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School 2020 (IZ*ONE Ver)
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Nako woke up and found herself in a hospital. It was dark and raining outside. Nako looked on her left and saw Yena sleeping by her side.


“How long have I been here?”


Nako slowly sat and jumped off the bed as she heard noise outside. Nako headed towards the door and peeked. Nako was surprised to see her stepdad, Mr Honda and Hitomi outside. Nako hid behind the door. She eavesdropped their conversation.


“Rino lied to me, she told me that everything is okay, I’m really sorry sweetheart, I had no idea she hurt you like this,” Mr Honda said.

“It’s okay dad, at least you are here now, but how did you know about this?”

“Your friend, from that Miyawaki Kingdom told me. She contacted me directly and I was shaking when I found about what happened. I flew to Korea right away, made a police report and found you guys in the house like that,” Mr Honda explained.

“You came in time, we might lose Nako if you came later,”

“I can’t believe Rino treated you like that, I made a mistake marrying her, I though she will love you like I did,”

“Dad, it’s over now, she is arrested, and my friend and I will give statement to the police,” Hitomi said.

“But, how about Nako? I heard she’s the one who pushed you down the stairs?”

“It’s an accident, not her fault, and Nako, she saved me,”

“I’m relief to hear that but I’m afraid that when she woke up, heard about Rino, she will be sad,”

“It’s our job then to comfort her,” Hitomi smiled at her dad.


Nako leaned her head on the walls. She began to regret everything she ever did to Hitomi. Hitomi still care for her even after she hurts her. Nako then gathered her courage and walked out of the room. She stared at Hitomi and Mr Honda.


“Dad, Hii-chan, I’m sorry,” Nako said in tears.






There was no response from neither of them. They both were still talking to themselves.


“Hii-chan…,” Nako called but Hitomi ignored her.


Nako reached out her hand to touch Hitomi but it passed through her body. Nako could not touch Hitomi or Mr Honda. Nako looked at her hand.


“Why can’t I touch them?”


Nako tried to touch Hitomi again but failed. Nako sensed something bad and rushed back inside. Yena was still sleeping but there was another figure lying down on the bed, unconscious. Her head was bandaged, and she relied on the oxygen tank to live.


“It can’t be,”


Nako saw her body on the bed. Not moving. Nako checked herself in the mirror but there was no reflection.


“Am I dead?”


“Nope, you are not,”


Nako turned to her right and saw a pretty lady using a white dress, drinking a can of cola, staring at her.


“You can see me?”

“Of course, I can, I see the lost soul,” that lady explained.

“Who are you? And why am I a lost soul?”

“Kid, one question at a time please,”

“Sorry, I’m just curious like this all does not make sense,” Nako replied.

“Let me introduce myself, my name is Lee Jieun and I’m the Angel of Soul,”

“Are you going to take me to after life or what?”


Jieun shook her head.


“Kid, I’m here to show you what did you miss in your life,”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?”


Jieun smiled and snapped her finger. Nako moved from the hospital to her school. Nako was now in the principal office and there was Yena and Hitomi inside, talking to the principal.


“As you can see, I received report stating that Nako pushed you down, is that correct?” The principal asked.

“It was not Nako, it was me who pushed her down!” Yena said.

“Yena! What are you doing? You did nothing! Are you stupid?” Nako shouted but no one heard her.

“Is it true Hitomi? Yena pushed you down?” The principal asked.

“Madam, it was not Yena,”

“Hii-chan, it was ob-,”

“It was an accident Madam. I tripped and fell down the stairs. Nako was the one who save me. She came just in time. People misunderstood her because she was the first to find me,” Hitomi lied.


Nako covered . Again, Hitomi was saving her.


“Who should I believe now? Yena or you Hitomi?” The principal asked.

“Madam, as the victim, I hope you trust me. No one pushed me. Not Yena or Nako. I want to settle this quietly, so I hope you respect my decision,” Hitomi added.

“Are you sure about this?” The principal questioned.

“Nako is my sister, and I won’t hurt my sister,”

“Okay, if that what you want. I will close this case as you wish,”

“Thank you, Madam,”


Nako followed Yena and Hitomi outside. Yena and Hitomi walked until they reached the staircase.


“Hii-chan, what are you doing?” Yena asked.

“What are you doing? I am the one who should ask you that! Don’t take the blame just because you want to protect her, I can protect her too,”

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to see her getting hurt,”

“I understand. You like her. You want her to be happy right?” Hitomi guessed.

“I do. But she is unconscious now, I wonder when she will wake up,”

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Chapter 17: wow, would like to have a nice ending for jangchae
andaengdaeng0901 #2
still hoping for school 2021
Ninapot24 #3
Keystrings #4
Chapter 18: This would have been great if the pairings weren't too messed up. But then again iz*one has always been a wonderful mess and a beautiful disaster. So all is well and great job on this.
1761 streak #5
Chapter 18: TT
Chapter 18: </3
andaengdaeng0901 #8
Chapter 17: next season
andaengdaeng0901 #9
next season pls🙏🏼
Sokheangkk #10
Chapter 17: Next season please