
In Darkness, You're All I See

Something was waking Chaewon up.

She was slowly regaining consciousness, going back to the surface where reality was waiting for her. From behind her eyelids she sees the brightness of the daylight, the heat of the fragments of sunlight that managed to get past her bedroom window's glass. Chaewon feels softness everywhere, in every surface of her skin, in every pad of her fingertips; even her hair's senses picks the feeling up.

But there was a different kind of softness that she was feeling. What it was, she doesn't know yet.

Chaewon took her first conscious breath.

And into her lungs went a scent that brought her comfort, that brought her joy, that brought her sorrow, for all years past.

It was the scent of home.

She feels the softness again, and she realizes where exactly she was, or is, feeling it.

It was on her lips.

Soft, constant pressure on Chaewon's lips.

She opens her eyes, and the sight that she sees made her let out the biggest sigh of comfort, of satisfaction.

It was her wife.

Her wife, her beautiful wife.

Her wife that built her up, tore her down, and made her whole.

Her wife that she fought heaven and earth, with every tooth and nail, to be with right now, and for the rest of her life.

Her wife who was kissing her right now.

Chaewon curves the edges of her lips upward, smiling into the kiss as she started kissing back.

Her wife noticed this reaction, and so she pulled away merely centimeters in between, just enough so she could see Chaewon's brown eyes.

"Good morning," she said.

Chaewon raised an eyebrow at her.

"Is that your new way of waking me up now?"

She smirked.

"Do you like it?"

"Hm," the just-woken-up femme hummed in thought. Then she looked at her, deadpan.


The smirk disappeared as soon as her heard what she said, turning into a pout instead.

Chaewon kissed her again, and against her lips she softly whispered.

"I love it."

She was about to deepen the kiss when their bedroom door swung open.


Chaewon's wife jumped away in surprise, and all she could do was laugh at her reaction and her face that was burning up by the second.

"We'll be right there, sweetie," Chaewon told the little ball of sunshine.

They then heard a flurry of steps descend the stairs.

She turned to her flustered wife again, her smile not disappearing.

She took her left hand and, by instinct, slowly touched the gold band on her ring finger adorned with small diamonds.

(Chaewon remembers how much she fussed with the price of the ring, years ago. All she said was that she deserved a ring as beautiful as she was, and that immediately shut her up.)

"Why don't you go ahead and make a mess at the kitchen with our daughter, and I can fix the bed and join you after?"

She turned to you, smiling.

"Sounds like a plan."

Chaewon kisses her one more time.

"Good morning, Minju."

She grinned at her, the grin that reflected the light, and the reason why Chaewon fell for her the first time.

She was still falling for her until now, after all this time.

"Good morning, Chaewon-unnie."






A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Now come join the dark side: https://discord.gg/fYvSHwq

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Averagemily #1
Chapter 1: omg so sofffttt domestic 2kim is my fav tysm!!! i your work sm <3
Averagemily #2
Chapter 1: omg so sofffttt domestic 2kim is my fav tysm!!! i your work sm <3
Chapter 1: My hearttt is boasting with uwus hahaha thanks a lot for this lovely oneshot!
1762 streak #4
Chapter 1: uwu the fluffiness is to the max!!!
Chapter 1: Domestic family fluff is the best fluff, thank you!