Chapter 2

Beauty and the Geek

Taeyeon drags Jessica all the way into the dining room where her mother and brother Heechul is waiting.

"There's my dongsaeng! Yah! I went all the way to that hellish school of yours looking for you," Heechul exclaims the minute Taeyeon enters into the dining room. He stands up and approaches his baby sister and wraps her in a bear hug. "I'm sorry oppa. I lost tracks of time," Taeyeon says as she reciprocates her brother's hug. "I missed you though oppa!" Taeyeon exclaims becoming slightly teary-eyed. Heechul pulls away from the hug and holds Taeyeon by the shoulders, "I missed you too dwarf...wait I think you've grown a centimeter or two since I've left. Eomma what have you been feeding?"

"Aish, way to ruin the moment Heech." Taeyeon brushes her brother hands off her shoulders and moves to sit at the round dining table where Jessica and her mother are already seated. She sits right in-front of Jessica. Heechul's smile drops and he let's out a huff before saying, "Sorry for trying to be an observant brother!" He takes the last seat right in-front of their mother. He gives Taeyeon a sassy look and is about to say something else, but their mother cuts their small bicker, "Alright you two! We get it! You missed each other. Now eat!" Heechul gives their mother a smile before digging into their dinner, while Taeyeon just looks indifferently at her before doing the same.

As everyone begins eating on their food Mrs. Kim decides to ask Jessica a question "So, Jessica-sshi," said looks up and wipes the corners of with her napkin and waits for Mrs. Kim to finish her sentence, "are you majoring in business like our Heechul?" "Ah, ne. I'm majoring in business administration as well, and I am also studyin Art History as a minor." Mrs. Kim nods at the girl. "And you're a freshman correct," she asks. "Ne, Mrs. Kim," Jessica answers.

"Eomma, I think my hoobae is too shy to say. She actually plans on starting a fashion company," Heechul speaks up and says on behalf of Jessica. Said girl is a bit caught off-guard by the revelation of her future plans. Mrs. Kim looks at  Jessica expectantly with interest in the girl's chosen career path, "Jinjja! " 

"Ah...Ne," Jessica shyly responds. "Aigoo, Jessica is just being modest. You should see some of her designs! She choses what I wear at least three times a week," Heechul proudly states---"Of course I do! With some of the stuff he walks out the house in who wouldn't" Jessica mumbles so no one else would hear---"I guess that's expected with her being a Jung," he finishes. "A Jung, what does that have to do with her going into fashion?" Mrs. Kim inquires after her son's weird statement. "Jessica is the dau-" "He just means that most Jungs he knows are stylish and fashionable people," Jessica cuts him off from revealing anything further and gives the boy an icy glare that shuts him up immediately. "Well, I will admit that I definitely thought you were a model when I first saw you," Mrs. Kim admits.

'Do me and my mother agree on something?!' Taeyeon, who's been quiet this whole time but still listening intently to the conversation around her, thinks to herself. Taeyeon secretly glances at the girl in-front of her and her heart immediately palpitates. 'No she's waaayyyy more beautiful than any model I've ever seen!'

"Thank you," Jessica blushes at the comment. Mrs. Kim continues, "You know, Heechul as brought a few girls home, but I never liked any of them. I like you Jessica! Your smart, beautiful, and seem to know what you want in life. I approve!" "Ne?" Jessica asks confused with the last part of Mrs. Kim's statement. "You and my son are dating correct? Well, I approve. You'll be good for him," clarifies Heechul's mother. Heechul chokes on his drink at the statement and for the first time Taeyeon speaks aloud, REALLY LOUD, "WHAT?!" Jessica waves her hands frantically in the air and looks back-and-forth between Mrs. Kim and Taeyeon, denying the assumption. "Aniyo! Heechul and I are just friends, even best friends but nothing more," Jessica hastily explains and looks to said friend for help. Heechul recovers from choking and backs-up his hoobae, "Ne, Jessica and I are just friends eomma! She's actually like another sister to me. I will NEVER think of her in that way!"

"I'm sorry for assuming," Mrs. Kim says apologetically Heechul and Jessica nod understandingly, and they're about to dismiss the topic when a sigh is heard. "You're always assuming things," Taeyeon whispers loud enough for her mother to hear and subsequently the others. Heechul let's out a small chuckle and quickly changes the topic, "So Taeng, it's been three weeks since school started back. How's senior life treating you? You're not still being bullied by that Lee girl are you? Ah!"

"No, I'm not Heech," she kicks her brother under the table and says through gritted teeth. Taeyeon throws a glance at Jessica who returns her look, and bashedly straightens herself in her seat and looks down at her food. Heechul notices his sister's change in posture and behavior, "Well, since tomorrow is Saturday how about we hangout," he asks his sister who's now playing with her food. "Can't. I'm joining Yuri and Sooyoung's martial arts school tomorrow," she coolly responds, "Jinjja," Heechuls says surprised at his sister signing up for anything atheletic.

"Why didn't you tell me about this Taeyeon-ah? What type of school is this? What are they teaching you? I don't want you learning how to fight." Mrs. Kim asks her daughter. "I just said its a martial arts academy, and I didn't tell you because I didn't think I needed to. They don't teach you how to fight, but how to defend yourself. The academy teaches Taekwondo, mixed martial arts, Muay Thai, and even acrobatics. Besides, I'll be with Yuri and Sooyoung, so there's nothing to worry about." Taeyeon says in one breath.

"Well, I don't think you should be learning those things. Yuri and Sooyoung are already tomboys and you're not far from them. I want you to do things more ladylike," Taeyeon only rolls her eyes and shakes her head at her mother, "Maybe you should spend sometime with Jessica while she's here. Will that be okay Jessica," Mrs. Kim asks the said girl.

"Ah, Ne, I'm fine with hanging out with Taeyeon-sshi if she wants. But I must say Mrs. Kim that I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to learn to defend yourself. Society is becoming more and more unsafe for women, and it's becoming a necessity for women to learn some defensive tactics," Taeyeon looks up at the girl surprised that she's taking her side and they barely even know each other. Jessica continues, "To be honest I wish I could do the same, but the way my family treats me they would never allow me to. Since I can't protect myself maybe Taeyeon can be my protector," she says and looks at the mentioned girl with a playful smirk. Taeyeon blushes at the girl's playful face and quickly looks down at her now empty plate, "Ne," she shyly says.

"Good! Then your new bodyguard can protect you while you sleep tonight," Heechul and Jessica laughs at his joke, even Mrs. Kim releases a small chuckle. "Ne? What do you mean," Taeyeon confusedly asks her brother. "Jessica's sleeping in the room with you. She can't sleep with me in my room, so she's gotta go somewhere." Her brother clarifies, "Ah," Taeyeon simply says suddenly feeling nervous at the revelation of Jessica sharing a room with her tonight, and the entire week at that. "Don't worry Taeyeon-sshi! I don't have cooties," Jessica jokes and gives Taeyeon a smile that takes her breath away. "Ne," Taeyeon responds in a barely audible voice. I think I'm going to die tonight being around her.


Boy o' boy is Taeyeon in for a long night! Next time on The Beauty and the Geek, haha! Enjoy reading!

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This chapter is a bit short, but it’s been sitting in my drafts for months. I just wanted to go ahead an release it. Hope you all enjoy!


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aiiyth #1
Chapter 4: You're back ..thanks author
Chapter 4: Waaaa you're back ❤️ thanks for the update
mzlyod #3
Chapter 3: They are so cute.. omg!!!
Uchie_0903 #4
Chapter 3: Ommo... Taengsic so cute
Chapter 3: Ahhh wae almost sih wekakakak
Chapter 1: Omo cuteeee
Movie91 #7
Chapter 3: Hope to see more chapters soon
Chapter 3: I guess it will be a lot of misunderstanding relationship between taeyeon and jessica...coz both of them seem not to admit theirself feeling.
aiiyth #9
Chapter 3: So funny haha