Stupidly Genius


There is a very thin line between genius and stupidity, and Cho Kyuhyun is here to prove it to you.


Another kyusung fic with dense kyu! Hope you guys enjoy it. Be sure to take care of yourself wherever you are too  :D


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Papiixbabi #1
Chapter 2: Reread this again and it's still sweet for my teeth
Chapter 1: Americano Joah joah ~ I really love it lol
Chapter 2: I LOVE IT its great
Chapter 1: waaahhh so cute but painful 😭
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
Chapter 2: They are so precious .... <3<3<3
TaiShanNiangNiang #6
Chapter 2: They are both adorably clueless and completely deserve each other (totally in a good way). ;)
401 streak #7
Chapter 2: Wooooo woooooo woooooooooooooooo

You always make me happy~~~~ <33333333333333

Oh how much I love fluffy stories~
sheen1614 #8
Chapter 2: For some of the stories you’ve written and I’ve read, I must say your writing leans more on the lighthearted side with just enough tension that I find myself holding my breath or crossing my fingers towards the end of the story.
I enjoyed kyu’s character here... the irony of being a genius with keen observation but seemingly stupid and hopelessly dense in reading signs. I’ll say the same for Yesung though. He’s genius with his plan but equally stupid not to see what Hae and Hyuk see. A very apt title indeed.
YuzuMi_RiMa #9
Chapter 1: If Yesung is just doing this to spend more time with Kyuhyun then he is SO SMOOTH XD I really enjoy how whipped Kyuhyun is for him XD Will be waiting for the next update!!
cloudykuro #10
Chapter 1: Why do I feel like this is only jongwoon's trick to get kyuhyun heart? Hmmmmmm.... Suspicious...
I mean hyukjae wouldn't be that cruel to reject every single plan that jongwoon has offered..
But anyway waiting for the next update!