Chapter 1: White as a Polar Bear

White as Canvas


Polar bears may seem fluffy due to their appearance. Clean and white. However, even the cleanest animals look scary when splattered with a different colour. After eating, polar bears' mouths are filled with red. Showing they had a good meal.


Minjoo thought people are like that too. Literally and figuratively. Being exposed to businesses because of her parents' careers, she knows how low people can go when it means they will succeed. She knows a lot of people stained with the colour red. 


Red is acquainted with passion, and somehow she understands that. People are so passionate about succeeding they would do anything, even it means their hands would be stained by the devil's colour.




Minjoo was never the type to be outgoing, mostly because she was never given the opportunity to do so. So she would rather observe her surroundings than try out different things. She thought it would be safer like that.


While her academy sessions were ongoing, she would observe the people in the same classes as her. She would notice how one of the girls would be sleeping beside another one who was always eating. Others would keep writing notes on what the instructor would teach them while others don't mind writing down anything and would prefer to just listen.


Minjoo was more of the latter. She would rather write down everything the instructor says. She can't afford to make a mistake. Her parents wouldn't like that.


While she was writing down her notes though, the student next to her placed a note on her desk. She looked at her and the student just pointed at the note, urging her to read it.


'The next instructor won't be here. Do you want to go and eat with us? Just at the restaurant at the front. - Chaeyeon.'


Chaeyeon? Minjoo knew who she was, the girl goes to the school near hers and they sometimes go to the academy together when they manage to catch each other on the way. She looked at her again and saw the girl smiling at her. 


Minjoo thought about it. If the instructor won't be there, that means she has an hour and a half before she would need to head home. But then she thought what if her parents found out? Would they get angry?


She never did anything to anger her parents. She didn't want to know what it would take to anger them though.


"Minjoo." She looked at Chaeyeon when she heard her whisper her name, "we won't stay there for long. We'll just eat dinner with the others then we'll all head home right after. I promise."


Minjoo always wondered how it felt to have different colours surrounding her.



Here we go~ first chapter of White as Canvas is here!! I'll do my very best to update as regularly as I can, but please forgive me in case I don't lol. I have a vision on how I would want this fic to flow, hopefully I'll be able to write it well~ also the chapters in the beginning may seem shorter but I will do my best to compact the elements in the following chapters.

Again, any and all feedback is very much appreciated so leave them down below~ Subscribe to be notified for an update and I'll see you in the next chapter! You can also follow me on twitter: izone_universe :) you can ask me anything there and I will also tweet all the updates with the links. 

For now, I'll leave you be. Ppyong!

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Chapter 5: New adventure for minjoo...
1752 streak #2
Chapter 5: aww more friends!!!
Chapter 5: maybe the reason why chaeyeon recommended minjoo is also because she and hii and nako are same age
yeonier #4
Chapter 4: Hi, finally catching up with the updates and wow it was really refreshing how you referred the wity colors in everything.

It is sad that Minjoo lived in such home like prisoner but I hope she find solace with her new friends.

Keep up the good work! You're doing an extremely good job :)
Chapter 4: minju's life in her house sounded like a prison(?)
Chapter 4: It must be hard for minjoo... Having a strict family like that
1752 streak #7
Chapter 4: I like milk with cereal too but don't like drinking milk when i should XD
Chapter 3: Finally minjoo got new friends...
1752 streak #9
Chapter 3: this reminds me from the beginning of the school year where i didn't have friends until a group of girls invited me to lunch!!!
1752 streak #10
Chapter 2: you should minjoo! just put an alarm if you're scared of staying too long!