The Proposal

The Study of Life
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Seokjin had his head hung low for the rest of the day while he tried to focus on his work. He did his best to really listen to the trainers, but the proposition given to him was simply too much to handle. If the idea of losing someone for the sake of employment and money had been given to him just months ago, he wouldn’t have hesitated, but it was different now. He had met the most wonderful person in the world and could no longer let her go, which put him in the worst predicament imaginable.

Irene never changed him, nor did she ask him to, but that was why she was so perfect. She treated him the way he always wanted someone to and he could never ask for anything more. What was he to do now that a physical obstacle was presented to him? Surely, if she were in his position, she’d choose him, right? Or maybe she was too strong and independent and would obviously choose her job over him. He didn’t know anymore.

By the time he got off work, he was defeated. As an orphan his entire life was a roller coaster of hardship; one roadblock after another. But all the while, he always knew that it was his own strength that kept him from living on the streets. He never had to care for another person’s wellbeing until now. What should he do? What would Joohyun want him to do?

“What are you thinking so deeply about?”

As if answering to his thoughts, she appeared in front of him in the small garden just outside his company. Even in the littered and busy city streets, she was beautiful and shined just as bright as the sun did. She approached him with a smirk on her face, “I’ve been standing here for a while. You didn’t notice me.”

“Oh,” he faked a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “I was just going over my daily duties.”

“Oh yeah?” She hooked her arm through his at the elbow and they continued walking, “and what are those duties?”

He studied her profile and then finally answered, “I don’t remember.”

She turned to him, bemused by his nonchalant response, “what?”

He grinned, “I didn’t really like it there.”

“You didn’t?” She stopped walking and turned to face him, “why not?”

If he had any doubt before, it dissipated instantly in her presence. From the moment he saw her standing under the sunlight, he knew what his decision would be.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I just don’t think that place is for me.”

“But you’ll stay there, right? I mean, it’s what you’ve always wanted, and have worked so hard for.”

Of course, she would be understanding of his aspirations. Even in front of these crossroads, she was still the perfect girlfriend, which only reinforced his decision more.

“Yeah, I don’t think I will,” he smiled at her, “I think it might be better if I do what Yerim suggests and go into modeling instead…”

She scoffed, “you know she was just joking… I mean, you’re very handsome and definitely have the body for it, but it’s not what you’re passionate about.”

“Maybe that’s changed… I’m still so young and dedicating years of my life to something I can’t even afford seems utterly preposterous now that I’ve experienced the hardships I’d be living with for the rest of my life.”

“Are you sure?” She held his hand in hers, “it’s all you’ve ever talked about.” She shook her head and stared into his eyes, “did something happen at work today?”

“No,” he feigned an amused smile, “nothing happened… I just didn’t enjoy my first day as much as I thought I would and began to feel more inclined to consider other options.” He ran the back of his fingers along her cheek in a loving caress, “I mean, we still have time to experience other careers, right? I just want to be more open-minded about my options before it’s too late.”

“Well,” she paused and pursed her lips as his hand rested on the side of her neck, “at least don’t quit just yet… the first days are always not very pleasant.” When she saw the determination in his eyes, she tightly held his hand again, “promise me you’ll ride it out and really think about what it is that you want first… you’ve worked so hard to get here and I don’t want you to regret your decision later.”

That’s impossible. Even as that thought crossed through his mind, he still felt befuddled by his own flimsy actions. Did his career matter so little to him in the face of his love? Yes, because I love this woman… oh, God. I love her… I love you.

“I will.” His soft response was not very comforting to her ears, but it was better than a refusal.

As they made their way through the city with smiles on their faces, Joohyun couldn’t fight the creeping fear that he was hiding something from her. She thought about all the surprises in her life and simply knew that nothing could shock her now. She had done what she could, she was sure. She already got permission to leave her family and be completely written off as a stranger, so surely that was the end of it, right? All the unwelcome surprises.

Even as that thought, which was meant to be reassuring, ran through her mind, another’s voice still sent shivers down her spine.

And I’ll destroy your social circle so that you’ll be alone forever! Anyone you know and love won’t be able to step foot into any of the companies in Korea! And they’ll hate you for it when I tell them it was your fault!

She shook her head hard. No, that wouldn’t happen. She was in a searing internal tumult by the time they reached the café in which he had suggested they visit. Though the outside of the establishment was rustic and seemed rundown, the inside was sweet and was flourished with natural fauna throughout. She felt a sense of relaxation instantly upon entering the room, and some of the tension she felt in her shoulders slowly dissipated.

“What is this place?” She asked with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

He smiled genuinely at her for the first time since they met up outside his workplace, “it’s a friend’s café… someone I’m close with.” As he finished his words, a man walked forward from behind the curtains separating the lounge from the kitchens.

“Oh, look who decided to finally visit,” the man drawled with a teasing smirk on his face.

Seokjin chuckled and met the man half-way with a handshake, “I’ve been planning on it… just didn’t have the time.”

“Whatever,” the man slapped his shoulder and then eyed Joohyun, “who’s this?”

“Oh, yes,” Seokjin wrapped an arm around Joohyun’s waist, “this is my girlfriend… Bae Joohyun.”

Even just a month ago, she would have detested and jerked at the touch of anyone’s hand on her body, but now she relished in it. Seokjin’s large hand practically enveloped her entire slim waist and made her feel oddly safe, though she didn’t need any protection from anyone. With a smile on her face, she spoke to the man, “hello there.”

“Hello, and welcome.” His smile was confident, but not arrogant, just reassuring, “my name is Kim Namjoon… I’m his brother.”

“It’s very nice to meet you,” she lifted a gaze toward Seokjin once the words finally registered, “wait… brother?”

Seokjin chuckled, “not by blood… but we’ve known one another for even longer than my memory recalls.”

“We’re both from the same orphanage,” Namjoon chimed in, “he was the smart one.”

“And he was the charmer,” Seokjin smiled at Joohyun, “as you can see.”

She stifled a chuckle with her hand, “I can tell you two have a strong history.”

Namjoon lifted a brow, “hardly… we hated one another.”

“Only until I proved to you that it wasn’t me who was stealing from your treasure trove of snacks.”

“Alright, alright… everyone knows I wrongly accused you,” Namjoon drawled and then turned to Joohyun, “but it wasn’t my fault… what would you do if you walked into your room and found this guy stuffing his face under your bed?”

Before Joohyun could even laugh, Seokjin jumped to defend himself, “I was helping you look for it!”

“Well, it didn’t look like it then, so I can confidently say that it was really my forgiveness that changed our animosity to friendship.”

“You’re changing the story too often, man,” Seokjin pouted and shook his head.

“I’m just laying it all out like how it is.”

Seokjin snorted, “are you going to get us some tea or not?”

Namjoon’s grin widened, “grab a table, I’ll have one of my waiters join you soon.”

As Namjoon went back into the kitchens, Seokjin directed Joohyun to a table in the back near a window, “here we are. Best table in the building.”

“The best, huh?” She grabbed the ‘reserved’ signed off from the table and waved it in his face.

“Yep, it’s all mine,” he grabbed the sign and stuffed it in his pocket.

She barked a laugh and shook her head, “I should have known…”


“That I’m dating a trickster.”

This time, he laughed out loud as t

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So sorry for the delay. Honestly, I've hit a writer's block, but I'm back on it and will be working my off to get the next chapter up!


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seokjinbias7 0 points #1
Chapter 16: I keep coming back to this fic hoping author will update the story 😭 i still waiting and will keep waiting please author-nim updated the story 🙏
Crazy_Reader #2
Chapter 15: I'm kinda with Joohyun everyone is always making decisions for her without giving her a choice to decide what she wants and Seokjin doing the same has to hurt. A lot.
I feel like Seokjin shouldn't have just come after her when it's only been a day of her retreat. He should give her more time and space at the very least after everything that's happened.
A new reader here!
Crazy_Reader #4
Chapter 15: Oh Gosh!!
steakjib #5
Chapter 14: i really love your story..hope you write more jinrene 😻
Crazy_Reader #6
Chapter 14: OoO
Chapter 13: TT
bae_bae_ #8
Chapter 13: ohmyghaddd
Chapter 12: Aaaaaaa this is such a cliffhanger! But I absolutely love this fic so much. Never stop updating pls 🥺❤️
bae_bae_ #10
Chapter 11: i will wait for your next update ❤️