Episode 3. Data-1


Near the hostel



DaHyun nervously walked back and forth at the entrance to the hostel . Her concern grew at times for those minutes while she was waiting for Mina.

- I still had to put on a new sundress, and maybe take a cloak for the evening, although today’s weather forecast will be a hot day.

At first she heard easy steps descending the stairs, then she saw the owner of these steps. She was fascinated by the view in front of her.

“Mina-unnie, you look great,” she breathed in admiration for DaHyun, scattering a slender figure in a dark green dress to her knees. Black hair cascaded on his shoulders, giving even more mystery to the image.

“You look beautiful too, DaHyun,” Mina said shyly . “Our outfits look alike,” she thought, blushing.

“Mina-unnie, this is for you - timidly holding out flowers,” DaHyun said.

- Thank you - a small bouquet of different flowers.

- It is convenient to carry it in a bag or can be put in your pocket. But I see that your dress has no pockets ...


In the lobby near the entrance


“They still haven't left?” JiHyo asked, whispering behind Nayeon, who in turn stood behind Sana, who was watching the scene of a meeting between two friends.

“No, but DaHyun gave flowers, so they will go soon - Nayeon also quietly shared information, having previously asked Sana.” Sana affirmatively nodded her head twice.

“It's so romantic, I like watching a drama, ” Momo held out in a whisper, leaning on the other side and looking out into the street.

“And what have we forgotten here?” Asked Tzuyu and Chaeyoung in silence.

“We need to make sure that the date is successful,” answered maknae Jeongyeon, answering a taciturn question, writing something down in a notebook.

“She will pass without our help,” said Chaeyoung, without looking up.

“We need to make sure everything will be okay this time,” Nayeon insisted, then made the “shh” sign. “They have already gone!”

“Everything is behind them,” Jihyo hastened, first breaking forward, but she had to quickly hide behind the first tree, because DaHyun turned her head back, looking suspiciously towards the building.



“It seemed to me that I heard the voice of Jihyo-unnie, scratching the back of her head, looking back, but not seeing anyone. - Probably heard. Mina-unnie, can we go? - pointing in the direction of the arch, she shyly asked DaHyun .

“Of course,” she nodded, adjusting herself to the slow pace of her friend. “Where are you taking me?”

“Show something interesting,” DaHyun smiled, glancing at the girl walking nearby.



- JiHyo! - Nayeon was indignant, holding that by the elbow. “If you scream like that, our whole plan will go to waste.”

“Sorry,” the leader giggled. “I will be quieter.”

“Where does she lead her?” - not paying attention to the hassle of friends, asked Jeongyeon. - Something familiar road ...

“Just don't tell me that our Dubu decided to take her there?” - with the meaning of the word understandable only to her, asked Sana.

“Yes, no, this road does not lead there,” Momo did not agree, then she noticed something and said softly. -Oh how cute.

- What is nice? Jihyo asked.

“Look,” she pointed somewhere forward, everyone looked, and saw how DaHyun led Mina to a tent with kites, paid for one, and sent him into the sky. A children's smile appeared on Mina's face, and then they heard a happy laugh when the kite waved higher up.



The park

- Do you want to try playing with the wind? - admiring Mina's smile, asked DaHyun .

- Can? I would try, she said, taking the end of the rope from her friend’s hands, accidentally touching her fingers. “Oh, haha, DaHyun is such a strong wind,” she squealed, laughing out loud when a light gust of wind caught their snake and carried it into the distance.

“The wind also wants to play and have fun, unnie,” she joked, watching from the side. “Unnie, play with you here, and now, okay?” - after a moment of silence, DaHyun asked, departing.



The park

- Where is she going? - asked Jihyo, inseparably watching the girl that ran away from Mina.

“What is she up to?” - with interest looking at everything that happens, asked Momo.

“Hey, maybe you'll be quieter!” Here I am trying to hear their voices - I shouted at all Nayeon, pricked up my ears and eyes, but because of the distance nothing was heard.

“Unnie, can we better get home?” Asked Chaeyoung again, squatting down.

- Jewi, Chaeyoung, no! - exclaimed observers, muffling their voice.



The park.

DaHyun little earlier noticed that further from the place where they igralis s standing kiosk with cotton candy and sell ice cream. She ran there, stood in line, consisting of 3 people, took money from her wallet, counted them, made sure that there was enough for ice cream and other sweets. She turned to the girl, Mina focused on watching the kite flying, calm in her behavior. DaHyun admired her, once again assuring her thoughts that this was Mina, and not someone else. Her turn came closer, DaHyun out of habit said:

“Please give me one with blueberries and the other with chocolate - when I took the ice cream and almost left the kiosk, I suddenly realized that I had asked.” Returning quickly. - Sorry, I confused, not with blueberries, with raspberries - I apologized again, bowed, took the right horn.

DaHyun wanted to hurry back to Mina, but her legs did not listen, they practically stood still, while her eyes were already next to her and talked, making a compliment. Looking down at her feet, the girl tried to persuade them to go faster, because Mina was waiting for her:

“Why are you stuck, DaHyun?” Why aren't you coming? Mina is waiting for you. Please go.

- Tofu! Honey, how long can I wait for you ?! - she heard a soft voice, from which her heart sang in her chest, her smile blossomed, as if she had found wings when she ran to the call. Arriving, DaHyun froze in surprise, realizing whose voice she actually heard.

- DaHyun, are you feeling bad? Mina asked worriedly, folding the snake and moving closer to the girl. Her palm gently touched her forehead, then gently ran her cheek, stopping there. “There is no face on you.” Maybe let's go back to ...

- There is no need. Everything is fine with me, probably just nervous, ”DaHyun said, absorbing reality through the touch of Mina. - Look what I brought to you - the smile returned to her lips, but she was not in her eyes.

She carefully lifted a palm from her cheek, but did not take it from her hand. On the contrary, she squeezed her gently.

- With raspberries? My love, thank you - taking ice cream, thanked Mina, gently looking into DaHyun's eyes.

She blushed with such attention, then pulled after herself:

- Mina Unnie went further, I have not yet shown you everything.



The park

“ Aigoo, what is our DaHyun conceived?” What kind of kindergarten? Does she really think that such a date will win Mina’s heart?

The members could only shrug their hands and watch how the first date takes place.



Khan Riverbank

They walked along the banks of the Han River, holding hands. DaHyun constantly looked at the girl next to her, trying to find a topic for conversation. Yes, the problem was that they were silent all the way. But, if you look at the films, and DaHyun reviewed a lot before the first date, there was always a guy talking, making compliments, accomplishing feats. But what are the feats here on the banks of the river? Here, unless you can collect flowers, find a four-leaf clover and ride a bike. DaHyun's eyes lit up with the idea.

And what might work?



Chaeyoung, pretending that she doesn’t care how the DaHyun-unnie date goes, looked and watched too carefully, holding her fists for a good day. She knew approximately what she would do unnie now, bend down and pick a couple of flowers, joyfully jump to Mina and say:

- For the most beautiful girl.

Then her hands will carefully decorate her black hair with flowers, gently fill their ears with the girls , look into her eyes again and say quietly, in a whisper:

“You're so cute, MiYoung ... Mina.”

Chaeyoung gasped when thoughts were carried that day, she quickly waved them away, closed her eyes, and when she opened she saw instead of Mina a completely different girl.

Also black-haired, also with soft features, a deep dark look, only with narrow shoulders and half a head below DaHyun.

They walked embracing, stumbling at every step, because their legs were tangled, and she laughed at them, teasing them. They hardly heard her, completely immersed in each other. Chaeyoung was not offended because she loved the two of them and was happy for their relationship. Smiling sadly at the recollections, Chaeyoung returned to what is now.

Now another girl was walking next to DaHyun.

Mina Miyu not, but whether the difference between the two sees Unnie?



Slowly the two girls approached the rental bikes and a double carriage, DaHyun immediately led Mina to the bicycle, pointed gallantly at the seat:

“Your throne, my lady.” Mina grinned sweetly, with the help of DaHyun taking her place.

DaHyun confidently sat in front, leveled the bike and began to pedal.

“Hold on tight, Minari!”

“Hahaha, so much fun, DaHyun,” the girl laughed, doing as she was asked, hugged her tightly around her waist, and then drew her head a little dare. “Will you protect me?”

- I will be the first to meet the harsh wind. You are safe with me, Mina Unnie.



“And what shall we do now?” - Nayeon asked, discouraged looking at how a bicycle with two girls was detached from them.

“We won’t be able to follow so as to go unnoticed,” said Sana, sitting down on the curb, looking up and down at her friends.

“It remains only to wait,” summed up the result, not at all happy with such a state of affairs.

“Yes, in no other way,” she spread her arms, agreed Momo.

“We will not see their hour or so, what will we do?” - Not specifically contacting anyone, she either asked or said Chaeyoung. Everyone wondered how to spend an hour, and where to spend it, so as not to lose DaHyun and Mina.

- Can we have a bite? We walked past a cafe, from it you can just see the whole path on which DaHyun and Mina-unnie will ride - the silent Tzuyu suggested so far.

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English is not my native language, so sorry for the mistakes


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Chapter 3: That story has potential. I wish you could comeback and edit/update that fic.