learn to fall (and trust i'll catch you)


Bae Triplets Irene, Joohyun, and Ahreum have shared everything since birth — birthdays, clothes, friends, etc. Sharing every aspect of your life with two other people feels like a lot. But for these three, they eventually find one thing they don’t have to share.

Their girlfriends.


Shall we meet our triplets?

Bae Irene.

First born. Competitive and bold. A natural leader who’s protective of both her sisters and her girlfriend. However, her protective personality can make her quite...meddlesome. Despite her good intentions.

Bae Joohyun.

Second born. The perfect mix of her two sisters but somehow manages to remain in their shadow despite her efforts. Her goals are to simply graduate and start her life apart from her sisters. But what she wants most is for someone to see her for who she is.

Bae Ahreum.

Youngest. A homebody who’d rather bury herself in books and prefers the company of her computer over people. Often tutors people to boost her specs for college. People think she’s too socially awkward to date but deep down she wants love just as much as anyone else.


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30 streak #1
Make this story happen authornim.. continue this one! I’d love to see triplets Bae on action...
poplarbear #2
Interesting concept! But people sleep on this :') looking forward for more! :)
Oh I saw this on twitter.. I assumed it was a Wenrene story... oopsie my bad hahaha it's nice to see that you posted this here tho