
Rush v2



Sehun tries not to squirm too much as Krystal helps connect his wire for him. He glances over at Kai, who has Amber doing the same to him. “How did you even get these things?” Sehun asks nervously. “Aren’t know, stuff for uh...cops and stuff? 


“Amber has her ways,” Krystal replies with a mischievous grin. “You can talk to us through this wire and hear with the earpiece.”


“If you guys get into a tight spot,” Amber continues for her girlfriend. “We’ll send in some of your guys.”


“Things should go according to plan,” Kai announces confidently. As soon as the girls are finished, the two of them put their shirts and jackets back on before opening the van door and hopping out. They easily pass the bouncers as they head into the club, going straight to the bar as they wait. “You know,” he speaks up after some silence. “I might as well buy you a drink while we’re here.”


Sehun a brow. “Are you...trying to flirt with me?”


“That depends if it’s working or not,” Kai lazily smiles and tilts his head. “Is it?”


“We uh...we can hear you guys,” Amber says through the mic with amusement in her voice. 


Sehun blushes and looks away. “Let’s just focus.” The club is too loud for his liking. Between the shifting strobe light, gentle mist covering the floor, loud music, and all the damn dancing and grinding; he might get a headache soon. “People like this crap?!” He asks over the loud music. 

Kai just shrugs. “Don’t know, I never go to these.”


Sehun leans against the bar, watching the leader pull out his phone and plug in the blue USB given to them. The boy steps over beside him, watching as a screen pops up. They wait for the bar as it slowly fills up. When it reaches full, three numbers are revealed. When motioned to, Sehun texts them to amber.


“Okay, kiddo,” Amber says over the mics. “It’ll take me a couple of minutes, so sit comfortably. Your mics and wire will be off for a sec too.”


“Alright,” Kai replies, stuffing his phone back. He leans against the counter, looking over at Sehun. “So, about that drink?”


Sehun crosses his arms and scoffs. “Stop kidding around.”


“I’m serious.”


Sehun stares at the leader for a moment before standing up straight. Is he actually flirting or just being an ? Taking a step forward, he decides to go along with it. “If you’re serious, take me out to the movies or for dinner,” He says, looking around. “You know, normal .” The place is relatively crowded with random people, acting like monkeys. He wonders why the hell anyone would come and do this. Five minutes in and he’s getting that headache.  


“Okay,” Amber speaks up. “Say the word and I’ll unlock the door. King thinks he’s smart and put electric locks instead.”


Sehun looks at Kai, who nods before motioning for a drink. He gives his partner a wink before quickly downing it and heading over to some guards by the stairs; the same ones Sehun saw on the map, that leads to the office. He slowly inched his way over, waiting for the distraction. He tries not to laugh as Kai begins to sway and act drunk. “H-hey, mother er,” he slurs.” Sehun shakes his head. “I gotta...a bone to pick with BOTTTTH of ya!”


“Another drunk ,” One guard scoffs. Kai attempts to punch the man, purposefully missing. “Back it up, dickhead.” The boy keeps a close eye on them all, staying close to the wall. When Kai finally does punch one of the men, the others do as well. As soon as the leader and guards have the men a few feet away, Sehun dashes over and up the stairs. Finally away from the obnoxious light and loud music, he lets out a sigh of relief. He feels as if he can hear himself think now. Stopping beside the office door, he speaks up. 


“Okay, Amber. I’m by the doors,” he whispers.


The door beeps, the sound of a lock disengaging. Sehun takes a quick look around before stepping in and closing it behind him. Once in the office, he wastes no time in rounding around the desk at the far wall and sitting on the office chair. As soon as he puts the red USB, he begins to look around through King’s things.  When he sees a folder titled Kai, he hesitantly reaches for it; stopping when the door unlocks. He ducks down under the desk and pulls his gun out.


“It’s just me, Sehun,” Kai whispers, shutting it behind him as well. 


Sehun sighs, sitting back in his original seat. He rubs his head and sets his gun down. “Got, I almost shot you.” 


“Did you find anything?” Kai asks, standing behind him.


“The info is downloading now.”


“Oh, good,” Kai hums as he pulls out his own piece. “Because we have five minutes.” He checks it over before glancing over Sehun’s shoulder and looking at the screen. 


“They have a file,” Sehun whispers. “With on it.”


Kai looks at the file and narrows his eyes. “Of course they do,” He scoffs, snatching and opening it up. Sehun sighs and scans over the other files. He freezes, however, when he sees his name. His hands shake as he picks it up, folding over the cover. 


“Oh Sehun, seventeen years old,” He begins to read out loud, catching Kai’s attention. “Sent to a religious camp at the age of fourteen for…” Sehun takes a deep breath. “Conversion therapy for a year and a half. Mother and brother died at fifteen in a car accident. Father alcoholic and potentially...abusive.” Kai gently squeezes his shoulder, seemingly an attempt to comfort him. “Sent to juvie shortly after for a year.” Sehun slams the file shut and swallows hard. When the loading completes, Sehun doesn't hesitate to snatch it and hand it over to Kai. 


“What...did you get sent to juvie for?”


Sehun grabs both of their files and goes to the fireplace. He throws them both in, watching them burn. The flames that flick threaten to bring back his memories. He pushes it away and hugs himself briefly as if he were protecting himself. “We should go.”


Kai nods and goes to the door to peek out. When he’s sure all papers are burned, Sehun joins the leader. They both pause when they can hear the echoing voices of men heading up. “Kai, you go.”


“What?” Kai a brow. “That’s stupid, we can go together.” 


“Just go. I’ll stay and distract them so we make sure you escape with the info. Look, arguing with me is out of the damn question!” Sehun pulls out his gun and points it toward the direction of the shouting. He crouches behind some stairs as cover. “Go!”


Kai stares at him for a moment before cursing and heading, disappearing up the second flight of stairs. As soon as some men appear, he doesn't hesitate to shoot, aiming for shoulders and arms; never any fatal; shots. A moment or two, the boy backs up the stairs as well now, flinching every time some guns go off. He runs over to some windows, looking for a possible escape route. He pulls it open, letting off more shots at King’s men. “I’m in the van, Sehun. Get your damn don here!” Kai shouts through the mic. Sehun frowns, wondering how he left so quickly. He stuffs his gun back into the holster before swiftly climbing out the windows and avoiding bullets. He grabs the strong pipe on the side tightly as he slides down, cringing when his palms become hot; like he’s being burned. He lets go, barely landing on his feet and stumbling a bit. Sehun groans and waves his hands to cool them down as he looks up at the window he had escaped from. Once it dies down, he turns toward the exit of the alley and sighs. 


“I’m out of the club now and I’m on my way-” A hard strike to the back of Sehun’s head interrupts him, forcing him forward and to hit the hard floor. He winces as he feels blood run down his ear and neck. A heavy pounding and his ear ringing. When he goes to look back at his attacker, a second blow to the head knocks him back down; everything dizzy and dark. 


“Sehun?!” Kai calls out. “Sehun, answer me!”


“S-Sehun?!” Amber speaks up.

Sehun feels as if he’s in a drunken state when he’s pulled up by his arms and roughly ragged down the opposite side of the alley. “It is fine if we rough him up,” a man says in Chinese.


“The Sovereign says so, yes. As long as we don’t kill him.”


When Sehun groans softly, it seems to get their attention. “Hey, he’s awake. Let’s fix that.” Furrowing his brows, he looks up just as the of a gun slam and makes contact with his temple once. The second time instantly passing him out.

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Chapter 26: Why I can't found set on fire 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 26: Finished the story in one go and really enjoyed all the massacre and violence. Thanks for sharing and writing it!
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 13: i am glad he is safe. this was to much
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 7: liked that they talked. was time for
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 5: i wouldnt let him do this eiter. poor hunnie ;_,
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 4: i am glad, that suho tries to befirend sehun.
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 2: i am not okay, that suho and baek are not really "helping" or cant help ;_;
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 1: understandable when someone reacts so.
Chapter 25: I'm crying
So much to tell but i'm so emotional, i can't utter a word even...
This is fantastic to read and i was so engrossed in it i put my work for later lol
I cried for sehun and every boy here the must have gone so much hurt and trouble to became this ruthless, but still so caring for each other. The gang exo is one and family ♡
I hated king and sovereigne so much i wanted their death slow and torturing but they got what they deserved!
I love sekai's relationship, protective, gentle and caring..
I loved brotherly suho too ♡