Although she admits that it’s such a sweet thing to watch it together but she will not say it out loud.


Yujin furrowed her eyebrows while looking at the person beside her. She was still chewing when Wonyoung asked, and she took her time to swallow her food and then held Wonyoung’s free hand that rested on the table. “I just wanted a reason to be with you.” Yujin smiled brightly, on par to that of the sun. Wonyoung felt the butterflies again and Yujin never fails to make her heart flutter in just simple things like this.


“We’re together at night and in the morning but it’s still not enough for me. I just wanted to spend more time with you today.” Yujin confessed. And it’s true. There are just times when she wants to be selfish and keep her lover all to herself for the whole day, without them getting disturbed by any phone calls or anything related to their work. Since after this weekend, she knows that it’ll be another busy week at work and this peaceful rest day for the both of them rarely happens.


Wonyoung wore a faint smile on her face, appreciating Yujin’s efforts. “You sure know how to make me fall for you all over again.”  As Wonyoung said that, she felt the first ray of the sun hit her face. She looked at their hands and back to Yujin again. She caught the older still staring at her with such soft and loving eyes, every gaze emitting the gentleness and affection that Yujin has for the younger.


Yujin used to dislike romantic movies and all of those things. They weren’t that realistic to her. They’re just simply figments of our imagination, used to fuel the minds of the people seeking for some kind of comfort. Most of the time, when the most cliché of things happen in the movies, she cringes like hell. From the first kisses, to an amusement park date, to making an over-the-top romantic gestures, to catching a plane or a train just to express what the characters feel, it’s all embarrassing for her. Even falling in love at first sight is something she doesn’t believe in. 


She believes that falling in love takes time. It’s not supposed to be rushed. You patiently and slowly get to learn about the person in the process of falling in love. That is why she rejects people when they say that they’re already in love with her even though it’s just their first meeting, because that is not love. Maybe they just liked her face or her wit, it’s almost impossible to find someone who can love her for who she was, for who she is, and for she will be.


But she also wanted to feel what falling in love is like. She wanted to feel the falls and the rises, the highs and the downs of being in love with someone, the slow burning of the flames of love that will be fueled by both parties, even if it might also mean getting her heart broken in the process. She thinks that love is such a deep word that the thought of her saying those three words to someone makes her tongue tied.


But just as ironic as it can get, someone really comes along to change and bend her ideologies about romantic movies and love.


Yujin met Wonyoung approximately 6 years ago. Yujin was with her friends who threatened her into watching the newly released drama movie. She had no choice but to just follow what they want, she’s the baby of the group for they’re all older and not to mention, promising in their own fields. Yena is an engineer for the big companies; Hyewon is a chef for the prestigious 5 star hotel in the country; and lastly Chaeyeon is making a name for herself as a choreographer. Even though they are somehow big shots, the group (excluding Yujin) is full of romanticists. They’re a er for great love stories and likes watching sappy romantic movies on the big screen. As much as Yujin wanted to refuse, she can’t stand their persuasiveness, especially it is them four against her.


As soon as the movie ended, the group waited until the credits finished before going out. Just then, Yujin heard someone sniffling. She looked back and saw a lady crying her eyes out. The lady wore a white shirt layered with black sweater and jeans, with her head low and shoulders heaving. Yujin knows that she’s not in the place to intrude the stranger but she’s getting worried about how the lady is frantically wiping her tears just using her hands. As she observed the lady, she told the others to head on to that restaurant they had a reservation in and that she’ll just catch up with them. The others didn’t question Yujin and told her that they’ll get the usual.


Yujin remembered the way she tapped the lady’s shoulder while extending an arm to provide tissues, the way the lady looked up to see the person who reached out to her, and the way their eyes met. It was almost like every cliché that she saw in the movies (thanks to her friends). But the thing is that, she is Yujin. And she nonchalantly said a negative feedback against the movie that made the lady stop crying. The lady then went on full argument mode with her that they were forced by the staff to leave the cinema, as they were already making some commotion inside. It was a funny thing, really. To casually meet someone by the cinema only to be kicked out from it, it probably happens only once in a lifetime.


What happened next was a blur; all that she could remember after that incident was that she was already exchanging numbers with the lady, due to the fact that the lady made some interesting and nice perspective about the movie that they just saw and also regarding romantic movies in general. It was a different one from what she usually hears from the group. It made Yujin think some rebuttals and talking to the lady was also comfortable. And the lady thought so too of Yujin. Their conversation went on and it wasn’t heavy, and the lady also carried herself with confidence that is obvious to everyone at a 10m radius. Yujin knew that there was something attractive to the lady. Maybe it was her smile or their intelligent conversation, or maybe the way the lady looks when she was thinking. Or maybe, just maybe she has already formed a crush on someone she just met. After when they exchanged numbers and bid their goodbyes, she looked at her watch, it was already late. It was only that that she remembered that she still had a dinner to attend to. 


As she scrolled through her contacts looking for Yena’s name, she stumbled upon a name that was not originally on her contacts, it ringed a bell on her mind as she recognized that surname. It was Jang Wonyoung.


Of all the possible clichés, she stumbled upon one that could probably happen once in an eternity. The lady is the only heir of a conglomerate known for various kinds of things, but their most promising line is in the line of fashion. There were even rumors about the heiress of the Jang Company, like she’s a brat, unintelligent, and just down right cold, but Yujin knew better than to believe those things since she actually had a conversation with the heiress. And Wonyoung is nothing like that of the baseless rumors. She’s way better than that.


The next thing that Yujin knew was that she was already exchanging messages with Wonyoung, meeting up with her when they both can, and doing things that she never thought she would do, all the while also feeling thing she never thought she would feel.


Yujin, no matter how confident she may seem, is afraid of rejections. She had once experienced hearing an “I’m sorry” when she confessed to her long time crush back in high school, Kim Chaewon, only for her feelings to be turned down because Chaewon already has Kim Minjoo, the beauty and brains of their school. It made her wary of confessing to someone.


But then Wonyoung came along and made Yujin want to have the courage to overcome her fear. She remembered being anxious for days before verbally expressing her emotions. She remembered sleepless nights of thinking that Wonyoung doesn’t feel the same way. Yet, when she confessed to Wonyoung and heard her answer, all worries that day went down the drain.


After approximately 2 years of having an unlabeled relationship, they have finally made it official.


All that she knew was that Wonyoung came to her life unexpectedly and stayed. She thought that the latter would leave when she showed her flaws, scars, and crevices, but she thought wrong. It only further proved Wonyoung to stay. It wasn’t the type that screams “your flaws are fine by me and just keep doing that”; it was the “I know your flaws, let’s try to make them as your strength too” type. In a way, Wonyoung helped Yujin become the person she is today and she is grateful for that.


Yujin couldn’t help but to remember the past especially with the soft ray of light hitting their faces right now. She has always known that she’s wrapped around Wonyoung’s finger and that she’s whipped for the girl. She is aware of that. And she doesn’t mind meeting Wonyoung again for the first time every day and fall for her over and over again.


And as they sit together, side by side, hands enclasped on the table, holding gazes that they both don’t know when it will be followed, hearts shouting each other’s names, and minds trying to carve this moment onto their mind, they both know that time is ephemeral and they should make the most out of it.


Yujin saw the loose hair on her lover’s face and tucked it behind her ear. With their faces close to each other, Yujin couldn’t help but to stare on the younger’s lips before returning the gaze back to her eyes. They were almond colored orbs that contained everything that Yujin ever wanted and needed. It was pulling her in, making herself drown and get lost inside the universe it holds.


Wonyoung involuntarily closed her eyes and patiently waited for her lover to claim her lips. She was not disappointed for shortly right after, she felt soft lips against her own. She felt time stopped and all that she could focus on is the friction that she was feeling. It was deep, gentle, and sweet. Another ray of sunshine rolled into an action. Every kiss they share becomes as sweet, if not, sweeter than the last.


Yujin pulled back as they both breathless. Yujin is more than contented that she managed to make the start of their day brighter than intended. Yujin put her forehead against her lover’s, closed her eyes, while trying to catch their breath. They spent a minute or two just sitting like that feeling each other’s heartbeat while panting, forgetting their cereals and the hot chocolate that already turned cold, and oblivious to the waking neighborhood. They both slowly opened their eyes and stared some more into each other, both seeing the combinations of their galaxies that make up their universe.


“Good morning, Wonyoungie.” It’s almost like déjà vu for Wonyoung, as Yujin uttered it as she pulled away without breaking their gaze. The whole waking up at 4am is all worth it for Wonyoung. She doesn’t mind waking up at such early time again. She’d love to spend early mornings like that but that would probably depend if Yujin wakes up early again. 


Wonyoung sweetly smiled and returned the loving gaze Yujin has on her. “Good morning, Yujinnie.” Wonyoung replied. To Yujin, this morning is another metaphor that she’d always have the best mornings as long as she’s with Wonyoung, even though she’s not exactly a morning person. What can she say, Wonyoung did wonders to her and she can’t resist it. Not even one bit.


And now, their day officially starts.




Wonyoung went on to wash the dishes downstairs and left Yujin on their room to either sleep some more or watch a show on Netflix. As Wonyoung did so, she realized how their place is awfully quiet, but she also knows that it’ll be lively if they’ll have kids of their own. As soon as Wonyoung finished wiping the utensils squeaky clean, she watered the plants that were around their place

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Vivi_BlackRedTwice #1
Chapter 1: I cri T-T what a fluffy masterpiece *chef kiss* is just perfect. Thank you Author-nim
Chapter 1: i'm glad to read this amazing story. thank u sm author-nim
Chapter 1: So annyeongz parent and baby Weeekly here !!!!
poplander #4
Chapter 1: This was really great to read!! I'm happy you lost a game for this to come about cause it is wonderful! Thanks alot author-nim : )