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' You have to accept. Your boss is right, you are really charming. Just look at how customers stare at you… ' Minseok, the barista in the cafè Sehun worked as a waiter at smiled as they were resting, sipping on the hot drinks the older prepared for them.



' Hyung, that's just not my thing. It will draw too much attention to me. ' Sehun answered, putting down his cup of marshmallow chocolate.



' But you'll get some good money and a second stable job. You can't be a waiter forever. '



' It sounds like a dream job, but I'm sure it has it's cons. Maybe I can find some model friends at this event I'm attending and ask them if it's worth it. ' Sehun took another sip as the doorbell rang.



' They'll never be honest with a potential concurrent… you are still so young and naive… ' Minds on laughed, then took the cup from Sehun's hands. ' Now, we have a customer. '



Turning around, the omega noticed a familiar figure. The man neither choose a table to sit on, nor even spared anything else than Sehun a glance, which made the blond male furrow his brows.



' Why are you here? ' he said when Jongin stopped in front of him, leaning on the edge of the bar.



' Nice to see you too. I told you I want to talk to you. ' the alpha forced out a smile and the younger rolled his eyes.



' You have thirty seconds of my time and that's if another customer doesn't enter. ' the blonde said with an annoyed expression, already knowing that Jongin is one that hardly gives up. ' And please be reasonable, because I have other things to deal with. '



' I… look, lately, I'm having dreams. And I think I'm seeing you in them since before I met you so I went to talk to a friend who deals with such thing and… ' Jongin started with a fast paced voice, then made an effort to look into Sehun's eyes, now looking out for his reactions. ' He told me about soulbounds, that's when tw- '



' I was raised in the tribal lands, I know what soulbounds are. ' the omega interrupted him with a small laugh. ' But those things are not true, my grandmother used to tell me about those things as a bedtime story. '



' Sehun, are you happy? ' Kai asked bluntly, a little disappointed in the course of the conversation.



' What does this have to do with anything? '



' I asked of you're happy, Sehun. ' the alpha repeated, eyes dark and somehow broken.



' Relatively. '



' If you're relatively happy now, with the live you live, hardly making a living, enduring cold and loneliness, I guess you've once been a crying mess. And you know there is a reason why you may blessed with a soulmate. If the Legend is true, we can easily find out. ' Kai said and the younger stared back at him with an inscrutable expression for a long moment.



' Jongin, I think you should go now. What I said about our relations and the fact that they end with our friendships with Chanyeol and Baekhyun was serious. I don't want to see you. '



Kai was unable to utter a word. His body that had unintentionally leaned towards Sehun in the course of their conversation relaxed back and after the alpha's broken, wide dark eyes met Sehun's once more he turned his back and left, which made the omega release the deep breath he never realised he was holding.





Sehun gave his all on that casting event. Many journalists were trying to take photos, bump in into each other, but even with all the internal panic the omega succeeded in taking some good photos and even found a way to get a sneak peek at the guest list for the event.



Despite of the satisfaction of his work, the blonde was all stressed after that, somehow all hot and bothered, head aching, muscles a little tense. That's why he didn't waste time going out after the casting was over with the plan to catch the first bus available.



Although he was in a rush, his body was quite weak so he sat on а bench in from of the business centre to catch a breath.



A minute passed and he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Turning his face to the side he saw a somehow familiar figure.



' Hyunwoo? '



' I knew I couldn't mistake this scent… ' the man above him said, smiling widely, eyes like crescent moons. ' My baby brother… I haven't seen you in years… ' the alpha said, awkwardly stretching his eyes as if to hug the boy, but not sure if the younger would accept the gesture.



' Yeah… a lot of time passed… ' the younger chuckled lightly and stood up, giving himself into the awkward hug, looking up to his brother. ' You've changed a lot… you look so manly now… ' he added with yet another chuckle.



' Yeah… and Dongwoon is now such a charmer. ' Hyunwoo said with a smile, at the same time holding his brother close to his chest and looking down at him as much as he could. ' And you're so beautiful… what are you doing here, are you a model? This is a really famous company… '



' No I… I'm here as a journalist… I'm studying fashion design so I found a job at a magazine. ' the younger said, still not returning the hug, getting used to his embrace as he hadn't been in the arms of someone bigger than him from a long time, feeling like home but still cautious and tense. ' And you? Why are you here? '



' My mate is a model, I'm waiting to pick him up… ' the older answered simply, pulling Sehun back a little and taking a look at him from head to toe, still gripping on his shoulders. ' You are a student and you're working? Do you have any difficulties, do you even eat…? '



' I do. I'm perfectly fine. I even send mom some money every month, so we are both doing well. ' the omega smiled to his brother who was looking at him tho

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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 1: I love a/b/o stories - not usually a Kaihun shipper but seems like an interesting story!!
teufelchen_netty #2
Chapter 13: wowowow...
finally jongin had some guts and sehun? man how can he be so?
glad you updated.
Keiko775 #3
Chapter 13: Yeah! Glad you decided to update this story instead of deleting it!

I wonder how everyone was able to see the bound... is it because they went in the spiritual world or because they are soulbound?

I would love to read the oneshots you have 😍 the day you post it I’ll read it!

Thank you for this update!
Chapter 13: Long time. But you came back blazing.
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 8: man sehun. jongin must be so upset and down ;_,
Chapter 10: Go for it.... I'm waiting patiently for a new chapter...

ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ
Chapter 9: Honestly... I hate sad ending.... I know there's a journey for Sehun and Jongin about their life ...
Butat least after all this bad and sad life there's still a light...

But this your story but don't be too sad..... I can't take it....
Chapter 8: I hope that Sehun will see his bond with Jongin is the most beautiful one...and the pup....

teufelchen_netty #9
Chapter 9: i am very sad to read this, because this story was finally smething new...
teufelchen_netty #10
Chapter 8: oh no <<
this.. jongin must feel so y and sehun is such a egoist ><
he hurt them and still wants to dog further into breaking everything