Chapter 44

A New Saga : The World of the Supernaturals
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Normal POV


One by one Taecyeon and his men were able to kill the nearby vampire guards where the great witch was being held at. Their tactic to create a diversion which to have two women both werewolves disguised as Sana and Dahyun were effective. 


Both Sana and Dahyun exchanged their clothes with the two werewolves and since Dahyun had a minor wound on her back her scent on her shirt was more prominent since, the ring to mask her human blood scent was not effective on the shirt she had taken off.


Kim Byung Chul and his men were hunting the wrong preys and they still did not have any idea about it. They then charged quitely to the remaining vampire guards on the kingdom as they got near the dungeon.


They were all fighting their best. Clearly all of them were on alert and they did not stop. Dahyun wa panting from exhaustion as her human body could only fight at a certain level.


She was leaning her body on the wall for support with a gun on her left and a blade on her right. She looked at Sana and the other werewolves who continued to fight in front of her. They kept on fighting and not a sign of tiredness in their form. She pushed herself away from the wall to continue fighting together with the rest. 


A vampire jumped on her back but she quickly moved her body to slam the vampire on the wall with all the strength she had. The vampire let go and she used this opportunity to turn around to stabbed her by the head.


" Dahyun! " She heard Sana called her name and motioned for her to come to her side quickly. 


Sana held Dahyun's arm tightly securing her by her side. 


"Don't leave my side, Dahyun" Sana warned her sensing something was not right as everything seemed to be moving smoothly with their plan.


"Something is wrong" Sana said out loud. The other werewolves looked at her in question.


"What do you mean?" Taecyeon asked


"Everything seemed so if--"


"As if we are being led here on purpose" Dahyun continued what Sana was trying to say while she looked ahead sensing the familiarity of the figure in front of them.


The man slowly emerged in the shadow. His eyes showed delight while he made contact with the young woman she had not seen in years. 


"My my my, You have quite grown a bit young Dahyun" the man or otherwise known as the Commander said clearly amused by the turn of events that had happened. 


Sana growled protectively placing Dahyun behind her. He smirked taunting Sana more. 


The Commander clearly knew that because of the cowardice of Kim Byung Chul, he would bring almost all the army with him not only to fulfill what he was instructed to do but also, to make sure he stayed protected. Unfortunately, the young warlock was not smart enough that he did not notice that he was being played by these low life creatures.


It was a good thing he prepared for this. He had led and trapped them at the exact place where they wanted to be at. They didn't notice the trap until it was too late for them. 


The place was too narrow for them to transform and if ever they attempted to, the building will crumpled and he knew they could not afford to do that or else a human someone like Dahyun would most likely die.


Sana deciphered the Commander's plan too well and unfortunately, it was a well thought out plan. They were doomed the moment they went inside unless they were able to think of something. 


But what?


The Commander now wanting to waste anymore time, his eyes began to turn into crimson blood red which alerted everyone. They also felt some presence behind them and all of them were followers of the Commander who were hissing at them.


Smoke was then slowly coming where the werewolves were standing. Some werewolves began to panic.


"Surround the Alpha and our luna!" Taecyeon ordered loudly and his men followed.


Dahyun had not taken her eyes off the Commander like it was a challenge for her and the vampire man enjoyed her attention. 


Sana tightly hold Dahyun's hand which made the human put her attention to the Alpha which displeased the vampire.


They looked at each in comfort. Silently reassuring themselves that they would get through this no matter what.


The lights on the narrow corridor began to explode making everything  go dark. Humans like Dahyun could not see clearly on the dark but she can sense things because of her training so she was not afraid of the dark. However, the werewolves began to loose their composure. Dahyun wondered why because she felt Sana clung to her tightly.


"What's wrong?" she whispered.


"There was something with the smoke, we couldn't use our senses" Taecyeon said his voice quivered a bit. 


Red eyes then emerged in front of them and behind them but they were gone in an instant. Then everything went to a disturbing silence, they all on their fight stance trying to fight without their senses.


"Stay close at each other and prepare to fight it all" Sana said preparing herself. Dahyun tried to squint her eyes to see something but it was useless. She then felt something flash in front of her and everything went fast, she was pulled down the ground making her loose Sana's hand.


Dahyun heard a lot of growling and hissing. Some screamed in pain and the sound of bones breaking were being heard.


"Sana!" Dahyun shouted trying to look for her mate. She shakingly grabbed her gun and shot above. A split second of the light from the gun fire was enough for the werewolves to understand what was happening. 


"Keep shooting Dahyun" Sana instructed and every minute she did that which the werewolves took the opportunity to pinpoint the location of the vampires.


The shooting stopped when suddenly someonce smacked Dahyun on the face making her head the side violently. She spitted some blood but ignored the pain when cold hands grabbed her knowing it was a vampire, she did not hesitated to slash the hand that was holding her. The vampire screamed in pain but he used his other hand to grabbed her collar but he was being kicked by human and immediately slashed his front body before stabbing him.


"You improved a lot" a cold voice whispered behind her ear. She turned around to blindly sway her blade. 


"But still not fast enough for me" the man whispered again appearing behind her yet again but before she could react, the man grabbed her by her neck lifting her up and slammed her by the wall. 


"Arghhh!" Dahyun cried out.


Hearing this Sana growled, her senses were still at lost. She pushed everyone away from her not minding whether it was a friend or an enemy.


"Dahyun" Sana called out. She felt someone jumped behind her back and angrily she used her claw to penetrate her enemy's body.


Dahyun could not shout because she was being choked by a certain cold hand. She tried to hit his arm but she was too weak. She could feel

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Chapter 62: This story was more than beautiful, it was a journey to me. I've been waiting more than 3 years for a new update, I hope someday you'll be back author, I'll be checking for a new update every now and then like I have been doing :)))
Chapter 62: Soooooooooo where are you huhu
Saida29 #3
Author, where are you?
bruhh_x #4
Chapter 62: somebody needs to pick this story up
Lazytofu #5
Chapter 62: Waiting for your comeback author 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 62: One of my favorite fic 🥹 still waiting (hoping) for you to come back (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )づ♡
Gabriela96 #7
Chapter 62: Voltaaaa
Lazytofu #8
Chapter 62: Still waiting for your update authornim🥲
yayaubetcha #9
I hope you get to finish this story whenever you can! Your writing is phenomenal, and I always find myself coming back to read it!
Chapter 62: Hi guys, sorry I am in a hiatus. Will try to update soom. I am just busy with work, school and life. Hoping for a long weekend for me to start writing.