In sickness and in health


Siwon usually thinks that Yesung’s small button nose is cute. It makes him look like a little bunny, especially when he is angry and scrunches his nose up to show that he doesn’t like something. Right now the cute nose is red and peeks out of a blanket.


“I don’t feel good.”


Siwon winced after hearing Yesung’s hoarse voice which is clear evidence that his throat must be really sore. Siwon sat down on their bed and tries to locate Yesung’s head in the pile of blankets. Last night Yesung was whining that he is cold until Siwon covered him with every blanket they have. It still isn’t enough, that’s why Yesung hid under the blankets in the middle of warm darkness. Right now his peaceful warm space is disturbed by a hand that is trying to touch Yesung’s forehead. Siwon hissed after he finally touched his forehead and felt that Yesung is burning up. 


“We need to see a doctor. I am calling Leeteuk right now.”


Siwon goes to grab his cellphone and doesn’t mind Yesung’s childish protests coming from underneath the heap of blankets. Leeteuk is their friend and luckily he is a doctor so they can visit him in forty minutes. Siwon goes back in the bedroom and grabs Yesung’s thin ankles.


“Let’s go!”


Siwon is dragging whimpering Yesung from the bed and has to forcefully strip him from his pajama. Yesung’s teeth are chattering in cold and Siwon quickly pulled a thick hoodie over his head and guided his arms in the sleeves. Yesung is so damn cold and Siwon stole his warm clothes. Luckily Siwon is quickly gathering pants and socks for him and helps him with getting the warm clothes on. Siwon placed a face mask over his nose and mouth so Yesung won’t splutter germs everywhere and Siwon put his warmest coat on his fragile lover. Yesung is feeling snuggly and so comfy in the warm coat that he almost fell asleep in the car which is heading toward the hospital where is Leeteuk working. After a few minutes Siwon gently shakes his shoulder to wake him up and they got out of the car.


Yesung hates hospitals. Every hospital reeks like disinfectant and death and it scares him. They sit down in a waiting room and wait for Leeteuk to come. Yesung keeps sniffling and coughing but at the same time tries to persuade Siwon that he is okay. Of course that Siwon knows Yesung too well to listen to him. He knows Yesung’s fears and also knows that Yesung is very stubborn. Unfortunately for him, Siwon is stern and drags Yesung in Leeteuk’s office. The doctor smiles on his friends and immediately started to examine Yesung. Yesung keeps squirming when the cold hands and instruments touch him but at least Leeteuk is quick and tossed the used latex gloves in a bin.


“It isn’t that virus, you caught regular flu.”


Yesung huffed in disbelief because he totally doesn’t feel that this is a regular flu. Leeteuk writes a few prescriptions and handed them to Siwon. 


“One week in bed and taking these meds will easily cure you.”


Leeteuk smiled on Yesung and Siwon and the two can leave. Siwon drives back home but made a quick stop in a pharmacy to buy the medicine for him. Right after arriving home Siwon tucked Yesung back in the bed and put two pairs of fleece socks on his small feet. Siwon his sweaty hair out of his face and puts a towel soaked in cold water on Yesung’s forehead to bring down his fever. Yesung is exhausted and fell asleep while tightly hugging the warm blankets. Siwon smiled on his peacefully sleeping lover and then examined the medicine. There is something to cure his fever, cough and also some vitamins. Siwon remembers what his mom always said - a strong broth is a miracle that can cure everything. 


Siwon is smart but he has no idea how to cook. Their kitchen isn’t used very frequently but Siwon has to cook a soup for his sick darling. Siwon put the ingredients in a pot and started to cook. One hour later he thinks that the soup is ready and takes a spoon to taste his masterpiece. Siwon tastes the soup and his face twisted in disgust because obviously, a master's degree doesn’t guarantee that you can cook a good soup. Siwon drops the spoon and pours the disgusting soup into the strainer over the sink. Well, great that Yesung is asleep so Siwon has enough time to order soup from a near and very good Italian restaurant. Siwon ordered zuppa imperiale which is a chicken broth with small dumplings made of eggs and Parmesan. Siwon is impatiently waiting for the delivery man from the restaurant and watches the empty hallway of the apartment building. He prevents the delivery man from using the doorbell and takes the bag with food from him. Siwon quickly pours the soup in a bowl so he can act like he cooked this with his own hands. Maybe that Siwon can’t cook soup but he can prepare a cup of hot tea with honey and ginger. He carries the tray with the soup and tea in the bedroom and slowly put it down so he has free hands to wake Yesung up. 


The grumpy man woke up and sneezed few times before Siwon helped him to sit up.


“Don’t come so near to me Siwon or you will get sick too.”


Yesung looks on his boyfriend and worries that Siwon will get sick because of him but he only smiled a bit.


“You know that I am stronger than you, if you eat well then you wouldn’t get sick so easily.”


Siwon put few pillows under his back and then holds the cup with tea for Yesung to take few sips. Siwon blows on the tea to cool it down and only then he moves the cup closer to Yesung who takes few small sips. Siwon put the cup down and grabs the bowl with soup. He brings the first spoon to Yesung’s pouty lips and Yesung raised his eyebrows in surprise and shock. This is really tasty!


Yesung is a bit suspicious because he can’t remember the last time Siwon cooked something different than coffee or toast. Yesung is obediently eating the soup while staying wrapped in his blankets. He is coughing a lot so Siwon brings a teaspoon and cough syrup. The medicine doesn’t look so good as the soup and Yesung quickly closed his mouth. Siwon sighed and gently grabs Yesung’s small chin. Yesung is acting like a child when he is pouting and trying to avoid drinking the medicine but eventually, he has to open his mouth. Yesung stuck his tongue out and cries in distaste. Siwon quickly holds the cup for him to take more sips of the tea and Yesung calmed down when the tea washed the sickly sweet taste away.


“Good boy.”


Siwon smiles again and kissed the top of his head before carrying the empty bowl in the kitchen. He grabs menthol rub and goes back. Siwon ed his pajama top and sinks three fingers in the menthol rub. Yesung winced when the cold menthol touched his skin and Siwon started to massage his chest. Yesung has to admit that this feels good, his chest hurts from coughing so much and the menthol is cooling his skin while also helping him to breathe. Yesung is sleepy again thanks to his full stomach and Siwon’s gentle touches. Siwon laid down next to him and watches Yesung’s eyes which are blinking slower and slower until they finally closed and Yesung started to softly snore. Only then Siwon silently got up and goes to finish some of his work on his computer. He decided to take a break for a week to take care of Yesung because he doesn’t want to leave his sick babe alone. Siwon works for almost four hours while Yesung sleeps. Siwon is a bit worried and feels sorry for his babe who is coughing and struggling to breathe even in his sleep but knows what Leeteuk said and he believes to him.


Yesung woke up because his fever is rising and he peeks out from the warm nest made of blankets. Yesung is confused and tired but he is very thirsty so he is forced to leave his warm bed. He wraps a blanket around his body and sneezed few times before getting up and opening the door of the bedroom. He is limping in the kitchen and opened the fridge to find something to drink. Siwon saw the small figure hidden under a blanket walking in the kitchen and got up.


“You should be lying in bed.”


Yesung dropped water of bottle he was holding and cursed. He had no idea that Siwon is here! Siwon started to prepare another cup of hot tea for him and sends him to wait in the living room. Yesung sat down on the couch and looks on the many papers and laptop lying on the coffee table. He feels bad for being a burden and causing troubles to Siwon but the man doesn’t look like he minds it. Siwon comes with the tea and bag of potato chips as a snack for Yesung and sat down next to him. Yesung takes few sips of the tea and Siwon opened the bag of chips for him. Yesung doesn’t want to eat but he has a cuddly mood. Siwon is reading some documents when he feels Yesung pushing himself in his arms. Siwon smiles and opens his arms so Yesung can lie on his chest and then he started to read again. Yesung’s whole body hurts and the cough is so annoying. He is wheezing and occasionally whimpers which immediately got Siwon’s attention and the caring man started to his hair. Yesung is almost melting under his touch and keeps sniffling until Siwon takes a napkin and gently wipes his runny nose. Yesung looks up on Siwon who smiled on him and kissed Yesung’s cheeks which are flushed because of the fever. Siwon knows that he can’t finish his work when there is a cuddly darling in his lap. He put the papers aside and cupped the cheeks of his lover. 


“Do you want to eat something? Let's order something.”


Siwon wants to get up and get their collection of takeaway menus but Yesung cries out in anger so he has to sit down again. Luckily he can reach for his phone and order food. Yesung is coughing and wheezing while Siwon started to pat his back and then tightly wraps the blanket around him. They are waiting for their dinner to arrive and soon it is here. Siwon opened the boxes with food and Yesung squirms in the blanket. Siwon wrapped him tightly and his arms are now trapped but he has the best boyfriend. Siwon dipped one chicken nugget in sauce and brings it to Yesung’s mouth. Yesung takes a big bite and few French fries are already heading to his lips. Yesung is munching on the food and Siwon takes a big bite of his cheeseburger. Yesung spotted that they also have mozzarella sticks and immediately whines and opens his mouth like a little bird. Siwon chuckled and quickly holds one mozzarella stick for him to take a bite. Yesung feels so comfy, the blanket is as soft as clouds and he doesn’t need to move a finger because Siwon does everything for him. Right now Siwon is wiping the left corner of Yesung’s mouth where is a piece of sauce. Then he the TV and finds Crazy Rich Asians. Yesung put his head on top of Siwon’s shoulder and watches the movie. His head and body still hurt, also his left nostril is dry as a desert while his right nostril is wet like a waterfall but at least he can cuddle with Siwon. It is time for more medicine and Siwon holds a spoon with the syrup in front of his mouth before Yesung gave up and parted his lips. Yesung pulled a face but swallow and then he takes few sips of the honey tea. His nose is red from blowing his nose so often and Siwon spreads a bit of ointment over the sensitive skin. Yesung is still whimpering and pouts so Siwon’s attention can fully belong only to him. The soft touches and nice smell of his boyfriend calmed him down and Yesung fell asleep once again. Siwon doesn’t think that the couch is comfortable enough to be used as a bed so he carefully picked up Yesung and carried him in the bedroom. He can see that Yesung’s fever is high so Siwon soaked a towel in cold water again and placed the cooling fabric on his hot forehead. Yesung sighed in relief from his deep slumber and the cold spreading from the towel is soothing his headache. Siwon fell asleep while listening to the raspy breath and silent sniffles. The next morning isn’t calmer, Yesung woke up because of a terrible cough and Siwon rubbed his back until he calmed down. Yesung threw away a napkin full of phlegm and then stumbles in the bathroom. He is exhausted even after sleeping so much and his head still hurts. Every tiny bit of the sunshine coming from outside is stabbing his eyes and Yesung collapsed back in the bed. Siwon quickly closed the curtains and hurries to find some painkillers. This time Yesung isn’t avoiding taking medicine because he is ready to eat everything just to get rid of the pain. Siwon’s heart is aching when he is watching his babe being in so much pain but what can he do? He can only Yesung’s black hair and sings him a silent song. Yesung is on edge of crying because it hurts so much, he wants it to stop. 


Siwon is watching his poor darling and started gently massaging his back and neck. He hopes that this will ease the pain a bit and it seems that it really works because Yesung’s body isn’t so tense anymore. Also the painkillers are working and Yesung feels a bit dazed. His nose is still stuffy but luckily Siwon has a nasal spray which helps him and then they can cuddle. Yesung put his head on Siwon’s chest and gets his boyfriend’s shirt stained thanks to his runny nose. 


“What about a short bath?”


Yesung is silently thinking about the offer for a while and then nodded. He feels sweaty, his hair is tangled and greasy so he should really take a bath. Siwon runs the bathtub full of warm water and helped Yesung to get in. Yesung sighed and feels that the water is washing away his feeling of being dirty. Siwon takes a washcloth and started to wash Yesung’s petite body and then also washed his hair. Yesung feels much better after the bath but Siwon quickly put fresh and warm clothes on him. Yesung is wearing fleece leggings and Siwon’s hoodie which is huge on his petite body. Yesung wriggles his small feet in the pair of thick socks while Siwon is ordering breakfast. Soon a tray full of food landed in front of Yesung and he smiled, sneezed and blew his nose in a matter of few seconds. Siwon got a wet kiss on his cheeks and Yesung started to eat a fresh sandwich while Siwon prepared a medicine for him. Yesung doesn’t feel strong enough to do something different than watching the TV so he spends the day lying on the couch while Siwon works and takes care of him. It feels nice to be babied like this, Yesung has to do nothing because Siwon is offering him a snack, tea or napkin all the time. Yesung is sure that if he asks, Siwon would carry him to the toilet. Siwon doesn’t mind taking care of him and he definitely isn’t scared of the ugly flu. Siwon is sure that his immunity is strong enough to deal with this. On the other hand, Yesung should gain some weight because his crazy diets make him weak and they probably were the reason why he got sick. Of course that Yesung knows it but he can’t help to his obsession with weight. Siwon is giving him snacks and food but Yesung lost his appetite and looks on his boyfriend with a big pout.


“Are you mad at me for getting sick?”


Siwon shakes his head and sighed because Yesung is making him mad by thinking like this about himself. Siwon sat down on the couch and his hair away from his face.


“I am not mad, you know that I can’t be mad at you no matter what.”


Yesung sniffles a bit but feels calmer when Siwon looks in his eyes like this. Siwon kissed his cheeks few times and gently hugs him. He can feel that Yesung’s fever is quite high again so he prepares his medicine and then tucked him in their bed. Yesung doesn’t let go of Siwon’s hand so he is forced to lie down next to him. Yesung cuddles closer to Siwon’s warm chest and Siwon started to pat his back. 


“Can you cook me the tasty soup again?”


Siwon nodded and he is ready to go to secretly order it again but Yesung got up too. 


“I want to learn how to cook it.”


Siwon froze and his face became red because of his shame. He has to admit the truth and he isn’t very proud of it. Yesung chuckled when he sees Siwon’s guilty face because he knew it immediately after tasting it. Siwon is glad that they can forget about it and order the delicious soup. They decided to eat it in their bed and Yesung is sitting in Siwon’s lap which is in his opinion the most comfortable place in the whole universe. Siwon can hear that Yesung isn’t coughing so much and also he isn’t blowing his nose so frequently. They are eating the warm soup and don’t need to speak, they are happy like this. Yesung smiles on Siwon who is focusing on slurping the soup and giggles because a bit of dumpling landed on his chin. Siwon smiles on his darling and kissed top of his head.


“You must feel better when you are laughing so much.”


Siwon wipes his chin and then also wipes Yesung’s lips. The soup is gone and Yesung just rests because of his full stomach. Siwon started to rub his tummy and Yesung is staring on the cute dimples of boyfriend. The two dimples are probably his most favorite features on Siwon because they make his handsome face softer. Yesung knows that the dimples appear only when Siwon widely smiles and Siwon really smiles only when he is with Yesung. Yesung smiles because this man belongs only to him and no one can steal Siwon’s heart because it fully belongs to Yesung. 


Siwon can see that Yesung is thinking hard about something and his cheeks with tips of his fingers. 


“What are you thinking about?”


Yesung is woken up from his deep thoughts and smiles on Siwon. Yesung coughs and then wrapped his arms around Siwon’s neck. 


“Nothing important.”

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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: God damn sweet!!! Aaaaw~ adorable story (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
LongBanana #2
Chapter 1: I feel the same way seeing Yesung hurts... Maybe this is what we call Love ლ(・﹏・ლ) haha just kidding

yesung you should listen more to what your papa said (_0_) stop being stubborn