You Are My Baby (SeungMinho)


NP: B1A4 - You Are My Baby 🔉🎼




Seungmin has a baby in his arms, he bottle feeds him while cooing at the baby loudly.

"Aigoo, my gosh, you're so adorable..." Seungmin loudly says while maintaining his hold around the milk bottle as the baby continues to on the other end while blinking his little sparkly eyes up at him.. Little noises and the baby's little noises plus Seungmin's cooing of how adorable the baby in his arms is resonate the living room of his older brother's house.

The baby is actually his nephew, Felix. Seungmin babysits and housesits as well for his brother. His brother has something to settle with his and his husband's business just for today in their company. Seungmin is very much okay with babysitting and house sitting when it's weekend and he has nothing special to do today. Cooing over how adorable baby Felix is is way better than sitting in his own dorm doing nothing.

"Tsk, you have such a cute nose, bub." That's actually nice, he probably got that from his older brother. Woojin has nice nose, it's better that Felix got that trait from him. Seungmin doesn't hate his brother's husband's nose but Chan's big and sometimes it bothers him. It's not like it looks bad on Chan but he can't just imagine this baby with a big nose.

Of course, the baby doesn't reply to him verbally, Felix just makes happy noises around the of the milk bottle as if he's agreeing with Seungmin. His little hand is wrapped around Seungmin's pinky on the hand that's holding the bottle.

"You are so adorable, my god..." Seungmin goes bopping the baby's nose with his nose too, then softly rubs their noses together. Baby Felix stops on his milk and even pulling his mouth away from the to stare at Seungmin, his little eyes are blinking up at him.

"What? Hmm? What are you looking at?" Seungmin giggles to himself then softly blows an air to the baby's face which makes Felix release a tiny gasp, his hands are cutely flailing in the air.

Seungmin chuckles at the cute display, "come on, bub, finish your milk." He then nudges the to the baby's lips and Felix immediately wraps his lips back around it and more. Felix makes a happy sound, tightens his hand back around Seungmin's pinky as he cutely wiggles his feet making a cute tapping motions that hit on the side of Seungmin's hip.

"Aigooo...adorable!" Seungmin chuckles too far gone with the adorable baby and fails to notice someone entering the living room. It's quite a nice sight, Seungmin feeding the baby in his arm as if he's his own. The sight makes warmth spread in Minho's heart and a smile tugging on each corner of his mouth.

Minho's here as his boyfriend's support, it isn't their first time house sitting Seungmin's brother's house but it's the first time for Seungmin to baby sit his little nephew.

"Ah, what a good boy, you finished your milk!" He hears his boyfriend say, he can hear the fondness in his voice. He prematurely experiences how Seungmin would act around a baby. What if the baby's their own? Seungmin looks good with a baby in his arms, he would be a good father someday, Minho's sure of that.

"And now you're sleepy, aww...sleep then, little bug. When you wake up later, your Appa and Dad will be here, how's that, hmm?" And as if the baby has understood what Seungmin is saying, his eyes begin to stutter and eventually closing them along with a release of an even out little breathes.

"Cute.." Seungmin says lastly and that's also when he notices a figure standing and leaning on the entrance of the living room.

"Oh, babe...what are you doing there? Come here, Felix is so cute."

"No wonder he's your blood..." It's an indirect way of saying Seungmin is cute as well but of course, Minho has a reputation to uphold, he needs to be mysterious and whatnots.

Seungmin giggles, of course he understands, "so you're saying..." He even wiggles his eyebrows suggestively to him.

Minho rolls his eyes playfully at him as he walks closer to where the younger sits and makes himself comfortable beside his boyfriend, careful not to make too much movement and not to disturb the baby in his arms.

"So, you look good with the baby. Do you want one?" Minho changes the subject, it's not subtle but Seungmin just chuckles, letting it go to answer his boyfriend with his inquiry.

"Nope." Aside from being still a college student, although he's already graduating soon, he's in his last year, but the idea of having a baby himself is not yet in his list. Not yet, at least.

Minho has a fair share of sentiment so it's good, but he still asks away anyway, "why's that? Baby's adorable."

"Hm, yeah, they're very adorable when they're not mine. And when I get bored or they're crying, I could just return them to the parents." Seungmin whispers, a big grin on his face. Minho chuckles, ruffling the younger's hair as he looks at the baby in his arms.

"Besides, I still want to be your only baby so..." Of course, Seungmin would say that. Clichè, he knows but seeing the tip of Minho's ears turn pink is satisfying. For that, Minho will use the power of changing topic where he's so good at. 

"He looks calm, should we put him in his crib?" Seungmin chuckles, pecking his boyfriend's lips quickly before turning serious.

"Yes. Help me?"

"Hmm. Come on, up." Minho helps the younger stands from the couch and guides him out of the space and into the baby's room.

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I think this is the first time I write drabble about MinChan.


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