Even then the sun has a shadow self- oneshot

Even the sun has a shadow self
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200 years ago there lived a big pack of powerful and beautiful wolf hybrids. They found an environment to live in that provided protection from hunters and supplied them with solar energy. The sun gifts them with strength and purity, like angels. Wolf hybrids are humans who can turn into wolves. This was the effect the environment had on them. Living near the sunrays always provided them with health and joy.

Their alpha, their leader, was a big and strong wolf who always sought the best for his family. After many years of living in a paradise surrounded by greenery, a plethora of hunting success helped the pack to grow even stronger, and because of this, an influx of wolves were born. The alpha, while full of joy for his packs increase of reproductive success, wanted nothing more than to sire a child of his own.

After his longing, one year later, his mate gave birth to a baby girl. He was sure to pay gratitude to the watch of the sun, so that eventually she would turn out beautiful and strong enough to continue his legacy. Years past, and as their daughter grew older she played like any other child would. Then came the day the children were meant to learn how to control their wolf, when something unexpected happened. The thing that kept someone human during transformation was their eyes, but instead of the alpha’s daughters eyes turning hazel they became a pair of red eyes. All of the children's eyes turned from their own color, to red. The girl saw her father become frightened, and never before had someone witnessed their leader scared, especially because of his own child.

The girl took a step closer, but each time she did the ground would freeze. All of the others were able to do unnatural things, and all of them had red eyes as well, red as blood but they shined like the sun. Even though the alpha loved his daughter, he deceived all of them, and he threw them out from their home to face their death. As a leader, he couldn’t bare risking his pack, but as a father the scar of sending his daughter to her death never left his heart. The story of the red eyed wolves was never supposed to be spoken about again.
After 500 years of building up a strong pack with a safe home, the new alpha Minseok and his mate Jongdae now lived peacefully and had three sons. The twins Jongin and Sehun, and their oldest Junmyeon. Even though the twins were often goofing around with their pranks, Junmyeon was the more rebellious one and always questioning his position and right to do absolutely nothing. He was 18 years old, but was still not aloud to leave their territory. Though he had sneaked out multiple times before, he had not gone further than the river.The river was their barrier keeping any form of dark and evil away. Why he never passed the river, he didn’t actually know, maybe he was a little scared of the unknown and afraid of admitting it, but he wanted to prove his parents otherwise.

The sun once again glistened brightly over their territory, as it had done for the past 200 years, and now it was time for the hunters to hunt. Only the strong and experienced alphas were aloud to be trained to hunt, all except for Junmyeon, but the blond boy had had enough protection, he wanted to know the world he was brought to live in.The hunters, composed of their chief Park Chanyeol, were getting ready to leave their home for today's hunt. The hybrids turned to their wolf forms, and where there was once skin, glowing light fur appeared and with the help of the sun's light they grew bigger. Junmyeon witnessed them leaving, and decided to follow. He didn’t think before acting, but somehow he managed to make a smooth escape. The only problem he now faced, was getting back inside; even though he had done it many times before, sneaking inside was always the hardest.

Once outside, he walked barefooted, in his human form, on the green grass. He needed to walk a bit to reach the river, and while moving in wolf form was much faster, he needed to keep distance between him and his pack members. He reached the end of their territory, where the river separated them from the rest of the forest, and a part where he had never been before. Junmyeon, acting before thinking, jumped across the river, leaving his safe home, entering a world he had never known. He landed safely on the ground without any wounds or scratches. Once he landed past the river, he let his body transform, and with his golden white fur now on display, he ran deep inside the forest.


It was nearly impossible for the boy to get a grip of how long he had been gone. Everywhere he looked, he was surrounded by darkness. The lively trees, flowers, and green grass he was used to were replaced by dead and almost ghostlike trees, flowers, and brown grass, and the wind blowing made everything dead move.
The white wolf moved in a low position, his ears a bit behind his head. This wasn’t how he imagined it would be. His fur which always was shining bright, had lost it’s glow. This environment was weakening the wolf, but he still decided to continue further. A part of him wanted to turn back, run back to his parents and his brothers, but then he would be back to being treated like a child. This was his chance to prove that he was old enough and mature enough to be a good leader for his pack. The wolf knew his father would be angry at him because Minseok was often mad everytime he found out about his sons rebellious actions, but this time may be worse. Junmyeon started wondering what was least scary, staying in the dark forest or returning home to his family and risking being scolded by his father? Maybe the forest wasn’t that bad after all.

Everywhere he went, everything looked the same, lifeless and dark. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t see a trap that sat before him. He stepped on the trap giving him a deep cut in one of his front paws. Fortunately, he managed to avoid more wounds by running faster, but instead fell down a big cliff. The wolf fell on his left side, this causing him a great amount of pain. He tried standing up, but had no success.The pain while moving caused him to let out a loud howl. Trapped to the ground, the boy felt panic closing in, he wasn’t able to move, scream, or howl because no one could hear him. He was lost, and far away from home in a foreign environment.Junmyeon turned back to his human form, wanting to make himself as small as possible. Tears escaped his eyes and ran down his chin, he wanted to go home and be with his family. To calm himself down he started thinking about his family and him cuddling up with each other. Minseok would have Jongdae in his arms to keep his omega warm, and their sons would be hugging their fathers tightly. Jongdae having an arm around Sehun, and Jongin laying on his twin to get warm and seeking closeness. Minseok would wrap an arm around his oldest son. Even though the thoughts kept him calm, it caused him to cry even more but out of happiness. Why did he never appreciate his family? Why had he felt the need to rebell? The boy, laying down on the dead ground, tried to comfort himself, but it didn’t help. Would he die alone out here?

After some time in silence, except for his own crying, Junmyeon heard something coming from inside the forest. He looked around in panic, this was it, he was going to die wasn’t he? His eyes suddenly froze. In front of him, deeper inside the forest, he saw a pair of glowing red eyes. Never had he seen red eyes before. The creature stepped closer, and soon Junmyeon noticed that it was a wolf, a big wolf, with raven black fur. Like the eyes, he had never seen black fur either. Everyone in his pack had light fur, but this was the complete opposite. Scared for his life, Junmyeon tried moving backwards, but the pain was so immense the movement elicited a silent scream from him, it made it even harder to move. The red eyes suddenly changed, instead of glowing like they were looking at a prey, they turned to confusion. The blond watched as the black furred wolf turned to human, a boy as well, a hybrid just like himself.

His eyes were no longer red, instead they were brown, his hair black as his raven fur, and he seemed to be a bit taller than Junmyeon. Slowly the dark stranger approached the hurt hybrid, placing himself on his knees, looking straight into the other's eyes.
“It’s okay, I’ll help you,” it was all the other said before placing his hands on Junmyeon’s leg. The latter didn’t know what happened, but he felt a huge pain growing, but as fast as it came, it disappeared, his leg was no longer broken.

“W-Who are you? How did you do that? What did you do?” The raven haired boy removed his hands and rose to his feet before an

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194 streak #1
Chapter 1: Simply beautiful
Chapter 1: This is beautiful oneshot!
Chapter 1: That was so beautiful <3

Thank you for deciding to post this masterpiece here! Be proud of it, it’s amazing