Dinner date


Dahyun and Nayeon are going into a date. 


A/N: Quarantine is driving me insane, I wrote this at 3 am after being unable to write anything for a while. This is really bad so I apologize in advance, I'm posting it cause Dayeon is a really underrated ship and there aren't many fics out there for them. 


Nayeon looked up from her computer screen which had just gone from a cold bluish tint to a warm yellow gold. She automatically looked to the window and saw the darkening sky. She had lost track of time. 




Why hadn’t she set an alarm? She closed her computer, grabbed her purse and phone, and left the office quickly walking towards the elevator. She opened her texting app to see a message from Dahyun from earlier in the afternoon.


Dahyun: If you see this, which you probably won’t, because you’re working, stop now. Look out the window. Stand up. Stretch.


Nayeon sent off a quick, omw.


Dahyun replied with 3 emojis. Rolling Eyes, Big Smiley Face. Thumbs Up.


Nayeon grinned at her phone, saying goodbye to one of the security guards, who smiled at her, wishing her a good night.


Her driver was already waiting. She was already late. Cursing herself as she got in the car, she texted Dahyun again. Going to be a few minutes late :(


Dahyun: No problem. I’ll be here when you get here. See you soon!!! :)


This was their third official date. Things were going well. They had been friends for months. In a shockingly short time, they had become bbf's. At least that’s what Dahyun had said, which made Nayeon laugh, not knowing if it was a joke (it wasn’t) because she had never had a best friend, unless you counted her sister, Jeongyeon. 


She had died in a car accident shortly before his 17th birthday. She had been 9 years old and she had loved her more than anyone in the world. She didn’t consider her a best friend. She was her sister, her hero, her only friend. Losing her had changed Nayeon, something inside her shut down. She didn't know how to feel anymore, everything was muted.


She threw herself into her studies. She was a voracious reader, spending endless hours alone consuming information. She graduated from high school at age 15 and had earned an MBA in International Business and an MA in Economics all before she reached her 21st birthday. At 24, Nayeon was on the fast track to being the youngest CEO that JPY had ever had.


She hadn’t known how lonely, how truly alone she was until Dahyun had come into her life. Dahyun, funny, intelligent, enchanting, and genuinely kind. When she thought of Dahyun and their friendship and now something more, she couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of wonderment and to be honest, gratitude. Dahyun brought a sense of joyful ease to her life.


Nayeon would’ve been content to be BFFs, even though sometimes she found herself thinking of Dahyun in more than friendly ways. She’d had a dream, or two, where she’d woken to morning dew, hardened s, lips feeling the ghost of a kiss, but Dahyun was her friend and that was all they could be and it was enough until Dahyun had done the courageous thing that Nayeon probably never would have.


One ordinary Wednesday they were having lunch in Nayeon’s office and she had been going on about her latest project and the breakthrough her team had just made that morning when she glanced up to see Dahyun looking at her with an expression she had never seen on her face before. Thoughtful, determined. Nayeon’s heart sped up. 


Dahyun spoke her name softly and her heart began to beat way too fast, way too fast. Nayeon doesn’t remember if she responded but she does remember what happened next.


“Will you go out with me on a date?”,  Dahyun asked simply. No stumbling over her words like she usually did, which Nayeon always found endearing. Assuredly, Dahyun continued, “You are my best friend but I like you more than that. I want to see if this,” she gestured from herself to Nayeon, “between us can be more.” Nayeon had been surprised. Her face must have shown it. Dahyun paused, took a breath, brown eyes meeting black, “Nayeon, will you go on a date with me?" In all seriousness to her credit, Nayeon answered almost immediately, “I would love to go on a date with you.” Inside, Nayeon felt her whole body begin to vibrate. This was happening. This was happening. Her best friend “liked her” liked her. Her best friend wanted to date her!


Dahyun let out a small laugh in relief.  “Really?”




And now Nayeon was on her way to the new Thai restaurant they had both been eager to try, and this was going to be date number three. After their first date, they had kissed, a brief meeting of the lips. Sweet. Soft. They had made out for over an hour on their second date, leaving both their lips bruised, and Nayeon wanting more. 


She wanted to take Dahyun to bed. Were 3 dates too soon? After 9 months of friendship, she didn’t think so, but she wasn’t sure and she didn’t have anyone to ask, because she was dating the one person she would’ve asked. A tiny bit frustrated, Nayeon opened her compact, checked her make up, and freshened her lipstick. Smiling briefly at her reflection, she closed the compact, putting it in her purse, as the car pulled up in front of the restaurant.


Dahyun was waiting for her. She smiled as Nayeon stepped out of the car and before she knew it, Nayeon found herself wrapped in Dahyun’s arms.


“I missed you."


Nayeon pulled back to look at her, “We saw each other at lunch”




Nayeon moved forward to kiss the small pout now on Dahyun's lips.  “I missed you, too.”


Dahyun grinned. "I knew it!"


Nayeon laughed, linking their arms as they walked towards the entrance.


She decided to ask her later. Maybe after dinner, but before dessert, she’d simply ask her. Maybe 3 dates and 9 months of friendship was perfect? Or at least perfect for them.


She looked to Dahyun, black eyes meeting brown, and thought, I’m falling in love with my best friend. How lucky am I?


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1199 streak #1
Oh this was so sweet 😭 my heart
Love this
Yes dayeon need more love! Tysm for writing this ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #4
A good Dayeon <3 keep it up