๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐จ๐ง๐ž

Chosen | Yves x Reader
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซย ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐จ๐ง๐ž ย 


It felt like just ten minutes ago I shuffled into Yves' room a nervous wreck, fiddling with her necklace between my clumsy hands. I could still feel the weight of the pendant in my satchel, its sharp edge poking into my hip with each small step I took. But, realistically, I knew it had to have been hours. The sky outside her window was slowly darkening, her room no longer consumed by sunlight but rather by her candles; the knock at her door maybe thirty minutes ago telling us it was "time for supper" being indicative enough.

We skipped it, however.

It was just last night her father was killed in the dining room. Just last night her people were stunned to silence, her mother left a widow. Yves didn't need to voice her thoughts for me to know what she was thinking. She wasn't ready.

She wasn't ready to go back to the place she saw her father die. She wasn't ready to face her people, and in particular, face herย mother. (She was too afraid of her mom's reaction towards seeing her newย cut, anyway. The way her face washed pale and she subconsciously fiddled with her hair told me enough.)

I'm drawn from my thoughts with a flinch when she suddenly speaks, her voice breaking through the silence that consumed the room.

"You are different."

I turn away from the window and look straight at her.

Yves sat with her back against the head of her bed, listening to me talk like I was a VIP movie screening. I sat-- admittedly less gracefully-- sprawled out at the end of her bed. It was almost funny to think that just days ago she wouldn't let me sit next to her. She holds her pillow close to her chest as she stares down at me, biting the inside of her cheek. I can't ignore the way a heat runs up my neck when I notice her wandering eyes. The way they scan me up and down, inquisitive. The intensity of her gaze had me growing nervous.

Pulling myself into a proper position, I stammer.

"O-oh? How do you mean?"

She shakes her head, levelling me with a reassuring smile.

"Do not overthink it, Y/N. I did not mean any harm." And then she purses her lips. "Ever since you repaired the overseer's journal you have become more... calm. You have had your moments, yes, but I do not know how else to describe it. "

For a moment I stay silent, her words weighing on me. Surely I haven't changed that much, right? I mean, I'm stillย me. Still the clumsy, talkative,ย immatureย girl I was eleven days ago.

But the more I thought about it, I can't help but swallow the lump that forms in my throat. I knew she was right. Hell, it wasย hardย to ignore. Slowly but surely everything I knew was being torn at the seams, replaced. Forced to become a different person, forced to adapt to this new life. I spent so many days wishing I'd wake up and be home, but now?... Now I knew it wasn't that simple.

I discovered I had some kind of untouched powers. Discovered that the ring on my finger was actuallyย moreย than just a piece of jewellery. I watched two menย die.

Everythingย had changed.


"I... I guess I have. I'm sorry."


She shakes her head. Moving her pillow of her lap, she shimmies herself so she's resting her hand on my knee cap. Meeting her eyes, I see nothing but sincerity swimming in their depths.

"You have grown quite a habit of apologising, are you aware? You need not say sorry for something so trivial. Perhaps I am just imagining it. But I must admit I had grown quite use to your childishness that I could not help but notice. I was just curious if something had happened." And then she trails off, her voice turning to a hush. "Besides for the obvious, that is."

I knew that now wasn't a good time to be feeling my knees turn to mush, my skin flushing at the way she looks at me so attentively now. But I wasn't surprised. Even the smallest of things she did had my brain hay-wiring, my breath hitching. Something about the way she speaks with that same voice, soft... It had my heart thumping in my chest. She was paying attention.ย It was nice to be seen.

Coughing, I tear my eyes away from hers. Doing the one thing I knew best, I retaliate.

"Just a few days ago you couldn't stand being near me. Maybe you're the one that's changed."

For a moment I bite my cheek.ย Was I being defensive? , I don't want her to think I'm sensitive...

But to my fortune, all she does is chuckle softly under her breath.

"There is no doubt in my mind that you are correct, Y/N. I must admit that with each passing day I no longer recognise myself. It is almost as if the foundations of what I once was have been destroyed, replaced." Her face twists up, embarrassed. She bows her head the slightest of angles. "Excuse me for rambling. What I mean to say is that I worry the same."

"Worry...?" I can't help but scoff a laugh, shaking my head. "You don't need to worry about that. You'reย perfect. If anything you've just gotten better--" Two seconds. Two seconds was all I needed for my words to catch up to me, my lips zipping shut and my eyes blowing wide.

Right, Y/N. You just had to go ahead and do it again. Open your big, gay mouth-

The feeling of Yves' hand lightly squeezing my kneecap has me drawing back to reality. Looking back up, I meet her eyes. For a moment they flash over in surprise, but it's gone as quick as it came. This time Iย knowย that the red that crosses her cheeks wasn't just my imagination. Her lips pull into a slight smile, and I fight the urge of staring.

"I do not quite know about 'perfect' but... thank you."

Silence. Pure, stiff silence passes between us as her words hang through the air. Then, as if realising she was staring, she shakes her head. Pulling her hand back into her own lap, she clears -- a newfound sense of purpose radiating off of her. She takes me aback when she suddenly speaks, intrigue clear on her face.

"Tell me something."

"Anything specific?"

"I am curious to know more about your time. About where you are from. You have spoke about it in bits and pieces, but I would like to learn more."

Truth be told, I didn't know where to begin. If I had to write my very own biograph of my life, I'd be just as lost. What should I tell her? I didn't really feel up for telling her about my upbringing, and I think it'd be too grim if I started talking about politics... but then I perk up. It's as if I have my very own lightbulb moment when a familiar face suddenly flashes through my mind. I can't stop the sudden excitement that courses throughout me, and I'm slumping back on her bed.ย Boy, is she in for a long one-

"The Rumble in the Jungle, 1974. Muhammed Ali beat George Foreman and dadย lovedย it. God, dad had to have watched that fight at least a million times over. I'm surprised he never got sick of it." By the end of my sentence my voice had fallen to a soft whisper. Meeting Yves eyes, I watch the way confusion sprouts across her face for the briefest of seconds. Nonetheless, she stays quiet. She gives me her complete, undivided attention-- motioning for me to continue. I do.

"Dad use to have the fight on recording. He'd call me downstairs so we could watch it on the television. It wasn't anything spectacular, really. One of those small boxes with the bunny-antennas. But dad didn't mind. He loved boxing and he wanted me to, too."

I knew she didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Television, antennas. But I keep talking. Thinking back on the faceless man had a small, reminiscent smile crossing my lips.

"I've told you before how much dadย lovesย Muhammad Ali, right? I mean, he has this real shabby car back home but he would still drive to see himย breathe, if he had the chance to." And then I'm shaking my head, chuckling. "... Maybe that was a little dramatic, but I think you get the point."

Yves hums mutely, letting me know she understood. From my peripheral I watch the way her own smile crosses her lips--ย small, but I wouldn't miss it for the world.

"I've never been into boxing like dad has, but... I don't know. If there's one thing I've learnt it's that you should share the happiness of the people you love while you still can. I'm not sure if that makes sense..."

"It does." Yves speaks up now, voice just as soft. "I had never thought of it like that before, I must admit." And then she purses her lips. Opening and closing several times as if weighing her words, she settles with a sigh. "I envy how close you are with your father. It is clear you two were close."


My smile washes from my lips, replaced by a grimace. I can't help but frown. "Yeah... I suppose so."

And then I'm shaking my head, tearing myself from my reverie. Pulling myself back up, I stammer.

".... aaand I'm rambling. Sorry, I didn't realise.."

Yves is quick to shut me down.

"It is okay, Y/N. It is fascinating to hear how different our worlds are. When I pictured the future I never could have predicted carriages that move without horses. Boxes with pictures-- what did you call that again? A tel..."


"Right. That." And then she gives me yet another small smile. "Besides, I must admit it is also refreshing to hear you talk so passionately. It helps meย forget."

At her own words she freezes. It's in that moment I realise howย cruelย irony is.

We'd been so caught up in my aimless rambles that we hadn't even thought about the war. We hadn't spoke about her dad, about Olivia, about her mom or Jennie. We both managed to forget about the world, albeit only for a few hours.

Slouching back against her bed frame, she clenches her jaw.

"It seems reality has a way of catching up to you when you would least like it to."

In a heartbeat the atmosphere changes. Whatever comfort we settled in only moments ago was now replaced by tension. I watch dumbly as Yves pulls herself up, standing from her bed with a pop of her stiff joints. Elegantly, she dutifully makes way for her war-like-table in the centre of her room. The same table covered in parchments and quills, the same table she sat at when I told her I spoke to Jennie--ย the memory bringing a sour taste to my senses.ย Twisting my body so I'm facing her, I stay silent as I wait for her to speak.

Sure enough, I don't need to wait for long; perking up a second later when Yves huffs.

"I was hoping this could have waited until much later, but I fear we have wasted more time than we have been given." She fiddles around with the contents on the table, unravelling a parchment that looked like some kind of map. She waits a beat, scanning her eyes over it, before continuing-- picking up the nearest quill to scribble away at it. "They are planning to move the sphere."

The sphere.ย I'd almost completely forgot about it. Just the very thought of it had my blood running cold, an odd sensation running through my veins. And then her words finally register. Jumping up, nearly tripping over my own satchel, I quickly scurry over to the opposite side of the table; head tilted in confusion.

"What? Why?"

My mind immediately drifts back to our conversation with the overseer. When the man pulled us into the sphere room, when he gave us his giant spiel. Just theย lookย of it had goosebumps rising over my skin, and his words only managed to make it worse.


"....The sphere is our energy source.... It gives us our power, it's what makes sure we can stay safe and protected. It's what brought you to us."

I look back at the sphere as his words filter through my mind. It made sense. The barrier, magic... This sphere powered it all.

"They want it. The north want the sphere and they will stop at nothing to get it. You must protect it, Y/N. You were chosen."


If the overseers words meant anything, we shouldn't be touching it atย all. When Yves looks up for the briefest of seconds to meet my gaze, I could justย tellย she already knew what I was thinking. I don't miss the way she swallows the lump in , the way she clenches her jaw. She hums.

"It is in mothers belief that fathers death was not all they came for. It was a distraction. Something to keep us busy, hopeful that we would forget the real reason they are coming. It is the sphere they want, and they will doย anythingย to get it." I don't miss the way her voice drips with venom, the way she falters at the mention of her dad. But she continues. "Taehyung often guarded the sphere,ย especiallyย when Jennie's staff came into our possession. It would not be wise to keep it where it is. We must move it."

"But... but.." I wanted to protest. I wanted to tell her this was a stupid idea, that this wasn't something we should be messing with. But something told me the decision had already been made. Nonetheless, that it wasn'tย herย decision to make. So instead I settle on an alternative, clicking my fingers.

"Then we should start making a list, right?"

This time she doesn't look away. Meeting my eyes once more, she quirks an eyebrow.

"How do you mean?"

"You know, a list of the people weย shouldn'tย trust with the sphere. I mean, if it's going to be moved, then it'll only be made more vulnerable, right?" With each passing word that slips from my lips, her eyes widen. She knew I was right. Before she can pipe up, however, I'm continuing. Yet another lightbulb sounds off when a familiar face comes to mind. "Oh! Like that one guy,ย Jiminย is it? I can justย feelย something's off with him. I don't trust him."

Resting her elbows on the table, she looks up at me.

"Iย feelย our intuition has failed us, Y/N. While I think you are right and that only trusted guards should be in its presence, it is hard to gauge who we can trust and who we can not." And then she purses her lips. Raising one of her hands to pinch the bridge of her nose, her eyes wash over, hard. "I do not know how things work in your time, but.... We have tried to beย just. Innocent men walk free when their guilt can not be proven..." She trails off into a sigh, sobering. " That is why I was so shocked. I was so, soย sureย it was Jungkook. The answer was right there in front of us. But we wereย wrong."

When I don't respond she takes it as her queue to continue. Pulling herself back up straight, she speaks with conviction. "Man does not show their true colors until death stares them in the eye. Until Jimin shows his... I do not wish to make another mistake like yesterday again."

"So... so no list?"

"No,"ย She stresses. "I did not say that. It does not hurt to be careful, Y/N, but we must not beย tooย critical. As far as I am aware, the only people Iย canย trust are you and Jungeun."

Realising what she's getting at, I grimace, finishing for her.

"It doesn't leave much breathing room."


I knew what she was getting at. I mean, she was a princess! Wasn't she supposed to trust her men? Have faith in them? Some part of me felt awed. Because whilst she was apprehensive, shaken to theย coreย from Taehyung and Olivia's betrayal-- she wasย stillย willing to give her army the benefit of the doubt. She couldn't go in to tomorrow believing that her own people were against us.ย It would only complicate more than it needed to.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when a long, drawn out sigh slips from her lips. All I can do is stay silent as I watch her move. It almost amused me how not even five minutes ago we were content on her bed, me rambling away to pass the time.

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Chapter 11 has been updated.
I did not mean to publish chapter 12 without making the edits; my apologies.


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1198 streak #1
Chapter 38: OH!? WE HAD THE BALLS!?
Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 1: re-reading this in 2023! one of the best stories i've ever read :))
Chapter 36: daaaamn. this has lots of reference and hell of twists. this is really good. thought this was a unfinished but it was an open ending. this is really good. worth reading
Chapter 35: OHHH DAMN!
This ladies and gentlemen, is a hell of plot twist! Oh ma god, it's just amazing the way you write this fanfic, I could feel everything, as If I was living every chapter. I was so confused as Y/N.
Now that I know the truth, I want justice hahaha
Everyone forget about my existence?
You played me good, I'm running out of words...
Can't wait for more, take care!
1198 streak #6
Chapter 35: ๐Ÿ˜ฏ oh wow
veery interesting
it is mind blowing!!
Chapter 31: Oh my god kimchi!

I love double updates Ç.Ç

Trust no one, it's the only thing that came into my mind. Everything is confuse, and this feeling is amazing, because you pay more attention and create a Lot of theories...

Incredible as always, author!

Can't wait for more!

Take care~
1198 streak #10
Chapter 29: To say I completely binged read this entire thing, my jaw is on the floor