Chapter Twenty Five

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Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai...I love love love love you. My boy boy boy boy! Watashi ni kite... Watashi mo itoe! (Come to me too!)

Peony's alarm tone that was the single "Ai Ai Ai" from Hara Kana's debut album woke her up the next morning. 

She sat up in Jaejoong's king-sized comfy bed and rubbed her eyes.


Also, she stretched before reaching for her phone on the bedside table to cut off her alarm.

She'd set the reminder last night. If she didn't, she would oversleep and that day she wanted to rise early to get ready.

It would be her last day in Seoul and she'd made plans to go shopping and hang out with Naomi while she was there.

But after last night Peony really wanted to spend the day with her Jaejoong Oppa.


However, he would probably be busy.

Her flight back to Japan wasn't until early evening time so they had some time to do something together before she went back home and rejoined her group mates.

Hara Kana would continue their Japan-wide Arena tour after their successful three nights at the Bukodan Indoor Arena.

The media was still buzzing about it.

Peony looked over to where Jaejoong had been sleeping next to her in his bed last night and saw that his spot was empty.

She looked around the bedroom.

"Jaejoong Oppa!" she called out to him, but got no response.


That meant that he must be in the front of his penthouse apartment.

Peony got from under the covers and off of the bed to go see where Jaejoong was.

Her soft foot falls barely made a sound on the marble tile floors as she walked down the hallway.


On her way to find her Oppa, she stepped into the guest bathroom to relieve her bladder, wash her face and straighten out her hair a bit with a brush.

She didn't want Jaejoong to see her looking frightful in the morning.

Once she was decent-looking, Peony continued on her journey to find him.

It didn't take long once she entered the front area of the large penthouse.

A smile spread on to her face when she saw his back turned to her while he was cooking something that smelt yummy.

It still amazed her how skilled of a cook Jaejoong was. He liked being in his kitchen and whipping up food.

"Ohayo (Good morning)" she greeted him.

Jaejoong turned around and smiled, seeing her standing there looking at him.

"Ohayo. Yoku nemuremaa ka? (Did you sleep well?)" he greeted her back.

"Hai" Peony blushed a bit as she replied.

A y smirk came on to his face when he realized what made her blush.

They had been intimate for the first time in his bed last night. It had been long overdue in his mind but courting girls like Peony took time and patience.

They didn't just fall into your arms.

Guys had to woo them properly.

He was dressed casually in a D.Gnak by Kang.D Black Long Zip Hoodie, M

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Oh, Happy Valentine's Day to you all <3


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 35: Can't believe it's already the end. But wow, I'm so happy for the two. And I had fun reading the story. Hopefully will see you in your future works ^^
Baekie_18 #2
Chapter 35: Can’t believe that this is ending, i just have a chance to read it today and now I am already at the end. Gonna miss this so much. Thanks you for such an amazing story authornim. I hope to see your other works soon!
2034 streak #3
Chapter 34: Poor Peony! Hopefully there wouldn't be any more cases like that in the future. Can't wait for JJ and her to meet again. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 33: *fans self* this chapter was hot. LoL XD anyway, not really sure what to say but it's nice to see them being happy together. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 32: Aww they finally had the date! That was so cute. And that was sweet of him to not mind about her cooking skills. Being in love and extremely hungry could have been a major factor too though. LoL... Also, noticed that you have done a double update. So will be back later to read the other one ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 31: I was expecting this chapter to be their date but I'm even more curious now of what she had planned for it. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 30: First things first, wonder who the unruly fandom at the airport was waiting for! LoL jokes aside, I can't wait to see what surprise she has got for him and how their date would go. So hope to see an update soon ^^
Sounds amazing 😍🤩
2034 streak #9
Chapter 29: Did that fanboy acted like that because of the dating rumor? I hope not. And wonder what her plan is. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
And Happy Holidays to you too~
2034 streak #10
Chapter 28: The date was cute! And Yunho's phone call though! LoL XD enjoyed Changmin's threatening too. It was fun. Also have been curious. If he drank so much Soju, then who will drive them back to airport? Call a substitute? Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.

PS is 45 minutes enough to clear Immigration and security in the airport? Also considering Seoul's traffic... Just got curious though ^^