It's Sedimentary, My Love


Just a cobble of friends, trying to make sense of their feelings. 

You get the schist. 


hello !! i promised i would be back with a fic !!! and here i am !!

fun fact: i actually started writing this fic back in 2017, and it's taken me 2 years to finish and i can't believe it's actually done but it is and for that i am happy, even if its not that good !!

i think it holds a special place in my heart because i changed a lot as a person over the course of writing it, and i feel like this fic kinda represents that !! i've done more things and had more experiences in my life and i feel like that's changed my outlook and how i write now, but i think it lends itself well to the story since i kinda matured at the same pace as chanbaek did in this fic 

you can find me on twitter @comebaekedhome or on ao3, also as comebaekhome 


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poppyyy #1
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhhhh just the right fic to start my weekend. This was such a lovely read!!!
970 streak #2
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is such a thoughtful 'friend' and I don't think Baekhyun can live without him.
But there is a threat to this closeness in the form of Sehun.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 7: Omg, They're so cheesy as boyfriends... I can't handle it, please make them get back to be the oblivious best friends with huge crushes on each other again! (*ノωノ) Ooh is this the end? I'll miss the weekly dose of cute ChanBaek so much! And I'm not so secretly rooting for Sehun to find someone nice... *pouts in french*

Well this was a lovely journey to ride with them. I almost popped one or two forehead veins with those two, but their little quirks, their physical proof of being there for each other since childhood, the rocks... They're just too precious. Thank you for sharing your hard work! It has brought me a lot of smiles. See you? (´。• ω •。`) ♡
Chapter 7: This is so lovely ❤️ the entire story is.
I really adore the subtlety in your writing, everything just flows really smoothly and softly. I LOVE IT!!!
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha!! Yes jongdae it took them this long!!! Honestly I'm sad it's ended! I thought we will have little more but I read epilogue and was like oh oh ok :(
But no worries cause it's so lovely!!^^ the story was really nice and loved it specially the first chapter and the part where they confess ans loves Sehun here too who came as those specially appearance hero role that makes everything right and wins everyone's heart cause he had to make a sacrifice!!
ChanBaek r the cutest ever and this weed well!!!! Thank u AuthorNim!!!. Story was a kind!!!!
Chapter 6: I knew I would love Sehun and now my heart aches for him. He elegantly saw himself out of the love triangle mess ChanBaek made him go through. He's the kind of ex-boyfriend one would like to invite for a coffee date because he's so understanding and sweet, it turns out to be hard to get over him. Chanyeol, you better know the bar is high up in the sky. ;)

Those two dum dums exuding comfy love aura is killing me, no more to add, I'm done with them (fakes indifference but is internally squealing in delight). ♡~♡
Chapter 6: I wasn't prepared for this much fluff!!!!!! The way ut started I was already pouting while reading it expecting angst:( and Sehun ohhh Sehun!! Ur the sweetest.. I ship ChanBaek but still what u went through as r going through is soooo hard too! U liked him ever since high school and when u got him u still didn't get him get him like ugh and u k ew all along but u tried and u let go for his sake!!! Oh my god AuthorNim you made Sehun character so matured so caring so soft and just so perfect!! I hope he gets his love too it will take time cause he really loves Baek so much but I hope someone loves him the same!! I was sooo impressed by him like his whole scene had this certain aura that would want u to give him the entire universe!! Thnx Sehunah<3

ChanBaek this I wasn't prepared for!!! Ahh. They were so cute! Baek in Yeols hoodie! And yeol saying ily! And AHHHH I would complain why they didn't confess and be happy years before but then this chapter was so well done that I'm glad they r together now.. I mean I k ow theynot dating yet but it doesn't matter when thy kissed and exchanged their ilys!!! Just sehun stay happy now! Idk lol Luhan suho an original character anything just he gets happy too! Cause no matter how much he loves Baek seeing him and yeol so happy would hurt him! Like it hurt yeol all the times he saw SeBaek so if Sehun is happy then this story would be so perfect!! It still is! But u know no one will be left out kinda perfect.

Thnx for the update!!!<3333
Chapter 5: Alexa play Windows 7 shutdown sound, please. *sobs*

I want to praise Chanyeol for growing up a bit and wishing for Baekhyun's happiness instead of something selfish like wish for Baek be his, but I also want to kick him on the shin for all mixed signals he sent to Baek over the years they know each other. At the same time I can't blame him for all the mess they're in, he was too youngh back then... They still are, and I feel like a proud mama watching they give their first steps alone in this complicated world.

Poor Baekhyun, he'll need that time alone. Although ChanBaek love each other, he has Sehun too, that's a lot to consider. Love is easy, the sh*t is commitment, try not to crush the others feelings, try not to fool yourself and all things that come with relationships. If things get to difficult I suggest addopiting a succulent. They last years, are good company and they also like stones. *snif*

Thank you for the update. I love all characters, they're precious. ♡♡♡
Chapter 5: Oh god idk if I should smile with joy :)or cry cause they hurt so much silently:'(
Baek has been loving yeol all along! And yeol has loved him too of course! It's so hurtful that they both don't wanna be selfish and only care about the others happiness and yeol wishing baeks happiness is the sweetest beautifullest thing ever!!! The magic moment I just wanted to turn into a priest and make them say their vows and let them deal it with a promising kiss!!!! How can they love and care so much!!!:')

Yh I do feel so bad for Sehunah and I feel he knows something reason being awkward with yeol:?
I just hope hope HOPE yeol remembers baeks confession and understands that Baek DOES lov him! Baek too pls C yeol loves u a LOt!! Ur not drunk so plsss unite sooonnnn !!!!
My heart aches for the both of u!! Love u both so much pls stay happy plsss!!
Thnx AuthorNim!!! This chapter was AMAZING!!!!!!!! eXOXO <3
Chapter 4: There's something odd between Baekhyun and Sehun. It's like Baek is not 100% invested in their relationship or like they're super mega good friends, but not boyfriends...

Sehun is a soft boy, I like him. I think he knows, even though those two dumbs think they're doing a great job in hiding their feelings.

Oh boy, Chanyeol never tried confess his feelings and he's already planning on getting over his heart? Someone save this scared baby, I can't watch anymore!

Ps.: Chanyeol in silver hair is a big pink bold neon // Y E S // !! ♡♡♡