One Day

Songs We're Singing
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(So I am massively sorry that this took as long as it did. In short, my birthday rolled around two weeks ago and I was not feeling all that happy, and then more craziness happened and I was finally able to finish this chapter off. I swear it took me like five different sit downs to write. But it also inspired a whole other story that I am now in the process of fleshing out! Stay tuned and Enjoy!) 


One Day- Taeyeon

“I have a mission for you.” 


Wendy could hear Taeyeon’s hushed voice come from behind her in the kitchen. It was late...or early depending on how you look at it, and all she really came down for was a cold bottled water. “A mission?” she asked intrigued. Taeyeon nodded, a small grin apparent on her face. “For?” 


“I need you to intercept the wedding.” 


Wendy couldn’t help the wide eyed look of surprise that suddenly overtook her face. “Intercept?” Taeyeon nodded yet again. “I don’t know wha-” 


“Oh stop,” Taeyeon snorted out. “You don’t think I know my idiot friends? Of course they came up with some random idea to try and plan an elaborate wedding. The thing is that I already have a wedding planned, I just need Tiffany to propose.” 




“Yes, she has it in her head that I have done too much and that she needs a slice of the pie so to speak. So I need you to rope the brainless brunch into helping her with a proposal for me. Oh and helping get this wedding in order.” 


Wendy gave her advisor a look of true astonishment before closing and frowning. “But how are we going to pull this off…” 


“Simple,” Taeyeon said with a smile, “I have mostly everything planned, and once we get Jessica on board-”


“Like my mom? That Jessica?”


“You mean MY maid of honor. Best friend rules apply even years later. But come on kid my talent, your mom’s brain for schemes, and your innocent face? We are a dream team.”


Wendy gave Taeyeon’s excited face a once over before sighing and nodding in agreement. “Alright… what did you have in mind?”


“Well I figure I will ask Jessica soon to join in on the plan, that way she can handle the decorations and clothing. You need to provide manpower and distractions. Jessica can only offer so much input before they all get suspicious of something. But you Son, you are just angelic enough to have those guys eating out of the palm of your hand.” 


“This feels very thought through… just how long have you been scheming to get remarried?” 


Taeyeon looked embarrassed to say the least. She huffed in slight frustration before giving a shy smile. “Uhh, when you had dinner with my parents? I asked them what I should do and they were surprisingly all for this idea.” 


“Well, are they coming?” Wendy asked out of curiosity. 


“They are, which is my second thing to ask you. I need you to move this up. To next week.”


“Next week is the regional competition Taeyeon!” 


“It’s also the anniversary of our lives being torn apart, Wendy. She feels horrendous about it already, I need her to know how much I don’t blame her for any of it. I love her, and I want to show her that I would marry her in a second.”


“Irene will get suspicious Taeyeon.” 


“Not if you avoid her,” Taeyeon said with a sheepish smile. Wendy all but glared at her. “Look I know she’s gonna be hissy and mopey but you are gonna be apart during training anyway. Plus the fact that you are now going to be riding with your moms in the morning should help!”


“I’m sorry what?” 


“Son I promise, as soon as the madness is over I will let you house sit with Irene while I go on my honeymoon please!”


Wendy contemplated her options. A week long vacation with Irene after all that time apart? Seemed like a sweet deal… even if Yeri was going to be home with them. She gave Taeyeon a side eye before sighing and nodding. If Taeyeon’s silent cheering was anything to go by, Wendy knows that she just made her girlfriend’s sister extraordinarily happy.


“Fine, but just know that I am gonna go back upstairs and cuddle my wonderful girlfriend while I can tonight because she might just freeze me out by the time your insane idea is detailed out.”




It was utter torture. The covert mission was a success to say the least. Getting her mom on board took three sentences and a long hug between the two best friends, making phase one a cake walk. Getting the man power was also quite simple, minus Joy, Yeri, Irene, and Seulgi, the rest of the glee club and cheer squad was quite forthcoming with helping as long as they were also invited. The hardest by far was…


“Hey Wendy! Should I have a reason to kick your behind for leaving Irene behind yet again?” 


Irene. Wendy had underestimated just how close she and her girlfriend had become. Everyday was another day she couldn’t be around her for more than 30 minutes. All she had to show for it was utter heart ache. 


“Why do you ask?” Wendy replied to Seulgi’s confused question. 


“Because you’ve had her on a wild goose chase all week trying to get you alone! She thinks that you are upset or something.” 

“Upset with her?” Wendy asked with confusion. Seulgi gave her a nod of confirmation. “I am not upset, I'm just busy…”


“Are you cheating on her Wendy?” 




Wendy felt the other girl grip onto her shoulder before turning her around. “She thinks you are tired of her or something, and I need to know you didn’t just decide that someone was more interesting than-”


“I am gonna murder Taeyeon one day…” Wendy muttered before smacking her forehead. 


“You are in love with Advisor Kim now?!”


“NO SEUL! I have been helping her with this ridiculous idea and I can’t tell Irene, but I am gonna tell you because if Irene is this sad then I need some help being around her and keeping this secret.” Seulgi gave her a nod of hesitancy before Wendy gruffed out the entire story. Seulgi went from angry to excited in the matter of minutes. 


“That’s so romantic!”


“Yeah, now I need you to make sure that Irene doesn’t get suspicious.” 


“She won’t,” Seulgi said confidently. Wendy glanced at her in confusion, “If  you start paying attention to her, she’s gonna be so obsessed with you that she won’t really care about the details of other things. Now come on, I know where she is and you look ready to explode.” 


And explode she did, because the minute she and Seulgi reached her oh so incredible girlfriend, she was immediately met with the ice cold stare of Irene Bae. It seemed that the other girl was ready to reject any advance that aloof Wendy could try to make. The girl who had given her nothing but shoulder squeezes and kisses on the cheek the whole week was who Irene expected. What she got was the coy smile of the one and only Wendy Son. 


“Baby,” Wendy cooed at her grumpy girlfriend. She extended her arm to encircle Irene’s waist before tugging the statue-like girl into her arms. “Baby I’m sorry I've been so annoying, I missed you so much,” Wendy murmured into Irene’s ear. It was the last day she needed to keep Irene at bay, having completed her missions and now having Seulgi make sure to diffuse any pressing situations. 


“Now you want attention Wendy?” Irene said clearly. 


Did hearing her utterly grumpy girlfriend call her Wendy ? Yes. Did she catch her by surprise by suddenly leaning in planting a soft kiss on her lips? Also yes. 


“Now now,” Wendy said, pulling away. “I am cuddling you because I know I have been hard to catch all week and I know some people have told me that you thought I was being a real pinhead for not realizing that you wanted me around,” Irene all but huffed at Wendy’s words. “But I missed you so much Baby. And I am at your disposal.” 


“Really?” Irene asked softly. Wendy could see the wall start to break down as soon as she nodded. “You missed me?” All Wendy could do was pull her closer as Irene’s arms encircled her neck,  “You promise you won’t be a pinhead again Love?”


“Mmm,” Wendy said with a smile and nod. “No pinhead Wendy, just your Wendy.” She could feel her nose brush with Irene’s, her eyes trained on the brilliant smile on her girlfriend’s face. Before they could seal it with a kiss the bell for class rang, signaling their day apart yet again, but at least now Wendy could dip her toes into the affection she was used to giving in  bucket loads. “I’ll see you in class Baby.”


“Yeah,” Wendy heard Irene say with a slight smile, “I’ll see you Love.” She could already feel how exhausting this day was going to be. 



“Are you always this mopey?” Sunmi asked Irene. Irene looked at her with a glare and rolled her eyes. They were in the auditorium with Taeyeon, Jessica, and Yoona. It had been a grueling four days of practice with their team captains, and that meant a separation amongst the other teams as well. Meaning…


“She gets this way if she has been having Wendy withdrawal,” Yeri said with a laugh. Irene huffed at the reminder. Due to Jessica and Yuri, as well as Taeyeon and Tiffany, the girls have had little excuse to see each other outside their academic classes. Since Yuri offered up skipped practices to the cheerleaders in glee for extra team time, they were pretty much only together when they sat beside each other in lessons.


“You are kind of depressing,” Wheein said with a cackle. 


“I haven’t seen my girlfriend in days, not counting sitting next to each other in school. Nothing kills a mood faster than discussing the gestation period of elephants.,” Irene explained. 


“I mean, maybe the mating cycle would liven things up for you both,” Solar teased. The group laughed aloud catching the attention of their coaches who made their way over.  


“And what has you all in a fit of giggles?” Yoona asked, smiling. 


“Irene wants to talk to Wendy about the mating cycle,” Yeri told the adults. Irene saw the look of utter shock on their faces. Yoona’s face quickly morphed into one of slight pride, while Taeyeon and Jessica looked horrified. 


“You’re kidding,” Yoona laughed. The group all shook their heads as they joined in on her infectious laughter. “Maybe you ARE like your sister…” 


“HEY!” Taeyeon yelled as she smacked Yoona. 


“NO NO!” Irene mustered out. “I wasn’t! I just missed her because we haven’t gotten to see the other kids in a while… and since I haven’t been taking her to school it has been a bit more difficult…” 


“What would you do in the mornings?” Yoona teased. Irene turned bright red as the group, including Taeyeon and Jessica, laughed. “I’m kidding. Well, we have some good news for you all then…” 


“We are back!!!!” yelled out the other two teams. The groups all melded back in happiness saying hello to the people they had yet to see in the past couple of days. 


Irene searched through the crowd, looking for her blonde haired girlfriend before spotting her and smiling. They rushed to each other and Wendy threw her arms around Irene and held her tightly. 


“You two act like you haven’t seen each other in weeks,” Joy sneered. 


“I saw you playing footsies last period…” Seulgi reminded them. 


“So sickening,” Yeri commented as she sat down beside Seulgi. 


“Footsies?” Taeyeon asked with a glare. 


“Uhm…” Wendy stuttered out. Irene rolled her eyes at her sister. 


“Oh quit acting like you weren’t ogling Tiffany every thirty seconds!” Sunny laughed. Taeyeon turned bright red and pouted. 


“I was much younger then…” she countered. 


“I was talking about earlier!” Sunny cackled. The whole group laughed as Taeyeon became even more embarrassed. 


“Alright everyone let’s stop picking on Taeyeon, her students are gonna start thinking she is obsessed with Tiffany,” Seohyun reminded them all. 


“Yes,” Taeyeon muttered out. “Everyone, thank you so much for participating in this, I hope you all learned from your coaches.” 


“Did you and Wendy’s mom really have the best duets?” Sejeong asked from beside Hyoyeon. Taeyeon looked at Jessica who had a shy expression. 


“Well,” Tiffany said with a bright smile. “They had voices that just WORKED you know? They were like the perfect blend. And when you have those two singing a love song to you? Wow, no wonder we got married.” 


“You got married because I-mmmph.” Hyoyeon was cut off by Yuri's hand. 

“Please, no more embarrassing Tae, she has regionals to get ready for… amongst other things.” Seohyun gently reminded them all. 


Irene looked and saw her sister look slig

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77seconds #1
Chapter 1: I think I missed out alot I didn't know if I'm reading the same story hahaha lets see
Chapter 3: Wow mereka berciuman, aku ingin lebih ciuman itu tapi ini bukan
Chapter 2: Hihi lucunya irene cemburu, ya sudah jelas banget kalau irene memang naksir wendy dan mereka sama-sama saling suka juga
Chapter 1: Oke lumayan menarik
Pasti seru
Chapter 28: I'm so happy 'cause i can complete this story🤧
It's so beautiful, seriously, i want to say thank you for put TaeNy and YulSic together in this fic😭 i miss them so much, and the other ship of course, love it so much💙 gonna check another story of yours !!!
Chapter 9: okayyy i'm loving this story so far. the pace is good and i love all of their dynamics and banters here. it really truly feels like they are this cool group of friends that everyone wants to be friends with. very excited to read the rest and would like to say thank you author for sharing this story. i'm seeing there's even a part two so i can't wait to read all :D
raaaplibanan #8
istg if there's still no wenrene intimate moment in part 2 we need joy to spice wendy's mind for once! coz what's taking her so long!?!? love the story, part two off we go.
WluvsBaetokki #9
Chapter 28: My goodness SON! What is taking you so long to make something happen between you and Joo-Hyun tsk
1702 streak #10
Chapter 29: Part 2?! Yessss