Lurking Danger

Follow the Heart
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A/N: Hi, guys! Here's the next chapter! I hope that you guys enjoy reading it! :)

In the past, Yesung had thought that suffering from con heart disease and always being at death’s door because of this health condition was the greatest challenge that he would face in his life.

But that was before he had to deal with an obsessive ex-boyfriend.

Upon getting the box of chocolates, Yesung talked to his landlord. Siwon hadn’t been allowed in the apartment building since Yesung broke up with him—how did the chocolates and the note end up in front of Yesung’s apartment? But even the landlord was puzzled. The landlord had been at the lobby of the apartment building all day, and he said that Siwon hadn’t entered the building. In fact, according to the landlord, no one had passed the lobby that day except for tenants—people who really lived in the building. There were no outsiders or visitors at all that came by that day.

Yesung and the landlord couldn’t figure how the box of chocolates and the note were delivered to Yesung’s doorstep.

And this was a problem because in the following weeks, Yesung kept receiving more gifts and notes from Siwon.

Since the landlord couldn’t be at the lobby to keep watch 24/7, he installed a security camera in front of the building. And whenever Yesung would get gifts and notes, he and the landlord would check the video footage for the day. But they couldn’t spot anyone suspicious.

The gifts and notes continued appearing. More often than not, when Yesung got home after work, there would be a gift and a note waiting for him. Yesung wondered how Siwon kept getting the gifts and notes into the apartment building. But then again, given Siwon’s endless wealth and influence, it seemed that nothing was impossible for him.

And the gifts weren’t just chocolates. Apart from the expensive chocolates, Yesung would sometimes get flowers and stuffed animals... Those seemed harmless enough (though they were still very much unwanted by Yesung), but some of the other gifts were quite disturbing. Siwon sometimes gifted him with picture frames. Sometimes, the pictures in these frames were of Yesung and Siwon when they were still together. However, sometimes, the pictures were of just Yesung himself, and the pictures were taken after they had already broken up. Pictures of Yesung outside the academy, Yesung waiting at the bus stop, Yesung doing some shopping, Yesung feeding ducks at the park… Also, one time, Yesung even received a very expensive-looking ring. Worse, the ring seemed like it could be an engagement ring, and Yesung really freaked out when he saw it. Just what exactly was Siwon trying to imply?

But what Yesung couldn’t stand the most were the notes. Each gift always had a small envelope attached to it. And the notes inside the envelopes really creeped Yesung out. The notes revealed Siwon’s obsession. Even more, the notes revealed that Siwon was still watching and following him everywhere that he went.

‘You’re often late going out of the academy recently. Why is that? Are you still trying to keep yourself away from me?’

‘You keep looking over your shoulder as you walk. Were you looking for me? I’m always just here with you.’

‘You looked beautiful when you were buying groceries yesterday. I miss you, my love.’

‘You still keep hanging out with your friends. I will keep you safe and away from them.’

‘Stop trying to resist me. We belong together.’

‘Why do you seem so down recently? I promise you that we will be together again soon.’

These notes were always handwritten. And Siwon seemed to be quite stressed and forceful when writing the notes, for the point of the pen went deeply into the paper with each and line. If you flipped the paper over, you would feel the deep grooves caused by the pen. Sometimes, the paper was even punctured here and there. It added even more to the creepiness of the notes.

It might have been wiser for Yesung to throw the notes straight into the trash can, just like what he would do with the boxes of chocolates and other gifts. He really shouldn’t read the notes. But he couldn’t help it. He needed to know what the notes said. And as the situation continued, Yesung would end up trembling and shaking and crying as he opened and read each new note. How much longer would this go on? When will it stop? How much longer could he stand this?

Yesung began to dread going home. The continuous arrival of the gifts and notes conditioned his mind to fear going home. He dreaded seeing each new gift and note left at his doorstep. Moreover, he feared that it would become worse. What if instead of just another gift and note today, it would actually be Siwon himself waiting for him in front of his apartment? Yesung felt nauseous whenever this fear would seize his mind. But so far, it was just gifts and notes that were waiting at his doorstep.

He thankfully hadn’t seen Siwon in person since their breakup. He just hoped that it would stay that way. While Siwon was clearly stalking him based on the notes and pictures, at least he didn’t directly encounter Siwon again. Yesung didn’t think that he could physically and mentally handle another direct encounter with Siwon.

The constant gifts and notes took a toll on Yesung. He was too worried and nervous. The situation made him lose his appetite, and he got thinner. He also had difficulty with sleeping. He didn’t feel very safe in his apartment anymore, given how Siwon could somehow easily get into the apartment building. Sometimes, Yesung would lay wide awake on his bed at night, his mind being paranoid and wondering if Siwon was outside his front door at that very moment. Given Yesung’s lack of sleep, he started sporting dark circles under his eyes. 

The changes in his appearance as well as his disposition caught the attention and concern of his friends and colleagues. Especially Eunhyuk and Donghae. It took days of pestering and nonstop questioning, but in the end, the two dance teachers finally got their hyung to tell them about the whole situation. Yesung finally admitted to Eunhyuk and Donghae that Siwon had been sending him gifts… and odd notes. He described the gifts and told his friends what the notes contained.

Both Eunhyuk and Donghae looked quite alarmed upon being informed of the gifts and notes, but Eunhyuk was also fuming mad. Why wouldn’t that Choi Siwon just leave their hyung alone?!

“You should report it to the police, hyung!” Eunhyuk immediately told Yesung after he finished explaining what he had been experiencing recently. “You need security and protection!”

Yesung quickly shook his head. “There’s no need for that…”

“No need? Yesungie hyung, Siwon’s obsessed with you!” Donghae said, his eyes wide with fear for his hyung. “He’s crazy! He’s deluded himself into thinking that you’re his dead boyfriend, and he’s outright stalking you now! That kind of guy can be dangerous! Hyukie’s right—you need to inform the authorities!”

But Yesung was stubborn. He was vehement against reporting the situation to the authorities. Given his past health condition as well as his past abusive relationship with Siwon, he had already experienced more than enough drama in his life. He didn’t want to add any more to it by involving the police as well. Nothing said “drama” more than investigative detectives and the blaring of police sirens.

“Hyuk, Hae, I’m fine. I know that Siwon’s annoying and persistent, and the gifts and notes are a tad creepy, but it’s fine. I’m alright,” Yesung said. Okay, he was seriously downplaying the severity of the situation, but he really didn’t want to worry his dongsaengs so much.

“How is anything about this situation ‘fine’?! Hyung, those notes show that he’s stalking you!” Eunhyuk argued.

“Well, he’s apparently been stalking me even before I officially met him,” Yesung reminded Eunhyuk with a sigh. “So, him stalking me isn’t really a new thing anymore. It’s creepy, but he’s only following me around. That’s not too bad.”

“Are you going to wait until it gets worse?!” 

“There’s not much else that he can do to me other than to follow me around and send me gifts.” Or, at least, that’s what Yesung vainly hoped and tried to reassure himself with.

Eunhyuk could only shake his head at his hyung in disbelief and exasperation.

“Why don’t you at least stay with me and Hyukie for the time being, hyung?” Donghae then offered. “You shouldn’t be alone in your apartment, seeing as Siwon is able to leave things right outside your door!”

Eunhyuk immediately nodded at his boyfriend’s suggestion.

However, Yesung shook his head again, refusing the offer.

“That’s not necessary,” Yesung said firmly. “I’m fine and safe inside the apartment. There’s no serious danger. I can handle this by myself just fine.”

“Hyung, you’re clearly not handling this well by yourself! I mean, look at yourself—you look like Dracula’s cousin or something!” Donghae said, gesturing at the dark circles under Yesung’s eyes. His hyung was pale and had huge eye bags due to lack of sleep! Yesung looked like the undead!

“Thank you so much for that very flattering description, Hae,” Yesung drawled sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Yes, he didn’t get enough sleep nowadays, and yes, a part of him really worried about staying in his apartment, but he needed to maintain his sense of independence. And he also didn’t want to trouble his dongsaengs.

“Come on, hyung! Stay with us!” Donghae persisted. 

“I already said no, Hae. I like living on my own. Besides, I don’t want to put you and Hyukie at risk, too.” 

Yesung wouldn’t let his dongsaengs get in trouble just because of him. If Siwon found out that he was staying with them, their home would also be stalked and watched by Siwon. Besides, Siwon already greatly disliked Eunhyuk and Donghae even when he and Yesung were still dating; Yesung might provoke Siwon more if he stayed with his friends…

“So, you do recognize that Siwon is dangerous!” Eunhyuk pointed out. If Yesung thought that staying with them would also put them at risk, then Yesung must, deep down, realize that Siwon posed some threat, no matter how much he insisted that there was “no serious danger.” Eunhyuk had to knock some sense into his hyung. “Hyung, call the police!”


Yesung knew that Eunhyuk and Donghae meant well, and he greatly appreciated how much they cared about him. But his friends just didn’t understand his situation. It was more than just how he now had to deal with an obsessed ex-boyfriend.

His “stubbornness” with the situation now also had to do something with his past. Eunhyuk and Donghae hadn’t been severely sick and out of control over their own bodies for years. Yesung, on the other hand, spent a good part of his life stuck in a place where he didn’t want to be (namely the hospital). Back then, he didn’t have much say about what he could do, or where he could go, or what he could eat, or even when he could wake up and sleep. Instead of his own will controlling his body, his life had been dictated by his health condition as well as by his healthcare providers. Of course, the healthcare providers were only doing their job and trying to keep Yesung alive, but he had felt so out of control.

And this was why Yesung refused to help from others when dealing with Siwon now, whether that help be protection from the police or refuge in Eunhyuk and Donghae’s home. He had been out of control over his own life for so long; he wasn’t going to give up the freedom and independence that he had now. In hindsight, he now realized that he had given Siwon too much control over him when they were still together. Yesung now refused to give Siwon any more control.

He wasn’t going to let Siwon scare him off and make him lose the freedom and independence that he had gained since his heart transplant.

He wasn’t going to let Siwon scare him off and make him give up his current lifestyle.

Yesung was determined to just go on with his life as he normally would.

For all of Yesung’s determination to not be scared of Siwon, though, his ex succeeded in scaring him nearly out of his wits one day.

Yesung was doing some lesson planning in his office one morning during his free period. He had to teach a new musical theory to one of his classes, and the theory was nearly boring him to sleep (and his sleepiness also might have to do with how he barely got any sleep at night recently). He got up from his armchair, stretched and yawned, and headed toward his window. He decided to pull the curtain aside to let in more daylight, hoping that the light would help with keeping him awake.

Yesung’s office was on the same side as the academy’s front, and looking down from his office window gave him a view of the street in front of the academy. Yesung now pulled the curtain aside, looked down at the street… and saw Siwon standing right across the street from the academy, staring

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401 streak #1
Chapter 25: I miss this story, I miss all of your stories, I miss youuuu~ T^T
Chapter 25: I normally don’t read fics unless they’re finished so I wouldn’t have started this if I didn’t notice it’s incomplete. I’m glad I did though, because this is an amazing story that’s had me on the edge of my seat! What a rollercoaster! Your writing style is very easy to read and flows nicely. It works really well for the thriller genre. Ahh I love “the gang” so much. For now I’m going to say kyusung live happily together, Siwon gets put in jail for life, and everyone else gets to have fun together. Much 💙💙
Chapter 19: This is so exciting and intense!! I haven’t feared or hated a character so much in ages. Siwon better be going to prison!
Chapter 12: Help siwon is scaring me 😭😭 poor yesung :(
Chapter 25: This story is very promising, the scenes are so thrilling, it keeps me at the edge of my seat. Still waiting for some update 🥺🥺
kkomii #6
Chapter 25: This story is sooo beautifuulll!! I can't wait to see what happens next!! <33
myfish #7
Chapter 25: Huhuhu finally... 😭😭 i have been waiting 2 years for this huhuhu love you and your story 🥰😍
Chapter 25: Your story is really very beautiful, eagerly waiting for your new update😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
tessa24 #9
Chapter 21: wookie☹☹☹☹
tessa24 #10
Chapter 16: my kyusung heart💔