noche oscura [discontinued]

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The President's son is in love with a Special Forces soldier. Maybe they are all they need.


Eunhyuk, the President’s son, is South Korea’s very own golden boy. Always red carpet-ready and picture-perfect, Eunhyuk is ridiculously charming and set out to win hearts. On his good days, that is. On other days, Hyukjae struggles to live up to Eunhyuk’s reputation. Amidst the glitz and glamour and all the glory that comes with the title, Hyukjae tries so hard to be Eunhyuk, he really does, but it’s just so difficult to keep up sometimes. The pressure on Hyukjae has been immense since the day his father was elected President of South Korea, and sometimes he feels like he can only breathe when he’s with Donghae.

With Donghae’s birth, it somehow has already been written in the stars that he would end up in the military someday. His grandfather fought in the Korean War, his dad the Gulf War; in a family full of frontline fighters it’s not a surprise he made it into the ROKA Black Berets, in fact it was an expectation. He does love his country though and knows that as a soldier, it is his duty to protect it with all his life. But when it all boils down, he thinks he’s only ever truly fighting for one person.


Oh, the things you'd do for love.


"My lover is a day I can't forget."

(Possible) warnings: mentions of abuse, violence, mental illness, homophobia, foul language


I don't think I have ever seen a politics/military!eunhae AU, which is disappointing because it's one of my favourite tropes ever and is also why I've taken decided to take matters into my own hands to write this! hehe

I have taken some liberties with how politics are like in South Korea as well as how the army works there, so sorry for the (many) inaccuracies!

As you can probably tell I haven’t really dabbled outside of angst but I promise I’ll try my very best.

Discontinued 13/11/2022.


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insomniac2020 #1
Chapter 12: This story is beautiful! Good job on writing this. It is sad that the story is discontinued but I want to say you have done an amazing job so far and I really love this story. Thank you.
sjlurves #2
Chapter 12: I’m sad that it’ll be discontinued huhuhu i love this story :( but still thanks author-nim for writing this and giving us heads up that you’ll discontinued this one. All the best luck to you! <3
158 streak #3
Chapter 12: 🥺🥺🥺

I was so excited when i saw the notif that you updated and can't wait to read it. I had a mini heart attack when I read "discontinued" at the foreword page 💔
But I understand you and I thank you for letting us know. Atleast I won't be moping around waiting for an update~

I haven't read the snippets because I plan to re-read everything from the start as I bid farewell to this lovely story.

Thank you, authornim!

When you decided to pick this up again and continue writing, best believe I'll be here waiting 😉
Chapter 11: I just found your story and I have to say, it is really an interesting plot. The idea of Hyukjae being the presidents son and Donghae being a special force soldier is exciting.
I love how you describe their relationship and feelings. And I really feel sorry for them, as they have to hide who they are and whom they love. But exactly this makes it realistic and believable.
Mr. Kang is such a bad person, and I am sure there will be hard times coming for poor Hyukkie.
Hopefully Donghae will be there for him.
By the way I am really interested in learning a little more about his life as a soldier. It mustn't be easy for Hae as well with his comrades.
All in all I am very excited for the next chapter and to see what happens next.
Thank you for sharing this story with us!
158 streak #5
Chapter 11: Whuaa.... welcome back 😍

Had to re-read from the start just so I won't miss anything. Poor Hyukjae. I hope Donghae beats the crap out of that ert Kang! Hyukjae doesn't deserve this life. His father is such a disappointment.
Chapter 11: reading this makes me so sad :( both hyukjae and donghae deserve so much better… thank you for the update! love the story so far despite how angsty it is!!
961 streak #7
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for the update.
I am always so fearful when I read your updates.
I just hope that Hyukjae can defend himself when needed.
I always feel that Hyukjae is so helpless when Donghae is not around. I think he should be prepared for his encounters with Mr. Kang.
Chapter 11: Is it too soon to wish for a character death for Mr. Kang? ...but thank you for the update! I really appreciate the mini feel good moments they had before Hyukjae returned to his dad...I swear if something happens to that sweater Donghae gave him my I'm going to bawl my eyes out...>.>
Chapter 11: I'm really so happy to see your update and will wait for it wven if it takes another year "plz Dont" 😂.
Omg, it's an update 😱😱💰