Tears of an angel 🦋🌷

Two years of hope 🥀❤️
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“ Is that the place sir ?!” An old driver mattered to the drunk man in the backseat . 

Seungcheol blankly looked at the small apartment that had the best of memories and still the reason of his happiness so far . 

“ Y-yes ~.” The poor ajusshi reached over out and helped the man . 

“ It’s sad to see such a handsome young man like you so drunk ~hope you feel better .” The ajusshi murmured , knocked the door there while supporting the man . 

Not even a second when a young beautiful fragile guy opened the door and looked at the sight . 

“ Is this place where this man live ?!” Jeonghan looked at his lover’s state , so that’s why he’s writing like that ?! 

“ Y-yes ~.” He tried holding Seungcheol but he was too heavy for him so the old man helped gently till the sofa . 

“ I don’t know what happened to him that he drunk so much but if you’re the one he called Jeonghan and kept reapting while he’s drunk , i’m sure you’ll make him feel better right ?!” The old man chuckled as he winked . 

Jeonghan’s heart fluttered to hear that . 

“ T-thank you so much ajusshi , did he gave you the money ?!”

The man nodded with warm smile . 

“ Yeah he did ~.” 

He’s heading towards the door so Jeonghan told him to wait there , ran to the kitchen and brought bottle of cold water . 

“ Here ajusshi ~.” 

The man smiled softly . 

“ You’re welcome beautiful guy .” 

Jeonghan flushed , bowed innocently as he saw him driving away , so he shut the door and ran over his drunk man that snoozed off for few mintues before snapping back . 

It’s the first time he sees him drunk . 

Why ?! 

Did something happened between him and his father ?! As he remembered , Seungcheol told him that he doesn’t have great relationship with his family , is that why he seem off when his father called earlier ?! 

Jeonghan bite his bottom lips . 

Shrugged it off as he went over and took off his lover’s shoes , socks too before he help it taking out those clothes cause it’s not comfortable to sleep with as Jeonghan think but for the man he was really fine . 

“ C-cheolie ~can you tell me what is bothering you so much that you drunk that much ?!” He asked there , pouts curled to his lips seeing him dead sleeping as it appears but he suddenly opened his eyes blankly . 

“ Hannie ~.” 

Jeonghan snapped , his cheek heat up , what is with the new nicknames ?! 

“ Cheolie , why are you so drunk ?!” 

It’s not like the man’s gonna answer him but Jeonghan hopped that the man will , he sadly played with his hands . 

“ B-baby , bring me water ~.” The man said out blankly as he suddenly sit up , held his head .

Jeonghan nodded innocently with flush and ran off towards the kitchen , return back in no time and gave his man who drank it all in one shot . 

“ A-Are you okay cheolie ?!” 

He looked up to him as he kneel down while the man sitting on couch . 

“ Yeah , i’m sorry for troubling you and getting you so worried .” 

His big hand the side of his angel’s smooth cheek and he leaned to that touch . 

“ Actually I had fight with my father , it won’t be a big deal but this time he caught us together , that won’t be satisfied unless he break us apart .” Jeonghan’s eyes widened , heard

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wi2nqs #1
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that i'm not left any comment at your story. But i think your wrote a very good story and i enjoy read it veey much. I'm waiting for your update always. Fighting!!!!
CheollieFans #2
Chapter 22: I didnt left any comment but im anticipate your writing everyday. Every morning im so excited if i get noti for your story. Sorry my english is bad idk how to compliment someone. But anyway your writing is great and i hope i can read your story for a long time along w svt.
Chapter 22: It's not like that we love your story so much we don't know how to compliment your story anymore because it's too good keep writing we are always waiting for your update
changmin20 #4
Chapter 21: congrats!!! another complete story. the ending was sweet and full of love, omg, their life is exactly what I've always dreamed of TT. thank you thank youuu
changmin20 #5
Chapter 20: In seungcheol's power we trust xD! Happy ending plaesee
changmin20 #6
Chapter 19: hannie is too nice, he's sacrificing a lot too TT i just don't understand seungcheol's father, he forced cheol to date someone else's daughter just for business while he himself told cheol to accept his step mother because he loved her?????
changmin20 #7
Chapter 18: Cheol! Come and rescue hannie >< you aware of this already, why did you still leave him alone? D:
ververthesecret #8
Chapter 17: aw in previous chapter i was about to say i want to read more about seungcheol and his family. we've known quite enough about jeonghan but seungcheol was a true secret box. thank you for prolonging the story as well as fulfilling my silent wish... as if you could read my mind! xD this chapter was really good, let's see what they were gonna do to protect their love, it sounds like seungcheol's father would not leave them alone easily
changmin20 #9
Chapter 17: Oh lady why are you updating so fast and with a very very interesting chapter?? By the way i want to ask about the movie you mentioned, Room. I want to watch it because last time i watched a movie you recommended it was amazing! I've searched but there're some movies with the same title. Is it this one you talked about? https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3170832/
changmin20 #10
Chapter 16: I guess mingyu finally found his true love......? It's time to let go