Teacher Shon!

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Wendy Shon Seungwan or teacher Shon is what her students calls her, love her job so much. Being a teacher has always been her dream ever since she was a kid. She loves teaching, educating younger people, opening their eyes and expand their minds, giving these kids hopes and dreams for a brighter future ahead. 


She loves watching her students grow right in front of her eyes. How their mind works, their creativity to think outside the box, their wisdom, their colorful ideas are fascinating to Wendy. 


Being a teacher is quite challenging. As you all know, not all students thinks alike and their personalities are very much different between the others. Some of them are really active, showing good communicating skills, not afraid to shared or ask a question, passionate in learning so many new things. Some of them are quite passive, and some are just too shy to speak up and afraid to shared their thought. Some of these kids can also give Wendy a hard time. Behaving aggressively, making lots of noises disturbing her class and unable to cooperate with her.


Wendy’s not blaming them though, no! They are teenagers after all. She used to be in their place. She knows how it felt like to be a teenager once. Wendy needs to understand why these kids behaving like they do and tries to come up with a better way to help them develop new and positive behavior. 


Although those kids always giving her a headache, but she still loves her job anyway. Her passion to pour and share her knowledge would not fade that easily just because of several mischief youngsters. 


Well, that is until Irene Bae Joohyun emerge in front of her classroom door. A new beautiful transfer student that made Wendy has to rethink her decision to become a teacher. Yes, Irene is pleasing to the eye, no doubt about that. But Irene is really difficult for Wendy to understand her. She’s always sleeping in her class, always forgot to hand out her homework, and Irene is mysterious and well…sort of scary. 


Wendy couldn’t read or predict what was playing inside the younger girl mind and Irene always stared at her with those cold eyes, like she was judging Wendy credibility to teach. Irene was unpredictable, sometimes she will act nice, answering to Wendy questions, giving Wendy her prettiest smiles but most of the time, Irene just glared at her, like Wendy had done something wrong. 


For an adult, twenty eight years old to be exact, Wendy is scared of an eighteen years old student. 





Wendy grunted. Irene is sleeping again in her class. a breath, Wendy move towards the peaceful girl on her desk, probably having a sweet dream.  


“Irene?!” Wendy called but there was no respond.     


Wendy could sense all eyes are on them right now. 


“Irene?” Wendy tries again but the younger girl didn’t even make a slightest move. Wendy wondered if the girl is even breathing or not. 


Doesn’t want to drag the situation longer, Wendy decide to give several knocks on the girl’s desk. 


“Miss Bae, rise and shine. Wake up.” 


Several knocks later, finally, the younger girl shows a sign that she is indeed still alive, stirring slightly on her seat. 


Wendy could feel the temperature drop down and she shivers when her eyes met with Irene cold piercing glare. Okay, Irene always glaring at her but this time her glared was different. It was the coldest one she ever received from the younger girl. And Wendy swear she will definitely be dead right now if Irene could shoot sharp ice with those eyes. 


Clearing , acting like she didn’t feel intimidated by her own student, Wendy scolds the younger girl.  


“Miss Bae! Classroom is not a place to rest your eyes. You can continue your beauty sleep after class is over.” 


Silence…Irene didn’t say anything, only glaring murderously at her. 


Wendy unconsciously gulp and open again. “If I see you sleeping again, I don’t have a choice but to give you a detention. Now, I want you to go to the front and answer the question on that board.”


Wendy tried to not flinch, showing any sign that she was afraid as Irene stood up, furious eyes narrowing at her before the girl disappeared from her personal space. 


Wendy release a quiet relief breathe, agitated eyes roaming around the classroom to see if any of her students acknowledge her fear. Thankfully no one notice her small fear and she let out another sigh as she watches Irene murdering her board. 


Yes, Irene Bae is hella scary! 





“Irene? Why do you hate Miss Wendy? She’s really nice.” Seulgi asks. It was lunch period and her friends took this chance to interrogate. 


“Yeah! She’s super nice and she is so pretty. Especially after she cut her hair. God! She looks so hot!” Joy squeak in fan girl mode. “And when she deliberately missed that two button on her shirt, it’s like she was teasing me, testing my hormone.”


Irene face scrunches up and stared at her friend in total disgust. 


“Okay, not all of us feels like this giant here. But…I gotta say, Miss Wendy is super nice and kind of my favorite teacher. She’s actually the only teacher I could get along with and talk with.” Yerim says. 


“Same here!” The other two immediately agrees. 


Irene scoffed. “Well, not me! She was just pretending to be nice and caring. She is heartless and cruel. And she is not even close to pretty.” Irene huffed, crossing her arms. 


The three had a confused expression on their faces, exchanging quizzical glances to each other. 


“Urmmm…why do you think that? Do you perhaps know Miss Wendy? You say as if you knew her?” Seulgi asks in suspicion.  


“No! I was just stating what I saw.” 


Joy chuckled. “You’re new here. Maybe if you stick around a little longer, you’re gonna change your mind.”


“Yeah! You will understand why Miss Wendy is our favorite teacher.” Yerim add. 


“Give Miss Wendy a chance Irene.” Seulgi says and pat her friend shoulder. 






“Okay, that’s all for today. Don’t forget to do your homework and please go home safely.” Wendy says after the school bells ring. 


Wendy giggled at these enthusiastic kids packing their bags, couldn’t wait to get out from her class. Her eyes then landed on Irene, smiling and happily talking with her friends. Wendy hate to do this, but she have to or else the problem is not gonna solve itself.


“Irene? Don’t go home yet. I need to talk to you.” 


Wendy could see the other kids giving them a suspicious look, concluding that she’s going to punish Irene for sleeping in her class again. Wendy saw Irene glaring at her friends. Probably teasing and telling Irene she’s in deep trouble for not listening to Wendy’s warning. 


Wendy watches one by one students leaves her class until it was her and Irene alone in the noiseless classroom. Organizing her stuff neatly and after making sure they are indeed completely alone, so no one will disturb her conversation with the younger girl, Wendy lift up her head and sees Irene already standing in front of her desk with arms crosses over her chest, looking at Wendy in absolute annoyance. 


Wendy sigh, walking over the desk and leans her hips on the wooden table. “Have a seat.” Wendy motioned the younger girl to sit on the chair behind her. 


“I prefer standing up, thank you very much.” Irene replies coldly. 


Wendy exhaled softly with her nose. “Okay, alright. Do you know why I ask you to stay?”


Irene shrugged and another sigh escape . 


“Can I ask you, why are you always sleeping in my class? Was my class too boring for you or something?” 


Irene didn’t answer her, instead she shot a death glare towards the teacher. 


“And why are you always glaring at me? Is there something you’re not satisfied with me? Did I do something wrong to you?” 


Again, she didn’t receive any respond. 


Wendy take a quick glance at the classroom door. She takes off her glasses and place it down on the table before turning back her attention to the younger girl. 


“Irene can you please tell me, why are you so angry at me? Can you tell me what’s wrong?” 


Irene stayed voiceless and whirl her head to the side. 






Wendy let out another sighed. 


“Babe?” Wendy called in a gentle voice, reaching out to hold Irene’s hand and gently tug the younger girl towards her. 


“Babe? Can you tell me why you are so angry at me?” Wendy tilt her head slightly and saw her girlfriend pouting face.  


Flustered seeing those glossy eyes, Wendy slowly turn the younger girl around.  

“Baby, look at me. Tell me what’s wrong?” 


“You’re going to break up with me.” 


A bit puzzled what her girlfriend had just said, Wendy places both of her hands on the younger girl waist, pulling her a little closer. 


“Now, what makes you think that? I’m not gonna break up with you.”            


“Yes you will. You don’t love me anymore.” Irene says and puffed her cheeks.   


Wendy had to hold herself back and not kiss that cute expression off of her girlfriend lips and keep herself in check. 


“Baby, what are you talking about? I love you and I still do.”


“No! You grew tired of me. You rarely reply to my text, you didn’t call me like you used to. You didn’t wish me a goodnight sleep or greet me with a pleasant good morning text. You never kiss me anymore and I saw you! With that new teacher, Miss Rose. Always eating lunch together, flirting with each other. Rumors has spread around the school about you two… dating!” Irene practically whining throughout all of her sentences. 


Wendy mentally slap herself for upsetting the younger girl and leading her to a false conclusion. Lately, she was too occupied thinking how to be a good role model for her students, what she could do to sharpen her skill to teach these youngster, how to communicate more effectively with her students, and as an adult, she has her own problem that she is sure Irene wouldn’t even understand. She feels guilty for neglecting her girlfriend. 


“Baby, I’m sorry? I’ve been so busy especially with the upcoming exam this month. I’m sorry for not thinking about your feelings. I should pay more attention to you. Can you forgive me?” 


“What about the rumors then? You and Miss Rose having lunch together? Dating!”


“It was just a rumor babe. We’re just friends. There’s nothing wrong eating with your friends, right?”


“But I hate that everyone keep shipping you two. Saying that you guys are perfect for each other. I hate the fact that I can’t eat lunch with my girlfriend. I want to talk to you, hold your hands and not stand at the side watching everyone flirting and throwing themselves on you.”


“Baby, you know we can’t do that. It’s against the rule. It’s forbidden. You know that, right?” 


“I know that. But having a secret relationship really is a burden. I have to pretend not knowing you. I have to listen other girls’ talking, fantasizing about you. I hate that I can’t do anything to stop them and I hate it so much when you paid more attention to them and treat them - nicely.”


Wendy chuckles. “Baby, are you jealous? Is that the reason why you always sleeping in my class and deliberately didn’t handout your homework so I pay more attention to you?” 


Irene huffed, frowning cutely. “I hate you! And please…button up your shirt properly. Do you know how many girls were lusting over you?”


Wendy grinned and let Irene buttoning the last two buttons on her

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1702 streak #1
Chapter 16: Ugh, I always get teary eyes reading this story.
Chapter 18: where is the last chapter? 😭
Chapter 11: i like girls .... (generation) -kyr
Chapter 8: hohoho actually I'm waiting for part 3 of this story, is that possible?
Chapter 6: I'm sorry but I can't stop commenting, because your story is very funny
Chapter 5: aws very soft 😚
Chapter 4: their story from children to marriage is very sweet
Chapter 2: Siblings have characteristics that are not much different 😂