
το αίμα σας
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αιμα means Blood - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 year later... Eunbi was chasing her breath after she woke up from her long sleep, was so dry that she can't help but to scan the place to atleast find a water but for her dismay,there is none.She's thirsty..very thirsty... The big door of her room suddenly pushed open that created a loud noise.Eunbi quickly put her attention to that direction as she smell a sweet scent lingered on her nose. "Im glad that you're awake." Said by the woman with her cold voice.She was holding a empty glass and knife.Eunbi glare at her with horror, "A-re y-you g-going to k-kill me?" Eunbi asked that her voice crack on every word she said. The woman just smirked at her, " Do you want me to do that?" The woman asked instead. Eunbi just stare at her,her hands was slightly fidgeting.Eunbi wanted to cry but their is no tears coming out,she feel scared but she doesn't feel her heartbeat beating.Eunbi eyes widened at the sudden realization Does that mean...no! "You're a vampire now,Kwon Eunbi.You just take my blood last time you've been awake and i must say that you enjoy it that much" The woman said teasingly. Eunbi just glared at her,unable to utter a word.She try to reminisce every single happening that happened in that day and when the memories flashes on her mind,she started cursing herself on why she need to remember it. "Stop reminiscing,hold this for me" The woman said before she put the glass on eunbi's hand.The woman positioned her hand near on the glass.She quickly slice her wrist causing blood to rush out on her wrist.Eunbi was too shocked on what she just saw and was about to pulled herself away but the woman look at her with a threating stare,like she was saying don't-ever-move-away-look. Eunbi watched how the blood flow on the latter's wrist,the blood was already occupying the half of the glass.Eunbi put her other hand on her neck, become more dryer,and she was slowly lacking of breath.The woman notice how Eunbi's lips become pale,her body stiffened.The latter but down the knife before she hold the latter's shoulder. "You need to drink this,Eunbi" Eunbi just throw one glance to the glass who have a half of blood.She rather die than drink a blood,she's not a vampire!Eunbi repeatedly telling it to herself.The woman was slowly getting annoyed,the big cut on her wrist was still open and blood was still flowing on it ,the blood continuously dropping on Eunbi's bed. "I didn't know that you're this stubborn!" Eunbi try to inhale air but it was only trap on ,she grip the bedsheet tightly as she close her eyes. The woman hissed at her,she want to smack her head for being idiot. "You leave me no choice" The woman said as she drink her own blood,but she does not shallow it and just let it stuck on .She pulled Eunbi on her nape and let their lips met.The woman bit the latter's lower lip that cause her to slightly open and that make the woman transfer the blood successfully.The woman waited for Eunbi to swallow the blood before she unlock their lips from each other. The woman wipe her lips using her sleeve,she also wipe the blood stain on Eunbi's lips. "I need to go now,Minju will be here to change the comforter and bedsheet.She will also clean the mess here so don't bother to move." The woman said before she turn her back and walked. The woman was on her si
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anonymebr #1
Chapter 7: Please keep writing this story
Chapter 7: Update please author-nim :(
DashingRyeji #3
Chapter 7: I'm enjoying this, please update authornim! I want to know what will happen next
Chapter 7: Update pliss
Chapter 7: woahhhy
lovejung #6
Chapter 7: Long wait is over finally author update
1753 streak #7
Chapter 7: Wait!!!!! So Sakura has feelings for Eunbi?!?!
Chapter 6: so eunbi still love chaeyeon? but sakura slowly get inside her mind
1753 streak #9
Chapter 6: oooooo!!!! eunbi slowly falling for sakura!!! can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update authornim and TBH you're not bad at writing at all. Please keep your stories updated if you have free time.. I really like your fics and I wanna read more.