
Stay the Night
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Seulgi pulls Joohyun close to her and caressed the latter's cheek with her hand..
"I'd love to, Joohyun." Seulgi closed the gap between them and kissed Joohyun with passion.


"Seul.." Joohyun pulls away from the kiss.

Seulgi looked into Joohyun's eyes and realized that she just kissed Joohyun again.


"Oh. I'm sorry. I got carried away." Seulgi said in a very apologetic tone.


"It's alright.. It's partly my fault, but let's take things slowly shall we?" Joohyun held Seulgi's hand.

"Let's take things slowly.." Seulgi smiled.


The two decided to go out and stroll around London.
There were still a lot of places that Seulgi wanted to see, there's Buckingham Palace, The British Museum, The Tower of London, Covent Garden Market and National Portrait Gallery.


"Seul, we can't tour the whole London in just a few days. I've been living here for years now and I haven't visited all those tourist destinations. We'll visit them soon together, alright?" Joohyun smiled and offered Seulgi to walk around Covent Garden Market and looked for a few things to buy.
Seulgi found a few art pieces she likes to buy while Joohyun translates everything for Seulgi. They walked hand in hand while strolling around.



"Tired?" Joohyun asked Seulgi who seemed exhausted already.

"Kind of. Let's rest for a while. Maybe grab some smoothie and some cookies?" Seulgi said with a sigh, dragging Joohyun to a food truck nearby.


"Sit here. I'll order." Seulgi said.


"You're gonna speak in English with people, Seul."


"I know. Time to practice. Anyway, what do you want?"

"Strawberry smoothie from that store, then a white chocolate cookie from Ben's cookies there." Joohyun points at two stores, a food truck and a bakeshop.

"Alright. Be right back." Seulgi walked towards the cookie shop first.






"Hi. How is it going?" The staff greeted Seulgi in English as soon as she entered the shop.


"Hello. White chocolate cookie please." Seulgi tried her best to speak in the same language the staff used.

"Sure. How many would you like?"


"Just one and a chocolate chunk cookie too." Seulgi points out at the chocolate cookie on the shelf.

"Sure. But I highly recommend for you to get this Ben's box. Five plus two cookies for £7.75, you can pick any flavour you want." The staff suggested.

Seulgi's eyes were locked at the cookies.

"Okay. I will get white chocolate, chocolate and this, this, this, this and this.." Seulgi points out at different cookie flavors.

The staff gladly put the cookies in a box and handed it to Seulgi.

"That's £7.75 miss."


Seulgi handed the staff a £10 bill, the staff handed her the change back but Seulgi said... "Keep the change. Ddengkyu."

Seulgi walked away from the store and headed to the food truck that sells smoothies. She eyed Joohyun and smiled at the sight. Joohyun was playing with a kid.


"One strawberry smoothie and strawberry banana smoothie." Seulgi said to the woman on the food truck. 

"Coming right up. Anything else?"


"No, that's it. Ddengkyu."


After the lady took her order, Seulgi stood on the side of the food truck, waiting for her number to be called.


She looked at Joohyun's direction again, the woman is now busy tapping on her phone. Seulgi removed her camera lens' cover and the device to take a picture of Joohyun. When Seulgi was about to snap a photo, the woman from the food truck already called her number.
She returned her camera to being hung on her neck and took the smoothie from the lady.




She walked back to Joohyun with a box of cookies on her left hand, drink holder with two smoothies in it. Joohyun smiled at Seulgi. 

"You were amazed by the cookies?" Joohyun asked, getting the box of cookies from Seulgi and placing it on their table.

"I was. There are a lot of them. The cookies were so tempting so I bought one box." Seulgi flashed her bear smile and placed Joohyun's drink in front of the woman.


"I am not really a fan of white chocolate but this cookie taste really really good. I mean really good. You should taste this." Joohyun placed Seulgi's drink in front of the girl, opened the box of cookies and took out the white chocolate cookie, she pinched a piece of the cookie on her hand and fed Seulgi.


"Hm. Thish ish so good." Seulgi mumbled while chewing the piece of the cookie Joohyun fed her.

"I know right. Finish that off and taste this. This is triple chocolate chunk. It looks like you're a big fan of chocolates." Joohyun bit from the white chocolate cookie before putting it back to the box then she gets the triple chocolate chunk cookie. She believes Seulgi is a big fan of chocolates as most of the cookie flavors has chocolate in it. There are twenty flavors to choose from but Seulgi chose mostly chocolate flavored cookies. She fed Seulgi again, now with the chocolate cookie. 


"Yuumm. This ish really good, I tell you. I want to have some of these at home." Seulgi sips from her drink.

"The store has a branch in Itaewon and in Sinsa-Dong. You should visit it and tell me if the cookies taste the same."

"I will pay a visit there when I get back. For now,  let's enjoy the cookies and let's walk more after." Seulgi finished the piece of cookie Joohyun just handed her.

Joohyun just sips on her drink while looking lovingly at Seulgi.


"Something on my face?" Seulgi asked when she noticed Joohyun staring at her.

Joohyun shook her head.
"Then why are you staring?" Seulgi asked again.

"You're too cute. Do you know that, Seulgi?"

"I'm not. I'm a fierce tiger. I am not cute." Seulgi disagrees.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say, tiger. But still, you're cute for me." Joohyun pinched Seulgi's cheek.


"Aw. Come on let's walk now. I wanna see Ja

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Just dropping by to say Merry Christmas!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
where are u now😭
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 10: You really know how to come back with a bang huh? Thank you for updating!
AnneTokki #3
Chapter 10: 🙈
reveluv316 805 streak #4
Chapter 10: im glad to see you are back
154 streak #5
Chapter 10: I might have to read this again hehehe
64 streak #6
Chapter 10: thanks po sa update hahahqhahq
64 streak #7
64 streak #8
Chapter 8: Nice! Sana po seulrene na hanggang dulo pls pls pls pls.

See you later po sa ibang stories mo hahahaha 4am na huhu
64 streak #9
Chapter 7: ????????



I was too stunned to speak legit
64 streak #10
Chapter 6: I mean may point naman silang dalawa and
