Tell Me

Broken Strings
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To delulu- and Yura chan, thank you two for upvoting!!! Keep safe and healthy!!! 


I just discovered I update faster using my cellphone than laptop. Crazy.










"So basically, what you're saying is that we close the resort for their wedding day?" Leeteuk creased his brows at the wedding organizer.


"It is the request of Mrs. Song." Hyoyeon replied, tapping her pink pen on the table. If she could be honest, among all the weddings she accepted and worked on, Song-Bae is the most tedious. "She thinks that their guests wouldn't be comfortable when there are other people roaming around the resort."


They were currently at the meeting room of the resort. Dara had been listening quietly as they jumped from one topic to another. She believed that her participation in the meeting was nothing for the chef could handle everything that concerns the food and drinks on the table. Even including her wedding cake. They looked too serious, she felt a diarrhea coming.


"Ain't that too pompous of her?" 


"Chef Kim Heechul." Leeteuk gave him a stern look for the remark.


"Am I lying?" He turned to Donghae who was sitting on his right. The owner just smiled and scratched his head. "Nope. Not lying. It's the truth. She's haughty and I don't like her. How come the kind and cheerful Mino is her son? Crazy." Heechul said as a-matter-of-factly, and took a sip of his cafe mocha. Dara fought the urge to smile. 


Leeteuk sighed at him, knowing he wouldn't win. "Donghae." He looked at him. "What do you think? Should we close it for a day?"


"Days." Before Donghae could reply, Hyoyeon interrupted. 


"What?" Leeteuk asked again in disbelief.


"Two days." She raised two of her fingers. "The wedding day and the day after that."


Leeteuk checked his laptop. "But that's a Saturday. We've got lots of reservations booked and paid already. Closing for the weekend is a bit... Well, not smart." He drank his coffee, thinking he maybe needed another cup. "Plus, why does she need the day after the wedding? I bet many of their guests would be leaving that time."


Hyoyeon ate the pink macaron on the side of her coffee. "Still, comfort." She glanced at the macaron on her fingers. "Wow. This is good." She finished eating it. "She wanted them to feel the exclusivity her family could offer. She said that her family will be paying for everything." She emphasized that last word. "As in the income the resort gets for two days, and even double it."


"See?" Heechul butted in. "Haughty." He gave them a knowing look. "If she can afford all that, why doesn't she build her own resort and do whatever the hell she wants in the wedding. Who's with me?" He raised a hand as Hyoyeon shook her head while smiling. Dara thought of raising a hand,but the stormy look on the manager stopped her. 


Leeteuk ignored him. They had lots of weddings and important guests who came to the resort but no one wanted it available only for them. "Donghae?" Of course, the decision will still come from him. 


He pondered for a while before looking at Hyoyeon. "We can give Friday." He finally said. "Close it all they want, but not the Saturday. Leeteuk hyung is right. We have lots of reservations accepted. To be honest," He sipped his coffee. "We are already under the bad light because we're cancelling those transactions for the next Friday. Adding Saturday would be too much. I'm only doing this because Mr. Song is my godfather and he's really close with my father, but if not . . ." He slowly nodded, not saying more, knowing they got what he meant. 


Dara observed the man. He's really handsome especially now he's wearing a blue long sleeves. Does he notice the girls in two-piece bikinis ogling at him whenever he passed by? She wondered, sipping her coffee as well.


"Cancelling reservations. You seem... lenient about this wedding." Heechul suddenly said, eyeing Donghae. "Why is that?"


Dara didn't get what he meant by that. She looked at the owner too.


Donghae took a bite on his macaron and smiled at it. "My dad called a few days ago." He said. "He'll be attending the wedding."


"Uncle?" Leeteuk asked in surprise.


"Oh . He's coming." Heechul suddenly stood, going to the table and getting a cold water. "That's a worse news than Mrs. Song."


Leeteuk didn't call him out for that because it was the truth. "And?"


Donghae became quiet for a bit. Dara creased her brows as she observed his eyes. Hurt. He seemed hurt. She couldn't be wrong. But why? Shouldn't he be happy?


He lifted his eyes, now projecting that half-meant smile. "He told us to do good. He and Mr. Song go way way back. He didn't want to disappoint him."


"We won't." Hyoyeon quickly said, nodding confidently. She was busy typing something on her phone. Dara glanced at Heechul and Leeteuk who looked very concerned at the moment. Her eyes went to Donghae. He was smiling,but it wouldn't reach his eyes. Why? Dara immediately looked away when she saw him looked at her.  


"Yeah." Donghae said. "This wedding will be perfect. Just like those weddings that were celebrated here for the past years." His voice sounded with conviction.


"Well," Leeteuk began. The talk about his father would have to wait later. "This wouldn't bother that much if they made their conditions clear from the very beginning. And this wedding has been cancelled twice. Are we really sure they're tying the knot on the 10th? We cannot cancel all the Friday reservations and get dumped again afterwards." Leeteuk said.


"They're sure. They're really getting married next Friday. Nothing can stop it." Hyoyeon assured him. "Ms. Irene, the bride, is getting impatient as well."


"Impatient?" Heechul butted in again. "I'd be frustrated if my soon-to-be mother-in-law is named Mrs. Song."


"Heechul." Leeteuk was the one getting frustrated with his side comments.


"What?" Heechul asked innocently. Dara found their subtle bickering cute. She knew who got the upper hand in the relationship in just one look. 


Donghae cleared his voice. "Okay. If they are sure then, I guess we have to make some calls," He looked at Leeteuk. "Today." Leeteuk nodded. "Are there any concerns about the wedding?"


"The team in charge for the decoration has brought some of their stuff today. Ms. Irene personally checked even to the last detail. She likes those mermaid stuff, so that's what she's getting. Some of the things were even imported from Europe. The sound system, band, and lighting said there would be no problem. Weather will be definitely sunny. Mr. Mino said that he'd take care of the wedding singer. It's a close friend of his." Hyoyeon turned to Heechul. "The food?"


Heechul blew on his fingers. "All set."


"The wedding cake?"


They all turned their heads to the woman who had been sitting and listening quietly beside Hyoyeon. Dara looked back at them, looking so lost.


"Dara?" Leeteuk called her name.


"Uhm." She sat up straight and nodded quickly. "Y-yes. The wedding cake is ready. I mean, will be ready. Yes. It'll be just what Mrs. Song envisioned and tasted the last time she was here." She smiled awkwardly at them.


After that, they talked about the whole cost the grand wedding will be. They had different topics that they were now talking about their pets. Dara guessed the meeting had ended.


"Are there any more macarons?" Heechul suddenly blurted out. "Is it from Kibum's?"


"I think Dara brought them earlier."Leeteuk told him. "Did you bake it?"


Dara smiled shyly. "Yes, Manager. I got spare time and ingredients last night. I decided to work on my macarons."


"They're delicious." Hyoyeon commented.


"Thank you." Dara smiled at her. "Next time, I'll try to bake more of it and try other flavors."


Heechul had been eyeing Donghae's plate. He couldn't take it anymore. "Why does Donghae get to have two macarons?" He was sure, because he saw him ate another a while ago and there's still one remaining on his plate.


Leeteuk, Hyoyeon and Donghae looked at him then to the remaining macaron on the side of his coffee. Dara wanted to hide under the table for that. Prick!


They were now looking at Dara who had that very wide smile. "It's because he's the boss." She swore she could see Heechul smirking at her across the table.


"Ahh." Leeteuk nodded.


The meeting ended. Hyoyeon and Donghae went out first, leaving the three behind. "Don't worry, Manager. I'll clean this." Dara said as she started putting the emptied cups on a tray. Her eyes fell on Donghae's plate. The macaron was left there, untouched.


"Such a waste. Maybe he didn't like it." Heechul's fingers came to her view. He took the macaron and put the whole of it in his mouth. "There. Yummy." He gave her a thumbs up and left, following his boyfriend.


"Tss." Dara glared at his back. Prick.










A blonde woman in a black suit and red Louis Vuitton high heels entered the office. The employees immediately greeted and gave her way. She smiled at them, focusing on the door on the far left. "Where is he?" She asked his secretary.


"Ms. CL." Lee Hi smiled and bowed at her. "He's in his office." She opened the door for her. "Uhm. He's having a really bad day."


"Really? How bad?"


"He smashed his Mac on the wall. Then, he called me to buy another one. After I put the newlybought laptop on his table, a few minutes passed, I saw him hurled it at his Apollo statue." Lee Hi almost whispered, afraid that her boss would hear her.


"That bad." CL and Lee Hi nodded. "Thanks, Hayi. I'll handle him. Go back to your desk." She smiled and patted her on the shoulder.


"Thank you, Ms. CL." With that, Lee Hi left, closing the door quietly.


"Lee Hi!"


She heard Eunhyuk shouted, still his eyes on his desktop. "Enough with the Mac madness. Come on. Should we go to a doctor and do something about your anger management?" CL went to his bar and opened a champagne. She poured a glass and sat on his long white couch.




"I thought we'll have dinner." She sipped on her glass, knowing she had to go all by herself for some take-out later.


"I know. I'm sorry. I can't right now." Eunhyuk sighed, looking so exasperated. 


"What's new, honey?" She grinned, combing her hair to her right. "So,what's this Hulky thing all about?" 


He sighed again. "That Ronald Gray." He uttered the name with so much distaste.

"Your architect?" CL knew him. They met a lot of times. He was one of the best architects in the states. He and Eunhyuk had worked on a lot of projects. He had that oozing superstud look with his green eyes and bright smiles, but she knew better. Those eyes belonged to a snake.


"Do you know what he did?" He stood from his tall chair to rant in front of her. "Kyuhyun said that the bastard went for a closed door meeting with the Senator Chuck Schumer. He represented The Blue Box instead of Silver Corp, that ing !"




"He may have hands that draw, but it was my brain who made those move." For the past four years, Eunhyuk had shed sweat and blood to get where he was. His family owned the Silver Corp., a company of engineers and architects working hand in hand. It had been making headlines when it was his father who had run it in Seoul, but the international boom was all on Eunhyuk's credit. He graduated on top of his civil engineering class, vowing he'd make global afterwards. "Did he think that those lousy ideas of pillars and edges in all the buildings that he made would work without my modifications? Who enhanced all the bridges and skyscrapers that he proudly bragged in the magazines? Who was the one who always brings life and class to his boring designs? Who picked him up from the garbage and put him in that suit?"


"Uhm. You?"


"Of course, it's me!" Eunhyuk shouted, he took the champagne and was about to throw it on the wall when CL held his right arm. 


"Yah! Yah! Yah! That's my favorite. I'm drinking that." CL wrestled it from his grip. "Psssh. L

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abikpoplover #1
Chapter 24: Hi Authornim!! Hope you’re well!
azel02 #2
Chapter 24: hi authornim :) i really hope you will update this story. I'm so inlove with how you make me look forward for every chapter of this story. Anyway, hopefully you have time again. ioveyou authornim! pinakilig mo talga ako dito :) :)
azel02 #3
Chapter 24: still waiting for your update.please 🥹🥹
abikpoplover #4
Chapter 24: Finally saw your twitter account. Hope you got inspired these days after DElight Party.
aronantonio #5
Still waiting for your update please
abikpoplover #6
Chapter 24: Hi authornim!! Still here rereading and hoping for a new chapter. Stay safe and inspired.
abikpoplover #7
Chapter 24: Hello Authornim!! Rereading your stories. Miss ko na sila!!! Hoping and praying you get inspiration to continue this story.
Iamkpopprincess #8
Chapter 24: please uldate authornim..jebal
Iamkpopprincess #9
Chapter 24: hi authornim please update and dont abandon this story..waiting for your return
abikpoplover #10
Chapter 24: Happy New Year!! Hope you’re well!! Praying that this 2023 may new development sa kanila or heck even a guesting together. Hoping you’ll have a reason to be inspired to continue this story authornim.