
Leading Us to This New Chance
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warning: arrow in this chapter goes the hospital - but he'll be okay ^^

As he closed the restaurant early that night, Hyukjae could tell he was completely anxious.

After all, it was his first date with Donghae in years.

He didn't even know how long, but a lot of feelings appeared and all he wanted was to just hug Donghae and feel that everything was very real. And Hyukjae wanted things to work out so badly that he made dinner himself. He chose the tablecloth and also positioned the candles so that the table looked ready for the romantic dinner.

Donghae then arrived and knocked on the glass to get Hyukjae's attention. And when the chef saw the brown-haired man there, he opened the door and so the two smiled at each other. Shyly they kissed and almost giggled when they looked at each other. It was nice to have a relationship like that.

- I wanted to go pick you up, but what was your excuse?

- I'm at the movies right now. Arrow was a little upset because he wanted to go with me. And what was your excuse?

- I said that today I needed to do some math because I want to do another renovation. Heechul said I'm throwing money away, but...

- He can't even know what you really planned.

- No. – and so he smiled – I hope you're hungry.

- What did you make?

- Our favorite food when we were studying in France: beef bourguignon. That's the main dish. The entree is puff pastry with ricotta and spinach filling. And dessert is chocolate cake because that's the only thing I know how to make.

Donghae smiled.

- I like all of that. I would have brought dessert if you had asked.

- Maybe you'll organize everything at our next date. – Hyukjae winked and the brown-haired man chuckled – But for now… – and pulled out his chair – Would you like some wine?

- I would love.

- Then I'll be right back and I'll bring the first course.

Donghae nodded and couldn't stop smiling. He even tried, but being with Hyukjae made him happy in a way he couldn't explain. And Donghae was excited about the possibility of an upcoming date because he had an idea in mind. Unfortunately, the two needed to be careful not to be discovered, but it was nice to be able to have one more date on the schedule.

- And here's the wine. – Hyukjae said when he came back from the kitchen – And I'll get the puff pastry dish. I will be back in a moment. – and indeed he returned quickly. Donghae was already pouring the wine and smiled as soon as he saw the food – Do you remember that we ate this about six years ago?

- Yes. Your mother did, didn't she?

- Yes, but I never wanted to make a recipe like this in the restaurant. I think I'll pass the list on to Leeteuk and he'll serve as an entree in Aurora.

- And how has the planning been?

- Until then it has been very quiet. I'm going to hire the same crew that does Scarecrow's renovation and wait for my fancy-food restaurant to be ready.

- I'm glad you got it. I remember the time you told me you wanted to have another restaurant a few years ago.

- And I'm glad I got it all now. I think it's good when things happen slowly and naturally. – they smiled at each other – But how was your day after we left Arrow in kindergarten?

- It was very good. Wook and I placed a cake order and I think making cake is so much fun. This is a new thing in the pastry shop and everyone was really excited. In fact, Jihoon invited us to his party.

- I know. He called me earlier and asked if I could make some snacks for the party.

- So we both have work to do... We could do it together. Wook obviously needs to be with us, but I want to enjoy every second I have to be by his side.

Hyukjae laughed and put his hands on his face, making Donghae cackle as he joked:

- That way you make me blush.

- Silly.

- I like it when you call me silly. The tone you use is not one of mockery.

- I couldn't mock you. – and so they intertwined their fingers – This snack you made is delicious and I like staying here being able to enjoy this night with you.

Hyukjae smiled and kissed Donghae's hand like he was used to. And when he got to his feet, he the stereo and put on the playlist that made the brown-haired man blush slightly and smile as Close to You started to play. Donghae missed Hyukjae so much that he ended up hugging him when they started dancing.

It was their moment and theirs alone. Nothing would ruin what they had.

- Donghae... – they looked at each other while dancing – Can I kiss you? Just to make sure this isn't just a dream. I need to know that you are here so close to me that I can smell you.

Donghae couldn't say no at that moment and he didn't want to either. As soon as their lips touched, they closed their eyes and enjoyed every second of that soft kiss that had so much meaning. But when he touched Donghae's cheek and felt that it was wet, Hyukjae pulled away and wiped the brown-haired man's face.

- What's it?

- No... Please, don't leave me anymore. – Donghae hugged Hyukjae, hiding his face in his neck and crying – Please. If we have a problem, let's solve it as adults and together. I don't want to live without you in my life anymore. It hurt for so long not having you with me.

Hyukjae hugged Donghae, kissed the top of his head and whispered:

- We're together forever. I won't leave you for the world and I promise that we will solve the problem together and as adults.

And making that promise really paid off.

- Do you remember when we went to that restaurant in France? It was the first time.

Donghae smiled and continued to hug Hyukjae as he said:

- Yes. You wanted to impress me and you asked for escargot. We didn't even know how to eat it.

- And honestly I didn't even want to. – they laughed – After that we ordered beef bourguignon.

- Yeah... It was like a comfortable dinner by the fireplace. – Donghae looked at Hyukjae – We needed the fireplace in that apartment we lived in.

- That's true, but we had a blanket and a plush rug that kept us warm when I made the dish in our apartment.

- I think we should do it again.

They kissed and Hyukjae said:

- Yes, we must. – and so they walked away – I'm going to check the food. You stay here?

Donghae nodded and smiled at Hyukjae as he smiled too and went back to the kitchen. The brown-haired man ate more of the spinach and ricotta snack and took a sip of wine. And after Hyukjae came back with the main course, Donghae took the almost empty snack tray from there so they could eat the main course.

- It smells really good. – Donghae said – And it looks a lot like what you did the first time.

- It's a gift I have. – they laughed – But I hope you like it.

- By the smell I know I'm going to love it.

Hyukjae smiled and sat down so they could start eating. The conversation flowed smoothly and they talked about a lot. Donghae asked how Hyukjae's day was and so he learned that he worked all day and that he had a little accident in the kitchen, but everything went well and so he just went home to get ready for the date.

And after they finished eating the main course, Hyukjae went to the kitchen to get the chocolate cake. Donghae was so excited that he tried the ganache that Hyukjae made and said:

- You can now work as a pastry chef. This chocolate cake was perfect.

- You didn't even eat the cake dough.

- I don’t need. The dough was fluffy just the way it needs to be.


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chapter 55 fixed ^^ thanks shineenight for telling me <3


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1455 streak #1
Randomly reading chapters here :))
1455 streak #2
Chapter 25: Back here again cos this part is just so satisfying to read 🥹
1648 streak #3
Chapter 60: I said it before and I will repeat over and over again... I don't want this to be over T^T

This journey started as drama and end in a fluffy and cute bubble within the pandemic. I will miss the baby gang. Especially my favorite dino boy. But I'm so happy for my little Wookie getting a little stage here, too. Never imagined that our plots would fit in together that smoothly. Thank you, my dear ❤️

I think it's very brave to include the pandemic topic in here. I mean when that story was planned no one was thinking about it or in what kind if dangerous scenario thus would lead into. But there are still so many adventures waiting for the gang even during the pandemic and I would be curious to read about it.

Compared with the dramatic start of this story, the ending was very quiet but soft. But somehow it suits to all the events in the final. Everyone got the ending they deserve. Eunhae, Teukchul, Yewook, the kids and all the others. It's perfect. I love it.

I just missed Kangin in the end. I was hoping to meet him one more time. And happy with his life. Oh and maybe Yesung has to solve something with someone ^^ Maybe we will meet them in the sequel again.

Thank you for this wonderful adventure with all the ups and downs and everything that develops from here. This story is something very special for me, too. And like I told you the other day... I'm imagine the gang will go on a long school trip before we read them again next year. So saying goodbye isn't that sad. They will have fun ^^ Read you soon ❤️❤️❤️
insomniac2020 #4
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and today's 1st of Nov. Arrow's birthday!! Wow 😁 excited to read the entire story hehe
Chapter 60: Can't believe that after almost 4 years we are reading their happy ending 😭😭😭

I'm so emotional right now, cuz Arrow is like my son and now he is seven!! And we know his crush!! 😍😍😍

Now I can't really wait for the sequel cuz ai can't help but to know what our little sunshine will do with his life!!

Thanks for this amazing ending
1455 streak #6
Chapter 59: Omggg Arrow is really growing up 🤧 he's even liking someone already... The twins are cute! Really liked their nicknames ;))
1648 streak #7
Chapter 59: A short update but plain cute. Cursing Arrow and Gaeul are so adorable ^^ I bet they have learned from uncle Yesung XD XD

So you skipped a big part of pandemic. But I'm happy Arrow can meet his friends again. The time staying at home must have been so horrible for baby tiger and his gang. Even though this period could have included so many things and event, worth to put into a chapter.

Now we're at the point where Arrow has his first crush ^^ Wait, no. Is it before or after his crush on uncle Wook? We talked about it before and I always thought his first childhood crush was uncle Wook when his same age crush was Ai. Now I'm curious who it is? And will he tell Gaeul about it? Because they're always buddies in crime ^^ Maybe Gaeul has something to tell, too (I'm waiting for it) ^^

Thank you for this little sweet update. We need more moments like this, because I will miss the baby gang so much. Virtual hugs to Arrow, his crew and you ❤️❤️
Chapter 59: Chapter 59: My baby is getting older 😭😭😭😭 I really feel like if Arrow is another son for me, he is so like my own son so I can't help it but love him a lot

I didn't see it coming that he may be biual, all the time I was thinking that he would be with Aisha when they get older but this is so special for all of them cuz it means that Arrow is so confident about himself and that he knows now that he can like whenever he wants.

Now I want to know who is this boy that is stealing my baby!

And the twins are adorable 😍💙💙💙, and they are so smart!!! I really like to read the beautiful relationship between the brothers, they really love their big brother and I'm so happy that Donghae and Hyukjae are so proud of all of them
970 streak #9
Chapter 59: Arrow has a crush on a boy. Is it Gaeul?
Thanks for the update.
1455 streak #10
Chapter 58: 💙 such a comfort to read ✨ thank you :)