Chapter 4

Love for rent
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Baekhyun was just hoping that he won't be pulled on the side by any cop because he run over three red lights. He was still with Kyungsoo on the phone, the poor boy was crying, he could hear his small sobs and for his surprise Kyungsoo was living in a bad part of Seoul.


,,Kyungsoo! !" Baekhyun cursed out loud when the call got disconnected.

,,Wait for me!" He drived faster hoping to find the boy in time.




,,N-no." Kyungsoo looked at his dead phone tears rolling down his cheeks. The man was still behind him, he took a turn, just a bad turn coming face to face with a wall.

He turned around hoping to get away from there but the man stood before him, he couldn't see his face that good because it was dark outside but he could see that the man was smirking at him.

,,Hey there little guy, why are you running from me? Let's play a little." Kyungsoo took a step back as the man stepped foreward.

,,S-stay away f-from me!" Kyungsoo took another step back trying to look for a way out, he has no idea where Baekhyun was or if he'll find him on time. 

,,Why? Your beautiful makes me go crazy, always coming home so late, always looking so delicious with your black jeans, do you know how they makes your look? ." The man his lips grabbing Kyungsoo's hair pulling the boy to him.

,,N-no, stop!!!" Kyungsoo punched the man trying to get free but that annoyed him more.

,,You little !" The man slapped Kyungsoo across the face making him drop down on the cold ground hissing in pain.

,,You'll see what I do to cute s like you!" The man started opening his pants when a loud noise filled the air.

The man's eyes rolled at the back of his head dropping down next to Kyungsoo unconscious shattered glass around him.

,,Are you okay?!" Kyungsoo jumped ready to punch the other person but he calmed down when he felt his scent, he loves that scent and requignize him in a second.

,,H-hyung!" Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's neck crying with ugly sobs face hidded in the crock of his neck.

,,I'm here Soo, let's run, he may wake up." Baekhyun hold the trembling boy up running away. 




They ended in Kyungsoo apartament that was closer.

The building made Baekhyun wonder if Kyungsoo was serious or not, it was horrible, like he just stepped inside a horror movie and the bad guy will jump on him anytime now.

But it seems that Kyungsoo was serious, they walked to the second floor stopping before a grey metalic door. Now he was the one scared, but once the door opened he calmed down a little, the place was small, really small, there was just a room, the kitchen was in the same room but it was clean, really clean just like he imagine it would be. Kyungsoo was a very organized person it seems, not that he had any doub about that.

,,Is not much but it's home for me." Kyungsoo said taking off his jacket and shoes.

,,It is." Baekhyun did the same looking around.

,,Where's the bathroom?" 

,,Down the hall." Kyungsoo went to his mini fridge taking out two sodas. 

,,Wait, are you serious?!" Kyungsoo nodded giving the soda can to the older.

,,Your lip is bleeding." Baekhyun touched Kyungsoo's broke lip making the younger hiss in pain.

,,We should clean it." Kyungsoo nodded looking for a cotton pad and water.

,,Let me help you." Baekhyun hold the cotton pad from his hand making them both sit down on the floor. Baekhyun got closer to Kyungsoo's face placing the wet pad over his lip.

,,Ah, hyung, it hurts!" Kyungsoo pouted because now that he knows about his lip, it hurts.

,,Don't move so much!" Kyungsoo tried to stay still but none of them expected what happened next. Baekhyun wanted to get closer, to clean Kyungsoo's lip better so he rested his hand over Kyungsoo's stomach.

The horror from Kyungsoo's face was at a different level when Baekhyun looked down at his stomach. 

,,W-why didn't y-you tell me?!" Thinking better he knew, the nausia, the mood swings, the loose clothes and his need for money. Kyungsoo was scared to face the older, he keep on gazing at his bump tears rolling down his cheeks. He was just too tired.

,,Look at me Soo, how far are you?" 

,,20 w-weeks already." He said in a whisper placing his hands over his baby bump, the large black hoodie was doing a good job in hidind his bump, but now looking better he can see it under Kyungsoo's palms. He wants to know what happened because he was sure that Kyungsoo was all alone.

Baekhyun looked around when he got an idea.

,,Pack your clothes and what else you need and let's go." Kyungsoo gazed up at Baekhyun confused.

,,I won't let you raise your baby here." 

,,B-but this is my h-house and y-you may get angry with a crying baby around." 

,,Pabo, okay let me tell you something." Kyungsoo was curious on what Baekhyun was going to tell him.

,,I was married, my wife passed away when she was pregnant with your first child, a driver didn't see her and she was hit, I cried for years, I still do at night when I remember her, but I have a feeling that you came in my life at the right time, I feel like I should help you and your baby at last until you get better and have enough money to rent a better place than this." 

,,Y-you...h-hyung.. I'm sorry." Kyungsoo had no idea that Baekhyun was hurt, that something so horrible happened in his life. 

,,You don't need to be sorry, Soo, but let me help you, I want to help you." 

,,B-but, I have nothing to give you in return." 

,,Just call me hyung and it's enough for me." Kyungsoo shyly nodded.

Why was Baekhyun's sweet smile making him feel strange things inside? Was because his hormones were all over the place or he really started to like the older, but why should he?! Baekhyun wasn't gay.

,,Let's go then, I'll help you pack." Kyungsoo didn't had much things to pack anyway.



On their way back to Baekhyun's place they stopped to buy some junk food because Kyungsoo really wanted to eat a burger. 

,,You know the gender?" Baekhyun asked once they were back home eating in the kitchen.

,,Not yet, I hope to find it on Friday." 

,,Ah, that's why you told me that you won't come." Kyungsoo nodded taking another bite from his burger. 

,,Can I come with you?" Kyungsoo didn't know if that was a good idea, why should Baekhyun come? It will make him fall deeper for the older. 

,,Sure." And yet again he would like to have Baekhyun there next to him. 

,,I'll be there then, I'll show you your room now." Kyungsoo nodded noting to clean the kitchen tomorrow.


Kyungsoo followed Baekhyun passing by his bedroom, a room he never walked in, the older told him to respect his privacy and he did that but he was curious to see his bedroom. They stopped by a door next to his room.

,,This is not your room but I want you and your baby to use it." Kyungsoo gasped when Baekhy

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195 streak #1
Chapter 7: 🥰💜
Chapter 7: I LOVEEEEEE ITTT❤️❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: I really liked how Baek felt Hara had sent Kyungsoo and baby to him - very sweet story! 😇
ExoKissAndHugs #4
Chapter 7: I need moreeeeeeeeee this is too goooood
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo is pregnant? !?
Rb2012 #6
Chapter 7: Awwwwwwwwwww
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 7: Bakkie is finally happy with Kyungsoo and baby Junmyeon...
esther_noyel #8
Chapter 7: Oh my it's Kris... Is a bad way....
Thank you for this lovely story., With happy ending... Now it's completely better than dropping no?
But I really expect more baeksoo moment.. but it sweetly done... Fine...
Hope will you see on a new work of yours... And it's a small request ,can you pls make lovely work for krisoo., I'm krisoo deadly fan pls
Chapter 7: Yessss!!! Baeksoo forever!!!! Thank you very much for writing this ff! I'm glad they were together finally! ♡