chapter 8


"you changed the ending." Jihoon didn't know if it was a question or a statement, but he answered it anyway.


"Yeah I did."


"But I already had written the ending."


"it wasn't ending, it was an abrupt scene cut and it disturbed the flow of the story."


"But it was my story."


"what's the big deal, I just wrote a paragraph."


"He came back."




"The soul."




"But in real life he didn't because its not fiction."




"So we can't have a happy ending."


"Are you talking about story or reality?"



"Well reality is not fiction, it's your life."


"That's what I'm saying."


"Are you an idiot... This is your life. You can change it however you want. You make your destiny, You don't have to follow a damn story."


"But he didn't came."


"Two people make a destiny. If he is not coming, you go."




"Of course."


"I can't just go."


"Yes you can."


Seungcheol didn't answer after that. Jihoon just stared at Seungcheol thinking how stupid friend he have and prayed that he get some sense in him.






"I wanna know his story." Jeonghan whined.


"why don't you just ask him." Joshua was now annoyed, he had been listening to the same rant foe half an hour already. 


"I don't want to have any connection with him, remember."


"Then I don't think you are allowed to snoop around in some strangers business."


"Seungcheol is no stranger."

Joshua raised his brow at his friend and Jeonghan let out a high pitched noise.


"I hate him so much I thought It would be easy to get rid of him but God damn it he is so hard to get rid off."


"Remember when I said that you might like him? I think I was right."


"what the hell... I don't like him... Are you stupid.... And by the way according to Seungcheol's story we are souls bound by chains who can't stand each other." 


"How do you know his story?"


"I... I have read it."


"That's questionable.... Where did you read it? And also if you have read it why the are you complaining about not reading the story."


"The story wasn't finished when I read it."


"Wow he actually showed you before he finished it?  You said that you two hate each other."


"Don't misunderstand... I just happened to be in his house and he showed me his work."


"Jeonghan I think you need to realize that you are attached to Seungcheol more than you think, and I also think I am missing something here in my information about you. When did you even met him?"


"That's not true."


"There isn't anything bad to deny."


"There is and you are being stupid."


"I am just stating fact."


"I don't care."


Jeonghan didn't know why but he hated how Joshua tried to know it all,when he didn't even know how Jeonghan felt. Or maybe it was because Joshua might be telling truth and Jeonghan just didn't want to admit it.






Jeonghan didn't know how he ended up walking away from Joshua's dorm this late. He was suppose to stay there for night. But his fight with Joshua made him leave the dorm and now he was regretting his life choices. He was now annoyed at himself more than Joshua.


"Found you." like a deja vu and Mingyu was in front of him again.


"What are you doing here?" Jeonghan stammered, he hated how he lost all his confidence and become weak in a spam of few seconds.


"Wow you have some balls to report me to police for stalking. They came to my house and I made sure that they won't come again." the Jeonghan felt shivers ran through his spine.

His eyes widened as he tried to run away. But he was caged by Mingyu. Jeonghan felt small, he suddenly remember Seungcheol. he shook his, now was not the time to think is someone whom he had totally removed from his life,or at least tried to.

Such thoughts of Seungcheol made Jeonghan angry. Why does it always had to be Seungcheol? Why there wasn't any other man saving him? Why he himself hadn't got any strength to fight for himself? Why does it always had to be Seungcheol in the end?

He needed to help himself, he thought. And with new mind set he pushed Mingyu away. He was weaker than the other male but he had promised to fight for himself until he could. Mingyu gained his balance really quickly as he grabbed Jeonghan's head and slammed it on the wall behind. Jeonghan out for a few seconds, he felt like his head was going to split with pain. It was probably bleeding too.


"It was his idea? Wasn't it? I can't believe you still have him as your body guard."


Jeonghan felt so angry. Why does everyone thinks that Seungcheol always protects him? and he needs Seungcheol in his life? But it was the truth and it made him even more upset.


"He is not my body guard for sake." he screamed, his head was throbbing but he can't just let himself be beaten up like this. His fist didn't do much damage to Mingyu as he hit him.

Blood was seeping through his head, his body was becoming weak. He tried to push again but Mingyu was far stronger. Jeonghan was still resisting even he was this weak which Mingyu lose his mind as he punched Jeonghan in his gut muttering string of curses almost like he was possessed by something. The man has gone lunatic. Jeonghan felt his conscious leaving him as he left his body to be the rag doll for Mingyu.




Jihoon and Seokmin were leaving after finishing song for studio. It was really late.


"So where do you live?"


"Me and Shua hyung share a dorm."




"And Jeonghan hyung is visiting us today too so it will be fun."


"Wow you guys must have loads of fun, and here I am friend with Seungcheol who is boring as ."


Seokmin laughed and said.


"you are always welcome in our dorm."


"I'll see....."

They both took a turn and saw the most horrible scene in their whole life.

"h... Hyung."


"... Seokmin call police." Jihoon said as he ran towards Mingyu who was beating a almost Unconscious Jeonghan. despite his height Jihoon had muscles as he was able to push Mingyu away from Jeonghan.

"Didn't know Jeonghan had more than one sugar daddies." Mingyu snickered.


It made Jihoon felt sick in his guts. He ignored the tall man and reached out to Jeonghan.


"stay away he is mine" Mingyu growled.

Jihoon didn't know if he could fight this man, when he was not only four head taller than him but buff too. But to his luck the police came sooner than he expected and he was glad that nothing went wrong but then he remembered unconscious Jeonghan. He ran towards the elder. 

He was bleeding, Jihoon panicked he could hear seokmin sobbing beside him he didn't know what to do as police pushed him away slowly scooping the unconscious body In his arms. 


"we have to get him to hospital, can you call his relative or anything?" the officer ask, Jihoon Was blank but when officer asked him again he nod hurriedly and dialed one familiar number 






Jihoon calling at this hour only meant he wanted to crash at Seungcheol's place. Seungcheol groaned and ignore the call for first two times because he just wanted to be alone. But when the call came continuously he got annoyed and picked it up. 




Jihoon voice was shaking, he had never heard his voice like this. 

"hyung...." he never called Seungcheol hyung too. 


"Jihoon ah.. What happened..?"


He was now worried, a bit guilty that he didn't pick up the phone before. 


"Jeonghan hyung....he is in hospital." 



"just hurry up, we are in xxx hospital and I really don't know what to do, oh my God he was bleeding so much and he still hadn't regained his conscious. And..." 


"I'm just coming.." 

Seungcheol didn't know how he said those words, and how he dressed up to go outside or how he took the train to the hospital. It was all in blur. All he could remember were the words Jeonghan and blood. 

The old memories swirls in his mind, the night when he saw Jeonghan limping, bleeding. His hairs were mess, cut in different directions. And when he held seungcheol's hand first time, sobbing hard squeezing it sniffing out a weak "help me" before fainting Seungcheol knew he had to protect him. And so he did. 

Since then he got this new feeling of wanting to protect Jeonghan. He didn't know if it was love or affection but it was something and it came naturally to him. 

And when that teacher attacked Jeonghan in attempt of and actually succeeding in it, Seungcheol was furious. He would have killed the man if Jeonghan's shaky arms would stop him and remind him that he it was okay, justice was served and then he took away that frail body in his arms to hospital. 

And today again he was going to hospital, he didn't know what happened but he knew Jeonghan was hurt and it sent alarms in his head. 

How could he let this happened. Why wasn't he there when Jeonghan needed him, why did he had to know this from Jihoon? So many questions and it all landed one question.

Why did he cared so much? And if you had asked this question to his younger self he could have just said something related to humanity but today was different. Today he was accepting, that maybe he was in love with Yoon Jeonghan, he had spent so many years together with him that now it was impossible to live with out him. 

The year spent with Jeonghan made him realize that he needed the man in his life, even if they don't interact in most human way, at least he know that Jeonghan is safe, Happy and protected. 

And maybe a tiny part of him want to gain more of jeonghan's attention to himself but he pushed it away. Accepting the fact that he needed Jeonghan was already a huge step for him. 

He reached hospital running into the building. Almost knocking out people in his way, he asked the receptionist about Jeonghan. People gave him weird looks but he didn't care, he ran again once the women at the desk told him about the whereabouts of Jeonghan. 

When he reached there he stopped, Jeonghan's mother was there and she hugged him crying when he reached. He held her tight as he looked around, there was Seokmin sniffing into Joshua's arms, Jihoon looked so feared as he sit there biting his own nail. Jeonghan's father was talking with doctor. 

He wanted to feel happy that Jeonghan had people around him, but for some reason he felt angry, sad. Why were these people here? Why is he the last one to know? He was there when Jeonghan was in danger, Jeonghan held him when he needed him, Jeonghan always find him first when he was in trouble. 

Than what changed? what was wrong that today he wasn't the first one anymore. It hurt him so much but his rational part told him that now it wasn't the time so he just stayed there standing still. 

He looked at Jihoon and asked. 


"what happened?" 


"Mingyu." was all Jihoon could say. Seungcheol almost cursed but stopped because he was still holding Mrs Yoon. 


"He took a blow on his head and had a lot of blood loss." Mrs Yoon said, still crying. "And he is still not waking up." 

She cried again thinking of how his son hasn't be able to gain conscious. Seungcheol wanted to scream but he just tightened his arms around her and let her sob in his embrace. 






Jeonghan woke up, his head was throbbing with pain, the needle stabbed into his hand was making him feel weaker than he wanted. He looked around, ah hospital. A strange but somehow familiar space. The pungent smell was always so irritating for him. He tried to sit up but was too weak to do so. He looked to his side and saw his mother,. A feeling of relief washed over him. In his weak voice he called out. 



His mother's eyes widened as she looked at him


"Han? Oh my God you are up... Someone call the doctor, he is up." and then there was a commotion, Jeonghan soon found himself surrounded by doctors and nurses and they checked his vitals and many other things before they pass him that he was now stable. 


"how long.... I have been out?" he asked her. 


"four days." she smiled, but her eyes were crying. Jeonghan hugged his mother. Never in his life he saw her like this but he assume that's how the mother's work. 

The whole day he was visited by his friends and family, all crying and hugging him. Even Jihoon came and Jeonghan was surprised yet thankful that it was Jihoon who saved him. 

Even after all this he felt empty, it's like a huge part of him was missing. 

It took him a while to realize that there was no Seungcheol. 

His heart clenched as he thought that Seungcheol hadn't visited him, But shouldn't he be happy? It was him who said he was cutting of all rope with Seungcheol. Then why? Why did it felt so sad and lonely.? Why did felt like he was missing a huge part of him?

He wanted to ask about Seungcheol but he can't do that. He didn't want to be weak, if he had promised to push away Seungcheol from his life he will do it. 

A week in hospital and Jeonghan thought he would do better with each day but ever second passing by made things worse. 

He heard the good news of Mingyu getting caught, he got his friends and family beside him. What more did he need? But then a voice in his mind told him it was Seungcheol he needed. The past seven days he hadn't seen a single glimpse of Seungcheol and he hated it. He wanted to see him, he wanted to hear his voice. He thought he would have gone crazy if he won't see the man. 

"why are you acting so pathetic? just go and see him." 


"I can't?" 




"he said he don't want to see me." 


"when did he said that?" 


"He did when we went to the police station to report file against mingyu. He said he wanted to cut of our relationship." 


"and do you want that?" 


........ No"


"then get up and visit him you stupid head." 


"what if he don't want it? What if he hates me? What if he said that I broke his promise?" 


"are we really talking about his feelings when you are a wreck here. If you go at least you will be satisfied by yourself." 


"I'll try." 


"You should, and I think he is waiting for you too." 



Next day came and Jeonghan really hated himself for feeling desperate. He wanted to be angry at Seungcheol but he couldn't, after all these year he knew Seungcheol respects people promises and privacy. And if Jeonghan didn't want to see him he would try his hard to not to come to his line of sight. 

And that's what made him sad, wasn't he even worth a fight for? Why Seungcheol didn't even resist and just get along with his stupid idea? 

And then thinking of such things he heard Joshua voice in his head

'maybe you love him?' 

Jeonghan bewildered at the thought of falling in love with Seungcheol 

No... He wasn't in love, it was just mere attachment he had with the other male because they spent almost their whole life with each other, that's all. 

But he was betrayed by his own mind as image of Seungcheol filled in his head. How good he looks when he is angry, or when he protects Jeonghan. And how he loved it when he chose literature Seungcheol did the same because Jeonghan had social anxiety and he had to know at least one person in the class to be able to function properly. But we never talk about it. 

And that's when Jeonghan realized that they never talk about how Seungcheol had shaped his life around Jeonghan, a fortress was made just for Jeonghan, a path he created for Jeonghan to walk upon. 

The idea of him needing Seungcheol was getting too clear for him. It gave gave him no choice but to admit that he might feel a bit more than just attachment towards the other male.





Jeonghan had it enough, being in love with Seungcheol or not, he just need to see the guy. He need to beat the out of Seungcheol and ask him why did he not visited when he almost died. And then he would hug him and started crying because he was so scared because only Seungcheol can calm him down. 

It's been 7 days without Seungcheol and he decided that he was  going to go any length to meet the man. So when the nurse came he asked her. 


"um... Can I go to Bathroom?" 


"sure." the nurse detached the IV needle from his hand and let him go to the bath room. That was his only chance. Ten minutes later the nurse gets worried and that's when Mrs Yoon arrived. 


"where is hannie?" she asked. 


"he said he went to bath room, but it's been ten minutes and I'm a bit worried." 


"Oh my God." 

And soon the search started. 


In the street Jeonghan was running barefoot. He had those hospital slipper but they were a hassle to run with, so he ditched them. He was glad that he took his mother's coat so people wont see his hospital gown. Not that he wasn't noticeable with a grown up man wearing a women coat while running bare feet, but we don't care about that. The goal was to reach Seungcheol's dorm. 




Seungcheol phone rang and it was Mrs Yoon. This can't be good as he took the call immediately.




"Oh my God Seungcheol, do you know where is Jeonghan?"


"what do you mean where? Isn't he still in the hospital?"


"he was, but then he ran, oh my God this child will be a death of me."


"He ran....?"


"Please... please look for him, his condition is still weak, what If he faints in streets or something."

Seungcheol heart sank as he heard those words.


'the hell Jeonghan.' he thought.


"I will search for him. " he said as he as he cut off the call.

As a cue the bell rang, he was confused but he walked over and opened the door. His eyes widened as he saw him,  the man who made everyone lose their mind and creating a chaos,

Jeonghan was panting hard, he was in his mother coat, hair disheveled, iv needle still attached to his hand.


"what the ." Seungcheol growled. Before he could scold Jeonghan more or take any action Jeonghan punched him hard on his stomach. But even though he put so much strength in it Seungcheol felt nothing. He looked at Jeonghan in confusion.

"where the hell were you?" Jeonghan said as he hit him again.


"why the hell you didn't visit me? I was on the hospital for a whole ing week, I almost died and you still didn't came... Why?"

He said as he glared at Seungcheol, still throwing weak punches at him.


Seungcheol took Jeonghan's weak wrist his hands, they were weak and frail.


"Didn't you asked me to not to come. "

 Jeonghan let out a sarcastic laugh.


"And you listen to me so well. " Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol angrily. Seungcheol looked at him, their eyes meeting just staring into each other and Jeonghan felt the urge to cry. He had been holding it for too long.vHis eyes starts watering and when he opened his mouth to say something all he could let out was a sniff.

Seungcheol's eyes widened as he saw what was happening.


"Yah... Don't cry..." but Jeonghan started weeping at this point. Seungcheol sigh, he had no choice as he pulled Jeonghan with the wrists he was holding before and take him into his embrace. The hug was the first, for the first time In those more than ten years they actually felt the warmth of each other.

Jeonghan felt dumb that he never held Seungcheol like this. He was mad at himself that he spent all those year useless and didn't allowed Seungcheol to be near him. 

Seungcheol didn't know a hug could be this powerful. The felt and need to protect Jeonghan was more than ever. He now realized that maybe he really was in love with Jeonghan and this is what he need to complete himself. 

Something that was near him his whole life yet he was fool enough to not to hold that. 

They stayed like that for a while, not wanting to be separated. But thing had to be done so Seungcheol peeled Jeonghan away from him, Jeonghan whined at the lost of warmth. 

Seungcheol looked at him and Jeonghan looked wrecked, eyes swollen, nose red, his appearance wasn't doing any better yet he looked relaxed and it might be first time he saw the other male like this. 


"come inside." Seungcheol said and Jeonghan followed. 

Seungcheol pointed at Jeonghan to sit at the couch as he went to kitchen. He opened the fridge and there were many packs of milk, and two small carton of strawberry flavor. He grab one out as he strolled back to the living room

Jeonghan was sitting on the couch and for the first time Seungcheol realized that the man was bare feet. He clicked his tongue which got Jeonghan's attention. He walked and handed the milk to Jeonghan who took it in a mixture of surprise and delight. 


"your feet.... They are bleeding." 

Seungcheol stated. 

"Oh." Jeonghan really had nothing to say as he looked down and saw his feet. 

Seungcheol disappeared again. Jeonghan didn't expect for them to hug and be normal like that, but he guess they were never normal to begin with. He sighed as he sipped the strawberry milk, he smiled as he taste the sweet milk.

'He remembered.' He thought. 

Seungcheol came back with a wet towel, and a bowl of water and first aid. He sat on the floor beside Jeonghan and took his feet, he started cleaning Jeonghan's feet which were black and red at the same time. The dirt and the blood were dry but Seungcheol was patient as he take his time cleaning them. 

Jeonghan said nothing, he just watched. And it didn't felt weird at all, he just watch Seungcheol taking care of him, like always. But this time he didn't had an urge to cry or to feel pity for himself. He just watched. 


"I want to know the ending." Jeonghan said when Seungcheol was done with the left feet and was proceeding with the right one. 




"The story, how it end?" 


"The soul came back." 




"I didn't write it though. It was Jihoon who did." 


"The soul came back." 


"Aha." Seungcheol still hadn't looked up, but him rubbing the same spot made Jeonghan realize that he wasn't focusing. 


"The other soul.... Did he accept it?" 


The question had many meaning and Seungcheol knew that. He finally looked up, their eyes meeting and Jeonghan was looking at him. Trying to convey the message, to turn words which he couldn't say into emotions. To tell him that he was ready to comeback, only if Seungcheol allowed him to. 


"What if I say he did? " Seungcheol said after a short pause. 


"I might cry again because that the only thing I wanna hear." Jeonghan said, his voice trembling. 


"I don't want you to cry." 


"it's happiness you dumb ." 


"still." Seungcheol said, his hands lifting up to Jeonghan's eyes and for the first time Jeonghan realize that he was crying again. Seungcheol took away the tear in his finger. 


"don't cry." he whispered. 

Jeonghan eyes got blurred, his lips wobbled, he couldn't take it anymore. His heart racing as he leaned in. He wasn't sure if Seungcheol met him half way or it was just him leaning all the way but their lips meet and everything went still. 

Seungcheol one hand was creasing his cheeks as he moved his lips against Jeonghan's. Jeonghan had his both hands on Seungcheol's shoulder to keep him in balance as he take taste of Seungcheol for the first time. 

The kiss was slow, as the lips move against each other trying to convey the feeling they had, the doubts they both feared to show, the feelings they both hid. When they pulled away they both were smiling. finally, the both souls felt at ease. finally they both realized that they were meant to be. 



"You are an idiot." he said as he hit Seungcheol in his shoulder. 

Seungcheol rolled his eyes and said. 


"look who's talking." 


"I'm still angry that to didn't came." 


"Because you asked me not to." 


"Never in your life you have listened to me, why now?" 


"I have always listened to you my whole life if you actually see through it." 


Jeonghan couldn't say anything as he pout and glared at Seungcheol. 


"You are still an idiot though." 


"we both are." 


"would it hurt you to acknowledge that right now you are the only who is idiot." 


"very." Seungcheol smiled as he went back to cleaning his feet. 

"we need to get you back to the hospital." 


"I don't want to." 


"well I'm not asking if you want to or not I'm informing you that we are leaving." 

Seungcheol said as he stood up. Jeonghan whined, and Seungcheol gave him a peck as an answer.




Jeonghan mother was furious but was crying as well, seungcheol thought she was same as Jeonghan but didn't comment on it. 

Jeonghan was admitted again because he almost fainted out of fatigue.

He did scream about him being well but no one paid attention, and he was in the hospital bed again for three more day, serves him right for running away like a madman. 


Nothing changed between him and seungcheol, they just became more friendlier and there was a lot of kissing. 


"when I said I wanted you two to be together I didn't want it like this." Joshua made a face when he entered the hospital room and saw Seungcheol creasing Jeonghan's hair as Jeonghan read him some story. 

"it's disgusting." 


" off, you are just jealous." 


"if I knew you two would be like this I wouldn't have made the ending, this is worse than Seeing you both beating the crap out of each other." Jihoon said as he entered the room, just after Joshua. 


"Well you both are just jealous and I don't care about it." Jeonghan said and all his friend could do was to roll their eyes. 




"How we come to this?" 


"I don't know." 


"Nothings change though,We used to see each other on daily bases, and it's still same, you helped me a lot than and now too. Only now instead of your fist it's your lips that meet mine." 


"wow the cringe, I can't believe I forgot that you used to write cringy first love poems in your free time." 


"if you dare to let this word out I might just have to kill you." 


"But then you will be lonely" 


"I'll cry but I had to do it." 


They both laughed and then fell into complete silence. 


"When did it even start." Seungcheol said few minutes later. 






"I don't know." 


"I tried to think about it, I don't know about love but the feeling to protect you first came when... When he cut your hair." Seungcheol tried to use proper words. 


"well the I guess it was the same day I thought I have no one else but you. It kinda irritated me you know, because even though I hated you I knew I had no one beside you." 


"what a good start we had." Seungcheol let out a sarcastic laugh and Jeonghan joined. 


"at least we are together now." 


"Took us five years to realize it." 


"I was angry when I found I loved you." 


"You... You love me." 




Silence followed. 


"what if I say that I do." Jeonghan said, voice filled with nervousness. 


"Then I'll tell you... I do too." Seungcheol said smiling as he turned his head around to meet Jeonghan's eyes, they were laying on the hospital bed,both cramped together. He leaned in to kiss Jeonghan.

 Two souls has finally met. This time knowing the purpose they had, it was all along to love each other but they never knew, they spent their lives looking at different direction but now that their path met they found out the way to live. The way to love. This is what they were meant to be. Together and to be in love. 





Hi.....finally this has come to an end....How long has it been? this journey was really different for me. when I first post the chapter I didn't know it will get this much attention. and tbh I still don't know why you all like this.......but I am really thankful. for the love and support. the last chapter was so hard to write, I didn't know what to feel and i was just stuck. it took me more than ten days to write the last chapter. I'm very bad at writing endings so I really didn't know how to end might be not something you like...but i did my best....thank you all again for your support and everything.... and if you ever want to check out my twitter you are free to do so...


once again thank you.



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ddadu_hae #1
Chapter 9: Why am I reading this just now this is a masterpiece! One of my favorite jeongcheol story so far! <3
ishipyunjae #2
Chapter 9: This is seconds time i read it. Still so very much in love with this story.
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 9: Aww i love this
Xiu_chenist #4
Chapter 1: So cuteeeee hahahahahahah
Chapter 9: Gonna miss them,..
ververthesecret #6
Chapter 9: Who expected this couple to be touchy and kissy and give cheesy words to each other when they become official? Definitely not me!^^ But to be honest, it's cute that they still bickered over tiny problems just like old days, putting their friends in a spin and then became touchy again the very next minute. Ahh I remember crying a river over this fic just a few weeks ago but now you surprised me with such a fluffy bonus chapter :') tysm!
Chapter 9: Woa You made it! I never really thought you'd grant my request hehehe I suddenly want more of your sequel. That's how much i like how you write your story. It's so good. Fighting!
Kirayaxx #8
Chapter 8: That was really good. I love the concept. Thank you for writing and sharing this story <3
aerin_conis #9
Chapter 8: Ahhh finally