Gold medal for you


Siwon has spent most of his life in swimming pools. He wanted to be an Olympic swimmer so he sacrificed everything to fulfill this dream. He didn’t expect to find love but it somehow happened. The president invited best athletes and artists for a lunch in his residence and then Siwon spotted Yesung. Siwon was captivated by the petite ballet dancer and immediately started a race to win his heart. It was a tough race but Yesung couldn’t say no forever when Siwon did everything to attract him. Yesung didn’t fall in love with Siwon because of the gifts the man gave to him, it was Siwon’s attendance on his every performance for six months in row. Siwon was always there, sitting in the first row and watched him. Yesung was a bit embarrassed that manly Siwon saw him because of one simple fact - Yesung might look like a man but he has a and his petite shape predicted him to dance parts for female. The truth is that this got Siwon’s heart, he saw Nutcracker and Yesung as the Sugar plum fairy amazed him. After the first six months Yesung finally said yes to go out with Siwon and then everything went so fast. After few more months they got married.


Yesung’s dream wasn’t becoming a ballet dancer, he wanted to have a baby with Siwon. The years of hard training and eating disorder did significant damage to his body so he did everything he could to get pregnant. Every possible vitamins ended in his body and after one year of waiting a pregnancy test showed that he is finally pregnant. They both watched how is Yesung’s belly getting bigger and Siwon already knows that their baby is going to be the biggest win of his life. However, something different is coming - Olympic games. Siwon is thanking to God that the games are going to be in South Korea because he doesn’t want to leave the country when Yesung’s due date is this close. He is grateful to wake up in bed next to his husband. Siwon slowly moves closer to him and sighed. The summer is hot and humid and Yesung is suffering every minute of every day. His pregnant belly is now huge, his belly button popped out and shows that the baby is almost ready to come. Siwon gently kissed the bump where is hiding their son and smiled. He is glad that he managed to keep Yesung’s skin perfect because his self-confidence blew up with the first few gained kilos. Siwon pressed his ear to the warm skin and looks in Yesung’s peaceful face. He is lying like this for few minutes until the baby kicked a bit. Siwon the belly to calm down his son to get more sleep for Yesung but their baby has a different idea. He is kicking until Yesung woke up with a groan. 


The tired man slowly opened his eyes and blinks few times. He wants to sleep more but now when he is awake, he feels how everything hurts. His ankles, his back, his s - everything is in pain after almost 9 months of pregnancy. Yesung wants a break, he wants the baby to be born so he could rest. For now he still has to drag the heavy baby inside his body. Siwon sees that Yesung wants to get up so he quickly grabs him under armpits and pulled him up to sitting position. Yesung groaned again and used back of his hand to wipe off rest of drools on his chin. He got up and pressed his small palms on his hurting hips while Siwon is watching him waddling him in the bathroom. Yesung is peeing and then came back in the bedroom. He waddles back to the bed and Siwon hugs him around the big belly. 


“You are going there today?”


Siwon only nods and kissed the bump. He is going to compete today, 400 metre individual medley is waiting for him. Is he nervous? Yes, moreover he doesn’t Yesung to sit with so many people around him so his husband won’t be watching him right there. The competition is starting in 4 hours but Siwon wants to be there at least 2 hours sooner to stretch his muscles and swim a bit. Yesung put his small hand on top of his husband’s head and sighed. He misses being a ballerina but being a mother is going to be better. Moreover he is feeling nervous for Siwon. They are cuddling for a while before going downstairs to have breakfast. Yesung feels bit of pain but he is having Braxton Hicks for the last two weeks. When it happened for the first time, he felt like he was going to give birth and Siwon totally freaked out. They rushed to a hospital but their doctor calmed them down and said that it is normal. It feels like a bit painful squeezing but Yesung doesn’t see it as a signal that his labor is coming.


After breakfast Siwon grabs his bag and tightly hugs his cute husband. When they parted, Yesung smiled on him and stood on his tiptoes to reach his husband’s cheek.


“Go and we will wait for you.”

Leeteuk, Siwon’s trainer is here and together they head to the Olympic pool while Yesung poured himself a glass of water with bit of mint. He sat down on the terrace of their house and drinks while rubbing his belly. He hopes that the pain will stop soon, he wants to surprise Siwon and come to watch him compete. Yesung is sitting in a shadow and drinks. On top of the squeezing the baby also started to kick again. Yesung is on edge of tears and suddenly the doorbell rings. He groaned because this means that he has to get up. Yesung waddles to the front door and sees Ryeowook who came to visit him. Well, it looks like a visit but the truth is that he came to check on him. Ryeowook thinks that Yesung is absolutely cute in the dress.


The Dress


Ryeowook walks inside behind Yesung and watches his thin legs of ballerina. The huge belly looks funny because Yesung is still thin for someone who is pregnant.


“Ryeowook, I am not in the mood.”


He knows that Ryeowook is here to annoy him but he won’t tolerate it. Ryeowook annoyed him with name for the baby, with ideas how to decorate the nursery. But not today. Ryeowook is carrying a bag with strawberries, raspberries and watermelon. Yesung is happy that he can have his favorite snack and watches Ryeowook who brings a plate with slices of the watermelon. He wants to take a slice but suddenly the pain became worse and he cried out in pain. Ryeowook immediately jumped to him and grabs his hand.


“What is wrong?”


Yesung pants while the pain slowly fades away. He doesn’t know what is wrong. His small hands feel the belly and he sobs. 


“I don’t know.”


Ryeowook is starting to panic and imagines Siwon slowly and painfully killing him for hurting his pregnant husband. He should call Siwon. He is almost tapping the call button when Yesung grabs his wrist.

“You can’t make him nervous!”


Yesung would never forgive himself ruining Siwon’s chance to win a gold medal. Yesung shakily smiled on Ryeowook and sighed.


“I don’t know if this is the beginning of my labor. I will wait.”


Yesung takes bite of the water melon and Ryeowook sat down again. He is carefully watching Yesung’s every move and still isn’t sure if they should wait. He has no idea how does childbirth work. Yesung eats the watermelon and started to walk around the terrace. The pain is getting worse and Yesung started to think that he is having contractions. He is drenched in sweat and finally admits that he can’t take it anymore.


“Please, could you take me to the hospital?”


Ryeowook immediately jumped on his feet and hurries to get Yesung’s hospital bag. He helps to Yesung with putting on his slip-on trainers when Yesung moaned in pain. Ryeowook moved away just in time because out of nowhere Yesung’s water broke. They are both staring on the puddle with bit of blood. Yesung started to cry because he is so scared. He is alone, he can’t call Siwon and he is going to have his baby. 


Ryeowook quickly leads him to his car and started to drive to the hospital. Yesung is sitting on the backseat and cries in pain. The contractions are longer now and the pauses between them are shorter. It feels like some force is trying to pull his hips in two different directions. Siwon’s race is going to start soon when they arrived to the hospital. Ryeowook runs to get a wheelchair and pulled Yesung out of the car. He wheeled the chair to a nurse station and almost yells in panic because he needs to know what to do. A nurse showed them the room they paid for and hooked Yesung up to a monitor, so he can watch the contraction peak and subside. Ryeowook the TV where are playing the Olympic Games and Yesung can watch his husband who is getting ready. Yesung grips the side rail of his bed and moans while another contraction hits him. Ryeowook helped him to change in a loose hospital gown and watches the race. Yesung tries to breathe and stay calm while watching his husband who is swimming like a fish. Yesung can’t believe that he is so fast and throws his head back because this last contraction was extra strong. Ryeowook is cheering up like crazy and Yesung blinks away his tears. 

“He won! Siwon won gold!”


Yesung cries in pain and happiness because his husband did it. He worked hard and now won a gold medal! He grips the side rails and watches Siwon who is cheering up with Leeteuk and other South Korean swimmers. Yesung knows that another race is waiting for Siwon. 400 metre individual medley was the first one and 200 meter stroke is coming next. Yesung cries while another wave of pain washes over him. He doesn’t care about the Olympic Games anymore, he just wants his husband here. Their doctor came and smiled on Yesung. 


“Lets see how are you open.”


Ryeowook isn’t sure if he should be here, this is very intimate thing. The doctor put on latex gloves and lifted the blanket. Ryeowook senses that Yesung must be pretty uncomfortable so he hesitantly grabs his hand. Yesung looked up on his friend who is almost like his brother and feels the doctor’s fingers touching his cervical opening. Yesung cries because he really wants his husband to be here. Ryeowook his hair and opened a bottle of water for him. He holds the straw for him to take few sips. The doctor said that he is open around 3 centimeters and left. The nurse from before is back and said that she could run a bath for Yesung to relieve the pain a bit. They helped him to sit in the water and Yesung really feels a bit better. He is feeling bad for Ryeowook and he looked on him.


“You can leave if you want.”


Yesung doesn’t want to force him to stay but in the same time he doesn’t want to be alone. Ryeowook only his arm and promised to stay with him until Siwon comes. Meanwhile the man finished the second race and won once again. He can’t describe how he feels. It is feels like he is going to explode because of this huge happiness and cries a bit. No one will know that he is crying, his body is still wet. Everything is blurry and he woke up a bit after standing on a podium and South Korea’s anthem is playing. He received his medals and can’t stop smiling. Two gold medals are hanging around his neck and Siwon has to give interviews to many reporters who wants to speak with the athlete. Siwon is trying to describe how he feels but it is hard. He is thinking over what to say but then he sees Leeteuk jumping up and down behind the crowd of reporters. Siwon can’t hear him because the whole place is loud and crowded. Leeteuk is wildly gesticulating with his arms and Siwon frowns. What the hell is his trainer doing? Leeteuk got angry and yelled.




The reporters turned to the man who is disturbing them and Siwon finally heard him clearly.




The reporters turned back to Siwon and look completely perplexed. What is going on? Meanwhile Siwon feels tears in his eyes and started to laugh.


“I am going to be a daddy!”


He excused himself and started to run to the car with Leeteuk. The trainer started to drive and in few minutes they stopped in front of the hospital. Siwon and Leeteuk run inside the huge building and people around gasped. The gold medals are hanging around his neck and he is wearing a tracksuit while running toward room where is his husband. They are few meters away from the room when Siwon heard a pained scream. He immediately recognized Yesung’s scream and stormed in the room. Siwon doesn’t know what to think about this scene. Yesung’s legs are in stirrups and a doctor has his hands between legs of his husband. Yesung is screaming on top of his lungs while Ryeowook is running a towel soaked in cold water over his cheeks and forehead. This contraction is extremely painful and Yesung feels like dying while the doctor repeats that it is too soon to start pushing. He isn’t opened enough and he is already exhausted. Siwon feels sick from seeing his husband like this - Yesung is struggling to catch his breath and shakes. His hair is wet with sweat and he is thirsty all the time. The pain vanished and Ryeowook holds a bottle of water for him. Yesung moans and opened his eyes. He can’t believe that Siwon is there, he thinks that his tired brain is playing some ugly tricks but then his husband walks to the bed and takes his small hand.


“Why didn’t you call me sooner?”


Siwon can’t stop himself from scolding Yesung a bit. 


“You had to focus. You won two gold medals and I am only on 4 centimeters.”


He never wanted to leave him alone during the labor but he missed few hours. Yesung throws his head back and cries out in pain. Every joint in his body hurts and he is only in middle of giving birth, he isn’t even pushing yet. Ryeowook sees this as a chance to sneak out, he was the one who called Leeteuk because he saw that Yesung can’t take it anymore. Now Yesung has his husband next to him so no one needs him any longer. 


Siwon forgot about his medals and grabs the cold towel. Yesung is turning and tossing in the bed and just wants to get rid of the pain. He is yelling that he has to push but the nurses and their doctor is repeating that it is not time yet. Yesung is cursing and promising a cruel revenge while the sky outside grows dark. After 8 hours of pain, crying and cursing, the doctor finally said that Yesung is ready to push. Two nurses put his legs back in the stirrups and Siwon almost fainted after seeing how Yesung looks down there. He did this? Siwon is horrified that one without a caused this suffering to Yesung and he wishes to feel the pain instead of Yesung. Siwon is holding his hand while Yesung screams his lungs out. He is pushing with all his strength and feels that the baby is finally moving. He can feel the baby through the birth canal and thinks that his hips are going to break down. He wants to yell on Siwon but he is in too much pain to form words, he is simply screaming while the doctor tells him when he should push. Yesung’s face is red from the effort and Siwon runs an ice cube over his chapped lips. He is telling him how great he is and that he is almost done but Siwon promises to himself to never get Yesung pregnant again. 


Another contraction came and Yesung feels the baby sliding down more. The doctor shouts that he can see head and Yesung  collects every bit of strength in his body to push his son out. It feels like his vulva is on fire but the adrenaline rushing through his body won’t let him to stop. Siwon and Yesung thought that the birth is going to go fast with the head already out. Out of nowhere the doctor yelled something about shoulder dystocia and told them that the baby’s shoulders got stuck. Yesung started to cry in panic while Siwon screams on the doctor to quickly do something. The doctor doesn’t need his advice, he needs very well what to do. One of the nurses grabs Yesung’s legs and pushed them back as far as possible. Siwon quickly helped her while Yesung tries to withdraw from the pain and moved his legs to close them. The second nurse holds his legs open and the doctor pushed his fingers inside him. He is going to grab the baby under armpits which means that the pain is millions times worse. Yesung has never felt such strong pain. He practiced ballet hard since he was 3 years old, he is used to pain but this feels like they are dragging his organs out of his body. He is yelling in pain while the doctor is pulling and twisting the baby to get him out. 


“I can’t! Sorry I can’t!”


Yesung would do everything just to stop the pain, he would promise everything just to end this suffering. Siwon is crying too because he can almost feel the huge pain of his husband and knows that he caused this. A new high-pitched cry filled the air and the couple froze. 


“Finally! Thank God!”


Siwon let go of Yesung’s leg and watches the doctor who pulled out the baby who is covered with blood. Yesung is only in pain on edge of collapsing and can’t believe it. He waited so long and now his son is here. Yesung’s body is flooded with hormones and everything feels so sharp - the lights and noises around him are so clear but the one noise is sharper and louder than anything. A nurse is smiling while handing him a small bundle. She carefully place the baby on his chest and Yesung stares on the small and red face. His son is here!




Siwon is staring in awe and can’t believe it. This is their child. Siwon hesitantly touched the baby’s tiny hand and smiled. The baby is weakly crying and some instinct told Yesung what to do. He brings the baby to his left and the baby immediately started to drink milk of his mother. The parents are watching their son and Yesung started to cry. He is in so much pain, he is exhausted and struggles to keep his eyes open but can’t let go of his son. Jongwoon is the most perfect baby of all time. The tiny nose, ears, not even his red and wrinkled skin can make him less adorable. Yesung can’t believe that this little human came out of him. The baby filled its small stomach and fell asleep while his parents are watching him. Yesung hesitantly gave him to the nurse who changed the baby’s diaper and swaddled him. Another nurse is cleaning Yesung’s private parts and changed the bedsheets. The baby is sleeping in a bassinet and the fresh mother is taking a shower with his husband supporting him. The adrenaline is gone and Yesung is going to fall asleep while standing under stream of the warm water. Siwon carried him toward the bed and dried his body. A nurse helped him to dress Yesung is a mesh briefs which keeps the huge pad in place and she added an ice pack between his legs. Siwon covered Yesung with few warm blankets and left to give them some privacy. It is very late and the hospital is silent. Siwon is watching his sleeping husband and baby and can’t stop smiling. He would like to dance and sing around the whole hospital to say everyone about his son. He sat down next to the bassinet and watches his sleeping son for rest of the night.


Yesung woke up early in the morning and feels like a truck hit him. He moves a bit but he is in too much pain so he stays still and sighed. Siwon is sitting there, still dressed in the tracksuit and the gold medals are hanging around his neck. He has another race this afternoon but he still has few hours with his family.


“So … happy to be there during the labor?”


Yesung smirked because the labor wasn’t a pretty thing, it must have looked like being in middle of a war zone. Siwon glanced on their son and then looked back on Yesung.


“I can’t see you as my husband anymore ….”


Yesung gasped and wants to throw something on him but then Siwon smiled.


“…. because I see you as a goddess.”


Little Jongwoon woke up and Yesung picked him up to feed him. The baby is on his mother’s and Yesung smiled. His career might be gone, his vulva might be tear up but it was worth it. Here is his son who is the biggest achievement in his life. Siwon smiled on his babe and kissed his cheek. Yesung looks exhausted, his hair is messy and there are dark circles around his eyes but he is glowing with happiness. 


“You deserve a gold medal, you deserve everything and I will spend rest of my life showing you how much I love you and our son.”

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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: Aaw, a heartwarming story, good job author-nim 🥰🥰🥰
LongBanana #2
Chapter 1: Aaah I feel touched TT it's terrible during the birthing process. but that's where we learn about the struggle of a mother who is so big.. siwon will love his family more and more :3

*Btw yesungie already has a and so isn't that mean yesung actually has become a whole woman?