// trickling seconds

the land beneath, the sky above



Under the big oak tree, with the warm caress of summer breeze—the little girl in her lap looks up, curiosity b in her wide eyes.

“Mom,” said airily, with wonder, “what does bravery mean?”

And out someone steps from the house just a few meters from their tree, light brown locks framing a face gently beaming with a smile. A small wave, and she waves back, a glance down to the little girl in her lap showing her that she’s waving along excitedly, too.

“Say, little princess.” The waving halts and round, bright eyes are back on her. “What do you think I felt like when I first tried to greet Mother?”

A purse of lips. “Hmmm,” a hum so serious it makes her smile. “You said once that Mother was—intimidating? Back in school. Didn’t you, Mom?”

She smiles, nods. “Yes.”

“Then you felt… scared?” A small gasp. “Mother scared you?”

It was that and a lot more, but she has all the time to wait for her little girl to grow up for those conversations to be had, in the future. For now, though, she glances at the approaching woman and smiles,

“Yes. More and less.”

“But you married her.”

“Mmhm. Because I eventually greeted her, even though it scared me less.” She leans down to press a kiss to her little girl’s head. “That’s bravery, sweetheart. When you’re scared, but you do it anyway.”

“Oh? So that means! When I went to the dentist—”

“That’s bravery too,” the arriving woman answers for her, having heard the tailing end of her explanation. Hitomi smiles, watching as Chaewon crouches down and kisses their daughter’s forehead. “My brave little princess,” Chaewon fondly say, grinning at their little girl’s happy hum. Then her gaze flicks up, meeting Hitomi’s eyes, and the brown eyes soften, Chaewon moving up to lightly peck her lips,

“And my brave goddess. I love you both.”

Hitomi closes her eyes briefly, letting her forehead rest against Chaewon’s. There is an enthusiastic quip of ‘And I love you!’ from her lap and she chuckles quietly, ruffling their little girl’s hair.

“And me,” she whispers, opening her eyes. The summer breeze blows past once again, sweeping away fallen leaves and sunlight bites and trickling seconds (but never them, no,

never their love.)





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kalingling #1
Chapter 16: These drabbles are amazing…
Each chapter is solid. Wow.
Chapter 4: not @ how every single one of these HIT
Chapter 4: holy , this is so angsty tf
Chapter 16: I feel so blessed to have read these prompts from you author-nim. Thank you for this, these *crying seal noises*. I hope I get to read more stories from you uwu