Chapter 1

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2000 plus troops march down from the hills, they keep the pace slow but steady, the troops contain cavilers, archer, swordsman, and gunsmith. The king himself line in the back ride his own horse guarded with their best lieutenants. While her daughter, lead the front. Lead the whole army.

Another war finished, means another place conquered, bigger area to rule. This time a small but military centre province in their far west area, previously ruled by their arch-nemesis, one of the Japan family dynasty, who recently give challenge the king himself into a war. And they got what they asked for.

The king’s daughter run back to report to her father that they almost make it to their next destination. They need a place to stay before going back to their kingdom. And the closest is their old ally, one of the peaceful kingdom that they ever known.

Tell them were here The King orders. Ryujins as the daughter and currently the General of the troops, drop down from her horse and meet the guard personally, along her walk when she approach the guard, she drop all her weapon that attach to her body. Swords, knife, dagger, arrow and the bow, fell one by one, its a sign that they come in peace.

Im general Shin, from Dang Jin. I came here with my father, the king himself. Please tell your King that we need a place to stay, only for one night. After that well continue our travel to our land.

The guard nod and leave them to deliver the message. After 10 minutes, the gates are open. They enter the palace area, the king from Song Do already stand in front to greet their visitors. King Choi greet them personally with open arms. Ryujins father hop off her stallion and greet his old friend.

Daesung, my friend. Welcome to Song Do.” King choi greeted him.

Ryujin walk closely behind her father, she open her helmet that protect her head and take a look at her surrounding, its so different with their palace. In her palace theres no place for flowers. Flowers belong in the garden, and thats Yuna territory, her little sister love beauty things, unlike Ryujin who trained become soldier, a leader, a killing machine you can say. Ryujin like simple things. Song Do castle is so feminine to Ryujin liking.

King Choi order the maid to usher to guests to their respective rooms. Both kings agreed to have dinner together after they finish clean up. Ryujin as a good general went to check their battalion, make sure they get the food and comfortable during their stay. And give them her gratitude because they fought great.

Ryujin arrives at the dining room, everyone already gather. Im sorry Im late, but King Choi just dismissed it, and ask her to Join.

This is my daughter, Shin Ryujin, my personal general, she lead the army for this war you know? her father boast about her.

Young general, or should I call you crown princess? king choi teased Ryujin

Ryujin can only smile, I prefer General, your Honor.”

“No need so formal around me Ryujin, Ive known you since youre born, when your father still a crown prince, but after he take the throne, we rarely communicate, busy old men he is. Call me uncle, youre like a daughter to me.”

They both laugh, Ryujin just continue to eat and let the conversation between two kings alone. You know Daesung, I really hope one day you came visit me under a better circumstances, not after war. I really dont want to see my old friend getting hurt.

My father just sigh after his friend scolding, I know, but they triggered me first, I just want to show them that they cant threat me. And what about you? I see your kingdom still lack about security, you have guards but they never train to war, what if another kingdom attack you”

King Choi just chuckle, Why would another kingdom attack me? We have nothing here, we just small kingdom compare to you

Ryujins father just shake his head, My friend, you kingdom is one of the richest when it comes to resources, you have food, spices, very capable blacksmiths, your weapons are deadly, my kingdom use it too, but thats all going to waste if theres no soldier to use it. 

But I have you, you have my back right? he said jokingly

No question about that, but what if theres sudden attac

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Chapter 1: yea... agree with the quotation marks
it quite confusing, but the story line is good
just maybe need to fix with separating
good job
Chapter 1: The story is nice I like it
OnceuHue #3
Chapter 1: the story is going well so far but i hope there are quotation marks to separate the dialogues from the narration...
cleofierayne 36 streak #4
Chapter 1: Wowwww now who’s exciteddd
Chapter 1: please continue!
Chapter 1: ooooh :0